Composer error - GMP - composer-php

While i want to install composer I have error:
I have installed GMP on my mac - i see it in folder + while i use "brew search gmp" i see checkmark. So its all all right.
I have also enabled in php.ini
I really don't what to do. I can't find those two files in GMP folder or anywhere in my mac. phpinfo or php -m don't see GMP loaded

Try updating your PHP version to v7.1.15 using brew install php#7.1 which should contain GMP already. They moved some stuff around recently, so the existing solutions got useless


GDL not found after installing with homebrew

I used brew install GDL. The install was completed, but once I try to use GDL, it says " command not found: gdl".
I used "which gdl", but still can't be located. I tried reinstalling GDL via brew, but same error.
I tried changing the directory to the folder where brew installed GDL, but no luck either.
I looked through my other compilers and those are saved into bin, while GDL is not (if that's relevant at this point).
Anything will help!
If the intention was to install GNU Data Language, please try installing gnudatalanguage from homebrew-science:

Installation of Xdebug on MacOS Catalina 10.15

I tried to install Xdebug on OS X 10.15 and run into following problem:
/private/tmp/pear/install/xdebug/xdebug.c:25:10: fatal error: 'php.h' file not found
I tried to fix the problem like described here: Installing xdebug on MacOs Mojave - 'php.h' file not found
Unfortunately the header files cannot be found in this directory: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages
Any ideas where I can get the current header files for OS X 10.15?
For anyone that just want xdebug support on MacOS, most of the instructions in this answer are not necessary when using the built-in version of PHP. Before doing anything, you should check if already exists in /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20180731/, which should be there by default. If so, you can skip to the Enabled support in PHP portion of this answer.
Using Homebrew is also an acceptable solution for you (and can also prevent other issues).
For anyone else looking to actually build binaries on MacOS and get the header error, the full answer is for you. It also answer OP question directly. Note building xdebug from source code and actually trying to use that version of with the build-in PHP should end up in a "code signature" error. As described here and here, the only real solution would be to compile and use you own instance of PHP instead of the built-in one. In any situation, using Homebrew would be easier.
Apple decided to remove headers file in /usr/include and the macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg package. To install Xdebug, you'll have to manually compile Xdebug with the correct reference in both phpize and make.
For more details, I wrote a blog article about the issue and the solution
Original Answer:
Long story short, Apple decided to nuke /usr/include in MacOS Catalina, which has been the default location for C header file for ever in UNIX systems. Trying to install through PEAR / PECL will return an error as the compiler will look for necessary headers file in /usr/include. So the solution is to compile Xdebug manually, manually specifying the actual location of the header files, which are still provided by Xcode, just at a different location.
First, make sure Xcode is installed, including the command line tools. The following command will display the location of the default SDK :
$ xcrun --show-sdk-path
The header you'll want (php.h) will then be in /Applications/
Getting source
Let's compile 2.7.2, getting the source code from git. Alternatively, you can download the source from Xdebug site.
git clone
cd xdebug
git checkout tags/2.7.2
Next we need to make a copy phpize so we can edit the include path :
cp /usr/bin/phpize .
nano ./phpize
Find this line :
includedir="`eval echo ${prefix}/include`/php"
...and replace it with this line :
Run phpize:
You should now see something like this :
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version: 20180731
Zend Module Api No: 20180731
Zend Extension Api No: 320180731
Configure & build
We can now configure :
./configure --enable-xdebug
...and run make using our custom SDK location defined as compiler flags :
make CPPFLAGS='-I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/'
Might see some warning, just ignore it for now. Finally, we'll need to run :
make install
Again, this command will fail because it can't move the extension to the right place. SIP will prevent it. But no worries, we'll take care of that manually at the next step. make install is still required as it will sign the *.so file.
Enabled support in PHP
Next, we move the executable somewhere safe. I use /usr/local/php/extensions.
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/php/extensions
sudo cp /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20180731/ /usr/local/php/extensions
Then we edit the PHP configuration to enable Xdebug. Simply edit php.ini:
sudo nano /etc/php.ini
And we add the following at the bottom :
Restart built in server to be sure :
sudo apachectl restart
And finally test everything went fine :
php -i | grep "xdebug support"
If the above command returns nothing, then Xdebug is not available on your install. Go back the steps to find out what's missing.
A more complete fix would be to edit the result of php-config --include-dir, which returns /usr/include/php. That would make any installation find the necessary header files without having to manually edit files or compiler flags.
If you are using brew, I solve this by reinstalling php and re-linking:
brew reinstall php#7.3
brew link --overwrite php
I got an error when I tried to install xdebug in MacOS Catalina 10.15:
pecl install xdebug-3.0.1
/private/tmp/pear/install/xdebug/xdebug.c:25:10: fatal error: 'php.h' file not found
This is due to Apple decided to remove headers file in /usr/include, like you can see in other answer.
Then I added config to .bash_profile, executing these lines in console:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/php#7.3/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/php#7.3/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/php#7.3/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/php#7.3/include"
source ~/.bash_profile
After that you can try to install xdebug again with pecl:
pecl install xdebug-3.0.1
Notes: Previously I have installed PHP 7.3 with "brew". You should adjust the php and xdebug version, in the above lines, adding the versions that you prefer.
I would recommend you use "brew" to install PHP, and then use the "pecl" tool that comes with the installed version of brew's PHP to install Xdebug.
you can find detailed instructions with ready to use patches on this site:

Building XDebug For Use by MAMP?

I'm using MAMP on Mac OSX Mavericks. I'd like to install the latest XDebug, v2.2.4. Per the XDebug Wizard, I downloaded the XDebug 2.2.4 source. I have many versions of phpize installed on my system - one that is in /usr/bin/, and many others that come with MAMP. MAMP supplies the required phpize for each version of PHP it includes.
Seeking to use the correct phpize, per the XDebug Wizard instructions - - I ran the phpize for PHP 5.5.3 via:
..and got this output:
grep: /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/include/php/main/php.h: No such file or directory
grep: /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/include/php/Zend/zend_modules.h: No such file or directory
grep: /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/include/php/Zend/zend_extensions.h: No such file or directory
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version:
Zend Module Api No:
Zend Extension Api No:
Just in case this was not an error (since it appeared that I was following XDebug Wizard directions), I then ran configure via:
./configure --with-php-config=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/bin/php-config
...and I ran:
...but got this error:
fatal error: 'php.h' file not found
What is the correct way to build XDebug on OSX for use by MAMP?
Thanks very much in advance to all for any thoughts or info.
I had a similar issue and it was resolved after installing XCode and the Command Line Tools for XCode. I already had XCode installed, but I recently moved over to a new machine so I had to open it back up and it updated some things. Then I opened Terminal and ran the command...
xcode-select --install
That popped up a prompt to install the command line tools which I did and it resolved my issue.
Incase anyone else stumbles across this from Google...
My issue was the wrong phpize binary was found on the path.
I was able to resolve this using the Xdebug FAQ, specifically this section:
When Xdebug wizard asks you to run phpize, instead find and run phpize in your MAMP directory. For me, this was:
After this, you should see an output similar to your tailored installation instructions.
Then find and run php-config in your MAMP directory (Note: this command must be run from where you have Xdebug stored on your machine). For me, this was:
./configure --with-php-config=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.1.19/bin/php-config
You'll see a bunch of output... Followed by a, "Build complete." message.
Now you can return to your tailored installation instructions (be sure to skip the next step, Run: ./configure).
Try installing autoconf using brew : brew install autoconf

Why isn't cabal-install upgrading itself? [duplicate]

