Visual Studio "Setup Blocked" error - visual-studio-2013

I am trying to install a new version of Visual Studio, but it shows this "Setup Blocked" error and tells me to reboot the computer but that doesn't help. I had accidentally deleted all the files of VS instead of uninstalling it, I guess that's why this is happening. I have shown the last few logs, could someone please tell me how to uninstall this properly (it's still installed in the system)?
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i101: Detected package: iisexpress_msp_x86_en_us_1060, state: Absent, cached: None
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i101: Detected package: vwd_finalizer, state: Present, cached: Complete
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i000: Setting numeric variable 'RelatedBundleType_Patch' to value 2
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i052: Condition '(VersionNT = v6.3) AND (WindowsBuildNumber < 9600)' evaluates to false.
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i052: Condition 'CompatibilityMode = 0' evaluates to false.
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i052: Condition 'NOT((VersionNT > v6.1) OR (VersionNT = v6.1 AND ServicePackLevel >= 1))' evaluates to false.
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i052: Condition 'RebootPending = 1' evaluates to true.
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i052: Condition 'NOT (IEsvcVersionExists) OR (IEsvcVersion < v10.0)' evaluates to false.
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i052: Condition '(VersionNT < v6.2) AND ((NetworkAvailable = 0) OR (DisableRootAutoUpdate = 1)) AND NOT ((MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2011RootExists OR MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2011AuthRootExists) AND (MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2010RootExists OR MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2010AuthRootExists))' evaluates to false.
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i052: Condition '(VersionNT = v6.3) AND (netfxfullredist_43_DetectKey < v4.5.31101)' evaluates to false.
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i000: MUX: Stop Block: SystemRebootPendingBlock : The computer needs to be restarted before setup can continue. Please restart the computer and run setup again.
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i000: MUX: Detect Completed
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i000: MUX: Wait for View to be loaded
[35FC:364C][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i000: MUX: Detect Completed, now create view
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i000: MUX: View loaded
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i000: MUX: Go to Blocker page.
[35FC:3600][2015-10-16T21:46:04]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0


pnpm add <package_name> updating all packages

when running pnpm add <package_name> all my packages get updated, same thing happens when running pnpm install <package_name>.
is there a flag or configuration I can use to stop this from happening?
using pnpm version 7.14.2.
From :
Default: false
Type: Boolean
If true, staleness checks for cached data will be bypassed, but missing data will be requested from the server. To force full offline mode, use --offline.
From the source code:
if (
config.updateNotifier !== false &&
!isCI &&
!selfUpdate &&
!config.offline &&
!config.preferOffline &&
!config.fallbackCommandUsed &&
(cmd === 'install' || cmd === 'add')
) {
checkForUpdates(config).catch(() => { /* Ignore */ })
pnpm install --prefer-offline <package_name> will prevent pnpm from checking for updates, but will still request the data you need from the server.

