installing intl entension on php5.4.4 - php-extension

I am trying to install intl extension on php 5.4.4 having centos,
I have a zip file which I downloaded from
I downloaded version 3.0.0
But from here I do not know where to go because the file does not containes and I dint find any way to compile and cretae an so from the directory present in the zip

I was able to solve the issue, It was because icu was not installed on my server, intl extension has dependency over icu and autoconf so my server was missing icu extension I configured that first and then intl go
for more help refer


I am trying to install civicrm on my Mac and I got error in step no 5

I am trying to install CiviCRM on my laptop through Drupal 8.
please help me with this error.
This is simply that your version of PHP doesn't have the intl extension compiled in.
How you address this, very much depends on how you've installed PHP on your system or, if you haven't at all (and are using the built-in system PHP).
I'm just going to pick a generic route here, and assume this is OSX PHP as some versions don't come with intl support (e.g. PHP 7.3 shipped with macOS Catalina) and say ... Save yourself some time and just use Homebrew to do this. Follow the instructions to install brew, then install your required version of PHP using;
brew update
brew install php#7.3
brew link php#7.3
It likely already has intl support, you can test by using;
php -m | grep intl

How to install libarchive on macOS and make compiler will detect it?

I am trying to install libarchive on macOS for my school project. I tried to do it using brew formulae, but CMake says that it can't detect it. How can I install libarchive in the right way?
What I tried:
brew install libarchive
What I got in CLion:
Could NOT find LibArchive (missing: LibArchive_INCLUDE_DIR)
As mentioned in this GitHub issue post, libarchive isn't installed into the standard system paths. So, you'll need to tell CMake where to find it by setting the following in your CMake file:
set(LibArchive_INCLUDE_DIR "/usr/local/opt/libarchive/include")
Note, you may have to modify the path here to match where libarchive was installed on your system

Composer error - GMP

While i want to install composer I have error:
I have installed GMP on my mac - i see it in folder + while i use "brew search gmp" i see checkmark. So its all all right.
I have also enabled in php.ini
I really don't what to do. I can't find those two files in GMP folder or anywhere in my mac. phpinfo or php -m don't see GMP loaded
Try updating your PHP version to v7.1.15 using brew install php#7.1 which should contain GMP already. They moved some stuff around recently, so the existing solutions got useless

Boost C++ Serialization lib missing in xubuntu installation

I have xubuntu OS installed on my PC (12.04, Precise Pangolin) and installed C++ boost lib (1.49) using ubuntu's binary repository for boost by issuing the following command in the terminal:
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
The command completed successfully and now I need to use boost serialization lib which is named libboost_serialization for my application. However, I cannot find this in any location under /usr/ in my file system and I wonder why this lib has not been installed automatically when I issued the above apt-get command. Am I supposed install another package separately to get boost serialization library in place in my xubuntu installation? Thanks.
You probably want this package:
If you want all Boost sub-packages installed in one operation, you also have a libboost-all-dev package.

How do i install xf86-input-synaptics- in ubuntu 11?

How do I install xf86-input-synaptics- in ubuntu 11?
I have found the file and downloaded the file from windows.
I don't have any idea of how to install the driver in ubuntu.
when searched how to install, I got the following
Enable the extra repository on /etc/pacman.conf:
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Install xf86-input-synaptics xz package:
pacman -Sy xf86-input-synaptics
i searched for the file in the folder but there is no such file existing?
please help me out?
You need to enable
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Install xf86-input-synaptics xz package:
# pacman -Sy xf86-input-synaptics
Please take a look on
Please refer google for get better
