We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "AppName". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Invalid Bundle - One or more dynamic libraries that are referenced by your app are not present in the dylib search path.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
The App Store team
For me the following worked:
i updated cocoapods if You have troubles doing so this link may help
deleted MyProjectTests (that i wasn't using)
deleted my Pods/ folder and Podfile.lock
made pod install
rebooted my mac
and the problem is gone
I have just seen the problem after install the app in a real device, but crashed (in the simulator works). My app missing a library installed with Cocoapods.
I'm getting this weird warning. I'm not sure what could cause it. A .dia file extension supposedly indicates a core digraph graphics file. I did not add one and the app has almost no ui at all.
Could not read serialized diagnostics file: error("Invalid diagnostics signature")
It appears to be an internal issue, the following steps seem to reliably resolve it for me.
Installing my uninstalled dependencies (ie: CocoaPods).
Cleaning the build folder.
Removing derived data.
Restarting Xcode
If that doesn't work restarting my computer makes this go away. š¤¦
Here's the zsh script line I use (after navigating to the project's folder):
Note: Uses rm -rfs!
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods; rm -rf Pods; rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*; pod install;
For me this issue occurred after I updated my Xcode to iOS15. The reason behind my issue was some of my swift packages were no longer up to date. Updating all my swift packages solved this issue. To do this simply do
File > Packages > Update to Latest Package Versions.
I also experienced this issue. The reason in my case was lack of storage space on my laptop so make sure to check that too.
Solution for M1 and M2 Macbook
I'm on a 2020 M1 Apple MacBook and none of these solutions worked for me.
The folder where I had the project created in was named 'Client Works' with a space in-between even throughout folder structure.
Previously folder structure: /Users/ABC/Documents/Client Works/AwesomeProject
Change folder structure to: /Users/ABC/Documents/Client_Works/AwesomeProject
Apparently that had an adverse effect on running the pod install properly. I renamed the folder to 'Client_Works' and ran pod install and everything started working.
Check the file and make sure all the document is linked to the project -> Target Memembership
If you're using a third party library, it might be where this warning or error originates. In my case, I had the same error, it was from a third party library not updated for Xcode 13. I had to go to the library on Github to check if they had an update for this error, and they had. Then, I updated the library's swift package. In my case I had to use the exact commit id at which they fixed the error.
I'm quite sure I know the issue and it is severe if you don't use version control. It happened to me twice with working on two different projects, when my disk space was around 7GB free with Xcode 13/13.1. I could not fix it manually, only removing all and cloning the repo again made it compilable again, and freeing disk space of course.
With Xcode 12 I had this issue around 4GB free space, but I could recover at least.
If you have pods in your project then make sure you are opening the .xcworkspace and not the .xcodeproj
When I removed a library from my Podfile I suddenly received a TON of these messages. The usual clean + clear derived data + restart trick unfortunately didn't seem to work for me this time.
Took me a while to figure this one out, but what did work was upgrading from Xcode 13 to Xcode 14. Doing so provided much better error messages! Turns out I needed to import Foundation, UIKit, or another framework in some of my files.
I have an issue that has come up before however in this situation I have two development machines and the code build and runs on one machine but not on the other.
I have a MBP and a Mac Pro, the code is in git and once I have built on one machine and committed and pushed to git when the code is fetched on the other machine I receive the error message WatchKit App won't compile: āerror: WatchKit Extension doesn't contain any WatchKit appsā.
I have checked bundle identifiers and they all look correct which makes sense as it builds on one machine.
I also downloaded a sample app from Xamarin.com, the WatchTables demo. The bundle identifiers are correct but I am receiving the same build error with that solution.
Any thoughts, I have checked the version of Mono and other frameworks on both machines, Xcode and VSfM are the same version and up to date. Any ideas would be helpful.
After downloading additional updates on the machine that was failing when I went to install and restart an error occurred and VSfM would no longer start. So I reinstalled VSfM again, this allowed it to start and I was able to apply the updates.
Once I started the IDE again I was then able to build the solutions.
I would seem that something had become corrupt with VSfM and until the failure of the updates broke the IDE this wasn't getting sorted.
All is good now.
Recently I installed cocoapods and wanted to add Firebase analytics to my app. The first time a published the app worked, but now it started showing me that: Library not found for -lGoogleToolboxForMac.
I install again pods but still the same.
What should I do in this case? I mention that I use VirtualBox.
Please ensure successful installation of pods.
Also, after installation close current project .xcodeproj and open up .xcworkspace.
Today I got the memo from Apple as probably every other Apple developer about potentially infected Xcode installations. (https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=09222015a)
I followed the instructions and tried to validate my Xcode app using the command mentioned. (spctl --assess --verbose /Applications/Xcode.app) The program ran for a while and exited with a "/Applications/Xcode.app: a sealed resource is missing or invalid" message.
The article says "Any result other than āacceptedā or any source other than āMac App Storeā, āApple Systemā or āAppleā indicates that the application signature is not valid for Xcode." However, I'm actually pretty sure my Xcode copy is legitimate (downloaded and updated via App Store with Gatekeeper enabled) so I thought maybe there could be another problem preventing it to validate as it should.
Do you have any ideas what this error message actually means? Do you think I need to reinstall Xcode just in case?
Thanks in advance for your help.
The false positive validation issue appears to be caused by containing previous iOS SDKs in order to be backwards compatible.
A clean install will completely wipe the SDK directories. When you run the validation test after a clean install it will pass. Once you copy previous iOS versions, which, for us, is iOS 8 for iPhone, the validation will fail.
This scenario was tested after updating to XCode 7.0.1 (7A1001) which was released earlier this afternoon.
In order to avoid a clean install, you can temporarily remove the previous SDK version from their respective location, and run the validation. Then, once the validation passes, copy the files back where they belong.
I was getting the same message "a sealed resource is missing or invalid". However i was able to rectify the issue by going into the App Store and downloading the latest version of Xcode - Version 7.0 (7A220), and this seems to have rectified the issue.
Although i did first try updating Xcode through the updates section on the App Store, but for some reason this didn't work. So i would recommend going into the App Store > Search for Xcode > Then install the latest version available to you.
Depending upon gatekeeper settings.please check gatekeeper settings to allow anywhere and revalidate Xcode.
I have an XCode project which copies SDL.framework to my app bundle and, up until recently, this worked fine. I could give my bundle to someone who didn't have SDL.framework and it would work. But yesterday a friend of mine said my app was crashing because it couldn't find SDL.framework. I removed SDL.framework from my /Library/Frameworks folder to test it on my machine and he's right. Even though SDL.framework exists in my bundle the app still crashes because it can't find it.
Why would this be? The only thing I can think of is that the last time I did a working build was on MacOS 10.6 and using XCode 3. I'm now on 10.7. I've tested a new build with XCode 3 and XCode 4 but both produce the problem listed above.
I had this happen to me the other day when I was building a tool for sending Email. I was linking against the Pantomime framekwork. Here are the settings that I had to set in order for it to start working and stop crashing with "could not find library" You can see where I have the framework in relation to the project files / workspace files.