Spring boot application having second datasource failing caching - spring-boot

The presence of a second datasource in a spring boot application is failing caching with the exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find cache named 'entity-name' for CacheEvictOperation
With one datasource it's working.
Both the datasource is auto-configured by spring boot.
Datasource one using mysql, declared as primary
Datasource two using mongodb
Is this a known case? Do I need to explicitly configure entity and transaction managers?

Spring Boot does not support auto-configuring more than one datasources for general purposes so you may want to revisit your configuration (or the description).
Yes, you need to configure the entity manager and transaction managers explicitly when you need to use more than one datasource.
Hopefully, this sample shows you how to do it.


Avoid resetting HikariCP datasource connection pool on property change/refresh

I am using spring boot 2 with PCF config server to use centrallized config. My microservice is basic crud rest service. What I noticed is that whenever a property is being changed and http post is being made on "actuator/refresh" endpoint, spring boot 2 drops all connection including active ones and rebuilds the connection pool. How can I avoid this? I am also using spring-boot-starter amqp and cloud bus to notify all my service instance to refresh the properties so it is also happening for http post on "actuator/bus-refresh".
Also to clarify, I didnot change any property related to datasource config, instead I am changing application specific property, so why does spring boot refreshing datasource, I did not understood.

is it possible to connect to two databases one with spring jpa and another with spring jdbc

I have a requirement to connect to two databases using spring boot. I can able to connect to two different databases using spring jpa, but I want to connect two databases one with spring jpa and another with spring jdbc
I got the solution. I missed to add ComponentScan for JDBC connection configuration and removed #Primary annotation

How to configure ssl between spring boot application and cassandra using CassandraAutoConfiguration?

I am trying to connect to Cassandra from my Spring boot application using spring-boot-data-cassandra.I have two doubts.
1) Is it recommended to use the CassandraAutoConfiguration i.e. by providing all Cassandra configurations in application.properties with prefix(spring.data.cassandra.*) so that my app will create a cluster for me or do I need to manually create cluster bean, because in CassandraAutoConfiguration cluster bean is annotated with #ConditionalOnMissingBeanso which one is more preferred to use spring cassandra auto configuration or manually creating a cluster bean.
2) My cluster is enabled with ssl at Cassandra side. So when I am auto configuring Cassandra connections with ssl enabled (by setting spring.data.cassandra.ssl=true) then Default SSL context is created for me, but i need to provide my truststore path and truststore password to initialize SSLContext. There is no properties provided at data-cassandra like the one provided for kafka(spring.kafka.ssl.truststore-location= # Location of the trust store file.
spring.kafka.ssl.truststore-password= # Store password for the trust store file.), so is there any way to provide truststore file location and password to AutoConfigure my Cassandra configuration or to override default SSLContext created.
Please help me and correct me if my understanding is wrong. Thanks.
Using Spring Boot's Auto-Configuration is the preferred approach but Boot goes out of your way if you need to apply a more specific configuration. Most conditional beans are created if there's no other provided #Bean.
If you provide Cluster yourself, then Spring Boot's Auto-Configuration will not provide a second Cluster bean.
The preferred approach since Spring Boot 1.5, if you need a more specific configuration, is providing a ClusterBuilderCustomizer bean that gets called to customize Cluster.Builder to your needs.
You might also want to file an issue in Spring Boot's issue tracker. Specific SSL configuration is a common configuration use-case.

Spring-boot JPA connect to postgres where database and schema are provided at runtime

I am building a multi-tenant application, where the tenant database configuration are stored in Redis. Based on the request, I will query the Redis to get the database and schema configured for that tenant, this application is built on spring boot.
I took a look at spring boot's JPA sample, and did some more google to find a suitable solution for this, unfortunately, I couldn't find one.
Is this really possible to use JPA sample provided here ?
Please suggest me any other best possible way to tackle this problem
Spring Data JPA uses JPA annotations to define domain model. These JPA entities define schema for your database. Obviously you can't change these entities, nor DB schema on runtime.
So no, updating schema on runtime is not possible with Spring Boot + Spring Data JPA combo.
Database connection (e.g. DB URL, username password) could be more flexible. You would need to create DataSource beans programmatically and somehow programatically define which data source to use for each query per tenant. But this wasn't requirement of Spring nor JPA ecosystem, therefore you may face lot of issues.
I was working on such system before, but we were using plain SQL queries via JDBC and were creating DB connection programatically to achieve schema changes on runtime.

Connecting Spring to Existing JDBC Connection

I've followed this tutorial through Spring's docs. It's nice, but I can not find anything online (and current) that shows how to connect to an existing DataSource through JDBC using Spring. Where can I configure this connection? This tutorial only shows how to create one (but where exactly is it even doing that?).
From your how-to link, you can see:
Spring Boot spots H2, an in-memory relational database engine,
and automatically creates a connection. Because we are using
spring-jdbc, Spring Boot automatically creates a JdbcTemplate.
The #Autowired JdbcTemplate field automatically loads it and
makes it available.
You can bypass the default DataSource by adding #EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude={DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class}) to your Application class. This link provides more detail on setting up a DataSource in Spring Boot.
...and the other sections are pretty useful too!
You are using Spring boot which contains embedded databases, in this case H2 database (check line "Spring Boot spots H2, an in-memory relational database engine, and automatically creates a connection.")
To provide custom connection and configure DataSource see this section https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-sql.html
