El Capitan (?finally) provides a mechanism called Split View to Have two apps side-by-side in full screen mode.
I want to know if there exists, or how I'd go about implementing, a keyboard shortcut to switch/swap the panes while in Split View.
That is to say that the intended behaviour trigger is to take the left-pane and make it the right-pane and take the right-pane and make it the left-pane.
There is no keyboard shortcut for doing what you have stated, but u can just drag the left-pane towards the right side with you mouse on the menu bar.
Hope this helps!
Here is another partial solution. If you split your screen between two windows of the same program, e.g. Safari, then Cmd+` (backtick) will toggle between the two.
Caveats and Special Cases:
If for some reason this does not work, you probably don't have this shortcut enabled. The answer at https://superuser.com/a/187072 explains how to do this.
This was tested on High Sierra, but should work just the same on El Capitan, and so on.
When using split view for two terminal windows you can split between them with cmd + left/rigt arrow. I have not figured out a way to switch between windows when using split view with other applications though.
Also, if it is two different applications you can switch between them using cmd + tab
Is there a keyboard shortcut in El Capitan to resize the windows in Split View ? I know I can use the mouse for this, but I would be happy If I although can use the keyboard for this.
doesn't seem like this is an option according to the apple support site : https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204948 and everything I've tried :p If this is an important feature, there is a payware with keyboard shortcuts, http://splitscreenapp.com/
I'm looking for a shortcut for switching focus between editor and project drawer in TextMate. I googled a bit with different results, but none of the shortcuts is working for me:
This link suggest installing the MissingDrawer Plugin, but but that's not the solution I'm looking for.
I have OS X Lion 10.7.3 and TextMate 1.5.10 on a MacBook Pro with a German keyboard layout.
The shortcut in TextMate 2 (using a spanish keyboard) is ctrl + tab.
The official answer is in the docs:
⌘` ⌘~ Switch to the next/previous window. This keyboard shortcut is based on the physical location of the key so on many European keymaps it is instead ⌘< and ⌘> (it is the key to the left of the Z).
⌥⌘` ⌥⌘~ Switch between main window and drawer. Like the previous key this one is also based on physical location. The function is not available on Panther.
Both have been working for me on my french keyboard but not how the docs said: neither ⌘+< nor ⌘+> did work but ⌘+` did. YMMV.
Just found it, it's ⌘+⌥+<.
In 2.0-beta cmd+alt+tab works fine. It's equivalent of Navigate->Move focus to file browser
Ok, have a very specific setup question. I'm using Mac OS X, iTerm, and vim. I really like using my mouse for clicking tabs in normal mode, scrolling in normal mode etc. (e.g. I already have the mouse working within iTerm/vim).
However, I dislike using visual mode for selecting. I just want to use OS X selection not vim's visual select. The next logical step? Disable visual selection in the mouse options:
set mouse=nicr
The problem with this is that when I try to select (using the mouse) vim intercepts the mouse click and doesn't allow me to select at all!
Anyone know how deal with this issue? It feels like its solvable if one knew the proper character/control codes (which I obviously do not).
Goal: use the mouse in vim for everything except "select". Let iTerm/OS do the selection.
I don't have a Mac, but under Linux holding Shift while highlighting allows you to use the mouse to copy with the mouse settings you mentioned.
See the "Note:" in :h mouse
I'm a fairly recent convert to Xcode and OS X. Even though I have two large monitors it feels likes I spend far to much time hunting for windows.
I typically have at least the following windows open:
The file I'm editing.
A matching header file.
Another source file.
API Documentation.
A browser window.
It seems like whatever I want next is always underneath something else. There are lots of ways to switch windows (e.g., Exposé, Spaces, OS X hotkeys, Xcode hotkeys), but that's part of the problem. There are so many different approaches, I can't blindly use one; I have to think about which is the right one for each situation.
How do you organize your Xcode windows so you aren't switching all the time?
Or, how do you effectively switch between windows?
I prefer all-in-one layout (Xcode's preferences->General). If I need to look at several files simultaneously, I split the editor view (the little button above the vertical scroller). I also constantly use Cmd-Option-UpArrow to switch between .h and .m files. The only other window I have is the documentation browser.
I have a dedicated Space for Xcode so that I can switch between Xcode and Safari with a shortcut.
Xcode is unbelievably customizable, though many options are well hidden.
I keep the main XCode window open and the documentation open slightly askew from each other horizontally so i can click one while the other is on top. I use the button (right next to the lock icon) which opens the associated file to toggle in-betweeen the h and m files.
I use expose and keep safari in another panel.
I read the following code in Unix Power Tools on page 117
*VT100.Translations: #override\
Button1 <Btn3Down>: select-end(primary,CUT_BUFFER0,CLIPBOARD)\n\
!Shift <Btn2Up>: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD)\n\
~Shift ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn2Up>: insert-selection(primary,CUT_BUFFER0)
I have not managed to see any effect of the above code.
How can you use X clipboard in Screen, without your mouse?
Using the mouse. Left-click drag to select and usually the middle mouse button pastes but some terminals may differ (PuTTY uses right-click). If you only have two buttons you click them both together (left mouse button + right mouse button).
In reply to comment below ("Can you do it without your mouse?"):
ctrl-insert : copy
shift-insert : paste
shift-delete : cut
shift-ctrl-C : copy
shift-ctrl-V : paste
Not all applications will support the last three (though Konsole does). In fact most console applications will not allow you to delete text once it's printed.
As far as selecting text without a mouse I'm not sure there's a generic mechanism for that. It's probably terminal and/or application specific (ie, vim has it's own keys for marking and copying text - but only within vim). You could do it with mouse emulation but I'm sure that would be a painful process.
You can't use the traditional Mac/Windows shortcuts in a terminal because they were reserved for different actions long before these OS existed (ie, Ctrl-C terminates the running process).
I'm trying to use Ctrl-C in X
X does not handle these operations directly, they are handled by the application. That's why modern GUI programs like Firefox or Gedit support Ctrl-C for copy but terminals and command-line programs generally do not. As I said, it's a conflict in established conventions and Ctrl-C for kill got in first.
BTW, you could do some key-remapping if it drives you nuts but then you would be learning bad habits when you use a different machine. Best to just get used to it or do most of your editing in a GUI application.
More Information
EDIT: For a Mac, this may help: MacOSX-to-Konsole or This or This. It looks like you need to replace Ctrl with Command on Mac keyboards. It seems like Terminal the mac console has a right-click context menu for copy-paste so to do it the traditional way you me need to install a different console program or change some settings in Terminal.