Running time/time complexity for while loop with square root - performance

This question looks relatively simple, but I can't seem to find the running time in terms of n.
Here is the problem:
j = n;
while(j >= 2) {
j = j^(1/2)
I don't really need the total running time, I just need to know how to calculate the amount of times the second and third lines are hit (they should be the same). I'd like to know if there is some sort of formula for finding this, as well. I can see that the above is the equivalent of:
for(j = n; n >= 2; j = j^(1/2)
Please note that the type of operation doesn't matter, each time a line is executed, it counts as 1 time unit. So line 1 would just be 1 time unit, line 2 would be:
0 time units if n were 1,
1 time unit if n were 2,
2 time units if n were 4,
3 time units if n were 16, etc.
Thanks in advance to anyone who offers help! It is very much appreciated!

Work backwards to get the number of time units for line 2:
n n log_2(n) units
1 1 0 0
2 2 1 1
4 4 2 2
16 16 4 3
16^2 256 8 4
(16^2)^2 65536 16 5
((16^2)^2)^2) ... 32 6
In other words, for the number of time units t, n is 2^(2^(t-1)) except for the case t = 0 in which case n = 1.
To reverse this, you have
t = 0 when n < 2
t = log2(log2(n)) + 1 when n >= 2
where log2(x) is known as the binary logarithm of x.


How to solve M times prefix sum with better time complexity

The problem is to find the prefix sum of array of length N by repeating the process M times. e.g.
Example N=3
array = 1 2 3
output = 1 6 21
Step 1 prefix Sum = 1 3 6
Step 2 prefix sum = 1 4 10
Step 3 prefix sum = 1 5 15
Step 4(M) prefix sum = 1 6 21
Example 2:
array = 1 2 3 4 5
output = 1 5 15 35 70
I was not able to solve the problem and kept getting lime limit exceeded. I used dynamic programming to solve it in O(NM) time. I looked around and found the following general mathematical solution but I still not able to solve it because my math isn't that great to understand it. Can someone solve it in a better time complexity?
Hint: 3, 4, 5 and 6, 10, 15 are sections of diagonals on Pascal's Triangle.
JavaScript code:
function f(n, m) {
const result = [1];
for (let i = 1; i < n; i++)
result.push(result[i-1] * (m + i + 1) / i);
return result;
console.log(JSON.stringify(f(3, 4)));
console.log(JSON.stringify(f(5, 3)));

PRAM CREW algorithm for counting odd numbers

So I try to solve the following task:
Develop an CREW PRAM algorithm for counting the odd numbers of a sequence of integers x_1,x_2,...x_n.
n is the number of processors - the complexity should be O(log n) and log_2 n is a natural number
My solution so far:
Input: A:={x_1,x_2,...,x_n} Output:=oddCount
1. global_read(A(n),a)
2. if(a mod 2 != 0) then
oddCount += 1
The problem is, due to CREW I am not allowed to use multiple write instructions at the same time oddCount += 1 is reading oddCount and then writes oddCount + 1, so there would be multiple writes.
Do I have to do something like this
Input: A:={x_1,x_2,...,x_n} Output:=oddCount
1. global_read(A(n),a)
2. if(a mod 2 != 0) then
global_write(1, B(n))
3. if(n = A.length - 1) then
for i = 0 to B.length do
oddCount += B(i)
So first each process determines wether it is a odd or even number and the last process calculates the sum? But how would this affect the complexity and is there a better solution?
Thanks to libik I came to this solution: (n starts with 0)
Input: A:={x_1,x_2,...,x_n} Output:=A(0):=number off odd numbers
1. if(A(n) mod 2 != 0) then
A(n) = 1
A(n) = 0
2. for i = 1 to log_2(n) do
if (n*(2^i)+2^(i-1) < A.length)
A(n*(2^i)) += A(n*(2^i) + (2^(i-1)))
i = 1 --> A(n * 2): 0 2 4 6 8 10 ... A(n*2 + 2^0): 1 3 5 7 ...
i = 2 --> A(n * 4): 0 4 8 12 16 ... A(n*4 + 2^1): 2 6 10 14 18 ...
i = 3 --> A(n * 8): 0 8 16 24 32 ... A(n*8 + 2^2): 4 12 20 28 36 ...
So the first if is the 1st Step and the for is representing log_2(n)-1 steps so over all there are log_2(n) steps. Solution should be in A(0).
Your solution is O(n) as there is for cycle that has to go through all the numbers (which means you dont utilize multiple processors at all)
The CREW means you cannot write into the same cell (in your example cell=processor memory), but you can write into multiple cells at once.
So how to do it as fast as possible?
At initialization all processors start with 1 or 0 (having odd number or not)
In first round just sum the neighbours x_2 with x_1, then x_4 with x_3 etc.
It will be done in O(1) as every second processor "p_x" look to "p_x+1" processor in parallel and add 0 or 1 (is there odd number or not)
Then in processors p1,p3,p5,p7.... you have part of solution. Lets do this again but now with p1 looks to p3, p5 looks to p7 and p_x looks to o_x+2
Then you have part of the solution only in processors p1, p5, p9 etc.
Repeat the process. Every step the number of processors halves, so you need log_2(n) steps.
If this would be real-life example, there is often calculated cost of synchronization. Basically after each step, all processors have to synchronize themselves so they now, they can do the second step (as you run the described code in each processor, but how do you know if you can already add number from processor p_x, because you can do it after p_x finished work).
You need either some kind of "clock" or synchronization.
At this example, the final complexity would be log(n)*k, where k is the complexity of synchronization.
The cost depends on machine, or definition. One way how to notify processors that you have finished is basically the same one as the one described here for counting the odd numbers. Then it would also cost k=log(n) which would result in log^2(n)

Given an integer N and a set of operations, reduce N to 1 in the least amount of steps

On a given integer N we can use the following operations:
If N can be divided by 3: divide by 3.
If N can be divided by 2: divide by 2.
Subtract 1.
How can I find a strategy to reach 1 in the least number of steps?
As mbeckish mentioned you can treat this as a BFS traversal, which has significantly better time and space complexity than a bottom up DP approach. You can also apply a branch and bound (B&B) heuristic of sorts in the traversal such that you prune the branches of the tree at nodes that we've already seen the labeled value before. Unlike an actual B&B heuristic, this will not prune off the optimal solution since it does not involve any educated guesses of where the optimal solution might be. I'll give a visual example and have the algorithm reduce down to 0 to better illustrate.
Here is a full tree of operations reducing 10 to 0:
5 -----9----
---4--- -3- ------8------
2 -3- 1 2 --4-- 7
1 1 2 0 1 2 -3- -----6------
0 0 1 0 1 1 2 2 -3- 5
0 0 0 1 1 1 2 --4--
0 0 0 1 2 -3-
0 1 1 2
0 0 1
Since we're doing BFS, we'll actually stop at the first zero like follows and not build the deeper parts of the tree:
5 -----9--------
---4--- -3- ------8------
2 -3- 1 2 4 7
1 1 2 0
However we can reduce the number of branches further by the B&B heuristic to look like this (and this makes a huge difference on massive numbers):
5 -----9--------
4 3 8
2 1 7
Time Complexity: O(log n) Space Complexity: O(log n) (I think)
Below is python 3 code with input of 1 googol (10^100) which takes about 8 seconds to run on my computer and around ~350 MB of RAM. You can also run it online at
from collections import deque
def number_of_steps(i):
Q = deque()
seen_before = set()
steps = 0
Q.append((i, steps))
while True:
j, steps = Q.popleft()
if j == 1:
return steps
if j % 3 == 0:
branch(Q, seen_before, steps, j // 3)
if j % 2 == 0:
branch(Q, seen_before, steps, j // 2)
branch(Q, seen_before, steps, j - 1)
def branch(Q, seen_before, steps, k):
if k not in seen_before:
Q.append((k, steps + 1))
import time
n = 10**100
print('input:', n)
start = time.time()
steps = number_of_steps(n)
end = time.time()
print('runtime (seconds):', end - start)
print('number of steps:', steps)
There is fast dynamic programming solution :-
minSteps(N) = Minimum(minSteps(N/3),minSteps(N/2),minSteps(N-1)) + 1
Note: If N is not divisible by 3 or 2 then dont include it in the DP equation.
Time Complexity : O(N)
Space Complexity : O(N)
Java Code for DP solution :-
public static int decompose(int n) {
int steps [] = new int[n+1];
steps[1] = 0;
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++) {
int min = n;
if(i%2==0) {
min = Math.min(min,steps[i/2]);
if(i%3==0) {
min = Math.min(min,steps[i/3]);
min = Math.min(min,steps[i-1]);
steps[i] = min + 1;
int k =n;
while(k>1) {
if(k%3==0&&steps[k/3]+1==steps[k]) {
System.out.println("div 3");
else if(n%2==0&&steps[k/2]+1==steps[k]) {
System.out.println("div 2");
else {
System.out.println("minus 1");
Treat this as a breadth-first tree traversal.
The root node is N. The operations are the edges that lead to its children,
Stop when you reach a 1.
The path from the root to the 1 is the solution.

How to find total number of divisors upto N?

Given a number N, have to find number the divisors for all i where i>=1 and i<=N. Can't figure it out.Do I have to this using prime factorization? Limit is N<=10^9
Sample Output:
1 --> 1
2 --> 3
3 --> 5
4 --> 8
5 --> 10
6 --> 14
7 --> 16
8 --> 20
9 --> 23
10 --> 27
11 --> 29
12 --> 35
13 --> 37
14 --> 41
15 --> 45
To compute much faster, use the following Pseudocode:
sum = 0; u = floor(sqrt(N)); foreach k <= u, sum += Floor(N / K); sum = 2*sum-u*u
The above formula is given by Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet in 19th Century.
I have written a C program using above algorithm and it takes 0.118 second on my computer to compute sum of number of divisors from 1 upto 10^14. The answer is 3239062263181054.
if you want to find the sum of all divisors up to a given N, you don't need any factoring. You can do it (for example) in this way, with a unique loop.
Start with 2, 2 is a divisor of 2*2, 3*2, 4*2 and so on. This gives the idea behind.
Foreach k < N, Floor(N / k) is the number of how many times k is a divisor of something < N.
sum = 0; foreach k <= N sum += Floor(N / K)
Note that this is not the same thing like asking for the number of divisors of a given N.
Not sure what language you're using, but here's the basic idea:
dim myCount as integer = 1
dim N as integer = 10000000000 '10,000,000,000
For i as integer = 2 to N
If N mod i = 0 Then
myCount += 1
End If
Next i
Mod gives you the remainder of division. So for example:
10 mod 1 = 0 (because 1 goes into 10 10-times exactly)
10 mod 2 = 0 (...
10 mod 3 = 1 (because 3 goes into 10 3-times, with a remainder of 1)
10 mod 4 = 2 (because 4 goes into 10 2-times, with a remainter of 2)
You only want to count the results where N mod i = 0, because those are the only instances where i goes into N with no remainder; which I think is what your teacher probably means when they say 'divisor' -- no remainder.
The variable declarations (dim...) and the For loop might be written slightly differently in whatever language you're using. The code above is VB. But if you look in your book index, you'll probably find your language's version of these two common features.
OK -- in that case, just add another FOR loop, as follows:
dim myCount as integer = 1
dim N as integer = 10000000000 '10,000,000,000
For i as integer = 1 to N
For j as integer = 2 to i
If i mod j = 0 Then
myCount += 1
End If
Next j
Next i

Fastest algorithm of getting precise answer (not approximated) when square-rooting

