How to get Tapestry 5.3.8 and Wildfly 10 to redirect to the index.tml home page - java-8

I'm having trouble finding in the documentation for Wildfly how to get Tapestry to redirect to my Index.tml page. This file is located in the root of my war file. However, when I try to access my localhost I get a blank page that only says "Not Found".
Has anyone run into a similar problem when switching from Tomcat to Wildfly and how did you get around this? Thanks!

There is a "problem" to make tapestry working on jboss (wildfly is a jboss starting from version 8). The point is tapestry uses own classloader to support update classes on fly but it can't find own classes in jboss/wildfly.
check out , if Wildfly is not changed too much from last jboss version then it could work.
If not then it could be a good starting point in looking solution.
Good luck.
P.S: Also could help.
P.P.S.: for case if code in wiki is broken you can use mine version of the class (do not have reputation to post more then two links)

The index.tml should not live in the package "", depending on what you specified in the web.xml (


url after spring maven deployment

I have a basic question about deployment but I can't seem to find an answer on google...
I am working on a jakarta project and it's the first time I do the deployment.
Since I am using Spring-boot maven, I know there is an embedded tomcat that will launch with the jar.
My issue is, I don't know what url to use to check my project is working...
Before, I used the address http://localhost:9091/contextPath/endpoint, but now, I only get a whiteScreen...
So my question is, what url should I use ? Also, is there something else to do after packaging ?
Thank you for your answers.
Alright, so I tried actuator but that didn't help me...
With /actuator/mappings, I could see that my endpoints are correctly configured but when I use the executable jar, http://localhost:9091/contextPath/endpoint odes not work while it does if I compile with my IDE...
I don't know what url to connect to just to see the index... I'm using a very basic spring framework (boot and mvc) and my IDE is intellij community if this helps anyone
I tried to deploy the app on a local Tomcat9 to see if something would change but the connexion is reinitialized everytime I try to deploy a war using the manager, and there was no trace of error in the logs.
I tried using ./mvnw and it did work, endpoint and all, but it implies working with IDE environment
I tried using java (openjdk 13) and it compiled, but i couldn"t acces my own endpoint. I could still access the actuator endpoints so i don't know what to make of it.
Should the url be different depending on whether we are using IDE environment or just the jar?
Ok, I think have a lead but I have no idea how to resolve this:
when I began the web part of the application, I created a WEB-INF folder where I put all my jsp. My js and css files were in the resources/static folder. I tried once to put the jsp in the resources folder but it didn't work so I didn't push too hard.
Now, when I unzip the jar, i find my css and js files, but not my jsp.
When I unzip my war file, I have everything, but when I try to deploy it on a separate tomcat server, the connexion resets and I don't know why because nothing is written in the logs.
The issue then becomes:
Right now, I have
| ├──static
| | ├──css
| | └──js
| └──template
What is the standard tree in intellij with jsp ?
By default Spring Boot apps are on port 8080.
Can you try http://localhost:8080?
Port can be changed in (or application.yml, etc.) via server.port property (e.g. server.port=8888).
Ok, I managed to make it work.
I'm going to describe here everything of note that I encountered.
First, when I called my app to the usual url, there was no response (whiteLabel).
I added test logs and i found that I indeed called m controller.
I unzipped the jar and war i produced and came to the conclusion that the issue was architectural. I couldn't use jar, I had to use the war file.
I tried to deploy on a local tomcat server using the manager, but it always resetted the connection, so I took the manual approach - copy pasting the war file in the webapp directory.
Finally, the web pages were accessible in the browser.
Thank you for all the tips given during my research!
`http://endpoint:{PORT}/actuator/health` or `http://endpoint:{PORT}/actuator/status`
it should help but it must require spring-boot-actuator as a dependency in your pom/gradle file.

