ApacheManifoldCF elasticsearch output connector version compatibility - elasticsearch

I am trying to connect elasticsearch as output connector from apache ManifoldCF.Using elasticsearch 7.1.X version which is not working.
Can you suggest will maniFoldCF work with latest elasticsearch version ?
Tried configuring the repository and output plugin with elasticsearch. Executed a job but nothing turned up in elasticsearch.
Data should be crawled from repo to elasticsearch index. But its not happening with latest elasticsearch version.

The latest release of ManifoldCF was tested successfully for version 7.x. See this ticket:

Looking at the output connector interoperability notes for version 2.15 (the latest as of this writing) the Elasticsearch connector was tested against 1.x instances Tested with ElasticSearch 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Included Connectors. Knowing of breaking changes in both ES 6.x and 7.x releases I would guess the connector will need some modifications to work with the latest 6, 7, and maybe even 5.x versions of Elasticsearch. Should be a relatively simple task to clone the default connector and make the changes to add support though.


Spring Data Version Compatibility VS Elasticsearch version Compatibility

I have my Spring version as 3.0.5 and ElasticSearch version as 5.6.10.
Now, I want to migrate Elasticsearch version to 6.3. So, will my Spring be compatible with ElasticSearch 6.3 version.
Thank you
Concerning this README file on git project of spring-data-elasticsearch, you can use Elasticsearch 6.5.0 with Spring Data Elasticsearch 3.2.x.
I haven't tried it yet, but you can give it a try!

It is possible to run an Elasticsearch 5.x with Flink 1.2.0?

It is possible to run elasticsearch version 5.x in Apache Flink 1.2.0?
I cannot upgrade my Flink to 1.3 because I need the 1.2.0 version to run kafka.
by what it is said in this link : https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.3/dev/connectors/elasticsearch.html
flink-connector-elasticsearch5_2.10 (Supported since) 1.2.0 (Elasticsearch version) 5.x
This connector should work (since that my Flink version it is 1.2.0), but when I run it it doesn't work.
Do I need to install Elasticsearch 2.x or there is some other way to make it work?
The documentation was incorrect, and has been updated to reflect the fact that support for Elasticsearch 5.x was added to Flink after 1.2 -- i.e., it is currently in Flink 1.3-SNAPSHOT.

DeletebyQuery replacement in NEST 2.0.4

My earlier version of NEST used to support the following code for DeleteByQuery
ESClient.DeleteByQuery<object>(q => q.Query(q1 => q1.QueryString(qs => qs.Query("*"))));
Now, that the nugetPackage of NEST elastic version has changed to 2.0.4, I am unable to work using the existing code. Could anyone please let me know what could be replacement for it. My Elastic Search is version 1.5.1
NEST 2.x is not compatible with Elasticsearch 1.x; there are breaking changes on the Elasticsearch side that are reflected as changes in NEST. The NEST github repository shows the compatibility matrix, which is essentially
NEST 1.x is compatible with Elasticsearch 1.x
NEST 2.x is compatible with Elasticsearch 2.x
and in prerelease, NEST 5.0.0-alpha1 is compatible with Elasticsearch 5.0.0-alpha1.
If you're using Elasticsearch 2.x, it is recommended to use NEST 2.3.1, as it contains a fix for a memory leak that exists in prior NEST 2.x versions.
DeleteByQuery is no longer part of Elasticsearch core in 2.x and is available as a plugin.

ElasticSearch version supported in Spring Data

I am using Spring Data ElasticSearch 1.3.2 release, which comes with ElasticSearch 1.5.2 by default. Is it possible to upgrade to the latest version of ES (2.0) without breaking the Spring Data ES repository API ?
No. Due to several changes in the ES API this is not possible. Please see DATAES-211 for details.
The current unstable working branch can be found here: tree/DATAES-211-ES2.0

Can elasticsearch 2.2 client library work with older version of elasticsearch 1.3

A feature in my project is already using 1.3 of elasticsearch and for new feature the plan is to use ES 2.2 also it is for some reasons that I cannot upgrade existing ES 1.3 to ES 2.2
Can one single version of elasticsearch client library (preferably 2.2) work with both versions of ES 1.3 and ES 2.2?
I know ES has changed a lot of their APIs from 2.0 but curious to know if someone has tried this path.
The Java client must be from the same major version of Elasticsearch
as the nodes; otherwise, they may not be able to understand each
other. https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/_talking_to_elasticsearch.html
