Make a window on screen using window id - macos

I am new to Mac API. I can get the list of window from the following function.
NSArray *windowInfos = (__bridge_transfer NSArray*)CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionAll, kCGNullWindowID);
Is it possible to make a window on screen if the window is not on screen. If so, How can I do that?
Thanks in advance

Does the window you are trying to make visible belong to your application? If so, you more likely to just want to do something like [myWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil], where myWindow is an NSWindow* outlet connected to a window in a nib file in your app. Or does the window you are trying to make visible belong to a different application? If so, it would seem rather strange to be trying to control the visibility of windows in a different app; perhaps in that case you could be more specific about what exactly you are trying to achieve, and perhaps there would be a better mechanism (distributed notifications, for example) to achieve it.


Override window drop in Cocoa

I'm looking for a way to customize the drag/drop of windows/tabs. I have a document based app, with a custom window controller. I am able to create tabs for it and have them all along the top, they all show, everything works great with that.
Where I'm running into trouble is if I create a different unconnected windows and start trying to drag windows or tabs into different windows or tab bars to have it dock or merge. Sometimes it works how I want, sometimes it doesn't allow docking or anything. Other times it does what I don't want it to do. I need a way to help it along...
I'm looking for a way to tie into those events but in all my searching I can't find what api or where it is that is controlling the window drags/drops. I looked into the NSDraggingDestination but that has nothing relating to windows, just pasteboard stuff. Looked at NSWindowController and didn't see anything there either. Anyone know if this is possible?

NSWindow vs ViewController - OS X - Cocoa

I have been making iOS apps for a while now and I decided that I wanted to start working on making some of them for the Mac too.
The question I have is this: is there any need for an NSWindow, now that developing for the Mac is so similar to iOS??
So I made a simple cocoa application using Xcode and its comes with a storyboard called "Main", just like on iOS.
In that storyboard file, there is a NSWindow which then links to a NSViewController.
Can I get rid of that NSWindow? As I tried setting the NSViewController as the "Initial Controller" and the app still works fine. So whats the point of the NSWindow?
Also, what class links to the NSWindow? I was trying to blur that background of the NSWindow, but I have no way of linking code to the NSWindow.
Sorry for my stupid questions, but I am completely new to development for OS X.
Thanks for your time, Dan.
Those are many questions in one question:
Can I get rid of NSwindow? No, you need a window to show you views.
What is the point of the NSWindow? NSWindow is needed as the window in which the views are displayed and your events are going up the responder chain.
What class is linked to NSWindow? Obviously the NSWindow class, but that is not what you want to know. I think you want to know the delegate that controls NSWindow. This is NSWindowController, although for the MainMenu.xib it is NSAppDelegate.
Hope this gives you the answers you need. An example for working with views in a window is given in this question.
Please, see for further details the windows programming guide, which states:
The NSWindow class defines objects that manage and coordinate the
windows an application displays on the screen. A single NSWindow
object corresponds to at most one onscreen window. The two principal
functions of an NSWindow object are to provide an area in which NSView
objects can be placed and to accept and distribute, to the appropriate
views, events the user instigates through actions with the mouse and
For the question: Can I get rid of NSwindow? I have further comments. In most cases, You need a NSWindow to show view on screen; but in special case you don't, for example, a popup view when you click a NSStatusItem.
So my answer is whenever you need to respond window event such as min/max, you need NSWindow as the view container.

first mac app - push viewcontroller

I have a question, I do some iphone application and now I want to do a little mac application.
From a clean application I add a button on MainMenu xib, than I add a NSViewController to MainMenu (from IB) with one Action.
I create a new NSViewController (FirstViewController) with a nib file and a button.
Now I want only to create a function to push FirstController from MainMenu and a simple function to push MainMenu from FirstController.
something like this
ViewController = [[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
[self.navigationController pushViewController: ViewController animated:YES];
How can I do it???
I think you're trying to bring an iOS-style interface to MacOS X, and that won't work in many cases. The MacOS X user interface is very different from that of iOS.
iOS apps are limited to a single (and often small) window, and users generally do one thing at a time. The navigation interface standardizes the way that users drill down through different parts of a task so that the journey is predictable. The interface is very modal in the sense that the user is constantly navigating between different parts of the app, and user actions are often linked to the part of the app that's active.
The desktop, on the other hand, has plenty of screen space and allows multiple windows. Desktop apps should be modeless -- a user doesn't navigate through the app, but sees the whole thing laid out before him or her. As much as possible, the user should be able to perform any action at any time.
For these reasons, there is no navigation controller in Cocoa similar to Cocoa Touch's UINavigationController. If you can tell us more about the tasks that your two view controllers manage, perhaps someone here will help you think of ways to translate that better to the expected desktop experience.
Here apple discusses the migrating iOS to OS X strategies. Your scenario is also discussed here:
For example, AppKit uses the NSBrowser class to manage the display of
hierarchical information; in contrast, an iOS app would use navigation
And NSBrowser can be seen in use here with the output as shown in the attached image.

Constraining window positions in other applications in Cocoa?

I'm relatively new to Cocoa development. I'm developing on Snow Leopard. I have a scenario in mind and I'm curious if the API supports it. I've not been able to find anything about it, so I assume its not possible. But I'm happy to be proved wrong.
Suppose I write an application that lives at the top of the screen just below the menu bar. The window floats, so it is always on top. This can be annoying, so one thing I had in mind was constraining other windows (especially those in other applications) so that they are below my application. Is there something in the API that would allow me to do that? To specify a maximum origin for all windows (except mine)?
There's no real supported way to do this. You could achieve something similar using the Accessibility API. You'd have to watch for window-moved notifications and shove the window back into the visibile area.
I don't think you can do that, you see, one of the cool things of a window's based UI is that you can stack Windows on top of others, in a desktop metafore.
Now, what you can do is a always on top window, using NSScreenSaverWindowLevel as the NSWindow level. One nice trick you can do is [window setLevel: NSScreenSaverWindowLevel+1], and it set's your window above the screensaver level.

NSAlert in Fullscreen

I am creating a fullscreen app and am wondering if there is some way to make NSAlert go above the CGDisplayCapture that I created. Right now, the NSAlert is displaying behind the display capture. My main window is displaying just fine (after adjusting it with setLevel:) but NSAlert doesn't seem to be working as well. I attempted to do:
[[alertBox window] setLevel:CGShieldingWindowLevel()];
But that doesn't seem to work either. I imagine that there must be some way to do this, but I am just not sure where to start.
Any help would be appreciated.
There is no supported way to display a window when the display is captured. That’s what capturing the display means.
If you want to display a multiwindowed UI but prohibit app switching, etc., use SetSystemUIMode instead of CGDisplayCapture.
