How to run a build step conditionally in TeamCity - teamcity

This is a more generic version of this question: How to run a build step on a specific branch only?
For example, I can use a PowerShell script to run MSBuild if '' -eq 'true' or if '' -eq 'master' but then I will miss the collapsible log that comes with the TeamCity MSBuild build runner. Isn't there any easier way to conditionally run a build step?

It is not possible to execute build step based on condition. Vote for the related request:
The recommended approach is to create separate build configuration for each branch. You can use templates to simplify the setup. In this case it will be easier to interpret the results and the statistics of the builds will be informative.
Also see the related answer (hack is suggested).

JetBrains introduced support for conditional build steps in TeamCity 2020.1.
Here is a snippet of their blog post announcing this new feature:
Have you ever wanted to execute different command line scripts on different platforms, or deploy changes in different branches to different staging servers? Now you’re free to do just about anything! TeamCity 2020.1 allows you to specify conditions for your build steps and execute them only if the criteria are met.


Is there a build step in TeamCity that exits the build successfully without performing additional build steps?

I have a project that needs to execute either three or four build steps depending on the branch in source control. More specifically, if I'm merging in a PR and running the build (for GitHub status notifications) I have one extra build step that is required.
It's that last build step that I need to omit if it's a non-PR branch.
Is there a way to add a build step that checks the trigger and exits the build successfully? Or a way to exclude a build step based on a branch filter?
You can check the condition and modify the step logic inside the build script. See the related ticket and an example of the script.
BTW, It is not a good practice to change the logic of the build inside build script. In this case you no longer "compare" builds in the build configuration: they start to form multiple unrelated sequences. Also the statistics of the builds will be uninformative. The recommended setup is to create several build configurations based on template.
Depending on which type of runner you are launching, but you can, in some cases, add few lines of code to get your current branch name with the property :
In my case, I just add this as an extra parameter for powershell scripts and if this is a number, do something, else, do other stuff. ;)

Team City - build runner on static sites

I was wondering if someone would be able to explain what Build runners do and also what i would need to use for just a static HTML / CSS / JS site, or even an already compiled .NET site.
I will be hooking up each project to its equiv SVN and grabbing updates from there, but not 100% sure what the build runners do or which i should use as technically i dont need to build the site.
Sorry it may be too much to answer but i am just struggling to get my head round Team City
Thank you
Build runners are just a process for a specific task, for example the MSBuild runner is set up by putting information into specific fields which it then uses to call MSBuild on the target build agent. You could just as easily use the Command Line runner and build up the MSBuild run command manually.
Build runner is a part of TeamCity that allows integration with a
specific build tool (Ant, MSBuild, Command line, etc.). In a build
configuration, the build runner defines how to run a build and report
its results. Each build runner has two parts:
server-side settings that are configured through the web UI
agent-side part that executes a build on agent
You need to choose your runner depending on the task that you want to do and the technology that you have wrapped your project in. If there is no runner for your specific task then you can use the lowest common denominator which would be the Command Line runner.
The way I approach this would be to see how I can achieve what I want to from my own environment be that calling a rake, MSBuild or batch file. I then see how I can then apply that to a tool. Do not create a process around a tool but choose a tool that fits to your process.

Schedule specific build target in Jenkins?

The group that I work in has standardized on Jenkins for Continuous Integration builds. Code check-in triggers a standard build, Cobertura analysis and publish to an Artifactory SNAPSHOT repo. I've just finished adding a new target to the master build file that'll kick off a Sonar run but I don't want that running on every check-in.
Is there a way to schedule a nightly build of a specific build target in Jenkins? Jenkins obviously facilitates scheduled builds but it'll run the project's regular build every time. I'd like to be able to schedule the Sonar build target to run nightly.
I could, of course, create a separate Jenkins project just to run the Sonar target on a schedule but I'm trying to avoid that if I can. Our Jenkins server already has several hundred builds on it; doubling that for the sake of scheduling nightly builds isn't very desirable. I looked for a Jenkins plug-in that might facilitate this but I couldn't find anything. Any suggestions?
Here's one way to do it, if you are ok with triggering the build using cron or some other scheduling tool:
Make the build parameterized, and use a parameter in your build file to decide if the Sonar build target should run or not.
Trigger the build remotely by HTTP POST:ing the parameter values as a form to http://[jenkins-host]/jobs/[jobname]/buildWithParameters. Depending on your Jenkins version and configuration, you might need to add an Authentication Token and include this in your url.
Authenticate your POST using a username and password.
wget --auth-no-challenge --http-user=USERNAME --http-password=PASSWORD "https://[jenkins-host]/job/[jobname]/buildWithParameters?token=<token defined in job configuration>&<param>=<value>&<param2>=<value2>"
I am also looking for a solution for this. My current solution in my mind is to create 2 triggers in the regular build, one is the nightly build, another one is Polling SCM
In the sonar plugin configuration, it has the options to skip the builds triggered by the SCM change. Therefore, only the nightly build will start a sonar analysis.
I didn't get a chance to test it now, but I suppose this will work.
Updated on 12/19/2011
The above solution doesn't work if the sonar analysis is invoked as a standalone build step. To make the sonar analysis run conditionally, you could use the following 2 plugins:
Conditional BuildStep Plugin - this allows the sonar analysis to be run conditionally
Jenkins Environment Injector Plug-in - this allows you to inject the variables to indicate how the build is triggered.

TeamCity - non-trivial build sequence, please advice

I am tasked to improve quality and implement TeamCity for continuous integration. My experience with TeamCity is very limited - I use mostly TFS myself and have some experience with CC.NET.
A lot should happen within a build process... actually the build is already pushed into three different configurations that will run one after the next.
My main problem is that in each of those I actually would need to start multiple runners. For example, the first build step shall consist of:
The generation of new AssemblyInfo.cs files for consistent in assembly numbering
The actual compilation
A partial unit test run (all tests that run fast and check core functionality)
An FxCop run
A StyleCop run
The current version of TeamCity only allows to configure one runner ... which leaves me stuck with a lot of things.
How you would approach this? My current idea is going towards using the MsBuild runner for everything and basically start my own MsBuild based script which then does all the things, pretty much the way that TFS handles it (and the same way i did things back in the way with my own Nant build script).
On a further problem the question is how to present statistical information, for example from unit tests running in different stages (build configurations). We have some further down that take some time to run and want that to run in a 2nd or 3rd step (the latest for example testing database generation code which, including loading base data, takes about 15+ minutes to run). OTOH we would really like test results to be somehow consolidated.
Anyone any ideas?
TeamCity 6.0 allows multiple build steps for a single build configuration. Isn't it what you're looking for?
You'll need to script this out, at least parts of it. TeamCity provides some nice UI based config for some of your needs, but not all. Here's my suggestion:
Create an msbuild script to handle your first two bullet points, AssemblyInfo generation and compilation. Configure the msbuild runner to run your script, and to run your tests. Collect your assemblies as artifacts.
Create a second build configuration for FxCop. Trigger it from the first build. Give it an 'artifact dependency' on the first build, which is how it gets a hold of your dlls.
For StyleCop, TC doesn't support it out of the box like it does FxCop. Add it to your msbuild script manually, and have it produce an html report (which TeamCity can then display).
You need to take a look at the Dependencies functionality in the TeamCity. This feature allows you to create a sequence of build configurations. In other words, you need to create a build configuration for each step and then link all them as dependencies.
For consolidating test results please take a loot at the Artifact Dependencies. It might help.

TeamCity users: a few questions

These questions are for TeamCity users only
1) Is it possible to configure TeamCity to extract build artifact information based on your own your regular expressions? This is exactly what Pulse does here
2) Does TeamCity integrate with any task/bug tracking tool? like JIRA?
3) This question is for people who run static code analyzer only. A tool like PC-Lint/Visual Lint can generate XML reports. Can TeamCity be configured to parse these artifacts and generate a build failure?
4) I'm currently evaluating TeamCity right now...there community forum doesnt seem to be very active. For those who pay for support, how is Jetbrains support? Is it good? Atlassian seems to be much better.
TeamCity allows to get build artifacts with a Ant-based pattern. You can specify multiple patterns and set target directory for each pattern. Read more at
There is an integration which allows to link RF-3432 to the Jira issue. More advanced integration may appear in the next release of TC. Read more at
Only with custom plugin. Or your build process can send a specific "echo" message which will change build status and description.
OK, I'm JetBrainer. May be we don't response immediately, but we strive to answer forum questions ASAP. Paid customers also have e-mail support.
Hope this helps,
Disclaimer: I don't work for JetBrains! But I've worked with Pulse and TeamCity in my current job.
Build Artifacts: Yes, TeamCity will export artifacts that remain after a build. You can add define ant-style wildcard patterns to match files (the default pattern matches any files left in the root build directory). These files can be seen from the project view against each individual build.
You can use special service commands in a build script to immediately export artifacts along the way too, I do this for a code complexity tool that generates xml files, for which I've also defined a custom graph.
Bug Tracking: I don't have experience with this, but KIR pointed out some alternatives.
XML Parsing: You can control this with ant. I included a third-party tool called andariel in my build that can run XPaths across xml documents, then used service messages to export the result (in this case a count of methods exceeding a complexity limit) to be displayed in a custom graph.
I believe you could also publish the artifacts, provide TeamCity with an XSL to render the XML, and create an additional tab in your build results to display it (however I have not done this)
Tech Support: I've found the community forums to be pretty good, most questions I've had answered within a day or two by both civilians and Jetbrains employees, and I was using the free 'Professional' version.
I can only imagine that email support will be just as good if not better!
I am a little confused about this question because my use of TeamCity, TC (and I guess the design principles of TC) is to allow the build script (and not TC) to remain the correspondent of build imperatives.
In other words, if you need TeamCity to do something cool, just add that cool stuff in your build script either using an existing task in your build system or write one yourself.
TeamCity supports NAnt, MSBuild, Ant and am sure, any other build platform you can install on on the buildagents.
The only integration I will want TC or any other CI platform to have is source control integration with my choice of SC. The rest of the integration should be controlled by my build script. That way, I only configure my TC once at the beginning of project for each project and then, don't touch it ever again. In contrast, the build can change per version.
So, the indirect answer to your question is Yes, theoretically, through the build script.
Hope this helps.
