Sitecore Setup installation fails with error Failed to open XML file, system error:-2147024786 - installation

When running Sitecore Setup the following error pops up:
Failed to open XML file, system error:-2147024786
I've tried going through the eventviewer but to no avail.
Not unimportant is that I used the installer but forgot to change my rootdirectory. As a consequence I had to uninstall (using the same installer Sitecore).
Now however it "feels" as though there are some references or remnants left behind somewhere.
Who has a clue or can give me an idea of what is going on?

You are correct, this issue is because the previous Sitecore instance, with the same name, has not been removed completely. You will need to manually complete the following tasks to remove the remnants and be able to run the installer, it has worked for me in past;
Stop the App Pool for the uninstalled site in IIS
Stop the Web Application for the uninstalled site in IIS
Perform an iisreset in command line
Delete the App Pool and Web app in IIS
You should now be able to completely delete the folder containing the Website and Data folder completely
If you are still having trouble deleting it check the folder's Security Permissions, the Users and their Permissions and Read Only checkbox. Ensure you have control to delete
Delete the relating entry in the hosts file
If you also installed Databases access them via MSSQL Management Studio, take all relating databases Offline then delete them.
This will effectively remove all remanants of the previous site. If what ever reason the issue still persists, Sitecore's own Sitecore Instance Manager has a delete option which will completely uproot the site for you. Try installing with SIM then.


Joomla site suddenly offline - using MS Azure

Was fiddling with some Google fonts in a module and all of the sudden it's completely offline.
I'm lost.
Site is
to disable a module when you don't have access to the administrator, simply rename its folder, you will find it under ./modules/
Once you have access to the administrator, simply disable the module from the Extensions-Modules view; then rename the folder back and you can enter the configuration and fix what went wrong.
You can do the same for plugins, even renaming a whole directory such as ./plugins/system/ it's a very effective debugging technique when you have errors.
Another thing that usually works is to read the server error logs.

Sitecore Project - Localhost just hangs

I've been using this same Sitecore project, for more than 2 years now. Upgraded to Sitecore 7.0 this spring, and everything just ran like it should.
But yesterday, suddenly out of nowhere, i can't seem to run my project anymore. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 with IIS Express (64 bit). And when i try to build and run my site through localhost, it just hangs. I even tried to let it load for 1 hour+, but it still just loads with nothing happening.
I tried to debug it further with Fiddler, but nothing happens. I even tried to delete a bunch of important files, like web.config. But it still just loads forever, with no error.
If i create a new empty web project, i can start it through localhost instantly. So there must be something weird happening with my Sitecore project.
Does anyone have any suggestions for debugging this or have you ever experienced anything like it?
I've nearly tried anything.
I am not sure what version you upgraded from, but I would do the following (in order) to troubleshoot the issue:
Depending on what version you are upgrading from, you may have been running your app pool on .NET Framework v2.0 instead of v4.0, which is required for Sitecore 7. Open up IIS, go to your app pool for the site and make sure that it is correctly set to run on .NET v4.0 and not v2.0. If it was set to v2.0, change it to v4.0 and try access the site. If the issue persists or if the app pool was already running on v4.0 continue to the next step.
As implied in step 1, Sitecore 7 runs on .NET 4.5. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Sitecore, it is possible that your site is compiled using an earlier version of .NET. Right click on your project files in Visual Studio, click on Properties->Application and make sure that the Target Framework for each of the projects is set to .NET Framework 4.5. If they were set to a different framework, change them, build your solution again, and then try to access your site. If they were already set to target .NET 4.5 or if the issue persists continue to the next step.
Double check the permissions on your site root. Make sure that NETWORK SERVICE and/or your IIS User has all of the necessary read and write permissions for the directory. If they do not, apply the permissions and try the site again. If the problem persists, continue to the next step.
Delete all of the Sitecore DLLs and the DLLs generated by your projects. Copy fresh DLLs from a clean download of Sitecore 7 back into your bin/reference directory and build your solution again. Try to access the site again. If the issue persists, then the problem is likely in temporary internet files or in a config. Continue to the next step if this is the case.
Delete your Temporary ASP.NET Files from the Framework and Framework64 folders found in the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET directory. Note that you must go into the directory for the version of .NET that your app pool is running against and delete the contents of the Temporary ASP.NET Files directories. It may be necessary to stop your app pool when you do this. Try to access your site again and if the issue persists, move onto the next step.
Try replacing your web.config with the default from a clean download of Sitecore 7, but be sure to back yours up before-hand so that you do not lose customizations, as you will want to add them back in after. Try your site again. This time, you may get an error if something in your code is dependent on the web.config. It is a good thing if this happens, as it means that your site is now working and you have only to add back in your customizations to resolve the errors. If your issue persists, continue to step 7.
If your site is still hanging, try replacing all of your configs in the App_Config directory, one at a time, with their clean copies (excluding ConnectionStrings.config and DataFolder.config, if you are using them). Additionally, disable/backup and remove all custom configs or configs for modules that you have installed that are not Core to Sitecore. Try to access your site again. If necessary, resolve any config errors by merging your changes/re-enabling your configs one at a time until you find one causing the issue or until all errors are resolved.
If your issue continues, post your the Sitecore version you upgraded to, the version you upgraded from, and any modules you have installed as a comment on this post.

Unable to write to subfolder in website

I have a webservice that I need to be able to write some logs for. The service is installed in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myservice. The log files should be written to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myservice\logging.
When I try running it in debug mode in Visual Studio, log files are created successfully. When I publish the site and try it, log files are not created.
I have tried giving write access for the logging folder to: NETWORK Service, IUSR, IIS_IUSRS, DefaultAppPool, ASP .NET 4.0 Classic but it made no difference. I also added Everyone with Full Control, but it made no difference.
Any ideas why I cannot get write access to this folder????
I have no idea what caused the issue, but IIS had somehow got corrupted. It would no longer display pages either by using localhost or
Removed and re-installed IIS, all working now.

Windows Azure - The current service model is out of sync

When I run a Windows Azure web role on my local developer fabric, I get the following error:
The current service model is out of sync. Make sure both the service configuration and definition files are valid.
One of my colleagues hit this issue and after a bit of playing about, the problem was that the two service configuration files (cloud and local) had a different number of Settings.
When he updated the configuration files so that they were in sync it all worked.
A tip would be to use the GUI in Visual Studio to add new settings to both at the same time. The GUI can be accessed by right clicking the web role and selection properties. This should open up a window. Click the Settings tab on the left.
For me, this was caused by my azure project having been copied from one PC to another (going from Win 7 to Win 8.1 in the process). I am using VS 2013 Community edition on both, but I had upgraded from Azure 2.4 on Win7 to Azure 2.5 on the Win 8.1 machine.
If you unload the azure project and edit the csproj file, you just need to make a small edit (e.g. adding a comment) and save it, so it re-writes itself. This fixed it in my case (where I'd spent ages checking for errors in the CSDEF and CSCFG files). Once I re-saved the csproj file, it worked fine.
This happened to me because one of my cloud configuration files (.cscfg) was missing some key-value pairs that were defined in ServiceDefinition.csdef.
Going over the files manually was a pain. There's an easy way to discover the descrepancies:
In the Solution Explorer, right-click one of the Roles that make up
your Cloud Service and click 'Properties' in the context menu.
The Role properties window will open up grey with an error message saying:
"Invalid Service Definition or service configuration. Please see the
Error List for more details".
Open the Error List window and in some cases you
should be able to see a list of the specific discrepancies, complete with file
and property names.
I followed all the answers here and it still didn't work
eventually I restarted Visual Studio and it worked.
I believe the solution was the combination of one or more of the answers here + restarting VS.
What worked for me was to:
Make sure the Cloud Services .cscfg and .Local.cscfg files were identical (unless you need your Local.cscfg to have some differences for debugging purposes),
Make sure the .csdef file had definitions that matched the .cscfg files, and then
Close the project and delete its Cloud Services .ccproj.user file.
After reloading the project, all was well.
The error can occour when there is no actual fault in the service configurations.
If it occours and everything seems to be correct, instead of restarting visual studio, simply unload the azurecloud project (rightclick: unload proecjt
Please cross check your ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg and ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg files. My problem was, I added a configuration to Local.cscfg but forgot to add the same to Cloud.cscfg
Had this issue - no errors though. I have found that for some bizarre reason the if the setting:
<Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Diagnostics.ConnectionString" value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true" />
was commented out, then the workerrole would not launch.
For me, the issue turned out to be an inconsistency between the vmName value I had assigned to one of my roles in my various environments. I have a *.cscfg files for my development, test, and production environments. Each of these had a role definition that was supposed to be along the lines of
<Role name="HardWorker" vmName="SomeName">...</Role>
but one had an entry like
<Role name="HardWorker" vmName="SomeOtherName">...</Role>
and that, apparently, was enough to trigger the error.
My problem was incorrect certificate definition in csdef file.
For me the problem was that the Wifi I was using blocked the PORT Azure is using, changing Wifi solved that problem.

Unable to publish website from Visual studio 2010

We have a an ASP NET MVC website solution which only one out of three devs on the team is able to publish to the live server. When I, and another colleague, attempt to publish the site from VS 2010, the output window will display an error:
Unable to create the Web site
'\blah'. The path '\blah' does not
exist or you do not have access. The
specified path is invalid.
This points to a logon issue which my account, but the developer who can publish the site is a member of all the same user groups as me. As a long-shot, we gave Everyone full access to the folder, but this did not resolve the problem.
Can anyone suggest a more detailed way to try and figure out why we cannot publish the site? There must be a permission set somewhere that is allowing my colleague to publish the site from Visual Studio.
I had this problem and racked my brain trying to resolve it so I wouldn't have to copy the publish files to a remote server manually. I spent a great deal of time actively trying to get this to work.
Here's how I solved the problem: I went to File>Open in Visual Studio 2010 Express and navigated to the remote server (\\\folder1\folder2\folder3 and so on). Right away I was challenged for a User Name an Password. I entered the credentials for the REMOTE server, checked the box to 'Remember my credentials'. I immediately tried to publish and voilá - it worked like a charm.
I hope this saves a lot of people a lot of time.
I had this issue - certain members of our team were able to publish directly from VS2010, whereas for some reason I was always getting permission denied errors, even though we were all able to connect to the server we were trying to deploy to. I fixed it in the following way:
Go to "Server Explorer".
Right click "Servers" and go to "Add server..."
Type in the name of the server you are trying to connect to, and then click on "Connect using a different user name..." - put the credentials for logging into the server in here.
Click OK and wait for it to add the server.
Now try and publish to that server and it should be ok...
Not sure why I needed to do this and others were able to deploy without adding the server in this way... remains unexplained.
According to the comments below:
You may need to restart Visual Studio in order for this to take effect.
This should also work for newer versions of Visual Studio
Faced the same problem today. In my situation I had to close VS2010 and open it NOT as an admin and it worked without any problems.
This got me for a long time...Go to Project - Properties and select the Package/Publish Web tab. Under the header "Web Deployment Package Settings", there's a ellipsis button that you can use to map to the location you want to publish. You will be asked for your credentials during that process.
Are you using web deploy (right click and choose Publish)?
Have you tried copying the ProjectName.Publish.xml file from the one machine where you can publish to the other two machines? The login credentials for publishing are saved in this file.
In IIS can you check to see that all users/groups are listed under Management Service Delegation in IIS Manager? It is listed under the Server node in IIS. Alternatively you can give all administrators access by clicking on Edit Features from the side-menu and checking Allow Administrators to bypass rules.
You could also check under IIS Manager Permissions for the individual site to see if the person that can publish is listed under there and you are not.
I just recently setup MSDeploy access on my server and found the following two tutorials helpful:
I have also found that mapping a drive to the UNC location can be a work around.
#soupy1976's solution has also worked for me.
I can not explain why one day it will work and one day it won't
