How to create virtual folder like Dropbox or OneDrive in navigation pane (Windows) or Finder (Mac OS) programatically? - shell-namespace-extension

We have cloud-based web application in which users upload their documents and manage it folder wise.
We would like to develop desktop application like Dropbox and OneDrive in which users can manage and sync their files and folder from local machine to cloud vice-e-versa.
Which technologies should use to develop this type of desktop application?
Shell Namespace Extension
Image 1
Image 2
Thanks & Regards
Rachit V. Sakhidas


codenameone downloading files/images visible to other apps

I note that other apps (testing on Android) like WhatsApp, etc have folders that contains images the user has used/downloaded. These folders (like WhatsAppImages) are visible in other apps (Gallery/File Explorers, etc) so you can use those files to share, delete, etc like any other file.
In my codenameone app I download image files but they cannot be seen anywhere on the local device. I understand that for security apps run in a sandbox and this may be why.
But how do these other apps make their downloaded files visible to the general file system and other apps ?
Many Thx
Codename One doesn't support that at this time but you can use native interfaces to add this as explained here for Android: How to save image in android gallery
and here for iOS: How can I save an image to the camera roll?
You can also file an RFE to add this either as a cn1lib or API.

Where to store data files in WinStore app (win32 Project Centennial)

I am porting my native Win32 app to Windows 10 Store with Desktop App Convertor.
What is the most recommended place to store local data files, it seems %APPDATA% works, but is it most recommended place for user data in Win10 Store Apps?
Is this %appdata% virtualized and cleaned automatically if user uninstall app from Win Store?
If the data has to be saved per Windows user (every windows user has its own data) then it is the right place
The saved data will not be cleaned up when the user uninstall the app
%LOCALAPPDATA% is new requirement to be compatible with store

create exe file from windows universal app

I have created a windows universal app with WinJS in visual studio 2015. Now I can run it from my visual studio. How can i make an exe file of the app so that i can distribute it to my friends? Is it only possible to upload in windows store?
I guess you're talking about an app for Windows 10!?
There are several ways to get this done.
The best way is to distribute it via Windows Store. You can hide the app there so that it is only visible to people who have the direct link to the app.
Your friends can download it directly from the store.
Another option is to provide the live IDs of your friends in the store. Then your friends get an email with a direct link.
The option you might actually be looking for which doesn't involve the store at all is to create an app package and to deploy this package to your friends. (See screenshot)
For Windows Store Apps you won't create an .exe-File, you only create .appx Packages.
Choose not to upload to the store in the next dialog. Then click create.
In the output directory you will find the *.appx file (not an *.exe)
You can distribute the appx via sideloading. Simply copy the content of the output folder to your friends's machine and run the ps1 script in Powershell. This will start the installation of the app.
Little hint: This requires your friends PCs to be enabled for sideloading.
You can set this in the settings dialog. See Screenshot.
In Current Windows Dev account, you can use Promotional codes to distribute the app to your friends instead of using side load.If the app is company app, I recommend by using sideload method.

Write folder in Mac OS X with sandbox active

I created a small application in Xcode with Cocoa Desktop and this application has to create a folder in the current user's desktop Mac OS X
When I run the application without using the app creates a sandbox folder properly on desktop
If I use the sandbox putting right files for read / write I can not create a folder on the desktop
Does anyone know how to solve this as to send the application to the AppStore is necessary to use sandbox?
You shouldn't just create a folder on the desktop, regardless of whether you are using the sandbox or not. Instead use NSOpenPanel configured to select folders and ask your user to provide you either a folder to use. That is compatible with both open and sandboxed apps.
In the sandbox world once you've asked the user for a folder you can create a security scoped bookmark and save it in your apps preferences; on subsequent runs you can use that bookmark to re-establish rights to access the folder without user intervention. E.g. a browser might ask once for access to a folder to store downloads and then save a security scoped bookmark to that folder.
For some applications it just better to use some directory as default directory (Eg. Mail and Firefox uses Downloads as default directory). I guess this is your case. But, for better user experience (and for higher chances of your App's acceptance in AppStore) follow best practices - like avoiding direct Desktop access. And, mostly you will find the answer yourself if you go through these guides:
App Sandbox Design Guide (
Entitlement Key Reference (

Detect that the path is SkyDrive path/Resolve skydrive path to WebDav path

If you try to save a file from any Microsoft Office app to SkyDrive folder, then the app (Word etc) will detect that and switch to accessing SkyDrive directly via MS extensions for WebDAV (the save icon will turn to Sync icon, you'll see other users accessing the file, etc)
Now, I know how to Resolve Windows drive letter to a path (subst and network), and would like to know whether I can do something similar for SkyDrive paths?
I.e. how to resolve C:\Users\MyUsers\SkyDrive\File.doc to
The SkyDrive API says nothing about this, and I would like to avoid messing with the SkyDrive client directly.
