Is prompt available in Vte? - shell

I have a shell running in a Vte.Terminal widget (could be bash, zsh, or any other interactive shell), I would like to monitor it so as to know when the prompt is available and a new command can be started.
I can't seem to come up with a consistent method.
Here are the ideas I've thought of so far:
Monitor for child process exit.
Could work some of the time, but commands that use only built-ins wouldn't spawn a child. (example: "while true; do; echo test; done;") Also When a command is started in background the prompt would be available before the child exited.
Watch for prompt string in Vte output.
Two problems: 1. A simple prompt string such as "#>" could easily be outputted by some script and give a false positive. 2. Knowing what the prompt string is, is problematic.
Any other ideas or a way to get one of the above working?
What my purpose is.
I'm working on a terminal emulator and would like to change the icon based on whether the prompt is available. Also I am attempting to allow commands to be 'queued' to run when next possible.


How to properly write an interactive shell program which can exploit bash's autocompletion mechanism

(Please, help me adjust title and tags.)
When I run connmanctl I get a different prompt,
enrico:~$ connmanctl
and different commands are available, like services, technologies, connect, ...
I'd like to know how this thing works.
I know that, in general, changing the prompt can be just a matter of changing the variable PS1. However this thing alone (read "the command connmanctl changes PS1 and returns) wouldn't have any effect at all on the functionalities of the commands line (I would still be in the same bash process).
Indeed, the fact that the available commands are changed, looks to me like the proof that connmanctl is running all the time the prompt is connmanctl>, and that, upon running connmanctl, a while loop is entered with a read statement in it, followed by a bunch of commands which process the the input.
In this latter scenario that I imagine, there's not even need to change PS1, as the connmanctl> line could simply be obtained by echo -n "connmanctl> ".
The reason behind this curiosity is that I'm trying to write a wrapper to connmanctl. I've already written it, and it works as intended, except that I don't know how to properly setup the autocompletion feature, and I think that in order to do so I first need to understand what is the right way to write an interactive shell script.

Ruby open interactive sub process within the shell

I want to use ruby and in one moment open another program (cfdisk) and let the user interact with it, then return to my code
I can use
exec "cfdisk; ruby another.rb"
but that is very hacky and certainly not the right thing to do
I know about Open3 but i dont know how to use it properly for my usecase. I know that when I use capture3 on irb on Windows it says:
["Running under a virtual console, enabling 256/true-color support\n", "Screen size 28640x499 is not supported; limit 500x500.\nCheck the TERM environment variable.\n", #]
In Arch it opens it but the graphical output isnt present, the keystrokes are registered, they work (for example mc exits with F10) but the window isnt there, just blinking cursor.
parted exits immediately
Tried popen3 but I had no luck with it either
What is wrong with system for this case?
The exec ruby command replaces the running process, so it will not return to your code.
The Open3 library is used when you want to capture stdout and stderr.
Isn't this what you are looking for?
puts "here"
system "cfdisk"
puts 'there'
If you have some screen related issues, this is another issue that you might be able to resolve with different TERM value in the environment variable.

Automatically background interactive process using job control

I have a command line program that receives interactive input.
I want to have the program backgrounded after it has read the input.
After it has read the input, it execs another program. I want to be able to control that program using shell job control.
I am lazy, so I don't want to type C-Z and bg to achieve that.
I am in control of that program (I wrote it and can change it), and it 'knows' when it should be backgrounded.
I'm sure this is achievable (for example, I guess an expect script could start my program, which could then signal its parent (expect) when it's ready to be backgrounded.
What is the best (simplest, easiest, best-behaving) way to achieve this?
Have you tried the following (Assuming bash)?
# Get necessary input
exec "/usr/bin/bash" ./

What is wrong with running unix processes with &?

I have seen tools to daemonize processes.
But I have seen that:
some_command &
Runs process in a daemonized way, is this way bad? how is this way called?
My doubt is that I am calling that command inside an ssh session, will the process last after closing ssh session?
That's not daemonized, that's simply running it as a background process.
A true dameon is a lot more involved; see e.g.
The & is an important little character in UNIX; it means "run the command in the background"; i.e., detach it from the window it was started from, so it does not block the command line.
Should the program ever try to read from the terminal window, it will be suspended, until the user "brings it to the foreground"; i.e., brings it to the state it would have had without the & to begin with.
To bring a program to the foreground, use "fg" or "%". If you have more than one background job to choose from ("jobs" will show you), then use for example "%2" to choose the second one.
If you forget to give the & at the end of line, and the process blocks the command input to the terminal window, you can put the process in the background "after the fact", by using Ctrl-Z. The process is suspended, and you get the command prompt back. The first thing you should do then is probably to give the command "bg", that resumes the process, but now in the background.

Is there a terminal program that differentiates between input, output, and commands?

Is there a terminal program that shows the difference between input, standard output, error output, the prompt, and user-entered commands? It should also show when standard input is needed vs. running a command.
One way would be to highlight each differently. The cursor could change color depending on if it was waiting for a command, running a command, or waiting for standard input.
Another way would be to have 3 frames -- a large frame on the top for output (including prompt and commands running), a small frame near the bottom for standard input, and an one-line frame at the bottom for command line input. That would possibly even allow running another command to provide input while the previous command is still waiting for standard input.
Hotwire could be a good candidate, but it's not doing that out of the box, AFAIK
For now it appears that there is no such program.
My program gush (Graphical User SHell) does part of this.
It uses different colours for commands and program stdin/stdout/stderr.
Note that the traditional separation of shell and terminal makes this
impossible because the interface between them models an old serial
terminal connection and therefore only has a single input and single
output channel. I get around this problem by combining shell and
terminal into one program.
It would be nice to also indicate when a program is waiting for input,
but I don't think there's any way to detect this, unless you traced the
system calls of the child program to detect when it tries to read stdin.
For interactive programs, you can guess that if the last output did not
end with newline it's probably prompting for input, but this would not
work for non-interactive programs, eg. sed.
