inbound-channel-adapter local-directory & message - ftp

We have web application and want to use ftp:inbound-channel-adapter to read the files from ftp & create a message & send it to a channel
When local-directory is set to local-directory="#servletContext.getRealPath('')}/temp/inFtp" it gives
Message generated is
GenericMessage [payload={applicationDeployPath}\temp\inFtp\xyz.stagging.dat, headers={timestamp=1444812027516, id=9b5f1581-bfd2-6690-d4ea-e7398e8ecbd6}]
But directory is not created, i checked i have full permission here.
The path [{applicationDeployPath}\temp\inFtp] does not denote a properly accessible directory.
In Message i want to send some more fields as payload having value from property file as per environment, How can I do that?
<int-ftp:inbound-channel-adapter id="ftpInboundAdaptor"
<int:poller fixed-rate="1000"/>
thanks in advance

The local-directory is only evaluated once (and created if necessary), at initialization time, not for every message.
I am surprised the context even initializes; this syntax looks bad:
If you mean
it would only work if you have some bean called servletContext.
If you mean
you would need a variable servletContext in the evaluation context.
it gives Message generated is GenericMessage [payload={applicationDeployPath}\temp\inFtp\xyz.stagging.dat, headers={timestamp=1444812027516, id=9b5f1581-bfd2-6690-d4ea-e7398e8ecbd6}]
If it's actually generating that message, it must have created that directory.
It's not clear what you mean by
I want to send some more fields as payload
The payload is a File.
If you want to change the payload to something else containing the file and other fields, use a transformer.


Call a bean method with the downloaded filename after file download using sftp outbound gateway

I am using int-sftp:outbound-gateway to download remote files. File download is working. I need to call another method after file is downloaded for both success as well as failure. In that method I need status (success or failure) and name of the file that was requested to be downloaded. Then from that method I will initiate a post download flow depending on the status like - moving file to different location, notifying the user, sending email, etc.
I have used AfterReturningAdviceInterceptor to call my own method defined in MyAfterReturningAdvice which implements AfterReturningAdvice interface. With this my method to initiate the post download flow. It does execute and I do get filename in GenericMessage's payload. My question is, do we have a better way to implement this flow.
I tried using ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice's onSuccessExpression but from that I cannot call another method. All I can do is manipulate the inputMessage(GenericMessage instance).
In future sprints I will have compare checksum of downloaded file with expected checksum and re-download file for a fixed number of times if there is checksum mismatch. As soon as checksum matches I again need to call post download flow. If the download fails even at last retry, then I need to call another flow (send email, update db, notify user of failure,etc.)
I am asking this question just to make sure that my current implementation fits overall requirements.
<int:gateway id="downloadGateway" service-interface="com.rizwan.test.sftp_outbound_gateway.DownloadRemoteFileGateway"
<bean id="myAfterAdvice" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.adapter.AfterReturningAdviceInterceptor">
<bean class="com.rizwan.test.sftp_outbound_gateway.MyAfterReturningAdvice">
<int-sftp:outbound-gateway id="gatewayGet"
<ref bean="myAfterAdvice" />
public class MyAfterReturningAdvice implements AfterReturningAdvice {
public void afterReturning(Object returnValue, Method method, Object[] args, Object target) throws Throwable {
//update db, send email, notify user.
The ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice.onSuccessExpression() is the best choice for you. Its EvaluationContext is BeanFactory-aware, therefore you definitely can call any bean from that expression. The Message provided there as a root object is a good candidate to get an information about a downloaded file.
So, this is what you can do there:
<bean class="org.springframework.integration.handler.advice.ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice">
<property name="onSuccessExpressionString" value="#myBean.myMethod(#root)"/>
The same you can do with the onFailureExpression.
On the other hand you may even don't need to worry about the bean access from the expression. The ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice has successChannel and failureChannel options. So, the message with the result can be send there and some <service-activator> with your bean can handle a message on that channel.

Spring Integration FTP - poll without transfer?

I'd like to utilize Spring Integration to initiate messages about files that appear in a remote location, without actually transferring them. All I require is the generation of a Message with, say, header values indicating the path to the file and filename.
What's the best way to accomplish this? I've tried stringing together an FTP inbound channel adapter with a service activator to write the header values I need, but this causes the file to be transferred to a local temp directory, and by the time the service activator sees it, the message consists of a that refers to the local file and the remote path info is gone. It is possible to transform the message prior to this local transfer occurring?
We have similar problem and we solved it with filters. On inbound-channel-adapter you can set custom filter implementation. So before polling your filter will be called and you will have all informations about files, from which you can decide will that file be downloaded or not, for example;
<int-sftp:inbound-channel-adapter id="test"
<int:poller trigger="pollingTrigger" max-messages-per-poll="${sftp.max.msg}"/>
<beans:bean id="customFilter" class="your.class.location.SftpRemoteFilter"/>
Filter class is just implementation of the FileListFilter interface. Here it is dummy filter implementation.
public class SftpRemoteFilter implements FileListFilter<LsEntry> {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SftpRemoteFilter.class);
public final List<LsEntry> filterFiles(LsEntry[] files) {"Here is files.");
//Do something smart
return Collections.emptyList();
But if you want to do that as you described, I think it is possible to do it by setting headers on payloads and then using same headers when you are using that payload, but in that case you should use Message<File> instead File in your service activator method.

