JCarousel and JqueryUI slider issue - jquery-plugins

Hi I'm very new to javascript and Jquery. I found the Jcarousel plugin recently and I've tried several of the examples on sorgalla, but can't seem to figure it out.
What i want is to populate the carousel with images(links) from a database, the selection of images i want to display are based on 2 date parameters i get from a jqueryui slider. My idea was to do a ajax request with the "from" and "to" date parameters to a python script which returns the image links in JSON format. But my problem is that when I select a new range of images from the slider the carousel goes bananas(displaying empty boxes or half images).
I would appreciate if someone could nudge me in the right direction here, thanks.
Here's my script:
<script type="text/javascript">
function js(){
var start_d=$("#valueAA").val();
var end_d=$("#valueBB").val();
$.getJSON("http://www.xxx.com/zzzzzzzzz/cgi-bin/hnf.py" ,
{start_d: start_d, end_d: end_d} ,
var encoded = $.toJSON(data);
for(var i=0; i < data.articles.length; i++) {
$('#mycarousel').append('<li><img src="' + $.evalJSON(encoded).articles[i].img + '" width="120" height="100" alt="" /></li>');
jQuery('#mycarousel').jcarousel({scroll: 1});
$(document).ready(function() {
$('select#valueAA, select#valueBB').selectToUISlider({
sliderOptions: {
stop: function(e,ui) {
labels: 12
//fix color
//quick function for tooltip color match
function fixToolTipColor(){
//grab the bg color from the tooltip content - set top border of pointer to same
var bWidth = $('.ui-tooltip-pointer-down-inner').css('borderTopWidth');
var bColor = $(this).parents('.ui-slider-tooltip').css('backgroundColor')
$(this).css('border-top', bWidth+' solid '+bColor);

Found a solution:
I can't just empty my ul for some reason, but a fix is to place your ul in a wrapper and destroy that wrapper and remake the ul between each imageset. Probably not the sexiest solution but it works..
function js(){
$('#container').append('<div id ="wrap"></div>');
$('#wrap').append('<ul id="mycarousel" class="jcarousel-skin-tango"></ul>');
var start_d=$("#valueAA").val();
var end_d=$("#valueBB").val();
$.getJSON("http://www.xxx.com/zzz/cgi-bin/hnf.py" ,
{start_d: start_d, end_d: end_d} ,
var encoded = $.toJSON(data);
for(var i=0; i < data.articles.length; i++) {
$('#mycarousel').append('<li><img src="' + $.evalJSON(encoded).articles[i].img + '" width="110" height="100" alt="" /></li>');
jQuery('#mycarousel').jcarousel({scroll: 1});


lazy load doesnt work with hidden elements

this is my simple test code for lazy load
it works so far .. but the thing is that hidden images in an onclick function for buttons etc. doesnt work!
(watch through my code and scroll to end and push the button)
you can see in the network feedback that it already had load the images.
i could figure out that the problem is "display:none"
.pop {
Because display: none; elements are unknown in position. And the lazyloader doesn't know, when and if you change this. Therefore it decides to eager load it. If you want a lazyloader that automatically detects this use https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes/.
As alternative I would recommend justlazy, because it's more lightweight and don't uses jQuery.
1. Define placeholder (similar to that what you have done):
<span data-src="path/to/image" data-alt="alt" data-title="title"
2. Initialize lazy loading after your button click:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#art").click(function () {
Justlazy.registerLazyLoadByClass("placeholder", {
// image will be loaded if it is 300 pixels
// below the lower display border
threshold: 300
// other code ..
thanks guys! but I also got a working solution on this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#art").click(function () {
$(".pop > span, .pop").click(function () {
;(function($) {
$.fn.unveil = function(threshold, callback) {
var $w = $(window),
th = threshold || 0,
retina = window.devicePixelRatio > 1,
attrib = retina? "data-src-retina" : "data-src",
images = this,
this.one("unveil", function() {
var source = this.getAttribute(attrib);
source = source || this.getAttribute("data-src");
if (source) {
this.setAttribute("src", source);
if (typeof callback === "function") callback.call(this);
function unveil() {
var inview = images.filter(function() {
var $e = $(this);
if ($e.is(":hidden")) return;
var wt = $w.scrollTop(),
wb = wt + $w.height(),
et = $e.offset().top,
eb = et + $e.height();
return eb >= wt - th && et <= wb + th;
loaded = inview.trigger("unveil");
images = images.not(loaded);
$w.on("scroll.unveil resize.unveil lookup.unveil", unveil);
return this;
})(window.jQuery || window.Zepto);
$(document).ready(function() {
$("img").unveil(200, function() {
$(this).load(function() {
this.style.opacity = 1;

