Arc chrome with obb files - google-chrome-arc

I'm searching to play a game that has an OBB file for its data. I have the file and the apk, but ARC welder doesn't seem to have a way to select the OBB file directory. Is there another way to allow the app access to the folder.

You can do this, you just have to launch the app once, let it crash, and then place the obb file in the "Android/obb" subfolder of the unpacked extension.
See here for more info.


Xcode add too many pictures

There are 1500 pics, each 64x64 pixels, that I need to use within my Xcode Project. I will use these pictures in the TableView, but Xcode crashes when I put it directly into the Assets.xcassets directory. What is the best way to use these pictures?
Adding your images into the Xcode project - either in an asset catalog, or directly as an images subdirectory - will pollute interface builder - fill up every combo box where you could choose images, e.g. as a background image (normally, "pollute" would normaly not include "crash", but we all know Xcode all too well...)
If I understand you correctly, you only want use those images "per index", or at least only programatically, like in your table view. But you do not want to manually assign them in Xcode Interface builder.
I would suggest to
create a container file (like .zip, without compression) with all your images
add the .zip to your project
at program startup, uncompress the .zip file into the cache directory of your app (first check if you already did this the program start before :-)
access the image files via the path to the cache directory
If the image files are too large (so your application footprint on the device would get too high), just don't decompress them and take them directly from the .zip archive
There are several (sample) projects available to use .zip in Swift, like
I want to suggest another alternative to zip method. In this method, Xcode does not know anything about the files, so it cannot crash or freeze trying to index them. Also this method does not have overhead of zip method.
Place your assets to your project form finder. Such as './assets'.
Create a new run script phase on Build Phases
Paste this script
rsync -r --delete "$SOURCE" "$TARGET"
Use the images with UIImage(named: "assets/filename.png")

How to include support documents in xcode cocoa app?

In iOS version of app, sample/template files are added to Xcode in a group and then become a directory of that name within the app bundle. Easy enough.
What is the Cocoa equivalent? When I try the same thing, Xcode (Swift 3) fails on build with a "Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1". How does one add support files (or directory of files) to a Cocoa app?
In macOS, I guess you mean that, every App creates a Resources Folder inside the NSBundle. Just check with right click "Show Bundle Content".
If you add resources to Xcode, just by dragging the file anywhere in your project navigation, will be asked to copy that file if needed.
I usually create a group with Supporting File, but thats arbitrary, because it has nothing to do with the file structure inside the project folder on disk nor with the product package.
To create groups just right mouse and select group.
This copies the file inside the Xcode project Folder. And if you choose to add target, then the file will be included to that Resource folder.
You can ask for that File with:
let bundle = Bundle.main
let path = bundle.path(forResource: "Test", ofType: "txt")
if you have to code sign your resources, then ope the copy files menu in Build Phases, add with the plus button your resource and check code sign on copy. This should provide a proper signing for your resource.
Hope it helps!

Xcode project file size is rather large

Ok, so I am close to submitting my WWDC scholarship app, however I have just noticed that the file size for my Xcode project is 130mb. The limit is 100mb.
When I click 'get info' on the project folder in the 'Developer' folder, it tells me that it's 130mb, but then if I go into that folder and check the three folders sizes, one is 53mb and the other two are tiny... So why is it telling me that it's 130mb overall?
Also, I've just checked it again and without changing anything, it's gone up to 132mb?!
Anyone know what's going on?
If your app is using any video files to be displayed for the user, then you can place them in the server and download it on request and cache them. For one of our project i have followed this approach and it tried to save space.

Archive recovery in xcode?

I recently used a system tool which removes 'junk' files to free space up. It deleted every single photo on my hard drive... My xcode code is present for an application I have but can I recover the lost app photos from an xcode archive which still exists? Many thanks, as I can't update my app anymore because of it.
If you can get the ipa that is a zip file, change the extension from .ipa to .zip and double-click to unzip.
That will produce a folder named Payload and in that folder is the app.
The app is a is a package, right click on it and "Show Package Contents".
All your images in the app will be there.
Additionally, if the images were added as Assets there will be an additional step to extract the images form the file. See this SO Answer for extraction information.

XCode blue folders aren't being treated as subdirectories?

Okay, I had asked a question earlier about how I could create my own directories within XCode so as to be able to search for specific files more efficiently. I re-imported my files, this time making sure to create folder references instead of flat groups. Everything looks good, and my files are neatly organized in blue folders.
Now I had thought this would mean the paths to the files within these folders would change, and I could search through the new, more specific paths (instead of having to search through the contents of the entire application bundle every time). But the path for every file in any folder is still identical to what it was earlier.
For example: a text file called "items.txt" is located within the "SupportingFiles" folder that I imported as a reference. I would expect the path to include "/SupportingFiles/items.txt". But the path is logged as /Users/Mike/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/(lots of numbers and text)/Adventurer
Or "xxDefault.txt", which is included in the "Defaults" folder, which itself is in the "SupportingFiles" folder. I would expect to see "SupportingFiles/Defaults/xxDefault.txt" or something like it. But again, the logged path ends in "Adventurer"
Every single file in any location has a path ending in "Adventurer name)". Doesn't matter if it's on the simulator or an actual device. I thought importing the resources within folder references (blue folders) was supposed to do the trick, but evidently there's something else to be done.
Clearly I am misundertanding XCode's filing system. Any help figuring it out would be awesome, as I'm about to rip my hair out.
Sounds like a caching issue, my first idea would be to delete the build directory by holding down the alt key, access the Product menu and select Clean Build Folder... in Xcode.
After checking #InsertWittyName's suggestion (which is fairly likely correct), make sure that in your Copy Files step you're copying the folder reference and not the individual files.
The blue folder in Xcode is within the main bundle. It is not in the "Application Support" (NSApplicationSupportDirectory) tree. The path to the blue Xcode folder is:
NSString *sourcePath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"SupportingFiles"];