Sorry for unclear title, but I don't know how to state it properly (feel free to edit), so I will give example:
sqrt(108) ~ 10.39... BUT I want it to be like this sqrt(108)=6*sqrt(3) so it means expanding into two numbers
So that's my algorithm
i = floor(sqrt(number)) //just in case, floor returns lowest integer value :)
while (i > 0) //in given example number 108
if (number mod (i*i) == 0)
first = i //in given example first is 6
second = number / (i*i) //in given example second is 3
i = 0
Maybe you know better algorithm?
If it matters I will use PHP and of course I will use appropriate syntax
There is no fast algorithm for this. It requires you to find all the square factors. This requires at least some factorizing.
But you can speed up your approach by quite a bit. For a start, you only need to find prime factors up to the cube root of n, and then test whether n itself is a perfect square using the advice from Fastest way to determine if an integer's square root is an integer.
Next speed up, work from the bottom factors up. Every time you find a prime factor, divide n by it repeatedly, accumulating out the squares. As you reduce the size of n, reduce your limit that you'll go to. This lets you take advantage of the fact that most numbers will be divisible by some small numbers, which quickly reduces the size of the number you have left to factor, and lets you cut off your search sooner.
Next performance improvement, start to become smarter about which numbers you do trial divisions by. For instance special case 2, then only test odd numbers. You've just doubled the speed of your algorithm again.
But be aware that, even with all of these speedups, you're just getting more efficient brute force. It is still brute force, and still won't be fast. (Though it will generally be much, much faster than your current idea.)
Here is some pseudocode to make this clear.
integer_sqrt = 1
remainder = 1
# First we special case 2.
while 0 == number % 4:
integer_sqrt *= 2
number /= 4
if 0 == number / 2:
number /= 2
remainder *= 2
# Now we run through the odd numbers up to the cube root.
# Note that beyond the cube root there is no way to factor this into
# prime * prime * product_of_bigger_factors
limit = floor(cube_root(number + 1))
i = 3
while i <= limit:
if 0 == number % i:
while 0 == number % (i*i):
integer_sqrt *= i
number /= i*i
if 0 == number % (i*i):
number /= i
remainder *= i
limit = floor(cube_root(number + 1))
i += 2
# And finally check whether we landed on the square of a prime.
possible_sqrt = floor(sqrt(number + 1))
if number == possible_sqrt * possible_sqrt:
integer_sqrt *= possible_sqrt
remainder *= number
# And the answer is now integer_sqrt * sqrt(remainder)
Note that the various +1s are to avoid problems with the imprecision of floating point numbers.
Running through all of the steps of the algorithm for 2700, here is what happens:
number = 2700
integer_sqrt = 1
remainder = 1
enter while loop
number is divisible by 4
integer_sqrt *= 2 # now 2
number /= 4 # now 675
number is not divisible by 4
exit while loop
number is not divisible by 2
limit = floor(cube_root(number + 1)) # now 8
i = 3
enter while loop
i < =limit # 3 < 8
enter while loop
number is divisible by i*i # 9 divides 675
integer_sqrt *= 3 # now 6
number /= 9 # now 75
number is not divisible by i*i # 9 does not divide 75
exit while loop
i divides number # 3 divides 75
number /= 3 # now 25
remainder *= 3 # now 3
limit = floor(cube_root(number + 1)) # now 2
i += 2 # now 5
i is not <= limit # 5 > 2
exit while loop
possible_sqrt = floor(sqrt(number + 1)) # 5
number == possible_sqrt * possible_sqrt # 25 = 5 * 5
integer_sqrt *= possible_sqrt # now 30
# and now answer is integer_sqrt * sqrt(remainder) ie 30 * sqrt(3)
It's unlikely that there is a fast algorithm for this. See especially
List all prime divisors in increasing order e.g. 2700 = 2*2*3*3*3*5*5. This is the slowest step and requires sqrt(N) operations.
Create an accumulator (start with 1). Scan this list. For every pair of numbers, multiply the accumulator by (one of) them. So after scanning the list above, you get 2*3*5.
Accumulator is your multiplier. The rest remains under square root.
