The specified format name does not support the requested operation. For example, a direct queue format name cannot be deleted - system.messaging

I'm trying to send a message to a queue using a Message object and am getting the error
The specified format name does not support the requested operation. For example, a direct queue format name cannot be deleted.
Here is the code.
Order ord = new Order(new Guid(), "Smith & Smith");
Message orderMessage = new Message(ord);
orderMessage.UseEncryption = true;
orderMessage.EncryptionAlgorithm = EncryptionAlgorithm.Rc2;
orderMessage.Recoverable = true;
orderMessage.Priority = MessagePriority.VeryHigh;
orderMessage.TimeToBeReceived = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
orderMessage.UseJournalQueue = true;
orderMessage.Body = "Test Encryption";
queue.Send(orderMessage, "Encrypted Order");
Any help with this is appreciated.

Did you ever solve this? I came across this problem myself and found out I needed to use (just like the error says) a different format name.
The strange thing was that if I set UseAuthentication property using the MQ certificate, then it worked. But if I also wanted to set UseEncryption, then it did not work.
You do not specify your queue/server setup/formats, but I suspect you're trying to send from one machine to another machine's public queue within the same domain, using DIRECT formatname? As the MQ Manager will use the domain AD to lookup the certificate and queue details, it raises an exception as the format name is invalid (not the same as specified in the AD). So instead of using the direct format, use the queue ID to define the formatname. I switched this:
with this:
Now it worked. You can find your queue ID by right-clicking your queue on the receiver machine and then go to Properties->General and see the value specified in field "ID".

I have found that getting the FormatName correct whether public or private in nature will save hours of work. It's incredibly important to understand the setup of each (Public requiring AD and private does not when access remotely). This is a great summary of FormatName.

One note on this issue, if your queue format name starts this way: "FormatName:Direct=" then you will receive the error "The specified format name does not support the requested operation. For example, a direct queue format name cannot be deleted" if you try to access the queue's QueueName property. Use the queue's FormatName property instead.


Provision custom-named SQS Queue with PCF Service Broker

I'm trying to create a new queue, but when using
cf create-service aws-sqs standard my-q
the name of the queue in AWS is automatically assigned and is just an id composed of random letters and numbers.
This is fine when using the normal java client. However, we want to use spring-cloud-aws-messaging (#SqsListener annotation), because it offers us deletion policies out of the box, and a way to extend visibility, so that we can implement retries easily.
#SqsListener(value = "my-q", deletionPolicy = SqsMessageDeletionPolicy.ON_SUCCESS)
public void listen(TestItem item, Visibility visibility) {"received message: " + item);
//do business logic
//if call fails
//throw exception
//if no failure, message will be dropped
The queue name on the annotation is declared, so we can't change it dynamically after reading the VCAP_SERVICE environment variable injected by PCF on the application.
The only alternative we can think of is use reflection to set accessibility on value of the annotation, and set the value to the name on the VCAP_SERVICE, but that's just nasty, and we'd like to avoid it if possible.
Is there any way to change the name of the queue to something specific on creation? This suggests that it's possible, as seen below:
cf create-service aws-sqs standard my-q -c '{ "CreateQueue": { "QueueName": “my-q”, "Attributes": { "MaximumMessageSize": "1024"} } }'
However, this doesn't work. It returns:
Incorrect Usage: Invalid configuration provided for -c flag. Please
provide a valid JSON object or path to a file containing a valid JSON
How do I set the name on creation of the queue? Or the only way to achieve my end goal is to use reflection?
EDIT: As pointed out by Daniel Mikusa, the double quotes were not real double quotes, and that was causing the error. The command is successful now, however it doesn't create the queue with the intended name. I'm now wondering if this name needs to be set on bind-service instead. The command has a -c option too but I cannot find any documentation to support which parameters are available for a aws-sqs service.

