Go Program that Deletes Itself after executing - windows

I wrote a .wxs source that creates a msi installer. The installer extracts two file in the target location one is a zip file and the other is an unzip.exe. I will trigger the unzip.exe so that it unzips the zip file and delets the zipped folder.
<File Id="ApplicationFile2" Source="unzip.exe" Vital="no" DiskId="1" Hidden="yes"/>
<!-- custom action for unzip and start services -->
<Binary Id="unzipExeId" SourceFile="unzip.exe"/>
<CustomAction Id="unzipAction" BinaryKey="unzipExeId" ExeCommand="" Execute='deferred' Return ='asyncWait' Impersonate='no'/>
<Custom Action='unzipAction' Before='InstallFinalize'/>
My problem is that i must delete the unzip.exe once it is executed. Can someone give me a solution to make the unzip.exe to delete itself after executing. I wrote the unzip.exe in Go.


Executing a CustomAction in Wix with 'if exist'

Hi I would like to perform the following CustomAction when installing my program:
<!--Include the custom action for overwrite Client.config-->
<CustomAction Id="SetCmdLineParams" Property="QtExecCA" Value='if exist "[CURRENTDIRECTORY]\Client.config" ("xcopy" /Y "[CURRENTDIRECTORY]\Client.config" "[INSTALLFOLDER]")' Execute="immediate" />
<CustomAction Id="QtExecCA" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Execute="deferred" Return="check" Impersonate="no"/>
<!--Include the InstallExecuteSequence for overwrite Client.config-->
<Custom Action="SetCmdLineParams" After="CostFinalize"/>
<Custom Action="QtExecCA" Before="InstallFinalize" />
Unfortunately this doesn't work because: CAQuietExec: Command string must begin with quoted application name.
But if I quote "if exist", then the command does not work. What can I do now?
if exist is a feature of cmd.exe. You'd need to say cmd /c first or create a .bat file and call that.
Honestly though, this is really fragile code. For one CURRENTDIR isn't always going to be what you think it is. You should write a C++ or C# custom action that uses the OriginalDatabase property to get where the MSI is running from and copy the config file from there.
Another approach I've used very successfully in the past is to write a utility that can transform a seed MSI by embedding a user provided config file into it. Now the deployment story is simplified.

Wix : Declare or set property after ResolveSource

I try to search a file in my project. The problem is I use the var "SourceDir" and it's work fine in install with UI but no with silent install.
I found it's because SourceDir is not setted before I try to used it in silent mode.
That's why I want to set my property after the "ResolveSource" action
<DirectorySearch Id='DirSearch' Path='[SOURCEDIR]' Depth='0'>
<FileSearch Id='FileSearch' Name='EasyFolderApplicationDesktopToolbar.exe.config'/>
<Component Id="CustomMainExecutableConfig" Guid="A952C40B-0274-4EA8-8A48-0216395455CF" Directory="INSTALLDIR" NeverOverwrite="yes">
<CopyFile Id="CustomEasyFolderApplicationDesktopToolbarCONFIG" SourceProperty="CUSTOMCONFIGFILEEXISTS" DestinationProperty="INSTALLDIR" />
<!--<CopyFile Id="CustomEasyFolderApplicationDesktopToolbarCONFIG" SourceProperty="CONFIGFILEEXISTS" DestinationProperty="INSTALLDIR" />-->
I already try this, with no result :
<DirectorySearch Id='DirSearch' Path='[Temp]' Depth='0'>
<FileSearch Id='FileSearch' Name='EasyFolderApplicationDesktopToolbar.exe.config'/>
<ResolveSource After="CostInitialize" ></ResolveSource>
<Custom Action='SET_CUSTOMCONFIGFILEEXISTS' After='ResolveSource'></Custom>
<Custom Action="AlreadyUpdated" After="FindRelatedProducts">SELFFOUND</Custom>
<Custom Action="NoDowngrade" After="FindRelatedProducts">NEWERFOUND</Custom>
<RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallExecute" />
I already see this How do I use the SourceDir MSI property in WiX?
But I don't know how to do...
Can you help me ?
That search is ultimately an AppSearch, and in a WiX-built MSI that's the first thing that runs, so your 'CUSTOMCONFIGFILEEXISTS' property has already been processed by the search, so it's false by the time that component results in the component not being installed and the copyfile not being done. So the reason for the failure is not ResolveSource - it's because 'CUSTOMCONFIGFILEEXISTS' is being set false and you are conditioning the component and the copyfile on that false condition.
IMO you are over-thinking this. Don't bother with a search. Just pick a component relevant to the file you want to copy (don't invent a transitional component for it with a condition). Add the CopyFile to that component with [SourceDir] as the source. If the file is there it will be copied, if not then it won't be.
Don't add an unconditional ResolveSource action because it will happen every time the an installer action takes place (repair, removing features, patches, uninstall) and that is generally unnecessary. In any case I am certain you do not need a ResolveSource. There is an implicit ResolveSource at first install or it wouldn't even know where the MSI was! Just do the copyfile as I suggested.

