nvd3 piechart.js - How to edit the tooltip? version 1.8 - nvd3.js

I have am using piechart by nvd3. Lately I upgraded nvd3 to 1.8.1 and I need to overwrite tooltip. This is my code from older version:
piechartCurrent.tooltip.contentGenerator(function (obj) {
content = '<h3 style="background-color: ';
content += obj.color + '">';
content += obj.data.key + '</h3><p>$' + Math.round(obj.data.y * 100) / 100 + ' ('+ obj.data.symbols +')</p>';
return content;
Which looks like this:
But I would like to use new style for tooltip:
What is html code for new tooltip? I need to overwrite tooltip, since I need some custom text there.
Jsfiddle example
Edit 2:
Jsfiddle with symbols.

If you are using NVD3 v1.8.1 the tooltip header will hidden by default. But try this :
Here is a link to its source
You need to remove the chart.tooltip.contentGenerator() function to use the default styles, you have been overriding the default all this time.
There are two parts in the tooltip, if you want to override. The Key and the Value. The Key is where the chart element is displayed, eg: "Finance"
chart.tooltip.keyFormatter(function (d, i) {
var symbol = '';
pieSectorData().forEach(function (entry) {
// Search data for key and return the symbols
if (entry.key == d){
symbol = entry.symbols
return d + '(' + symbol + ')'
And to format your value in the tooltip with the $ symbol use the following :
chart.tooltip.valueFormatter(function (d, i) {
return '$' + d
Hope it helps.

For some reason shabeer90's answer did not work for me after all. I was working/changing symbols in js file and that did not take any effect. So I used my original code tooltip.contentGenerator. I simple hardcoded color in there with div:
.square-box {
float: left;
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
margin: 4px;
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.2);
and js to edit chart's toltip:
chart.tooltip.contentGenerator(function (obj) {
content = '<p><div class="square-box" style="background-color:'+obj.color+';"></div> '+
obj.data.key +' ('+ obj.data.symbols +') <strong>$' + Math.round(obj.data.y * 100) / 100 + '</strong> </p>';
return content;


Update progress bar via ajax in codeigniter

echo '<style> #myProgress {
width: 100%;
background-color: grey;
#myBar {
width: 1%;
height: 30px;
background-color: green;
} </style>';
echo '<div id="myProgress">
<div id="myBar">1%</div>
echo'<script src="jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>';
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
function move() {
var elem = document.getElementById("myBar");
var width = 1;
var id = setInterval(frame, 10);
function frame() {
if (width > 100) {
else if(width==100)
elem.style.width = width + "%";
elem.innerHTML = width * 1 + "%";
elem.style.width = width + "%";
elem.innerHTML = width * 1 + "%";
echo '<br>
<button onclick="move()">Click Me</button>'
/**** progress.php ***/
$content = #file_get_contents('logs/123.txt');
/**** convo.php ***/
will generate logs/123.txt file
Can i know is there anyway for me to read a txt file & update my progress bar via ajax while the other function is running and updating this txt file?
But the progress bar should be updated real time , without waiting txt file update process finishes.
I already tried doing this but the issue is codeigniter keeps on running first process (.txt file update process) even though I call the 2nd function (updateProgressBar) using ajax while the 1st process is running it keeps on loading without returning data until finishes the 1st process. but when the 1st process is finished it returns the data which is useless .
can i know why codeigniter won't allow me to run 2 functions simultaneously?
Thanks in advance

firefox hangs when displaying a pdf via data url

I have an app which creates pdf in the browser using jspdf. I want to show this pdf in another tab/window.
function open_data_uri_window(url) {
var html = '<html>' +
'<style>html, body { padding: 0; margin: 0; } iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0;} </style>' +
'<body>' +
'<p>new viewer</p>' +
'<iframe type="application/pdf" src="' + url + '"></iframe>' +
var a = window.open("about:blank", "Zupfnoter");
It works fine in chrome (60.0.3112.90) but not on Firefox (54.0.1 64 bit MacOs). There the window hangs.
Reason is that PDF.js (line 331) tries to extract a suggested filename from the url. This regular expression hangs depending on the dataurl.
Solution is to specify a name in the datauri string, so that an accepted name is always found, as mentioned in comment 1 of Is there any way to specify a suggested filename when using data: URI?
function open_data_uri_window(url) {
var url_with_name = url.replace("data:application/pdf;", "data:application/pdf;name=myname.pdf;")
var html = '<html>' +
'<style>html, body { padding: 0; margin: 0; } iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0;} </style>' +
'<body>' +
'<p>new viewer</p>' +
'<iframe type="application/pdf" src="' + url_with_name + '"></iframe>' +
var a = window.open("about:blank", "Zupfnoter");
Hint: The specified name is not respected by Chrome's builtin viewer

Print all pages in kendo grid

I'm trying to print all pages of kendo grid
I search alot I used this link
to print grid ,but it print the current page.
like this
note linked name still appear as linked and user can press it in print page.
I tried to use this code to load all pages , but it is not work since it show print page then load grid with all page items
var dataSource = gridElement.data("kendoGrid").dataSource;
I want to print all pages of grid in friendly layout , like one export grid to pdf it export friendly grid to print
Edit 1
here is my script to print all grid pages but it not work
$('#printGrid').click(function () {
function printGrid() {
var gridElement = $('#PageGrid'),
printableContent = '',
win = window.open('', '', 'width=800, height=500');
var dataSource = gridElement.data("kendoGrid").dataSource;
var htmlStart =
'<!DOCTYPE html>' +
'<html>' +
'<head>' +
'<link href="http://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/' + kendo.version + '/styles/kendo.common.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> ' +
'<meta charset="utf-8" />' +
'<title>#GlobalResources.Print</title>' +
'<style>' +
'html { font: 11pt sans-serif; }' +
'.k-grid { border-top-width: 0; }' +
'.k-grid, .k-grid-content { height: auto !important; }' +
'.k-grid-content { overflow: visible !important; }' +
'div.k-grid table { table-layout: auto; width: 100% !important; }' +
'.k-grid .k-grid-header th { border-top: 1px solid; }' +
'.k-grid-toolbar, .k-grid-pager > .k-link { display: none; }' +
'</style>' +
'</head>' +
var htmlEnd =
'</body>' +
var gridHeader = gridElement.children('.k-grid-header');
if (gridHeader[0]) {
var thead = gridHeader.find('thead').clone().addClass('k-grid-header');
printableContent = gridElement
} else {
printableContent = gridElement.clone()[0].outerHTML;
doc = win.document.open();
doc.write(htmlStart + printableContent + htmlEnd);
var gridElement = $('#PopUpGrid'),
printableContent = '',
win = window.open('', '', 'width=800, height=500, resizable=1, scrollbars=1'),
doc = win.document.open();
var htmlStart =
'<!DOCTYPE html>' +
'<html>' +
'<head>' +
'<meta charset="utf-8" />' +
'<title>Kendo UI Grid</title>' +
'<link href="http://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/' + kendo.version + '/styles/kendo.common.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> ' +
'</head>' +
var htmlEnd =
'</body>' +
var gridHeader = gridElement.children('.k-grid-header');
if (gridHeader[0]) {
var thead = gridHeader.find('thead').clone().addClass('k-grid-header');
printableContent = gridElement
} else {
printableContent = gridElement.clone()[0].innerHTML;
doc.write(htmlStart + printableContent + htmlEnd);
I hope you find it usefull. feel free to comment my errors
The reason why your code is not working is that you are are setting
var dataSource = gridElement.data("kendoGrid").dataSource; dataSource.pageSize(dataSource.total());
inside your printGrid(). When you call dataSource.pageSize() then grid needs some time to reload records as per new pagesize and therefore your printGrid code doesn't wait for grid dataBound event to get completed. Hence you will only see the current page in your print preview as the grid reload is not completed yet.
So in order to solve this problem. First set datasource page size when user click print button like below:
$('#printGrid').click(function () {
var dataSource = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource;
Then You need to move the method call printGrid() method to grid's dataBound event with the condition when pagesize equals the total record as below. This condition will confirm that the user has clicked on the print button. As earlier we had set data source pagesize to total record count in printGrid() method:
dataBound: function(e){
var grid = this;
if(grid.dataSource.data().length === grid.dataSource.total())
With this change now printGrid() only get call once grid reload is completed. I have prepared a full working example at dojo :
Loading all the records for printing has a serious problems when record size is larger. The browser will take a significant amount of time to load thousands of records or it might be unresponsive. So if your application renders a large number of records then you should be extra careful with this approach.

JCarousel and JqueryUI slider issue

Hi I'm very new to javascript and Jquery. I found the Jcarousel plugin recently and I've tried several of the examples on sorgalla, but can't seem to figure it out.
What i want is to populate the carousel with images(links) from a database, the selection of images i want to display are based on 2 date parameters i get from a jqueryui slider. My idea was to do a ajax request with the "from" and "to" date parameters to a python script which returns the image links in JSON format. But my problem is that when I select a new range of images from the slider the carousel goes bananas(displaying empty boxes or half images).
I would appreciate if someone could nudge me in the right direction here, thanks.
Here's my script:
<script type="text/javascript">
function js(){
var start_d=$("#valueAA").val();
var end_d=$("#valueBB").val();
$.getJSON("http://www.xxx.com/zzzzzzzzz/cgi-bin/hnf.py" ,
{start_d: start_d, end_d: end_d} ,
var encoded = $.toJSON(data);
for(var i=0; i < data.articles.length; i++) {
$('#mycarousel').append('<li><img src="' + $.evalJSON(encoded).articles[i].img + '" width="120" height="100" alt="" /></li>');
jQuery('#mycarousel').jcarousel({scroll: 1});
$(document).ready(function() {
$('select#valueAA, select#valueBB').selectToUISlider({
sliderOptions: {
stop: function(e,ui) {
labels: 12
//fix color
//quick function for tooltip color match
function fixToolTipColor(){
//grab the bg color from the tooltip content - set top border of pointer to same
var bWidth = $('.ui-tooltip-pointer-down-inner').css('borderTopWidth');
var bColor = $(this).parents('.ui-slider-tooltip').css('backgroundColor')
$(this).css('border-top', bWidth+' solid '+bColor);
Found a solution:
I can't just empty my ul for some reason, but a fix is to place your ul in a wrapper and destroy that wrapper and remake the ul between each imageset. Probably not the sexiest solution but it works..
function js(){
$('#container').append('<div id ="wrap"></div>');
$('#wrap').append('<ul id="mycarousel" class="jcarousel-skin-tango"></ul>');
var start_d=$("#valueAA").val();
var end_d=$("#valueBB").val();
$.getJSON("http://www.xxx.com/zzz/cgi-bin/hnf.py" ,
{start_d: start_d, end_d: end_d} ,
var encoded = $.toJSON(data);
for(var i=0; i < data.articles.length; i++) {
$('#mycarousel').append('<li><img src="' + $.evalJSON(encoded).articles[i].img + '" width="110" height="100" alt="" /></li>');
jQuery('#mycarousel').jcarousel({scroll: 1});

How to load vtip tooltip on a dynamically generated element?

I'm new to jQuery and trying to combine the use of a tooltip plugin and a lightbox plugin. More specifically, I am using Colorbox and vtip.
Colorbox generates a div which displays an image like this:
<div id="cboxLoadedContent" style="display: block; width: 400px; overflow: auto; height: 498px;">
<img src="image.jpg" id="cboxPhoto" style="margin: 49px auto auto; border: medium none; display: block; float: none; cursor: pointer;">
I next add class="vtip" title="This is a tip." in order to use the vtip style, but for some reason it does not work when it's a title tag on an element dynamically generated by Colorbox, but works on anything already loaded on the page.
Can anyone explain to me why this is and possibly offer some solutions to fix this problem?
If you don't want to have to re-call the function every time a new element is written to the page, I wrote an update to vtip. I rewrote the vtip function as a jQuery plugin, to be chainable, to allow custom settings, and to work with live elements. Its using a mapping of events, so it will work with jQuery 1.4.3 and up.
(function ($) {
$.fn.vtip = function (options) {
var settings = {
xOffset: -10,
yOffset: 6,
arrow: '/images/vtip_arrow.png'
if (options) $.extend(settings, options);
return this.live({
mouseenter: function (a) {
this.t = this.title;
this.title = "";
this.top = (a.pageY + settings.yOffset);
this.left = (a.pageX + settings.xOffset);
$("body").append('<p id="vtip"><img id="vtipArrow" />' + this.t + "</p>");
$("p#vtip #vtipArrow").attr("src", settings.arrow);
$("p#vtip").css("top", this.top + "px").css("left", this.left + "px").fadeIn("fast");
mouseleave: function (a) {
this.title = this.t;
mousemove: function (a) {
this.top = (a.pageY + settings.yOffset);
this.left = (a.pageX + settings.xOffset);
$("p#vtip").css("top", this.top + "px").css("left", this.left + "px");
// You can use it with any class, I'm using the class 'vtip' below.
// If necessary, add custom settings like so:
I tried the code/re-written plugin on this page and ran into some complications... perhaps this will work better for someone and save you some time:
(function ($) {
$.fn.vtip = function (options) {
var settings = {
xOffset: -10,
yOffset: 20,
arrow: 'http://simages0.showtimesfast.com/icons2/vtip_arrow.png'
if (options) $.extend(settings, options);
return this.live('mouseover mouseout mousemove', function(a){
if(a.type == 'mouseover'){
this.top = (a.pageY + settings.yOffset);
this.left = (a.pageX + settings.xOffset);
$("body").append('<p id="vtip"><img id="vtipArrow" />' + this.title + "</p>");
$("p#vtip #vtipArrow").attr("src", settings.arrow);
$("p#vtip").css("top", this.top + "px").css("left", this.left + "px").fadeIn("fast");
}else if (a.type == 'mouseout'){
}else if (a.type == 'mousemove'){
this.top = (a.pageY + settings.yOffset);
this.left = (a.pageX + settings.xOffset);
$("p#vtip").css("top", this.top + "px").css("left", this.left + "px");
Currently in use on http://www.showtimes.ca/ for you to see it working in action. Thanks to Steve above as you led me in the right direction for working with live events.
The clue is at the bottom of the vtip file:
vtip is being called in document ready. It doesnt know about the elements you havent yet added. You need to recall the vtip function after you've added your elements.
PS vtip hasnt been written as a plugin, otherwise you could chain it together with your other code eg
$('div').append('<a>example</a>').vtip(); //currently this wont work
You might want to contact the author and suggest the change, or find another tooltip - there are plenty around.
