Joomla site suddenly offline - using MS Azure - joomla

Was fiddling with some Google fonts in a module and all of the sudden it's completely offline.
I'm lost.
Site is

to disable a module when you don't have access to the administrator, simply rename its folder, you will find it under ./modules/
Once you have access to the administrator, simply disable the module from the Extensions-Modules view; then rename the folder back and you can enter the configuration and fix what went wrong.
You can do the same for plugins, even renaming a whole directory such as ./plugins/system/ it's a very effective debugging technique when you have errors.
Another thing that usually works is to read the server error logs.


Drupal 7 very slow due to cache clearing at each page

I don't know exactly why my drupal 7 website became suddenly slow last week, after few days in production.
With xhprof, i see that at each page load,the system_list_reset() function triggers a call to cache_clear_all() function.
I deactivated all cache features.
I've read that it may due to missing files in modules and/or themes, but I didn't find missing files (except a wrong issue in 'missing module message fixer' module that indicates a missing module in view_export sub-module of view module).
I manually searched them , I didn't find where drupal can list these missing files.
Or maybe it's due to another problem.
Open page inspector of your browser and in network tab check what files have unusually long loading time. It maybe be that some external service is causing this. Also it can be that your site is hacked...
Check most banal reason, the storage space - maybe disc of your server is full?
Check if file paths drupal is using are writable. Go to Configuration -> Median -> File system and just click Save. If some path is not writable it will get red outline.
Go to Reports -> Recent log message and check if some issue is maybe logged there. Also check for web server/php logs.
Try updating modules and drupal core - maybe some bug caused that and it's hopefully fixed in module update.
If not, try disabling modules one by one and see will that still happen. If you don't find problematic module try the same method with your theme. Would be good not to try this in production development and/or make backup before doing this.
thanks a lot,
by disabling module one by one, and by "datamining" in drupal DB, i've found that ADVAGG module was guilty.
The clean was difficult, because some entires remains in some tables of Drupal DB afther the module removing, but I hope it Ok.
Funny :-/ with 'top', I've found a mining soft in /var/tmp/
systemd-private-a5422b1e6694466bbb0b63203573cad1-apache2.service-jMBN4U : nullcrew (from
I will investigate how it could land on my webserver
Best regards,

Sitecore Setup installation fails with error Failed to open XML file, system error:-2147024786

When running Sitecore Setup the following error pops up:
Failed to open XML file, system error:-2147024786
I've tried going through the eventviewer but to no avail.
Not unimportant is that I used the installer but forgot to change my rootdirectory. As a consequence I had to uninstall (using the same installer Sitecore).
Now however it "feels" as though there are some references or remnants left behind somewhere.
Who has a clue or can give me an idea of what is going on?
You are correct, this issue is because the previous Sitecore instance, with the same name, has not been removed completely. You will need to manually complete the following tasks to remove the remnants and be able to run the installer, it has worked for me in past;
Stop the App Pool for the uninstalled site in IIS
Stop the Web Application for the uninstalled site in IIS
Perform an iisreset in command line
Delete the App Pool and Web app in IIS
You should now be able to completely delete the folder containing the Website and Data folder completely
If you are still having trouble deleting it check the folder's Security Permissions, the Users and their Permissions and Read Only checkbox. Ensure you have control to delete
Delete the relating entry in the hosts file
If you also installed Databases access them via MSSQL Management Studio, take all relating databases Offline then delete them.
This will effectively remove all remanants of the previous site. If what ever reason the issue still persists, Sitecore's own Sitecore Instance Manager has a delete option which will completely uproot the site for you. Try installing with SIM then.

Joomla installation permission errors

So I have been given the task of upgrading one of our companies' old websites that is based on 1.5 to something newer (because a second site of ours on the same version just got hacked).
I know some php and some other web stuff, but I'd never used Joomla.
I have setup a lamp server on a local VM (ubuntu) for me to test it all out on, then upload the upgraded version as is suggested. My problem now is that I know the permissions are not correct because when I tried installing Akeeba Backup, it kept throwing errors such as "could not copy to /var/www/components and /var/www/administrator etc. I went in and chmod'd those 2 (and then the rest of www because of more errors) to 757 (from 755 for the most part) - which i know at that point might as well be 777. Then when I've tried to use Kickstart to restore from the JPA file I have, it just right away throws an error "could not create j_backup/ folder".
I know this slackening of all permissions on the root folder is wrong, but it was the only way to get it to 'work', which it's not even now, so my question is what did I do wrong in the setup and how do i fix it? I'm not great with Linux, but I'm thinking I have to make PHP owner of www? is that right? or terrible practice?
The other issue I see now is that I just installed the latest php and everything and I see Akeepa says not to use php 5.4... not sure how much of a problem that's going to be....
Some direction would be great because I'm more than a little lost.
This is certainly a headache. Most often, as you stated, the issue is the ownership of the files on your server. Files uploaded via FTP will be owned by your FTP user and may not be editable by the Apache/PHP user. Similarly, files created by installing extensions in Joomla! will be owned by the Apache/PHP user and your FTP user will not be able to modify them. Here is an article discussing the problem with a couple of possible solutions:
In the past, I have used an Apache Module called suPHP ( to solve this problem and keep it from reoccurring. suPHP executes PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners.
As for file permissions other than ownership, please refer to the Joomla! documentation for the correct settings: One quick way to handle this (if you can install extensions after correcting the ownership issue) is to use the AdminTools extension ( One of its tools ‘fixes’ the file permissions on your server by resetting them to the Joomla! default.
Good luck!

Unable to write to subfolder in website

I have a webservice that I need to be able to write some logs for. The service is installed in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myservice. The log files should be written to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myservice\logging.
When I try running it in debug mode in Visual Studio, log files are created successfully. When I publish the site and try it, log files are not created.
I have tried giving write access for the logging folder to: NETWORK Service, IUSR, IIS_IUSRS, DefaultAppPool, ASP .NET 4.0 Classic but it made no difference. I also added Everyone with Full Control, but it made no difference.
Any ideas why I cannot get write access to this folder????
I have no idea what caused the issue, but IIS had somehow got corrupted. It would no longer display pages either by using localhost or
Removed and re-installed IIS, all working now.

Unable to access Temp files while debugging winForms project in Visual Studios 2010

I have several programs that I have created in visual studios 2010. I have been working on these programs for months with no problems. Recently I started having an issue where I can no longer access my temp directory while debugging within VS. I can't use My.Settings anymore because these use those temp files. This is the error I get:
Failed to save settings: An error occurred loading a configuration file: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\PROGNAME\PROGNAME.exe_Url_gty0snnfox5ji5xgprklljwb0e0mthek\\nl3u0fw2.tmp'. (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\PROGNAME\PROGNAME.exe_Url_gty0snnfox5ji5xgprklljwb0e0mthek\\user.config)*
This file is there though.
I also get an error when trying to use my web services. I get this error:
Access to the temp directory is denied. Identity 'DOMAIN\Username' under which XmlSerializer is running does not have sufficient permission to access the temp directory. CodeDom will use the user account the process is using to do the compilation, so if the user doesn�t have access to system temp directory, you will not be able to compile. Use Path.GetTempPath() API to find out the temp directory location.*
I used the Path.GetTempPath() as the error says and I am trying to access: >"C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\"
I have tried going to these folders and making sure that I have the security set to allow everyone complete control. I believe it is a problem with VS not my program because I get the same problem on all of my programs, some of which I haven't opened in months. I did a repair on VS.
I can't think of what might have changed to cause this to stop working all of a sudden. I traveled to a customers facility where I had to change some network settings, but everything should be set back as it was now. My temporary security certificate expired, but I created a new one and now the certificate I am using to sign these applications is in my trusted root on certificate manager and looks to be valid. I should also mention that this is a clickonce deployment and the deployement works fine on my computer and others, it is only while debugging that I have these issues.
I have been running this down for weeks and spent countless hours looking for a solution and have come to a brick wall. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks ahead of time for your help and time! Please let me know if I can clarify anything.
It turns out that the problem was coming from the fact that somehow one of the folders in the filepath to my user.config file got changed. Somehow a .vshost got thrown in on one of the folder names. I still have no idea how this happened and what caused this to happen, and I am not 100% sure that I have gotten to the real root of the problem, but for now, I am able to debug again. I changed the file name back to what it was supposed to be and the errors have stopped. Now lets just hope the file name doesn't get changed back again.