WIX: reference a source file but not install it to the destination computer

I'm compiling an installer using Wix, and I'm trying to make it install a scheduled task. I've created an XML file with the details of my scheduled task (called BackupComplete.xml - using the export function in scheduled tasks). Now I want to reference it in a CustomAction so that at the end of the installation, the scheduled task is added.
Right now I have this bit:
<CustomAction Id="CreateScheduledTask" Return="check" Directory="Scripts" ExeCommand="[SystemFolder]schtasks.exe /Create /XML BackupComplete.xml" />
But how do I reference my BackupComplete.xml file? I don't want BackupComplete.xml to be installed to the desination computer, it should only be included in the source .cab file so my CustomAction can read it.
I could add my scheduled task XML file like this:
<File Id="taskxml" Source="src\BackupComplete.xml" />
Inside a Component, but that'll install BackupComplete.xml on the target computer, which is what I want to avoid...
This is my entire WIX XML: http://pastebin.com/wFWd1zVc
The following approach is often used in the similar situations:
add your temporary files to the Binary table. Use <Binary> element for this
in a deferred custom action:
extract the file
perform necessary actions
remove the file

Executing an EXE file in WiX

I try to execute an EXE file from an MSI file in WiX, but I got 1603 error when doing InitializeSetup.
Action ended 12:09:54: InstallValidate. Return value 1.
Action start 12:09:54: InstallInitialize.
Action ended 12:09:54: InstallInitialize. Return value 3.
Action ended 12:09:54: INSTALL. Return value 3.
What is wrong in this WiX Script?
<Product Name='something' Id='11934d63-12d1-4792-829e-046de3bb987e'
Language='1033' Version='8.3.4' Manufacturer='something2'>
<Package Id='*' InstallerVersion='200' Compressed='yes' />
<Binary Id="Instalator.exe" SourceFile="d:\Instalator.exe"/>
<CustomAction Id="LaunchFile" BinaryKey="Instalator.exe" ExeCommand="" Execute='deferred' Return='asyncNoWait' Impersonate='no'/>
<Custom Action='LaunchFile' Before='InstallFinalize'/>
I don't know why, but when I add:
<Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
<Component Id='MainExecutable' Guid='1193cd63-12d1-4792-829e-046de3bb987e'>
<Feature Id='Complete' Level='1'>
<ComponentRef Id='MainExecutable' />
after Package node -> then it works fine. I need to figure out why...
I have some other concerns about what you are doing here, but if you really need to go out of process to an EXE to complete your install, then I'd suggest using the Quiet Execution Custom Action.
You should know though that this isn't a good practice for a number of reasons. 1) It's not declarative, 2) it doesn't support rollbacks. There are others but those are the biggest IMO.
BTW, WiX isn't "scripting". Understand that and you'll understand why not to call EXE's.
Because you are running the exe as a deferred action, it runs in the context of the SYSTEM account. This error is due to the system account not having the required permissions on the file system http://support.microsoft.com/kb/834484.
It is possible to get around this using PowerShell to execute the exe using the -RunAs switch, but this is a bit nasty. It really all depends exactly what you are doing in the exe as to the best course of action. I'm with Mr. Painter, using an EXE should be the last resort.
Another option is to move the exe setup code so that it runs the first time the user runs the app.
Important note for WIX, After completion of all application installation then the .sql file or database files runs through wix or wpf or winform application.

Using WiX to package an installer with many files

I have a WiX 3 project that has hundreds of files, and I can't seem to figure out how to include them all using a wildcard. I have tried this:
heat.exe" dir ".\!Build" -gg -ke -template:fragment -out "Files.wxs"
This produces a fragment .wxs file, but I'm not sure what to do with it. Any help would be much appreciated.
Try this command
heat dir "Your_Directory" -gg -ke -template:Product -out "Files.wxs"
It will create this structure in the generated wxs file {Files.wxs}:
<DirectoryRef Id="Files">
<Component Id="Test.ico" Guid="{YOUR_GUID}">
<File Id="Test.ico" Name="Test.ico" KeyPath="yes" Source="..[path to file]\Test.ico" />
You should get one for each file, that was in the directory that you ran heat against. Once that is done, you just have to add the wxs file to your project, make sure you have the directory that the directoryref points to is created.