Can't get Netbeans Project to acknowledge existing Tomcat or Glassfish Server

I haven't been able to figure out what I'm missing here.
I've installed Tomcat and can spin it up fine. (Glassfish too, in my efforts, but I had removed it when I took the screenshot.)
So now I want to hook my project up to the Tomcat instance so I can have Netbeans deploy it for me automatically.
I right-click on my project, go down to Properties. In Project Properties I select 'Run' and go to the drop down to select my server. Only, there's no servers.
Why is it not showing up here? Am I going about this all wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Other potentially useful notes:
* Using Gradle (for my first time)
* Using Spring Boot (for my first time)
* On Windows 10 (don't hate me, I don't love it either)
I was chasing the wrong problem. Spring-boot provides an embedded server so I had no need to install and provide my own.
My real problem was that I had dependencies declared for jpa, postgresql, etc. that I hadn't configured in When I tried to run, I'd get an error saying "a problem occurred starting process /path/to/my/jdk/java.exe". I couldn't figure what was going on and, looking around, I saw the issue mentioned in my question about the server.
The solution was to simply comment out the dependencies in my build.gradle until I was ready for them. After I got my PostgreSQL DB set up and added the configureation to, I was able to un-comment them and it's working great.

Wildfly Undertow HTTP Response 200 but no content

I am developing a simple web service using Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers : Version: Kepler Service Release 2 Build id: 20140224-0627 and Wildfly-8.2.0.Final. I chose wildfly-javaee7-webapp-blank-archetype using Maven and started development. Firstly, there was no problem, I could add some simple jsp pages and also a simple html page with some images and javascript inclusion then I could deployed, launched and accessed those pages by browser. But all of a sudden, Wildfly (I guess Undertow maybe?) started to response with HTTP response 200 with no content... I really don't get what is going on. I also did rollback my sources to the very early simple pages only. But still the symptoms are the same. Also I have tried to use newer version of Wildfly-9.0.1.Final and deployed manually but I haven't seen any difference.
ex1) this is ok. (Of course browsers take care of this...)
ex2) this kind of contents won't be loaded and sent back as content 0...
I doubted local path issue but I haven't changed anything and it was loaded earlier.
It would be really appreciated if somebody could give me a solution.
Finally I have solved this problem. I have found a problem on a servlet I have added at last. Actually I was trying to migrate my web service running on glassfish and did migrate files one by one. I specified a URL to be handled by the servlet in Web.xml when it run on glassfish. But somehow, it's not working on Wildfly which means all URL request are unexpectedly handled by the servlet... Since I have no idea to specify url to be handled by the specific servlet in Web.xml for Wildfly, I decided to filter request URL in the servlet code. So it is working now. Thank you guys trying to help me...

Setting up Hibernate+C3P0 in Spring

I am using Netbeans as my IDE, currently developing an Web app using:
Spring 3
Hibernate 3
I'm relying on netbeans to build the project(in contrast to others using maven). On deployment, the console shows this error:
...noClassDefFoundError: com/mchange/v2/c3p0/DataSources
I've already added the jar file to the Hibernate library.
(And oh, this is my first time asking here. Needed 10 points to post the screenshot.)
So I'm confused why would it need THAT class. (whatever that class does.)
Ideas why did this happen?
I've finally manage to solve the problem. The c3p0 distribution has 3 .jar files on the lib directory. I initially added the "c3p0*.jar" only. Which in turn produces the error.
It needs the OTHER jar file, mchange-commons*.jar in the directory. Hope this helps to others stuck in here.
Download this jar mchange-commons-java- This helps me to resolve the issue.
C3P0 is used to support connection pooling. See for further information on C3P0 and for information on configuring C3P0 with Hibernate.
Add this jar file "c3p0-" to library
If you are still getting the error, you need to remove and add again Hibernate library because this "c3p0-" is conflict version with c3p0 in Hibernate library

Tapestry class loader with Tomcat and maven

Is it possible to integrate tapestry for class loading only under tomcat7 and eclipce, if so, how?
I am interesting in that for making java development alot faster.
My project is consists of:
Spring MVC+JSP
String Security
I am looking for a stuation where I can save the java file and refresh the browser for seeing results/changes. (Like Jrebel).
someone on the mailing list says it's possible, however i haven't gotten it to work 100%. You need to figure out how to point tomcat to various locations to find resources and not copy resources and libraries into the webroot folder. try asking on the mailing list for more instructions.
You need to use Jetty + tapestry for it. And use tomcat7 only to production and tests.
Absolutely it's possible and it works well. We (at have a whole guide available for using Maven, Eclipse, Tomcat7 and Tapestry together, just follow the steps. Tomcat7 is easily as fast, perhaps faster starting up than Jetty.