I just installed Haskell from it's official site. After that, following it's quick-start tutorial.
I run:
cabal update
Which shows this message:
Downloading the latest package list from
Note: there is a new version of cabal-install available.
To upgrade, run: cabal install cabal-install
I run:
cabal install cabal-install
and check if the update was successful with
cabal update
The result, it shows me the same message from the start:
Downloading the latest package list from
Note: there is a new version of cabal-install available.
To upgrade, run: cabal install cabal-install
So, did I upgrade the cabal-install or not? How do I check my cabal's version?
Important: I'm using the 64 bits version for Mac OS X.
In my case (and probably others?) cabal is initially installed in /usr/local/bin by homebrew when installing haskell-platform. When upgrading cabal, the version is installed to $HOME/.cabal/bin/cabal. You ought to place your cabal bins higher in your $PATH, like so:
export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH
I had a similar issue after installing the Haskell platform 2012.4.0.0 on OSX. When I ran cabal install cabal-install, it ended with:
cabal: ../ghc-7.4.2/lib/cabal-install- does not exist
So I guessed it got its paths mixed up somewhere. However the executable was actually built successfully (check for ~/Library/Haskell/ghc-7.4.2/lib/cabal-install- and I just copied it from there to ~/Library/Haskell/bin which is on my path.
Thereafter everything ran OK:
$ which cabal
$ cabal update
Downloading the latest package list from
$ cabal --version
cabal-install version
using version of the Cabal library
Everyone seems to experience a slightly different issue here. In my case, cabal was built successfully and installed to ~/Library/Haskell/bin.
As noted in ~/.cabal/config, adding ~/Library/Haskell/bin to PATH solved the issue.
Below is the description in ~/.cabal/config:
-- === Built executables will be installed in:
-- ~/Library/Haskell/bin
-- You may wish to place this on your PATH by adding the following
-- line to your ~/.bash_profile:
-- export PATH="$HOME/Library/Haskell/bin:$PATH"
On OS X 10.8 I had to add /Library/Haskell/bin to my PATH (put it before /usr/bin). Adding that fixed the error message
cabal --version gives you the version of cabal you're running. If you want to see the version of cabal-install you have, run cabal info cabal-install and look at the versions installed line.
For me on OS X, versions installed is [unknown], after running cabal install cabal-install, which is not great.
I had this problem too.
After running which cabal, I found that it was using /usr/bin/cabal. Deleting this solved the problem.
It seems that cabal by default installs packages locally for the current user and therefore will not be part of the PATH. Look at the
Cabal documentation specifically step 1.2.1 where you can change the configuration to install things globally by default (not recommended).
The way I installed cabal was cabal --global install cabal-install but still had problems with the path which since the default installation of Haskell puts the path in this order C:\Program Files\Haskell Platform\2013.2.0.0\lib\extralibs\bin;C:\Program Files\Haskell Platform\2013.2.0.0\bin; where the first path has precedence over the second one. With the --global flag cabal installed the binary to C:\Program Files\Haskell\bin which isn't in my path but must be added before the C:\Program Files\Haskell Platform\2013.2.0.0\lib\extralibs\bin path.
Taken from the documentation
You must put the cabal.exe in a directory that is on your %PATH%, for example C:\Program Files\Haskell\bin.
In my case, a combination of several answers here was required to get through this issue. I'll attempt to provide a more comprehensive solution in one answer for anyone else in my situation.
For starters, running which cabal showed me that /usr/bin/cabal was being loaded, which was a symlink to /Library/Haskell/ghc-7.8.3-x86_64/bin/cabal. I believe newer versions of cabal were being installed, but this path was specific to a single version so they were ignored. Adding /Library/Haskell/bin to the front of my $PATH remedied that situation.
Second, and more importantly, the new versions of cabal-install were being installed into my cabal sandbox instead of the system location. I didn't see any other answers suggesting this, but after a little monkeying around I found that moving outside of my application's directory allowed cabal to actually install to the system.
Finally, adding the --global flag to the command fixed the problem. My final command was cabal install --global cabal-install. After this, I was finally able to update properly.
TL;DR: if you use cabal sandboxes, move outside the directory of your project and run cabal install --global cabal-install. Also, check your $PATH variable as others have suggested.
In my case the new version of cabal was being installed in the .cabal-sandbox of the project I was in.
e.g. Checking the version:
./.cabal-sandbox/bin/cabal --version
So I needed to upgrade it outside of that. This was on OSX.

How can I force Homebrew to install 64-bit PostgreSQL on OSX SL? Specifically the libpg.dylib file

I have been trying to install the Ruby PG gem, but kept getting the "Failed to build gem native extension." error.
After sifting through a lot of google results, I tried nearly every recommendation I came across, all without luck. However, I believe I've tracked down the source of the problem ... Homebrew.
Homebrew installed PostgreSQL 9.0.4, but only with the 32-bit libraries. As I am running Snow Leopard (10.6.8) with XCode 3.26, I need the 64-bit libraries in order to compile everything without library mismatch errors. But I cannot seem to find out how to force Homebrew to install them, even with ARCHFLAGS and ENV set to "-arch x86_64".
Suggestions, please :)
p.s. I found out that I only had 32-bit libraries installed by running:
file /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.0.4/lib/libpq.5.3.dylib
which returned:
/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.0.4/lib/libpq.5.3.dylib: Mach-O dynamically linked shared library i386
Update: re-installed Homebrew, which installed postgresql/9.1.1 and 64-bit shared libraries.
But another problem emerged, while installing the PG gem. For some reason it was looking for ginstall in /opt/local/bin. As I had removed MacPorts, that directory was also removed. I did find this solution:
mkdir -p /opt/local/bin/
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/install /opt/local/bin/ginstall
And now everything seems to be working ....
So it looks like my first install, using Homebrew, must have been done with regular Leopard.
Removing the Homebrew "Cell" directory and all of its contents, running the install script again, then doing "brew install" and "brew update" with all needed packages, got me the latest version of PostgreSQL, with 64-bit developer library.
And creating the above symbolic link fixed any left over errors from the MacPorts removal.
Now all is well :)