Websphere JYTHON Scripting - Get Active Spec ID

Attempting to use the JYTHON command below and I cannot retrieve the id of my active specification defined at a node-server level in Websphere. I believe its a syntax issue but I'm not sure what.
Problem Notes:
I do not get a invalid object error so I believe I have the syntax right but it just cannot find the resource even though it exists.
I am using the AdminConfig.getid() as a way to check if the resource already exists in order to do a modify or a create.
If I use the following code: AdminConfig.getid('/J2CActivationSpec:myActiveSpecName/') it will find it but not if I use a more specific path listed above.
Reference Material:
IBM Documentation
Containment paths are always a little tricky. In my (limited) experience, even if you can trace the path by AdminConfig.parents, you may not always be able to use getid.
Are you restricted to using getid? If not, here are some alternatives that will get you an ActivationSpec at the /Cell/Node/Server level:
Querying using AdminConfig.list
This approach will list the Activation Specifications at the specified scope (in our case, the server), and grab the one that has it's name attribute equal to 'myActiveSpecName'.
server = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/Server:myserver')
activationSpec = ''
for as in AdminConfig.list('J2CActivationSpec', server).splitlines():
if AdminConfig.showAttribute(as, 'name') == 'myActiveSpecName'
activationSpec = as
print 'found it :)'
Using Wildcards
This approah uses AdminConfig.list as well, but with a pattern to narrow down your list. If you know your activation spec's configuration begins with myActiveSpecName, then you can do the following:
activationSpec = AdminConfig.list('J2CActivationSpec', 'myActiveSpecName*')

msmq unsupported format name operation although the format names are correct

I am debugging though a wcf service. I have a service attached and debugging along with the exe. During the process, I get unsupported format name operation error when initializing queues with strings. However, I am pretty sure and double checked that the strings are of correct syntax, and I have all the permission and access to the queues.
RequestQueue = new System.Messaging.MessageQueue(correctString);
Any ideas are appreciated. Great thanks.
There are a couple of different formats that can be specified in the MessageQueue constructor, that use differing syntax, depending on if they are public/ private queues, dead-letter-queues, journal queues, and so on.
For example:
Public queue: MachineName\QueueName
Private queue: MachineName\Private$\QueueName
Can you post an example of what you are using?
Also, if you are using an Format Name, check the spelling of your format string:
Please note that the first part FormatName:DIRECT is case-sensitive. (More in-depth documentation about the syntax can be found in the MSDN here: Direct Format Names)

MQRFH2.usr coming in the main message body

Using WMQ7.0 with WMB 6.1
I have one flow where I am transforming a message and using MQRFH2.usr for holding some data.
But, I am facing the issue where the MQRFH2.usr is coming in the main message body.
I have deployed the same code in different environments, but I am getting this issue only in one environment.
So, it doesn't seems to be a code issue. It has something to do with configurations.
Kindly, suggest what could be the possible cause.
Check the queue's PROPCTL setting. If this is set to NONE then the behavior is as follows:
If the application does not create a message handle, all the message
properties are removed from the MQRFH2. Name/value pairs in the MQRFH2
headers are left in the message.
Be sure to read the doc page through a couple of times and maybe test with different settings to understand fully how PROPCTL modifies the message content your app receives.
The MQRFH2 headers, if present, always come in the payload part of the message (that's the way webpshere organizes it). You can receive one or more MQRFH2 headers (structures).
Perhaps you are expecting only one and are receiving two? This would explain your message data being left with gibberish.
I use the following code to handler these heards upon receiving a message
MQRFH2 header = null;
// Find and store message length
int msglen = replyMessage.getMessageLength();
MQHeaderList list = new MQHeaderList(replyMessage);
int indexOf = list.indexOf("MQRFH2");
if (indexOf >= 0) {
header = (MQRFH2) list.get(indexOf);
msglen = msglen - header.size();
String msgText = replyMessage.readStringOfCharLength(msglen);
Hope it helps.

Peoplecode function not working

I am using Peoplecode which is a Peoplesoft coding language.
I am trying to access JUST the 'message text' from a message catalog.
It pulls the correct number 7373 when I use the same code on another page.
But in this instance it returns the message
'GetMessageText: No default message. (2012,2012)'.
Here is the code I am using..
&cur_year = Year(%Date);
&MsgNum = MsgGetText(2012, 2012, "");
It's because it can't find the message (2012,2012). You have to specify the correct message set and message number to retrieve from the message catalog.
Look here:
