Change .docker directory on Windows - windows

The standard path on Windows where Docker puts stuff is:
We need to put it here:
We couldn't find any info about where or how to change that setting. Any hint appreciated, thanks!

One solution that works for us is creating a symbolic link:
mklink /J "C:\Users\<USER>\.docker" "D:\Docker"
But it's not what we call a clean solution.
(All credit for the question & this answer goes to IMM0rtalis.)

You simply can define the environment variable HOME before launching a new boot2docker or docker machine session.
set HOME=D:\docker
(Add it to your user environment variables if you want it to persists across CMD sessions)
Those tools will look for any config in $HOME/.xxx


I can run npm in CMD, but can't in Conemu CMD

I set the system variable correctly as it seems, I restarted the PC few times. What's going on? How to force Conemu to cooperate?
Ok, I found the answer, of course few seconds after asking for help...
The PATH needs to be also added in the Conemu's settings. It's a little pain, if I'll need to do this every time when new variable should to be added. If you know some trick for it just comment me here...
Changing the path from the environment of conmenu settings by adding a link to nodejs is right, but deleting its previous link is not the best solution. Just add this C:\Program Files\nodejs; (or wherever your nodejs is located) like:
set PATH=%ConEmuBaseDir%\Scripts;C:\Program Files\nodejs;%PATH%

Postgres "psql not recognized as an internal or external command"

For Postgres, I keep getting this error multiple times even though I have already set the location of the bin folder to the path variable in Windows 8. Is there something else I'm missing?
(I can't post pictures since I don't have enough reputation)
Just an update because I was trying it on Windows 10 you do need to set the path to the following:
;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin ;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\lib
PS : 14 is the current version, check whatever version you are on.
You can do that either through the CMD by using set PATH [the path]
or from my
computer => properties => advanced system settings=> Environment
Variables => System Variables
Then search for path.
Important: don't replace the PATHs that are already there just add one beside them as follows ;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin ;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\lib
Please note: On windows 10, if you follow this: computer => properties => advanced system settings=> Environment Variables => System Variables> select PATH, you actually get the option to add new row. Click Edit, add the /bin and /lib folder locations and save changes.
Then close your command prompt if it's open and then start it again
try psql --version
If it gives you an answer then you are good to go if not try echo %PATH% and see if the path you set was added or not and if it's added is it added correctly or not.
Important note:
Replace 9.5 with your current version number. As of 2021, that is 13.
For 2022 is 14.
Windows 10
It could be that your server doesn't start automatically on windows 10 and you need to start it yourself after setting your Postgresql path using the following command in cmd:
pg_ctl -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11.4\data" start
You need to be inside "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11.4\bin" directory to execute the above command.
You still need to be inside the bin directory to work with psql
Enter this path in your System environment variable.
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\[YOUR PG VERSION]\bin
In this case i'm using version 10. If you check the postgres folder you are going to see your current versions.
In my own case i used the following on separate lines:
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\bin
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\lib
You can follow the following steps below.
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\yourversion
I had your issue and got it working again (on windows 7).
My setup had actually worked at first. I installed postgres and then set up the system PATH variables with C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin; C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\lib. The psql keyword in the command line gave no errors.
I deleted the PATH variables above one at a time to test if they were both really needed. Psql continued to work after I deleted the lib path, but stopped working after I deleted the bin path. When I returned bin, it still didn't work, and the same with lib. I closed and reopened the command line between tries, and checked the path. The problem lingered even though the path was identical to how it had been when working. I re-pasted it.
I uninstalled and reinstalled postgres. The problem lingered. It finally worked after I deleted the spaces between the "; C:..." in the paths and re-saved.
Not sure if it was really the spaces that were the culprit. Maybe the environment variables just needed to be altered and refreshed after the install.
I'm also still not sure if both lib and bin paths are needed since there seems to be some kind of lingering memory for old path configurations. I don't want to test it again though.
If you tried all the answers and still spinning your heads, don't forget to change the version with your one which you downloaded.
For example, don't simply copy paste
;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin ;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\lib
More clearly,
;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\[Your Version]\bin ;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\[Your Version]\lib
I was spinning my heads. Hope this helps.
Make sure that the path actually leads to the executables. I'm using version 11 and it did not work until this was set as the path:
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\bin\bin
Maybe this is how version 11 is structured or I somehow botched the installation but I haven't had a problem since.
Even if it is a little bit late, i solved the PATH problem by removing every space.
;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<installed version>\bin;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<installed version>\lib
works for me now.
Simple solution that hasn't been mentioned on this question: restart your computer after you declare the path variable.
I always have to restart - the path never updates until I do. And when I do restart, the path always is updated.
Find your binaries file where it is saved. get the path in terminal mine is
C:\Users\LENOVO\Documents\postgresql-9.5.21-1-windows-x64-binaries (1)\pgsql\bin
then find your local user data path, it is in mostly
now all we have to hit the following command in the binary terminal path:
C:\Users\LENOVO\Documents\postgresql-9.5.21-1-windows-x64-binaries (1)\pgsql\bin>pg_ctl -D "C:\usr\local\pgsql\data" start
Always better to install a previous version or in the installation make sure you specify the '/data' in a separate directory folder "C:\data"
For Windows 10 and 11 users, here are the steps:
Go to Edit environment variables for your account (search for it on the start menu)
It will open the System Properties form — click the Environment Variables
Under the User variables for <username> (or you can add it in system variables), find the path variables and click edit, and add the path to your Postgres bin file address (in my case it's C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin).
And save it and re-open the terminal.

Apache Maven installation in windows 8

I followed steps mentioned in this link
Whenever I type mvn --version in cmd.
I got 'mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
But when I opened cmd with "Run as a administrator" it worked.
OS: windows 8
How can I run mvn for any user on windows 8.
Try setting the environment variable M2 as System variable instead of User variable.
I used Rapid Environment Editor, started as an Administrator, and put these variables into my System path, and this problem went away.
For some reason, when I added the the JDK, JRE, and Maven bin folders to my Path through the Windows utility, it didn't work. Rapid Environment Editor told me that the variables were not valid or I did not have access to them. Windows 8 seems to be really picky about administrator rights and I guess they didn't think that through very well.
Just be sure to start Rapid Environment Editor as an administrator, and re-open your command windows when you save your changes.
I had to move the installation directory of Maven into C:\Users*your_username*, so that Maven no longer required admin permissions. The PATH variables started working after that.
Set the MAVEN/M2 and MAVEN_HOME/M2_HOME variables in the environment variables in windows 8, this will solve the problem.
I'm using chinese version so that i'm not sure what's these word in english version.
click right button on "My computer"
click last item on list
click "Advanced system setting" at left side
"Evironment Variable"
append maven's bin directory into system's environment variables path
after all, try linux
The simplest way is:
Add maven directory to the path in systems variable.
don't add anything in user variable and no need to add any variable.
faced the same problem; The bins or files from path for M2_home and Java_home need to be found in a directory where the user has full control permission. Change the security permission settings of the user through the administrator by right click on the order, go to properties->security tab and check the Full control box for "authenticated user" and "user".

How to change Jenkins default folder on Windows?

How to change Jenkins default folder on Windows where Jenkins runs as Windows service.
I want to change C:\Users\Coola\.jenkins folder to d:\Jenkins due to lack of space on C: partition (Every build takes ~10MB of free space). I don't want to reinstall Jenkins as Windows service. I just want to change folder of existing Jenkins instance. In case of lack of global solution I could focus only on relocating jobs folder.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Stop Jenkins service
Move C:\Users\Coola\.jenkins folder to d:\Jenkins
Using regedit, change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Jenkins\ImagePath to "d:\Jenkins\jenkins.exe"
Start service
Apparently, grams' answer works but is not preferred. In Windows software and data/configuration files are supposed to reside in different places. This should be well known to Unix guys, it is basically like having a home directory. However, the wording with regard to JENKINS_HOME is broken anyways as setting an environment variable does not help despite what is being said in the help text.
I used the procedure that is described here:
Stop Jenkins service
Edit entry <env name="JENKINS_HOME" value="%BASE%"/> in jenkins.xml in the Jenkins installation directory. This will be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins. In your case value has to be set to d:\Jenkins
Move Files from the installation directory to the new destination, d:\Jenkins, all except (some of them may not exist in a fresh installation)
jre folder
Restart the service again.
When you read Administering Jenkins you can read all options how to modify the JENKINS_HOME environment variable.
On this website you can read how to configure you Tomcat container to override the JENKINS_HOME environment variable, they advise to create the file $CATALINA_BASE/conf/localhost/jenkins.xml, with the following content:
<Context docBase="../jenkins.war">
<Environment name="JENKINS_HOME" type="java.lang.String" value="/data/jenkins" override="true"/>
Here is the answer that worked for me: Jenkins: How to change JENKINS_HOME on Windows
And in addition to grams answer, the most important part is creating an environment variable named JENKINS_HOME with value "D:\Jenkins". Without that, on starting Jenkins it would again create the .jenkins folder in your user home folder.
I was able to change the JENKINS_HOME variable following this
Setting JUST %JENKINS_HOME% as windows system wide environment variable didn't have any effect!
We installed by dropping the .war into Tomcat, and could set home by just setting the environment variable JENKINS_HOME (with a service restart).

‘ant’ is not recognized as an internal or external command

I have the same issue as this user: ant - not recognized as an internal
however unfortunately none of the solutions have worked for me in that post or any other. I've also looked at other commands not recognized and specifically adding a path variable. The procedure I am using is as follows:
Extract to a desired installation directory, e.g. C:\apache-ant
Create an ANT_HOME environment variable`
Open System Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
Create a new system variable
Variable name: ANT_HOME
Variable value: C:\apache-ant
Add %ANT_HOME%\bin directory to the PATH system variable
Open System Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
Under system variables, select PATH and append ;%ANT_HOME%\bin
e.g. %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin
Verify that ANT is installed.
Open a new command window and type:
C:\>ant -v`
In my case the Variable value is C:\apache-ant\apache-ant-1.8.2.
My exact path variable is %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin which doesn't have any spaces between semicolons.
However testing the ant installation does not work, the picture below is what I'm experiencing:
I have tried restarting on numerous occasions to no avail. I have run out of ideas, so if anyone has any any information would be helpful. Thanks!
Posted results of dir:
ANT_HOME is not being resolved. Change %ANT_HOME%\bin in the Path system environment variable to c:\apache-ant\apache-ant-1.8.2\bin.
I had a similar issue, but the reason that %ANT_HOME% wasn't resolving is that I had added it as a USER variable, not a SYSTEM one. Sorted now, thanks to this post.
create a script including the following;
(replace the ant and jdk paths with whatever is correct for your machine)
set ANT_HOME=c:\tools\apache-ant-1.9-bin
set JAVA_HOME=c:\tools\jdk7x64
set PATH=%ANT_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
run it in shell.
When Environment variables are changed log off and log in again so that it will be applied.
I downloaded ant (, unzipped to my C drive, and used the windows 'doskey' command:
doskey ant=C:\apache-ant-1.9.6\bin\ant.bat $*
this will work as long as you use the same command console, to make it permanent is more difficult:
Please follow these steps
In User Variables
Set VARIABLE NAME=ANT_HOME VARIABLE PATH =C:\Program Files\apache-ant-1.9.7
2.Edit User Variable PATH = %ANT_HOME%\bin
Go to System Variables
Set Path =%ANT_HOME%\bin
Had the same problem. The solution is to add a \ at the end of %ANT_HOME%\bin so it became %ANT_HOME%\bin\
Worked for me. (Should be system var)
even with the environment variables set, I found that ant -version does not work in scripts. Try call ant -version
Need to see whether you got ant folder moved by mistake or unknowingly.
It is set in environment variables.I resolved this once as mentioned below.
I removed ant folder by mistake and placed in another folder.I went to command prompt and typed "path". It has given me path as "F:\apache-ant-1.9.4\".
So I moved the ant back to F drive and it resolved the issue.
If none above helped anyone...My issue was that I was trying to use ant -version on a cmd prompt that I had already opened before I added apache-ant to the path.
As the cmd prompt was using the PATH it had when it was opened and not the new one (that had apache-ant) it wasn't finding it.
Opening a new cmd and running ant -version showed me I actually did have it installed correctly.
I got same problem , what I did for fix :
Open system environment variable
Click on environment variable
in user varaible -> edit path and then add C:\FolderWhereYouInstalled\ant\ant_1.8.4\bin
Click ok
Open cmd and type : ant -version
thanks, might help someone :)
