When to move data to HDFS/Hive? - hadoop

So I'm developing an application that is expected to deal with large amounts of data, and as such I've decided to use Hadoop to process it.
My services node and datanodes are separated from the webapp, so I'm using HttpFS to communicate the app with Hadoop.
So, whenever a new row of data is generated in my application, should I already call the corresponding HttpFS URL to append the data to an HDFS file? Should I write this data in a file in the webserver and using a cronjob upload it to HDFS for example every hour?
Should I have the Hive table updated or should I just load the data in there whenever I need to query it?
I'm pretty new to Hadoop so any link that could help will also be useful.

I prefer below approach.
Do not call HtpFS URL to append data to HDSF file for every row update. HDFS is efficient when data file size is more than 128 MB (in Hadoop 2.x) or 64 MB (in Hadoop 1.x)
Write the data in web server. Have a rolling appender when file size reaches certain limit - in multiples of 128 MB e.g 1 GB file.
You can have hourly based cron jobs but make sure that you are sending big data file (e.g 1 GB or multiple of 128 MB) instead of just sending the log file, which is accumulated in 1 hour.
Regarding loading of data, you can use internal or external HIVE tables. Have a look at this article


Apache Nifi - Consume Kafka + Merge Content + Put HDFS to avoid small files

I am having around 2000000 messages in Kafka topic and I want to put these records into HDFS using NiFi,so I am using PutHDFS processor for this along with ConsumeKafka_0_10 but it generates small files in HDFS, So I am using Merge Content processor for the merging the records before pushing the file.
Please help if the configuration needs changes This works fine for small number of messages but writes a single file for every record when it comes to topics with massive data.
Thank you!!
The Minimum Number of Entries is set to 1 which means it could have anywhere from 1 to the Max Number of Entries. Try making that something higher like 100k.

Writing a file larger than block size in hdfs

If I am trying to write a file of 200MB into HDFS where HDFS block size is 128MB. What happens if the write fails after writing 150MB out of 200MB. Will I be able to read data from the portion of data written? What if I try to write the same file again? Will that be a duplicate? What happens to the 150MB of data written earlier to failure?
HDFS default Block Size is 128MB, if it fails while writing (it will show the status in Hadoop Administration UI, with file extension copying.)
Only 150MB data will be copied.
yeah you can read only portion of data(150MB).
Once you reinstate the copying it will continue from previous point(if both the paths are same and file name is same).
For every piece of data you can find the replication based on your replication factor.
Previous written data will be available in HDFS.

