Sync Desktop with Dropbox - Symlink - macos

I tend to work almost entirely off of my desktop, and I'm attempting to simplify my workflow. I want to sync my Desktop between my Work iMac and my Mac Mini at home.
I've sucessfully synced my Home computer's Desktop TO a Dropbox folder (So in Dropbox I have a /Dropbox/Desktop/ directory)
Now, what I want is to have the contents of this Dropbox directory on my Work computer's Desktop.
I've succeeded at making a symlink on my Work computer to the Dropbox folder, BUT, it simply appears like a shortcut. In other words, my work desktop has a icon that links to my Dropbox. I want my Work desktop to BE the (dropbox/desktop) folder.


How to create virtual folder like Dropbox or OneDrive in navigation pane (Windows) or Finder (Mac OS) programatically?

We have cloud-based web application in which users upload their documents and manage it folder wise.
We would like to develop desktop application like Dropbox and OneDrive in which users can manage and sync their files and folder from local machine to cloud vice-e-versa.
Which technologies should use to develop this type of desktop application?
Shell Namespace Extension
Image 1
Image 2
Thanks & Regards
Rachit V. Sakhidas

Is there a way to manually offload files to iCloud Drive?

TL;DR: I have a small internal hard drive and a 2TB iCloud Drive. I want to have access to all my files (iCloud), but I don't want all of my files on my computer.
In macOS (since Sierra I believe) Apple included a features where you can have your Desktop and Documents folders synced to in iCloud Drive, and if you enable it, when your drive fills up, macOS removes local copies of those files and replace it with a little placeholder.
I'm wonder if there is a way to pick and choose what files get offloaded to iCloud this way and when. Let's say I just added a file to my Documents folder that I want to keep, but I have no intention to use it for a while, so I just want it to sync to iCloud then replace the local copy with the placeholder, instead of waiting for my drive to fill up and then have macOS auto offload files for me.
Also, it would be nice to have more than just Documents and Desktop offloadable, but I'm guessing Apple doesn't expose that much functionality in their SDK that I could write an app to do that.
I currently don't develop in any Apple approved languages (Swift & Obj-C) but if there is a way to create an app with this ability to offload files to iCloud Drive I'll deep dive into the language to scratch this itch.
Note: I know I can store any file I want in iCloud Drive by dragging a file into the iCloud Drive icon in the Finder, but to my understanding, these files require a local cache of the file and not this placeholder method that Documents and Desktop folder syncing uses. If there is a way to offload through the customer facing iCloud Drive access in the Finder I'm open to that method too.
Within macOS Catalina this can now be done by right clicking the file/folder and clicking "Remove Download"
For those who cannot upgrade to macOS Catalina, you can simply turn off the iCloud drive in system preferences and then manually upload and download your files via May seem a little tedious, but doing things this way is intuitive enough that you shouldn't make any mistakes moving/locating your files.

Use an app made by Unity 3D as Windows XP screen saver

I made a small application on Windows 7, using Unity 3D, by the way. The application consists of an executable and a data folder. When the data folder is in the same directory as the executable, double clicking the executable will run the app normally.
Since I wanna use it as a screen saver, I simply changed the extension name of the executable from EXE to SCR and then I could install it by right-clicking the executable and choosing 'Install' in the menu. Thus the system could find my app as a screen saver.
However, when I copied what I built and tried the same steps on another computer with Windows XP, there were problems. I could run the app itself, but when I installed it as a screen saver, there'd be an error message indicating that the data folder couldn't be found. So my question is what I should do to make an app more than a EXE file work as a screen saver on Windows XP.
The data folder isn't found because by default when running as a screensaver the "current" directory it runs from is %WINDIR%\system32. The easiest way to get around this is copy your _Data folder to the relevant path (eg C:\Windows\system32\_Data).

iOS4 accessing the DCIM folder

I would like to read/write to the DCIM folder.
I was able to perform this operation under 3.1.3, but it fails under 4.0. Has the actual location been moved within the iPod directory tree?
Previously it was located at:
I do not have a jailbroken 4.0 machine, so I cannot find the true location of the DCIM folder.
Did apple close the exploit of being able to write to the location from any application, or did they move it to another location??
This feature was removed for security reasons.
It allowed apps to see your GPS location from photos in the folder.
To be straight, now there is virtually NO way to access the user's photos apart from the UIImagePickerController? Even if I don't want to submit an app featuring these functions to the AppStore?
I can read out all of the thumbnails on my iPhone 4, but not the DCIM...

How do I automatically run an application on USB attach or CD insert on Mac OS X?

Is there any way to automatically launch an application on USB attach or CD insert on Mac OS X? it's easy on Windows, but I found that AutoRun.Inf does not work on the Mac at all.
You can't. Autostarting applications is impossible under Mac OS X.
The next-best thing, opening the CD folder and showing the installer icon, can be done by using (AutoOpen version 1.0) to make a .dmg which can then be burnt to a CD.
Basically, auto-run is considered a security problem and so is not supported in OSX. Sophie Alpert's answer is also a bit overkill. Most installers for OSX simply open up a folder to show the application and, possibly, a readme. Installing is done by dragging the app to your Applications folder.
For other kinds of apps on CDs (say, a slide show or something like that), the developer generally uses hidden folders to hide support data to ensure that the only thing the user will see when they open the CD is the single icon they're supposed to double click to start the app.
It is possible to install a background service that monitors whenever a USB device is plugged in and then launches an App. Google's "Android File Transfer Agent" is such a service that is running in the background and launches "Android File Transfer" whenever you plug in an Android device.
If you are looking for something for just yourself, you could write a small mac app that runs in the background and watches for a particular USB device (by id) to be attached and then run the program. Ideally a small XML plist could be used to map device IDs to the correct program to run. The XCode SDK has sample code that monitors for device additional and removal to get you started.
I agree with JavaCoderEx. I would crontab a task that looks for /Volumes/*/, then runs it once. Maybe touch a file in /tmp/ so you know its already been run, then remove it if the volume disappears.
