Errors in cordova+xcode ios build - xcode

I am getting the following errors in Application Loader when trying to deliver my app(built in vs2015+cordova+remote xcode 7):
Thanks in advance.

There appears to be an issue with Cordova's iOS implementation when publishing apps created specifically using Xcode 7.
A Cordova community member has published a "cordova-plugin-ipad-multitasking" plugin with a fix.
Install this plugin and you should be all set. A future Cordova version will resolve the problem fully.
Failing that, if you are using remotebuild you can also find the native project under ~/.taco_home/remote-builds/taco-remote/builds and make the modifications as described in the Cordova bug on the issue.
To resolve ITMS-90339, there is a second step you can do to patch in the near term. Grab the build.xcconfig from the 3.9.x branch of the cordova-ios repo and place this under res/native/ios/cordova
Now remove this line:
Note that you will want to remove this custom build.xcconfig file if you upgrade to the version with the full patch that is forthcoming.

By default Cordova doesn't fulfill all of the requirements for multitasking support. (CB-9161) You can follow the steps on that issue to make changes directly to the iOS project for multitasking support.
Use Xcode 7 (Cordova always uses the current SDK)
Click your Project icon in the Project Navigator
Click on your Target
Select the "General" tab
Go to the "Deployment Info" section
Select the "iPad" button segment
For "Device Orientation", select all four checkboxes (Portrait, Upside Down, Landscape Left, Landscape Right)
Add a new File: Launch Screen --> "Launch Screen.storyboard"
Click your Project icon in the Project Navigator
Click on your Target
Select the "General" tab
Go to the "App Icons and Launch Images" section
Select "Launch Screen.storyboard" from the "Launch Screen File" dropdown


Simulators are not showing up for every newly created project

When I try to create new project in Xcode 8,simulators are not showing up which are already downloaded in previous project.
Click on the name of your project (which is on the right hand side of the Run button). Three options will appear.
Edit scheme
New scheme
Manage scheme
You can click on "New scheme" and then click on "OK" in popup window.
You will get the simulators back. Cheers.
I hope this works for you.
Previously simulators downloaded are of version 9.3 and deployment target is set to 10.0.Now I set deployment target to 9.3 and simulators are visible now.

Xcode 7.3 does not show up any downloadable iOS simulator

Just upgrade my Xcode from 7.2.1 to 7.3. Have no idea why. Do I have choices other than delete Xcode and reinstall again? (which I highly don't like).
BTW, the documentation tab is fine. Just a blank simulators.
Update: If I click "check and isntall now", it reports:
Could not download and install OS X 10.11.4 Documentation. The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “” which could put your confidential information at risk.
I checked cert on, seems fine..
In Xcode 7.3 I found the following way to add older simulator versions.
1.) Choose "Window" from the menu bar
2.) Choose "Devices" from the drop down menu list
Result: Devices window opens
3.) Click the "+" icon in the lower left-hand corner of the window.
4.) Choose the Add Simulator option
Result: You can add a simulator (and download older ones).

iOS 8 widget icon is missing for first time after installation

The widget icon in Today section is missing for first time after installation.After that the icon is showing properly.I am using 8.1.1 iPhone 6 device.
Make sure you got the "App Icon Source" pointing to the right AppIcon assets. You can find this option under "General" in your project target for your today extension.
If everything is right, you should be able to see the icon by removing the app widget from the "today" drop-down and adding it back in with the "Edit" button at the bottom of the drop-down
You have to make sure your icon target is set for both your app and widget. Go to Images.xcassets and add your widget to the 'Target Membership'
If you don't have the Settings/Spotlight icons in your assets file, it won't show. Its best practice to add them anyhow.
1.Remove app when widget is enable.
2.Install your app again.
3.In Some iOS Version has a higher risk of widget icon is gone.
Do test in different Version
It is ok: iOS 8.0.2、iOS 9.0 and later
Has Problem version: iOS 8.4.1、 iOS 8.3
(maybe in 8.1.1 ~ 8.4.1 has problem)
you can do the same test in other OS vesion
in target
( widget )
and change
( deployment target ) to iOS 8 , 9 , ,,,,,
welcome ...
go to project select your widget target, in App icons and launch images select use asset catalogs, and in build settings tab "asset catalog compiler -options" set the "asset catalog app icon set name" accordingly.
hope it will work

How did my Xcode project get changed from iOS project to an OSX project?

I've been doing only iOS development and never made an OSX app. In the iOS project I'm working on now I see that suddenly Xcode thinks it's an OSX project. The all my framework files are shown in red (missing), and lots of the options in the project panel show choices that are only appropriate for OSX such as "deployment target", which offers only 10.4, 10.5, 10.6 etc. and in Build Settings the Valid Architecture shows i386 x86_64 with no drop-down options.
What happened? How can I change this back to an iOS project?
could be 2 late to answer this question, however, this answer might help someone in the future, as the above answer wasn't helpful for me, so here is what I have done.
1- on the left top corner of Xcode click on the scheme.
2- click edit scheme
3- in the new window change "Executable" from non to the name of your project scheme "target"
4- on the top where it says "My Mac 64-bit" if it didn't changed automatically to iPhone/iPad change it manually.
5- if there wasn't any option, in bottom of the window click "Manage Schemes" and make sure the
check box next to your project scheme is checked.
hope this could help and save anyone time.
By your comment you should not have an issue navigating this.
Go to your Project (in upper left) -> Project (project name in submenu) -> Build Settings -> under Architectures menu select Base SDK and choose iOS 6.1.
This should switch your project back. Now under Info you should see your Deployment Target options have switched from saying OS X Development Target to iOS Development Target
As for why it originally changed, I have no idea. But hopefully this will fix your issue.
I know this is an old post, but this just happened to me in a project with multiple targets.
I'm using github and it had marked one of my target scheme files with a merge block at the top of the file after using a newer compiler. I could find a way to edit the scheme through XCode, but upon re-opening the project, it would be bad again.
I had to edit the file manually and complete the merge edit.
This recently happened to me with Xcode 8 where an old iOS project was turned into a dual destination macOS / iOS one.
To fix the issue I changed the Base SDK under Project -> Build Settings to Latest iOS (iOS10) and the change rippled through removing the macOS destination.
I fixed this by deleting the scheme showing issue and recreate it. This time it gets created as desired scheme type showing all the simulators and devices attached, if any.

Xcode 4 building but not running OpenFrameworks example apps

I just installed Xcode 4 (on Mac OS 10.8) and downloaded OpenFrameworks (OF) library and examples. I put Openframeworks files in a random place, and when I open OF examples apps and try to build & run them with Xcode, it tells me "Building succeeded" but it's not actually running the application. I'm not a developer and I have no idea what to do!
Yes, that link spells it out, but to put it here:
The problem is that you haven't selected an application in your build settings for that scheme. So to do this:
Click on the name of the scheme (it's next to the "stop" button in the top left corner, and probably says "emptyExample Debug" or "emptyExample Release".
Click on "Edit Scheme..."
A window will appear. Select "Run" from the bar on the left.
Select "Info" from the options along the top of the window.
From the dropdown menu next to "Executable", select ""
Now your OF application should build as expected.
