Override window drop in Cocoa - macos

I'm looking for a way to customize the drag/drop of windows/tabs. I have a document based app, with a custom window controller. I am able to create tabs for it and have them all along the top, they all show, everything works great with that.
Where I'm running into trouble is if I create a different unconnected windows and start trying to drag windows or tabs into different windows or tab bars to have it dock or merge. Sometimes it works how I want, sometimes it doesn't allow docking or anything. Other times it does what I don't want it to do. I need a way to help it along...
I'm looking for a way to tie into those events but in all my searching I can't find what api or where it is that is controlling the window drags/drops. I looked into the NSDraggingDestination but that has nothing relating to windows, just pasteboard stuff. Looked at NSWindowController and didn't see anything there either. Anyone know if this is possible?


Focus ring is not shown with programmatically created controls

I am working on some general dialogs for our content management system. Everything is written programmatically in Cocoa/Objective-C without using xib files.
Unfortunately the focus ring is never displayed, even though I can use TAB to move between the controls, and even though all controls are (or are inherited from) standard controls like NSButton, NSTextField and NSTextView.
On the other side, if I use xib files or storyboard files to make similar dialogs, the focus ring is shown without problems.
I expected that you only would need to draw the focus ring yourself if you are creating a custom view, which is directly inherited from NSView itself, regardless if you are using xib files or not.
Can anyone please help with this? Thank you very much in advance!

Minimize-in-place - Do I need a custom framework

I want to create a system wide minimize-in-place feature that occurs when double-clicking the title bar of any visible window in layer 0.
It seems that this would be a really simple feature to re-implement... When a title-bar is double-clicked, just draw the title bar only. That's it. The problem is implimenting it in all applications. I think it requires writting a custom framework to override the behavior in AppKit? Maybe NSApplication, NSWindow or NSView?
How can I recreate minimize-in-place?
Is a framework my only choice? If I create a framework, can I replace the behavior of minimize in 3rd party apps?
Which framework do I need to override in order to intercept and recreate the default behavior of the minimize button?
More about minimize-in-place:
I am familiar with WindowShade by Unsanity, this is exactly what I want to create. Supposedly unsanity is working on a Lion version, but their track record is bismal. Minimize-in-place was a system feature way back in the days of OS 7 or 8. I have tried other utilities that try to replace this feature, and there aren't any that do minimize-in-place at a core system level like it needs to be done. Please don't offer utitlity suggestions, I am going to build my own.
I have built an Application that recreates minimize-in-place, but it's not good enough.
My Application semi-successfully recreates minimize-in-place by putting "placeholder" windows (belonging to my app) in place of the 3rd party windows when they get minimized to dock. When my window (title bar only) gets double-clicked, I close my window and restore the real window from the dock.
My custom app works perfectly, but there is a lot of application switching going on. I have optimized the switching between apps to be nearly seamless, but the fact remains that there is application switching going on every time a window title bar is double-clicked. The result of application switching is that menu bars switch back and forth, pallets of 3rd party apps hide themselves when my app takes focus, and the list goes on.
So, although I've built a concept app, this method isn't going to work as I'd like it to. Minimize-in-place needs to be implemented using some other method than building an Application, and I need help understanding how to do it.
What I know think I need to do. Suggestions and assistance welcome.
I think I need to write a custom framework that replaces AppKit? This seems overwhelming even though I only need a super-tiny portion of the code to be overridden? i.e. the core _minimize function whatever that may be.
When a title-bar of 3rd party window is double-clicked, just clip to the title bar and let the rest of the system function as normal. On un-minimize (double click 2nd time), set clip back to full window.
Simple right?
Thanks for any assistance/suggestions,

Constraining window positions in other applications in Cocoa?

I'm relatively new to Cocoa development. I'm developing on Snow Leopard. I have a scenario in mind and I'm curious if the API supports it. I've not been able to find anything about it, so I assume its not possible. But I'm happy to be proved wrong.
Suppose I write an application that lives at the top of the screen just below the menu bar. The window floats, so it is always on top. This can be annoying, so one thing I had in mind was constraining other windows (especially those in other applications) so that they are below my application. Is there something in the API that would allow me to do that? To specify a maximum origin for all windows (except mine)?
There's no real supported way to do this. You could achieve something similar using the Accessibility API. You'd have to watch for window-moved notifications and shove the window back into the visibile area.
I don't think you can do that, you see, one of the cool things of a window's based UI is that you can stack Windows on top of others, in a desktop metafore.
Now, what you can do is a always on top window, using NSScreenSaverWindowLevel as the NSWindow level. One nice trick you can do is [window setLevel: NSScreenSaverWindowLevel+1], and it set's your window above the screensaver level.

How to create custom onscreen keyboards?

Im about to start creating a custom onscreen keyboard for my WP7 app. An out of the box SIP will not work since they can't be customized or built from scratch with .NET.
Ideally the keyboard would activate like a SIP. Specifically, appear when the textbox receives focus. Docking to the bottom of the screen would be nice, too.
Any ideas where I could find samples of this?
Also, do you have any recommendations or lessons learned you could share?
I think you'll be making this sample ;)
The challenge with letting textbox take focus is likely going to be the built in SIP is going to appear. ReadOnly is an option, but you'll either lose or need to find a way to retain/mimic the cursor if that visual queue is important to you.

Anyone know what program the Apple store demos likely use to make their interactive desktop

I have a project that I am attempting to do and we want something similar to what the Apple store does. We thought it was a Quartz Composer interactive desktop but I've been putting together an xcode cocoa solution to do it too.
Here is an image of what I'm wondering about it is just a Title and 3 images that link out to url locations. If anyone can point me in the direction they believe can make something like this I would appreciate it.
I have used Quartz Desktop to display a .qtz but it isn't interactive. If anyone knows of another quartz desktop displaying .app that does use the interactive parts such as mouse and keyboard, it would be appreciated.
Applestore demo http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/614/dsc03934y.jpg
It's a custom proprietary program called, if I remember correctly, Concierge. But it's not doing anything tricky. You can make any NSWindow appear on the desktop by setting its window level to kCGDesktopWindowLevel.
