Avoid resetting HikariCP datasource connection pool on property change/refresh - spring-boot

I am using spring boot 2 with PCF config server to use centrallized config. My microservice is basic crud rest service. What I noticed is that whenever a property is being changed and http post is being made on "actuator/refresh" endpoint, spring boot 2 drops all connection including active ones and rebuilds the connection pool. How can I avoid this? I am also using spring-boot-starter amqp and cloud bus to notify all my service instance to refresh the properties so it is also happening for http post on "actuator/bus-refresh".
Also to clarify, I didnot change any property related to datasource config, instead I am changing application specific property, so why does spring boot refreshing datasource, I did not understood.


Delay EurekaClient startup in Spring Boot application

Docs says that Eureka client can be integrated into Spring Application very simply, just add one annotation to your configuration class and several properties into your application.properties. But says nothing about manual startup/shutdown of client. I want to customize behaviour of that client (or delay its init, because (wow!) entire logic lays in client's constructor): instead of background registration via Spring Boot's auto-configuration, client must register in Eureka server when application (with Eureka client) itself gets initialized, and only after that application will be able to gather metadata, put it to Eureka client's metadataMap and then start registration process in Eureka server. Of course, I can take ApplicationInfoManager instance and call registerAppMetadata, but what do if dependant application (also registered in the server) requires that applications must register with required metadata?
you could configure a health page and point the health check to it - https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-netflix/multi/multi__service_discovery_eureka_clients.html#_status_page_and_health_indicator

Baggage Propagation in Jms using Spring Cloud Sleuth

I'm trying to use the baggage propagation offered by Spring Cloud Sleuth. In the calls that use the Feign client I don't have any kind of problem, I can propagate custom fields, while while using JmsTemplate of Spring JMS I can't propagate the same fields.
My application is a Spring Boot application, version 2.1.5, with Spring Cloud version Greenwich.SR1.
In order to put the custom fields, I use
ExtraFieldPropagation.set("communicationId", "123456");
while, inside my application.properties, I put
spring.sleuth.baggage-keys= communicationId
I expect that the same functionality present for the Feign client, is also present for the producer JMS. Where am I wrong?

How do I setup connection pooling in spring boot for Elasticsearch

I have created a spring boot application that uses spring boot starter data elasticsearch to connect to elasticsearch. I want to configure this application to setup connection pooling. How do I configure the application.properties to support it?
Old answer. Since Boot 2.2, the reactive client doesn't have these options.
From the docs:
spring.data.elasticsearch.properties.*= # Additional properties used to configure the client.
Though it does appear that the default TransportClient does pool connections anyway.

Spring cloud config client without Eureka, Ribbon and spring boot

I have spring web application (not spring boot) running in AWS. I am trying to create centralized configuration server. How to refresh the spring-cloud-client after the changing the properties? As per tutorial
Actuator endpoint by sending an empty HTTP POST to the client’s refresh endpoint, http://localhost:8080/refresh, and then confirm it worked by reviewing the http://localhost:8080/message endpoint.
But my aws Ec2 instances are behind the loadbalancer so i can't invoke the client url. I didn't understand the netflix Eureka and Ribbon much but it seems like adding another level of load balancer in the client side. I don't like this approach. Just to change a property i don't want to make the existing project unnecessarily complex. Is there any other way? or Am I misunderstood Eureka/Ribbon usage?
I have looked at the spring-cloud-config-client-without-spring-boot, spring-cloud-config-client-without-auto-configuration none of them have answer. First thread was answered in 2015. Wondering is there any update?
To get the configuration properties from a config server. You can do a http request. Example:
From the documentation we can see:
/{application}-{profile}.yml <- example
So if you would do a request to http://localhost:8080/applicationName-activeProfile.yml you would receive the properties in .yml format for the application with that name and active profile. Spring boot config clients would automatically provide these values but you will have to provide em manually.
You don't need Eureka/Ribbon for this to work, it's a separate component.
More info: http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud.html#_spring_cloud_config
Maybe you could even use spring-cloud-config but I'm not sure what extra configuration is needed without spring-boot.

Spring boot application having second datasource failing caching

The presence of a second datasource in a spring boot application is failing caching with the exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find cache named 'entity-name' for CacheEvictOperation
With one datasource it's working.
Both the datasource is auto-configured by spring boot.
Datasource one using mysql, declared as primary
Datasource two using mongodb
Is this a known case? Do I need to explicitly configure entity and transaction managers?
Spring Boot does not support auto-configuring more than one datasources for general purposes so you may want to revisit your configuration (or the description).
Yes, you need to configure the entity manager and transaction managers explicitly when you need to use more than one datasource.
Hopefully, this sample shows you how to do it.