Firebase know when message pushed?

I'm upload images in the form of Base64 into Firebase but what I've noticed is that it shows up on the uploader's interface before it's finished uploading to Firebase server.
So how would I know when it's finished uploading the image?
Alternatively, how can I postpone the image showing up on the uploader's interface until the image has been uploaded, so it displays synchronously with all users?
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
Edit: March 6th
Ok so I've reduce the code to the bare minimum to demonstrate this. Though to observe this effect it's best to view the CodePen on two separate locations simultaneously.
<script src='https://cdn.firebase.com/js/client/2.0.4/firebase.js'></script>
<ul id="messages"></ul>
<input id="upload" type="file" accept="image/*" onchange="uploadImage()">
var dataRef = new Firebase('https://citruso.firebaseio.com/');
var messagesRef = dataRef.child('Messages');
messagesRef.on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
var message = snapshot.val();
var text = message.text;
if (text.substring(0,11) === "data:image/") {
$('#messages').append('<img class="message-image" src="' + text + '">');
else {
$('#messages').append('<li>' + text + '</li>');
function uploadImage() {
var file = document.querySelector('#upload').files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function () {
messagesRef.push({text: reader.result});
if (file) {
if (file.size < 10000000) {
else {
alert('File size cannot exceed 10mb.');

How add class to parent in CKEditor

I use simpleuploads plugin.
When images are uploaded i need add to parent of them a class.
This is HTML code wich is pasted after image upload process
<div><img src="link/to/image"><img src="link/to/image2"></div>
Now i need to add class to the 'div' element but i don't know how.
To remove height and width attributes of < img > elements i use this code:
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(e) {
e.editor.on( 'simpleuploads.finishedUpload' , function(ev)
var element = ev.data.element;
if (element.getName() == 'img')
var img = element.$;
ev.stop(); // Stop the event in case the listener is inserted twice
so will be great if someone can help me to add class using it.
This is the right code:
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(e) {
e.editor.on( 'simpleuploads.finishedUpload' , function(ev)
var element = ev.data.element;
if (element.getName() == 'img')
var img = element.$;
ev.stop(); // Stop the event in case the listener is inserted twice

Validation summary in Kendo Ui inline grid

Is there anyway to use validation summary inline kendo grid. please advise. if any link that i could follow.
No, you cannot use a validation summary with Kendo UI grid.
Here is a way to use a validation summary in KendoUI grid
Just make ul element above your grid like
<ul class="errorMessages"></ul>
Then in the edit function of the grid get a reference to the validator and add a click event to the update button
edit : function(e) {
var myValidator = e.sender.editable.validatable
e.container.find('.k-grid-update').click(function() {
if (!myValidator.validate()) {
Then the displayErrors function note I use a custom data attribute to make a friendly name for an input ie instead of using the id="firstName" I add data-myfriendly="First Name" you can use whatever you want title, id, name ect
function displayErrors(validator) {
var errorList = $('ul.errorMessages');
var myerrors = validator._errors;
var count = 0;
$.each(myerrors, function(field, errmsg) {
//Set focus on first field
if (count === 0) {
$('#' + field).focus();
//Set css
$('#' + field).css({
'box-shadow' : '0 0 5px #d45252',
'border-color' : '#b03535'
var titlerrmsg = $('#' + field).attr("title");
var friendly = $('#' + field).attr("data-myfriendly");
errorList.append('<li><span>' + friendly + ' is</span> ' + titlerrmsg + '</li>');
Hope this helps!

How to load vtip tooltip on a dynamically generated element?

I'm new to jQuery and trying to combine the use of a tooltip plugin and a lightbox plugin. More specifically, I am using Colorbox and vtip.
Colorbox generates a div which displays an image like this:
<div id="cboxLoadedContent" style="display: block; width: 400px; overflow: auto; height: 498px;">
<img src="image.jpg" id="cboxPhoto" style="margin: 49px auto auto; border: medium none; display: block; float: none; cursor: pointer;">
I next add class="vtip" title="This is a tip." in order to use the vtip style, but for some reason it does not work when it's a title tag on an element dynamically generated by Colorbox, but works on anything already loaded on the page.
Can anyone explain to me why this is and possibly offer some solutions to fix this problem?
If you don't want to have to re-call the function every time a new element is written to the page, I wrote an update to vtip. I rewrote the vtip function as a jQuery plugin, to be chainable, to allow custom settings, and to work with live elements. Its using a mapping of events, so it will work with jQuery 1.4.3 and up.
(function ($) {
$.fn.vtip = function (options) {
var settings = {
xOffset: -10,
yOffset: 6,
arrow: '/images/vtip_arrow.png'
if (options) $.extend(settings, options);
return this.live({
mouseenter: function (a) {
this.t = this.title;
this.title = "";
this.top = (a.pageY + settings.yOffset);
this.left = (a.pageX + settings.xOffset);
$("body").append('<p id="vtip"><img id="vtipArrow" />' + this.t + "</p>");
$("p#vtip #vtipArrow").attr("src", settings.arrow);
$("p#vtip").css("top", this.top + "px").css("left", this.left + "px").fadeIn("fast");
mouseleave: function (a) {
this.title = this.t;
mousemove: function (a) {
this.top = (a.pageY + settings.yOffset);
this.left = (a.pageX + settings.xOffset);
$("p#vtip").css("top", this.top + "px").css("left", this.left + "px");
// You can use it with any class, I'm using the class 'vtip' below.
// If necessary, add custom settings like so:
I tried the code/re-written plugin on this page and ran into some complications... perhaps this will work better for someone and save you some time:
(function ($) {
$.fn.vtip = function (options) {
var settings = {
xOffset: -10,
yOffset: 20,
arrow: 'http://simages0.showtimesfast.com/icons2/vtip_arrow.png'
if (options) $.extend(settings, options);
return this.live('mouseover mouseout mousemove', function(a){
if(a.type == 'mouseover'){
this.top = (a.pageY + settings.yOffset);
this.left = (a.pageX + settings.xOffset);
$("body").append('<p id="vtip"><img id="vtipArrow" />' + this.title + "</p>");
$("p#vtip #vtipArrow").attr("src", settings.arrow);
$("p#vtip").css("top", this.top + "px").css("left", this.left + "px").fadeIn("fast");
}else if (a.type == 'mouseout'){
}else if (a.type == 'mousemove'){
this.top = (a.pageY + settings.yOffset);
this.left = (a.pageX + settings.xOffset);
$("p#vtip").css("top", this.top + "px").css("left", this.left + "px");
Currently in use on http://www.showtimes.ca/ for you to see it working in action. Thanks to Steve above as you led me in the right direction for working with live events.
The clue is at the bottom of the vtip file:
vtip is being called in document ready. It doesnt know about the elements you havent yet added. You need to recall the vtip function after you've added your elements.
PS vtip hasnt been written as a plugin, otherwise you could chain it together with your other code eg
$('div').append('<a>example</a>').vtip(); //currently this wont work
You might want to contact the author and suggest the change, or find another tooltip - there are plenty around.
