Can not find Solr in HDP 2.3 - hortonworks-data-platform

I have installed HDP2.3 but can not find Solr while trying to add service
in admin panel under version I can see the HDP version as HDP- but cnt find solr while trying to add service

Solr is no longer a service in the HDP stack. Instead it is an addon that can be downloaded from the HDP-Utils repository and installed separately. Solr is now part of HDP Search, you can read more about it in the HDP documentation.


ApacheManifoldCF elasticsearch output connector version compatibility

I am trying to connect elasticsearch as output connector from apache ManifoldCF.Using elasticsearch 7.1.X version which is not working.
Can you suggest will maniFoldCF work with latest elasticsearch version ?
Tried configuring the repository and output plugin with elasticsearch. Executed a job but nothing turned up in elasticsearch.
Data should be crawled from repo to elasticsearch index. But its not happening with latest elasticsearch version.
The latest release of ManifoldCF was tested successfully for version 7.x. See this ticket:
Looking at the output connector interoperability notes for version 2.15 (the latest as of this writing) the Elasticsearch connector was tested against 1.x instances Tested with ElasticSearch 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Included Connectors. Knowing of breaking changes in both ES 6.x and 7.x releases I would guess the connector will need some modifications to work with the latest 6, 7, and maybe even 5.x versions of Elasticsearch. Should be a relatively simple task to clone the default connector and make the changes to add support though.

does hadoop 2.8 support apache spark cluster 2.1?

Could you please let me know that is Apache Hadoop 2.8 is compatible with Apache spark 2.1.1 or not?
I have already set up a test cluster where Apache Hadoop 2.8 is installed , and now we need apache spark 2.1.1 to be installed on the top of that.
If yes , then please let us know that which package will be good to install? (Please provide the URL here).

It is possible to run an Elasticsearch 5.x with Flink 1.2.0?

It is possible to run elasticsearch version 5.x in Apache Flink 1.2.0?
I cannot upgrade my Flink to 1.3 because I need the 1.2.0 version to run kafka.
by what it is said in this link :
flink-connector-elasticsearch5_2.10 (Supported since) 1.2.0 (Elasticsearch version) 5.x
This connector should work (since that my Flink version it is 1.2.0), but when I run it it doesn't work.
Do I need to install Elasticsearch 2.x or there is some other way to make it work?
The documentation was incorrect, and has been updated to reflect the fact that support for Elasticsearch 5.x was added to Flink after 1.2 -- i.e., it is currently in Flink 1.3-SNAPSHOT.

Not able to install Spark 2.0 in CDH 5.7.5

I am trying to install SPARK 2.0 in my CDH 5.7.5 cluster. While doing that i am getting below error
CDH (lower than 5.12) parcel required for SPARK2 (2.0.0.cloudera1-1.cdh5.7.0.p0.113931) is not available
P.S: Followed documentation
uncheck Validate Parcel Relations in Parcel configuration
According to Cloudera support, it is a bug in 5.7 and 5.8. This has been fixed in 5.9 and newer.
Adding to the #Ruslan answer, Who ever using CDH 5.7 and 5.8, they need to follow the below workaround
under parcel configurations, uncheck Validate Parcel Relations

Integrating Nutch on Hortownworks OR YARN

I am trying to crawl the web. Preferably with Nutch.
Did not find the references if Hortownworks out of the box supports Nutch.
Has any one integrated Nutch on YARN specially with Hortonworks HDP ?
Or someone has tried integrating Nutch on the Hadoop 2.x (YARN) ?
Thanks in advance.
HDP 2.3 doesn't support Nutch out of the box (There is a chart on the HDP website showing supported services: HDP2.3 What's New). However it does support the services that Nutch depends on. A custom Ambari Service could be defined and added to the HDP 2.3 stack definition to enable support for Nutch.
