Soundex returns 0 for every character - xcode

I have this function which converts a word to a soundex value, but it is returning all letters as 0. My last name, Smith, should by S530, but returns S000, for example.
Link for code (since it's too long to put on here):
I had it log the value of letterArray and it does evaluate to an array of all the letters in my last name. It has to be something in the for ... in loop. Any help would be great. Thanks!

changing this line
let trimmedWord = word.uppercaseString.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceCharacterSet())
it produce S530


Characters at the end do not match

I need to match all the alphabets and numbers in a string str.
This is my code.
When str = AB57933A [sic], it matches only AB57933, and not the characters appended after the numbers.
If I try with str = AB57933AbC [sic], it matches only AB57933; it only matches up to the last number, and not the characters after that.
In the way you have written it:
you impose that the last character is between 0 and 9, you can replace it depending on your needs by if you do not expect digits after the last letter
or by
if AB57933AbC12 are also accepted as valid input.
Last but not least, if you do not use back references you can omit the parenthesis as you do not need capturing groups

Ruby regex count matched elements in the array of digits

I have a string:
'my_array1: ["1445","374","1449","378"], my_array2: ["1445","374", "1449","378"]'
I need to match all sets of digits from my_array2: [...] and count how many of them there.
I need to do something like this with regex and ruby MatchData
string = 'my_array1: ["1445","374", "1449","378"], my_array2: ["1445","374", "1449","378"]'
matches = string.match(/my_array2\:\s[\[,]\"(\d+)\"/)
count_matches = matches.size
Expected result should be 4.
What is the correct way of doing it?
If you are guaranteed that the content of my_array2 is always numeric you could simply use split twice. First you splitby my_array2: [" and then split by ,. This should give you the amount of items you are after.
If you are not guaranteed that, you could still split by my_array2 and instead of splitting again, you use a pattern such as "\d+" (or "\d+(\.\d+)? if you have floating point values) and count.
An example of the expression is available here.

Double "gsub" Variable

Is it possible to use variables in both fields of the gsub method ?
I'm trying to get this piece of code work :
$I = 0
def random_image
random = rand(1).to_s
logo ='logo-standart.txt')
logo_aleatoire = logo.gsub(/#{$I}/, random)'logo-standart.txt', "w") {|file| File.puts logo_aleatoire}
$I += 1
Thanks in advance !
filecontents ='logo-standart.txt')
filecontents.gsub!(/\d+/){rand(100)}"logo-standart.txt","w"){|f| f << filecontents }
The magic line is the second line.
The gsub! function modifies the string in-place, unlike the gsub function, which would return a new string and leave the first string unmodified.
The single parameter that I passed to gsub! is the pattern to match. Here, the goal is to match any string of one or more digits -- this is the number that you're going to replace. There's no need to loop through all of the possible numbers running gsub on each one. You can even match numbers as high as a googol (or higher) without your program taking longer and longer to run.
The block that gsub! takes is evaluated each time the pattern matches to programmatically generate a replacement number. So each time, you get a different random number. This is different from the more usual form of gsub! that takes two parameters -- there the parameter is evaluated once before any pattern matching occurs, and all matches are replaced by the same string.
Note that the way this is structured, you get a new random number for each match. So if the number 307 appears twice, it turns into two different random numbers.
If you wanted to map 307 to the same random number each time, you could do the following:
filecontents ='logo-standart.txt')
randomnumbers ={|h,k| h[k]=rand(100)}
filecontents.gsub!(/\d+/){|match| randomnumbers[match]}"logo-standart.txt","w"){|f| f << filecontents }
Here, randomnumbers is a hash that lets you look up the numbers and find what random number they correspond to. The block passed when constructing the hash tells the hash what to do when it finds a number that it hasn't seen before -- in this case, generate a new random number, and remember what that random number the mapping. So gsub!'s block just asks the hash to map numbers for it, and randomnumbers takes care of generating a new random number when you encounter a new number from the original file.

Regexp, how to limit a match

I have a string:
string = %q{<span class="no">2503</span>read_attribute_before_type_cast(<span class="pc">self</span>.class.primary_key)}
In this example I want to match the words 'class' which are not in the tag. Regexp for this:
But the problem is that it matches the last letter
/\bclass[^=]/.match(string) => 'class.'
I don't want have a last dot in a result. I've tried this regexp:
but still got the same result. How to limit the result to 'class'? Thanks
You are almost correct, but you have an error in your look ahead. Try this:
The regex term (?!=) means the input to the right must not match the character '='
You can take your variable string and extract a subsection using groups:
substring = string[/\b(class)[^=]/, 1]
The brackets around class will set that as the first "group", which is referred to by the 1 as the second parameter in the square brackets.
Assuming your only issue is keeping it from matching span.class.blah, just ignore . as well, so [^=.].

How do I extract the right most number in a string?

I have strings like this:
I need to extract the number on the end of the string in Ruby. In the first string, it is the second and last number, whereas in the second string it is the first, only and last number.
At the moment I am extracting the number like this:
int1 ='.*?(\\d+)',Regexp::IGNORECASE).match()[1]
But when this is applied to the first string, it extracts the number part of the username, not the desired number.
How can I do it so that it will work on both strings?
text = <<ENDTEXT
p{|line| line.scan(/\d+/).last}
#=> ["101505775425654414", "101505775425654466"]
for me works regexp like this:
look here:
Try this
int1 ='.*\\/(\\d+)$',Regexp::IGNORECASE).match()[1]
The $ matches the end of the string. So I put all numbers from the last / to the end of the string into the capturing group 1.