Spark EMR S3 Processing Large No of Files

I have around 15000 files (ORC) present in S3 where each file contain few minutes worth of data and size of each file varies between 300-700MB.
Since recursively looping through a directory present in YYYY/MM/DD/HH24/MIN format is expensive, I am creating a file which contain list of all S3 files for a given day (objects_list.txt) and passing this file as input to spark read API
val file_list = scala.io.Source.fromInputStream(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/objects_list.txt"))
val paths: mutable.Set[String] = mutable.Set[String]()
for (line <- file_list.getLines()) {
if(line.length > 0 && line.contains("part"))
val eventsDF = spark.read.format("orc").option("spark.sql.orc.filterPushdown","true").load(paths.toSeq: _*)
The Size of the cluster is 10 r3.4xlarge machines (workers)(Where Each Node: 120GB RAM and 16 cores) and master is of m3.2xlarge config (
The problem which am facing is, spark read was running endlessly and I see only driver working and rest all Nodes aren't doing anything and am not sure why driver is opening each S3 file for reading, because AFAIK spark works lazily so till an action is called reading shouldn't happen, I think it's listing each file and collecting some metadata associated with it.
But why only Driver is working and rest all Nodes aren't doing anything and how can I make this operation to run in parallel on all worker nodes ?
I have come across these articles https://tech.kinja.com/how-not-to-pull-from-s3-using-apache-spark-1704509219 and https://gist.github.com/snowindy/d438cb5256f9331f5eec, but here the entire file contents are being read as an RDD, but my use case is depending on the columns being referred only those blocks/columns of data should be fetched from S3 (columnar access given ORC is my storage) . Files in S3 have around 130 columns but only 20 fields are being referred and processed using dataframe API's
Sample Log Messages:
17/10/08 18:31:15 INFO S3NativeFileSystem: Opening 's3://xxxx/flattenedDataOrc/data=eventsTable/y=2017/m=09/d=20/h=09/min=00/part-r-00199-e4ba7eee-fb98-4d4f-aecc-3f5685ff64a8.zlib.orc' for reading
17/10/08 18:31:15 INFO S3NativeFileSystem: Opening 's3://xxxx/flattenedDataOrc/data=eventsTable/y=2017/m=09/d=20/h=19/min=00/part-r-00023-5e53e661-82ec-4ff1-8f4c-8e9419b2aadc.zlib.orc' for reading
You can see below that only One Executor is running that to driver program on one of the task Nodes(Cluster Mode) and CPU is 0% on rest of the other Nodes(i.e Workers) and even after 3-4 hours of processing, the situation is same given huge number of files have to be processed
Any Pointers on how can I avoid this issue, i.e speed up the load and process ?
There is a solution that can help you based in AWS Glue.
You have a lot of files partitioned in your S3. But you have partitions based in timestamp. So using glue you can use your objects in S3 like "hive tables" in your EMR.
First you need to create a EMR with version 5.8+ and you will be able to see this:
You can set up this checking both options. This will allow to access the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
After this you need to add the your root folder to the AWS Glue Catalog. The fast way to do that is using the Glue Crawler. This tool will crawl your data and will create the catalog as you need.
I will suggest you to take a look here.
After the crawler runs, this will have the metadata of your table in the catalog that you can see at AWS Athena.
In Athena you can check if your data was properly identified by the crawler.
This solution will make your spark works close to a real HDFS. Due to the metadata will be properly in the Data Catalog. And the time you app is taking to find the "indexing" will allow to run the jobs faster.
Working with this here I was able to improve the queries, and working with partitions was much better with glue. So, have a try this probably can help in the performance.

Import small stream in Impala

We are currently on a Big Data project.
The Big Data platform Hadoop Cloudera.
Input of our system we have a small flow of data, we collect via Kafka (approximately 80Mo/h continuously).
Then the messages are stored in HDFS to be queried via Impala.
Our client does not want to separate the hot data with the cold data. After 5 mins, the data must be accessible in the history data (cold data). We chose to have a single database.
To insert the data, we use the JDBC connector provided by Impala API (eg INSERT INTO ...).
we are aware that this is not the recommended solution, each Impala insertion creates a file (<10kb) in HDFS.
We seek a solution to insert a small stream in a Imapala base which avoids getting many small files.
What solution we preconize?

Hadoop. About file creation in HDFS

I read that whenever the client needs to create a file in HDFS (The Hadoop Distributed File System), client's file must be of 64mb. Is that true? How can we load a file in HDFS which is less than 64 MB? Can we load a file which will be just for reference for processing other file and it has to be available to all datanodes?
I read that whenever the client needs to create a file in HDFS (The Hadoop Distributed File System), client's file must be of 64mb.
Could you provide the reference for the same? File of any size can be put into HDFS. The file is split into 64 MB (default) blocks and saved on different data nodes in the cluster.
Can we load a file which will be just for reference for processing other file and it has to be available to all datanodes?
It doesn't matter if a block or file is on a particular data node or on all the data nodes. Data nodes can fetch data from each other as long as they are part of a cluster.
Think of HDFS as a very big hard drive and write the code for reading/writing data from HDFS. Hadoop will take care of the internals like 'reading from' or 'writing to' multiple data nodes if required.
Would suggest to read the following 1 2 3 on HDFS, especially the 2nd one which is a comic on HDFS.