3 test cases would fail with SbSocketGetInterfaceAddressTest in NPLB

we run the nplb test both on the x86-x11 and arm-linux plarform with cobalt Release 11.104700 version, the SbSocketGetInterfaceAddressTest test would both fail, so it seemed to be the issue of NPLB itself, can someone have a look?
[ FAILED ] SbSocketAddressTypes/SbSocketGetInterfaceAddressTest.SunnyDayDestination/1, where GetParam() = 1
[ FAILED ] SbSocketAddressTypes/SbSocketGetInterfaceAddressTest.SunnyDaySourceForDestination/1, where GetParam() = 1
[ FAILED ] SbSocketAddressTypes/SbSocketGetInterfaceAddressTest.SunnyDaySourceNotLoopback/1, where GetParam() = 1
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Value of: SbSocketGetInterfaceAddress(&destination, &source, NULL)
Actual: false
Expected: true
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Value of: source.type == GetAddressType()
Actual: false
Expected: true
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Value of: SbSocketGetInterfaceAddress(&destination, &source, &netmask)
Actual: false
Expected: true
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Value of: GetAddressType()
Actual: 1
Expected: source.type
Which is: 4278124286
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Value of: GetAddressType()
Actual: 1
Expected: netmask.type
Which is: 4278124286
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Value of: 0
Expected: source.port
Which is: -16843010
[] SbSocketConnect: connect failed: 101
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Value of: source.type == GetAddressType()
Actual: false
Expected: true
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Value of: GetAddressType()
Actual: 1
Expected: netmask.type
Which is: 4278124286
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Expected: (0) != (SbMemoryCompare(source.address, invalid_address.address, (sizeof(source.address) / sizeof(source.address[0])))), actual: 0 vs 0
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Expected: (0) != (SbMemoryCompare(netmask.address, invalid_address.address, (sizeof(netmask.address) / sizeof(netmask.address[0])))), actual: 0 vs 0
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Value of: SbSocketGetInterfaceAddress(&destination, &source, NULL)
Actual: false
Expected: true
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Value of: GetAddressType()
Actual: 1
Expected: source.type
Which is: 4278124286
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Value of: SbSocketGetInterfaceAddress(&destination, &source, &netmask)
Actual: false
Expected: true
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Expected: (0) != (SbMemoryCompare(netmask.address, invalid_address.address, (sizeof(netmask.address) / sizeof(netmask.address[0])))), actual: 0 vs 0
../../starboard/nplb/ Failure
Expected: (0) != (SbMemoryCompare(source.address, invalid_address.address, (sizeof(source.address) / sizeof(source.address[0])))), actual: 0 vs 0
It looks like a number of SbSocket implementations in your Starboard port are broken and NPLB rightfully points it out.
For example, in order to pass SbSocketGetInterfaceAddressTest.SunnyDayDestination you need to follow the comment from SbSocketGetInterfaceAddress declaration:
// If the destination address is, and its |type| is
// |kSbSocketAddressTypeIpv4|, then any IPv4 local interface that is up and not
// a loopback interface is a valid return value.
// Returns whether it was possible to determine the source address and the
// netmask (if non-NULL value is passed) to be used to connect to the
// destination. This function could fail if the destination is not reachable,
// if it an invalid address, etc.
In other words, the test expects out_source_address to be an IP address of the machine and return value to be true.
Since you are seeing the same error on linux_x86-x11 build, I suggest you to verify that POSIX function connect (used by SbSocketConnect implementation on Linux) works well with IP address on your platform.

Which selenium command can I use to assert an element is not present

I'm writing a script in which i will verify if some elements are present and others are not.
For the ones which are present I'm using:
verify do
"div.launchpadMain > section:nth-of-type(4) > div.launchpadCategoryBody > a:nth-of-type(2)"
Example for a element which is not present... I'm trying:
verify do
#driver.find_element(:css, "button.btn.btn-icon.pull-right > i")
---> This is not working though. Which command can I use to make a verification if the element/object is present or not? In this case the element/object is a trash icon.
Switch to the group collector find_elements (plural), to stop it returning an exception, then assert it's empty.
verify do
#driver.find_elements(:css, "button.btn.btn-icon.pull-right > i").size

Run command only once if any items in a list are True (Ansible)

I'd like to stop Nginx just once if any of the items in a list are True.
Because multiple items in the list could be True, I only want to stop Nginx on the first and then not run this command again.
At a later point in the script I will use the same logic to start Nginx again.
- name: Nginx is temporarily shutting down
command: sudo systemctl stop nginx.service
- item == True
with_items: "{{ saved_results_list }}"
Is there a way to only run this if an item in the list is True, but not multiple times?
You don't need to loop here, it's enough to use the in operator:
- name: Nginx is temporarily shutting down
command: sudo systemctl stop nginx.service
when: True in saved_results_list
If it has little cost to get all items a once you can use the any function.
if any(items):
If not you can use break to stop iteration.
for i in get_data():
if i:
If you have many condition use a flag like this:
nginx_stopped = False
for i in get_data():
if not nginx_stopped and should_stop_ngingx(i):
nginx_stopped = True
#other_conditional branchings
If you have a list like booleans = [True, False, True, False, False], you can use special python functions any() and all() to test whether any or all of the elements in the list are True.
> any(booleans)
> True
> all(booleans)
> False
You can use this to shut down Nginx like:
import os
if any(saved_results_list):
os.system("sudo systemctl stop nginx.service")

Pug: compilation of extended blocks in a condition

I recently moved from Jade to Pug and I encountered a problem compiling my code. The code of a block inserted in a condition is no longer called, only the alternate message ([content]) is returned :
// PatternLayouts.pug
block var
//- Default values
// [etc...]
- contentlarge = false
if contentlarge
block content
// Default
p [Content]
h1(itemprop='headline name').emphasized= name
block content
// Default
p [Content]
If variable contentlarge = false then no interpretation problem, but if this is equal to true the code defined by the alternative condition (else) does not work ...
I finally found, it is actually a regression of functionality: Github, issue # 2367
