How to add motion blur (non-zero exposure time rendering) in Three.js? - three.js

I am trying to achieve this effect:
But I need it applied to my Three.js scene, specifically on a Point Cloud Material (particles) or the individual particles.
Any help greatly appreciated!

if you want the "physically correct" approach then
create a FIFO of N images.
inside each scene redraw (assuming constant fps)
if FIFO already full throw out the oldest image
put the raw rendered scene image in the FIFO
blend all the images in the FIFO together
If you have big N then to speed things up You can store also the cumulative blend image off all images inside FIFO. Adding inserted image to it and substracting removing image from it. But the target image must have enough color bits to hold the result. In such case you render the cumulative image divided by N.
render the blended image to screen
For constant fps is the exposure time t=N/fps. If you do not have constant fps then you need to use variable size FIFO and Store the render time along with image. If sum of render times of images inside FIFO exceeds the exposure time throw oldest image out...
This approach requires quite a lot of memory (the images FIFO) but does not need any additional processing. Most blur effects fake all this inside geometry shader or by CPU by blurring or rendering differently the moving object which affect performance and sometimes is a bit complicated to render.


cacheAsBitmap on a scaled MovieClip holding a Bitmap - performance boost?

Say I have a 300x300 BitmapData.
And say I have a MovieClip 'mc' holding a Bitmap with that BitmapData.
If mc's scale is 0.5, it means that on every one of mc's draw requests the inner Bitmap will have to scale its BitmapData, right?
So applying mc.cacheAsBitmap=true might improve performance because the mc will create a Cached Bitmap of its scaled content, thus saving the work of its inner Bitmap on every draw request.
Am I right?
Thanks for the help
Caching that movie clip as bitmap will create a new bitmap data in memory and you won't need to calculate it's pixel data every time, so yes, it will boost performance.
But to be completely honest - you won't even notice it. It's usually used to transform vector graphics to pixel data (raster). Such small transformations like scale or translation don't take so much to process.

OpenGL ES. Hide layers in 2D?

For example I have 2 layers: background and image. In my case I must show or hide an image on zoom value changed (simply float variable).
The only solution I know is to keep 2 various frame buffers for both background and image and not to draw the image when it is not necessary.
But is it possible to do this in an easier way?
Just don't pass the geometry to glDrawArrays() for the layer you want to hide when the zoom occurs. OpenGL ES completely re-renders everything every frame. You should have a glClear() call at the start of your frame render loop. So, removing something is done by just not sending its triangles. You might need to divide your geometry into separate lists for each layer.

Texel offsets in pixel shaders

I am currently porting an app over from iOS to Windows Phone 8. It is an image processing app, and all calculations are done on the GPU using pixel shaders.
There is one detail that I just haven't been able to figure out, that is Texel Width/Height offsets. I have absolutely no idea what these values are, and I can't seem to find any information on them.
Are they common terms? Does anybody know what they represent? Does anyone know what sort of values should be in them?
Texel is a pixel of texture localized by a coordinate, the offset in a texture is where a texture begin mapped on a model or render target.
The most simple example of this:
The map of stage is a few textures, when Mario advances in level, the X coordinate offset increases, and the right part of texture became visible, at same time the left side becames hidden.
Check the textures, if have more than a 'part' in a single image, is this.
Another case is a single texture that is mapped in multiple objects, and each object have a offset to appears a 'segment' of previous object.

image smoothing in opengl?

Does opengl provide any facilities to help with image smoothing?
My project converts scientific data to textures, each of which is a single line of colored pixels which is then mapped onto the appropriate area of the image. Lines are mapped next to each other.
I'd like to do simple image smoothing of this, but am wondering of OGL can do any of it for me.
By smoothing, I mean applying a two-dimensional averaging filter to the image - effectively increasing the number of pixels but filling them with averages of nearby actual colors - basically normal image smoothing.
You can do it through a custom shader if you want. Essentially you just bind your input texture, draw it as a fullscreen quad, and in the shader just take multiple samples around each fragment, average them together, and write it out to a new texture. The new texture can be an arbitrary higher resolution than the input texture if you desire that as well.

What are the pros and cons of a sprite sheet compared to an image sequence?

I come from a 2D animation background and so when ever I us an animated sequence I prefer to use a sequence of images. To me this makes a lot of sense because you can easily export the image sequence from your compositing/editing software and easily define the aspect.
I am new to game development and am curious about the use of a sprite sheet. What are the advantages and disadvantages. Is file size an issue? - to me it would seem that a bunch of small images would be the same as one massive one. Also, defining each individual area of the sprites seems time cumbersome.
Basically, I dont get why you would use a sprite sheet - please enlighten me.
Performance is better for sprite sheets because you have all your data contained in a single texture. Lets say you have 1000 sprites playing the same animation from a sprite sheet. The process for drawing would go something like.
Set the sprite sheet texture.
Adjust UV's to show single frame of animation.
Draw sprite 0
Adjust UV's
Draw sprite 1
Adjust UV's
Draw sprite 998
Adjust UV's
Draw sprite 999
Using a texture sequence could result in a worst case of:
Set the animation texture.
Draw sprite 0
Set the new animation texture.
Draw sprite 1
Set the new animation texture.
Draw sprite 998
Set the new animation texture.
Draw sprite 999
Gah! Before drawing every sprite you would have to set the render state to use a different texture and this is much slower than adjusting a couple of UV's.
Many (most?) graphics cards require power-of-two, square dimensions for images. So for example 128x128, 512x512, etc. Many/most sprites, however, are not such dimensions. You then have two options:
Round the sprite image up to the nearest power-of-two square. A 16x32 sprite becomes twice as large with transparent pixel padding to 32x32. (this is very wasteful)
Pack multiple sprites into one image. Rather than padding with transparency, why not pad with other images? Pack in those images as efficiently as possible! Then just render segments of the image, which is totally valid.
Obviously the second choice is much better, with less wasted space. So if you must pack several sprites into one image, why not pack them all in the form of a sprite sheet?
So to summarize, image files when loaded into the graphics card must be power-of-two and square. However, the program can choose to render an arbitrary rectangle of that texture to the screen; it doesn't have to be power-of-two or square. So, pack the texture with multiple images to make the most efficient use of texture space.
Sprite sheets tend to be smaller
files (since there's only 1 header
for the whole lot.)
Sprite sheets load quicker as there's
just one disk access rather than
You can easily view or adjust multiple frames
at once
Less wasted video memory when you
load the whole lot into one surface
(as Ricket has said)
Individual sprites can be delineated by offsets (eg. on an implicit grid - no need to explicitly mark or note each sprite's position)
There isn't a massive benefit for using sprite sheets, but several small ones. But the practice dates back to a time before most people were using proper 2D graphics software to make game graphics so the artist workflow wasn't necessarily the most important thing back then.