Oracle Service Bus - Assign expression

I have this problem and I am not sure why it's happening and how to fix it. I have created an OSB peject. In the proxy service pipeline I am doing a Service Callout to a sync SOAP service in another application. The other service needs the request body as below:
<RequestSelectionValues xmlns="">
<inputServiceData xmlns:q1="" q1:type="OnlineQuery">
<__name>xLot By FabLotNumber</__name>
<queryOption xmlns:q2="" q2:type="QueryOption">
<serviceInfo xmlns:q3="" q3:type="OnlineQuery_Info">
I am using an Assign to put the above expression in a variable.
Notice the line:
<serviceInfo xmlns:q3="" q3:type="OnlineQuery_Info">
xmlns:q3="" needs to be before q3:type="OnlineQuery_Info" for the other service to be called successfully otherwise the service call fails.
In the development it looks fine. I can test the assign of expression as well.
When I go to the OSB console to test the service I notice that in the Assign variable the namespace place switches and it becomes like this:
<serviceInfo q3:type="OnlineQuery_Info" xmlns:q3="">
This makes the service calls to fail. I have tried putting the body payload in an xslt. Result is the same. I am not sure why it switches the type before namespace. The end result is that the service is not working as expected.
Any idea what I can do to fix this issue. How can I prevent the switching?
I haven't found any settings in OSB that can prevent reordering of attributes for you. However, the above OSB behavior is completely XML standard compliant. In fact, the target service side should be XML compliant and treat the two variants mentioned above as the same, because according to XML standard, tow XML documents with only difference in attribute ordering should be treated as the same.
Please go here to download a modified config. My thoughts are:
Specify the business service to invoke in 'Text as Request' mode, as "CamstarLotQuery/business/CSWSShopFloor_Txt" shown below:
Manipulate messages as text, not XML, in your proxy service, as specified in "CamstarLotQuery/proxy/CamstarLotQueryTxt_Txt":
You might need to specify a SOAP Action in http header when calling a business service, depending on the target service.
One solution i can think of is to assign all the namespaces at the Parent Tag Level, and keep the attributes where they are applicable.
<RequestSelectionValues xmlns:q1="" xmlns="" xmlns:q2="" xmlns:q3="">
But the problem with this implementation is that since the namespace declaration is now Global, you have to declare your namespace prefixes (q1, q2, q3) to the blocks where the namespaces were previously defined.
<q3:serviceInfo q3:type="OnlineQuery_Info">
if this namespace prefix is not declared, then as per XML standards, the tag assume the 'default' namespace value - which will be the namespace of the parent.
However, even though this solution has a round-about way of implementation, this solution will definitely work.

The specified format name does not support the requested operation. For example, a direct queue format name cannot be deleted

I'm trying to send a message to a queue using a Message object and am getting the error
The specified format name does not support the requested operation. For example, a direct queue format name cannot be deleted.
Here is the code.
Order ord = new Order(new Guid(), "Smith & Smith");
Message orderMessage = new Message(ord);
orderMessage.UseEncryption = true;
orderMessage.EncryptionAlgorithm = EncryptionAlgorithm.Rc2;
orderMessage.Recoverable = true;
orderMessage.Priority = MessagePriority.VeryHigh;
orderMessage.TimeToBeReceived = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
orderMessage.UseJournalQueue = true;
orderMessage.Body = "Test Encryption";
queue.Send(orderMessage, "Encrypted Order");
Any help with this is appreciated.
Did you ever solve this? I came across this problem myself and found out I needed to use (just like the error says) a different format name.
The strange thing was that if I set UseAuthentication property using the MQ certificate, then it worked. But if I also wanted to set UseEncryption, then it did not work.
You do not specify your queue/server setup/formats, but I suspect you're trying to send from one machine to another machine's public queue within the same domain, using DIRECT formatname? As the MQ Manager will use the domain AD to lookup the certificate and queue details, it raises an exception as the format name is invalid (not the same as specified in the AD). So instead of using the direct format, use the queue ID to define the formatname. I switched this:
with this:
Now it worked. You can find your queue ID by right-clicking your queue on the receiver machine and then go to Properties->General and see the value specified in field "ID".
I have found that getting the FormatName correct whether public or private in nature will save hours of work. It's incredibly important to understand the setup of each (Public requiring AD and private does not when access remotely). This is a great summary of FormatName.
One note on this issue, if your queue format name starts this way: "FormatName:Direct=" then you will receive the error "The specified format name does not support the requested operation. For example, a direct queue format name cannot be deleted" if you try to access the queue's QueueName property. Use the queue's FormatName property instead.

Writing to multiple directories in Spring Integration file adapter

How can this be done? It works fine with one int-file:outbound-channel-adapter, but I could not make it work when I add another one. I actually added another, separate set of channel/adapter but it still did not work.
In int-file:outbound-channel-adapter tag, there is actually a "directory" attribute, but it only accepts a single directory path.
Here is the code I have tried:
<int-file:outbound-channel-adapter id="outputDirectory1"
filename-generator- expression="headers.get('filename')"
<int-file:outbound-channel-adapter id="outputDirectory2"
Below are the channels, while the bean is the actual writer. Note that the two channels both refer to the bean (ref="messageTransformer"):
<int:transformer id="messageToStringTransformer1"
<int:transformer id="messageToStringTransformer2"
<bean id="messageTransformer" class="com.message.writer.DefaultMessageWriter"/>
If I do understand you correctly, do you want to write a Message payload to a collection of directories simultaneously? In order to have multiple file adapters listen to the same channel, you have to use a Publish Subscribe Channel using the element. For more information, please see:
When using a File Outbound Channel Adapter, you can also use the directory-expression attribute which is available since Spring Integration 2.2. It gives you full SpEL expression support. Thus, the directory you want to write to, can be for example a provided message header. For more information, please see:
