Dynamic programming algorithm for facility locations - algorithm

There are n houses at locations a_1, a_2,..., a_n along a line. We want to set up porta potties along that same line so that every house is within distance R of at least one porta potty. These porta potties are restricted to the specified locations b_1, b_2,..., b_m. Let c_i be the cost of setting up a porta potty at location b_i.
Find a dynamic programming algorithm that minimizes the total cost of setting up the porta potties. The algorithm should be able to detect if a solution does not exist. Assume that all a and b values are distinct.
A[1, 2,...n] holds the house locations
B[1, 2,...m] holds the potential porta potty locations
C[1, 2,...m] holds the cost of setting up a porta potty at each
Output: the minimum cost of placing the porta potties under the constraint that every house must be within distance R of some porta potty
I'm having trouble figuring out a recursive expression to work off of. Any help would be appreciated!

Your question gave me the chance to write some code for a similar problem which often appears as cellphone tower placing problem or cellphone base coverage problem.
Pseudocode follows:
1) Sort houses in ascending order
2) Sort facilities positions and their costs in ascending order by facilities positions
3) Let dp(i) be the minimum cost to cover i houses and lastBase(j) the last base used to cover j houses
4) Set the base case dp(0) = 0 and lastBase(0) = -1
5) For each house i:
6) Check if previous solution is either valid or in range of this new house
7) if it is -> grab it as solution
8) else
9) find a new base starting from lastBase(i) + 1 which can cover this house
10) let it be the minimum-cost one
11) if a base could be found -> add it to the previous solution
12) else -> Problem cannot be solved
I recommend trying it out yourself first.
For completeness' sake: explanation, images and C++ code are available here.
Feedback or errors are welcome.

I am going to give you an idea of how to proceed, how you code it is up to you.
Given A,B,C (also assumption is that all elements in A and B are on the number line) -
-> Sort A in ascending order.
-> Sort B and C together(as they are dependent) based on B's values in ascending order.
-> Maintain a temp array(size n) which keeps track of which "porta potty"
an A element belongs to,by mapping to the "porta potty" index.
-> Now take each element from B and move both forward and backward R steps from that
point on the number line.
-> If any A element is found in those R steps(on the number line)
AND if(and only if) it does not presently belong to any "porta potty" OR
the cost of setting up the current "porta potty" element is more than the "porta potty"
it(A element) already belongs to, then only shall you set the value in temp array
for that A element to the current "porta potty" index number.
-> Now once we are done with all B points, do the following
-> Traverse the temp array and push the "porta potty" index numbers we have into a set
-> You now have a list of all the "porta potty" indices which are the cheapest
yet crucial to be placed.
Think this out and let me know if something is unclear to you. Also the sorting part is only to improve performance.

This one is for cellphone tower placing problem. Your's should be similar i guess.

There ought to be a recursion for this. Here is a commented example in Python, which assumes sorted input:
a = [1, 7,11,13,15]
b = [1,8,9,12,13]
c = [1,3,2, 2, 5]
r = 3
na = len(a)
nb = len(b)
def f (ia,ib,prev_ib,s):
# base case no suitable potties
if ib == nb:
return 1000 # a number larger than sum of all costs
# base case end of row of houses
if ia == na:
return s
# house is in range of last potty
if prev_ib >= 0 and abs(a[ia] - b[prev_ib]) < r:
return f(ia + 1,ib,prev_ib,s)
# house is too far
if abs(a[ia] - b[ib]) >= r:
# house is west of potty
if a[ia] < b[ib]:
return 1000
# house is east of potty
return f(ia,ib + 1,prev_ib,s)
# house is in range of current potty
# choose or skip
return min(f(ia + 1,ib + 1 if ib < nb - 1 else ib,ib,s + c[ib]),f(ia,ib + 1,prev_ib,s))
print f(0,0,-1,0) # 8


What is the most efficient algorithm/data structure for finding the smallest range containing a point?

Given a data set of a few millions of price ranges, we need to find the smallest range that contains a given price.
The following rules apply:
Ranges can be fully nested (ie, 1-10 and 5-10 is valid)
Ranges cannot be partially nested (ie, 1-10 and 5-15 is invalid)
Given the following price ranges:
The result for searching price 7 should be 5-10
The result for searching price 100 should be 100-120 (smallest range containing 100).
What's the most efficient algorithm/data structure to implement this?
Searching the web, I only found solutions for searching ranges within ranges.
I've been looking at Morton count and Hilbert curve, but can't wrap my head around how to use them for this case.
Because you did not mention this ad hoc algorithm, I'll propose this as a simple answer to your question:
This is a python function, but it's fairly easy to understand and convert it in another language.
def min_range(ranges, value):
# ranges = [(1, 100), (50, 100), (100, 120), (5, 10), (5, 20)]
# value = 100
import math
best_range = None
best_range_len = math.inf
for b, e in ranges:
if b <= value <= e and e - b < best_range_len:
best_range = (b, e)
best_range_len = e - b
print(f'Minimal range containing {value} = {best_range}')
I believe there are more efficient and complicated solutions (if you can do some precomputation for example) but this is the first step you must take.
EDIT : Here is a better solution, probably in O(log(n)) but it's not trivial. It is a tree where each node is an interval, and has a child list of all strictly non overlapping intervals that are contained inside him.
Preprocessing is done in O(n log(n)) time and queries are O(n) in worst case (when you can't find 2 ranges that don't overlap) and probably O(log(n)) in average.
2 classes: Tree that holds the tree and can query:
class tree:
def __init__(self, ranges):
# sort the ranges by lowest starting and then greatest ending
ranges = sorted(ranges, key=lambda i: (i[0], -i[1]))
# recursive building -> might want to optimize that in python
self.node = node( (-float('inf'), float('inf')) , ranges)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.node)
def query(self, value):
# bisect is for binary search
import bisect
curr_sol = self.node.inter
node_list = self.node.child_list
while True:
# which of the child ranges can include our value ?
i = bisect.bisect_left(node_list, (value, float('inf'))) - 1
# does it includes it ?
if i < 0 or i == len(node_list):
return curr_sol
if value > node_list[i].inter[1]:
return curr_sol
# if it does then go deeper
curr_sol = node_list[i].inter
node_list = node_list[i].child_list
Node that holds the structure and information:
class node:
def __init__(self, inter, ranges):
# all elements in ranges will be descendant of this node !
import bisect
self.inter = inter
self.child_list = []
for i, r in enumerate(ranges):
if len(self.child_list) == 0:
# append a new child when list is empty
self.child_list.append(node(r, ranges[i + 1:bisect.bisect_left(ranges, (r[1], r[1] - 1))]))
# the current range r is included in a previous range
# r is not a child of self but a descendant !
if r[0] < self.child_list[-1].inter[1]:
# else -> this is a new child
self.child_list.append(node(r, ranges[i + 1:bisect.bisect_left(ranges, (r[1], r[1] - 1))]))
def __str__(self):
# fancy
return f'{self.inter} : [{", ".join([str(n) for n in self.child_list])}]'
def __lt__(self, other):
# this is '<' operator -> for bisect to compare our items
return self.inter < other
and to test that:
ranges = [(1, 100), (50, 100), (100, 120), (5, 10), (5, 20), (50, 51)]
t = tree(ranges)
Preprocessing that generates disjoined intervals
(I call source segments as ranges and resulting segments as intervals)
For ever range border (both start and end) make tuple: (value, start/end fiels, range length, id), put them in array/list
Sort these tuples by the first field. In case of tie make longer range left for start and right for end.
Make a stack
Make StartValue variable.
Walk through the list:
if current tuple contains start:
if interval is opened: //we close it
if current value > StartValue: //interval is not empty
make interval with //note id remains in stack
(start=StartValue, end = current value, id = stack.peek)
add interval to result list
StartValue = current value //we open new interval
push id from current tuple onto stack
else: //end of range
if current value > StartValue: //interval is not empty
make interval with //note id is removed from stack
(start=StartValue, end = current value, id = stack.pop)
add interval to result list
if stack is not empty:
StartValue = current value //we open new interval
After that we have sorted list of disjointed intervals containing start/end value and id of the source range (note that many intervals might correspond to the same source range), so we can use binary search easily.
If we add source ranges one-by-one in nested order (nested after it parent), we can see that every new range might generate at most two new intervals, so overall number of intervals M <= 2*N and overall complexity is O(Nlog N + Q * logN) where Q is number of queries
Added if stack is not empty section
Result for your example 1-100, 50-100, 100-120, 5-10, 5-20 is
1-5(0), 5-10(3), 10-20(4), 20-50(0), 50-100(1), 100-120(2)
Since pLOPeGG already covered the ad hoc case, I will answer the question under the premise that preporcessing is performed in order to support multiple queries efficiently.
General data structures for efficient queries on intervals are the Interval Tree and the Segment Tree
What about an approach like this. Since we only allow nested and not partial-nesting. This looks to be a do-able approach.
Split segments into (left,val) and (right,val) pairs.
Order them with respect to their vals and left/right relation.
Search the list with binary search. We get two outcomes not found and found.
If found check if it is a left or right. If it is a left go right until you find a right without finding a left. If it is a right go left until you find a left without finding a right. Pick the smallest.
If not found stop when the high-low is 1 or 0. Then compare the queried value with the value of the node you are at and then according to that search right and left to it just like before.
As an example;
We would have (l,10) (l,20) (l,30) (r,45) (r,60) (r,100) when searching for say, 65 you drop on (r,100) so you go left and can't find a spot with a (l,x) such that x>=65 so you go left until you get balanced lefts and rights and first right and last left is your interval. The reprocessing part will be long but since you will keep it that way. It is still O(n) in worst-case. But that worst case requires you to have everything nested inside each other and you searching for the outer-most.

Find minimum distance between points

I have a set of points (x,y).
i need to return two points with minimal distance.
I use this:
but , i dont really understand how the algo is working.
Can explain in more simple how the algo working?
or suggest another idea?
If the number of points is small, you can use the brute force approach i.e:
for each point find the closest point among other points and save the minimum distance with the current two indices till now.
If the number of points is large, I think you may find the answer in this thread:
Shortest distance between points algorithm
Solution for Closest Pair Problem with minimum time complexity O(nlogn) is divide-and-conquer methodology as it mentioned in the document that you have read.
Divide-and-conquer Approach for Closest-Pair Problem
Easiest way to understand this algorithm is reading an implementation of it in a high-level language (because sometimes understanding the algorithms or pseudo-codes can be harder than understanding the real codes) like Python:
# closest pairs by divide and conquer
# David Eppstein, UC Irvine, 7 Mar 2002
from __future__ import generators
def closestpair(L):
def square(x): return x*x
def sqdist(p,q): return square(p[0]-q[0])+square(p[1]-q[1])
# Work around ridiculous Python inability to change variables in outer scopes
# by storing a list "best", where best[0] = smallest sqdist found so far and
# best[1] = pair of points giving that value of sqdist. Then best itself is never
# changed, but its elements best[0] and best[1] can be.
# We use the pair L[0],L[1] as our initial guess at a small distance.
best = [sqdist(L[0],L[1]), (L[0],L[1])]
# check whether pair (p,q) forms a closer pair than one seen already
def testpair(p,q):
d = sqdist(p,q)
if d < best[0]:
best[0] = d
best[1] = p,q
# merge two sorted lists by y-coordinate
def merge(A,B):
i = 0
j = 0
while i < len(A) or j < len(B):
if j >= len(B) or (i < len(A) and A[i][1] <= B[j][1]):
yield A[i]
i += 1
yield B[j]
j += 1
# Find closest pair recursively; returns all points sorted by y coordinate
def recur(L):
if len(L) < 2:
return L
split = len(L)/2
L = list(merge(recur(L[:split]), recur(L[split:])))
# Find possible closest pair across split line
# Note: this is not quite the same as the algorithm described in class, because
# we use the global minimum distance found so far (best[0]), instead of
# the best distance found within the recursive calls made by this call to recur().
for i in range(len(E)):
for j in range(1,8):
if i+j < len(E):
return L
return best[1]
# returns: (7,6),(5,8)
Taken from: https://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/161/python/closestpair.py
Detailed explanation:
First we define an Euclidean distance aka Square distance function to prevent code repetition.
def square(x): return x*x # Define square function
def sqdist(p,q): return square(p[0]-q[0])+square(p[1]-q[1]) # Define Euclidean distance function
Then we are taking the first two points as our initial best guess:
best = [sqdist(L[0],L[1]), (L[0],L[1])]
This is a function definition for comparing Euclidean distances of next pair with our current best pair:
def testpair(p,q):
d = sqdist(p,q)
if d < best[0]:
best[0] = d
best[1] = p,q
def merge(A,B): is just a rewind function for the algorithm to merge two sorted lists that previously divided to half.
def recur(L): function definition is the actual body of the algorithm. So I will explain this function definition in more detail:
if len(L) < 2:
return L
with this part, algorithm terminates the recursion if there is only one element/point left in the list of points.
Split the list to half: split = len(L)/2
Create a recursion (by calling function's itself) for each half: L = list(merge(recur(L[:split]), recur(L[split:])))
Then lastly this nested loops will test whole pairs in the current half-list with each other:
for i in range(len(E)):
for j in range(1,8):
if i+j < len(E):
As the result of this, if a better pair is found best pair will be updated.
So they solve for the problem in Many dimensions using a divide-and-conquer approach. Binary search or divide-and-conquer is mega fast. Basically, if you can split a dataset into two halves, and keep doing that until you find some info you want, you are doing it as fast as humanly and computerly possible most of the time.
For this question, it means that we divide the data set of points into two sets, S1 and S2.
All the points are numerical, right? So we have to pick some number where to divide the dataset.
So we pick some number m and say it is the median.
So let's take a look at an example:
(14, 2)
(11, 2)
(5, 2)
(15, 2)
(0, 2)
What's the closest pair?
Well, they all have the same Y coordinate, so we can look at Xs only... X shortest distance is 14 to 15, a distance of 1.
How can we figure that out using divide-and-conquer?
We look at the greatest value of X and the smallest value of X and we choose the median as a dividing line to make our two sets.
Our median is 7.5 in this example.
We then make 2 sets
S1: (0, 2) and (5, 2)
S2: (11, 2) and (14, 2) and (15, 2)
Median: 7.5
We must keep track of the median for every split, because that is actually a vital piece of knowledge in this algorithm. They don't show it very clearly on the slides, but knowing the median value (where you split a set to make two sets) is essential to solving this question quickly.
We keep track of a value they call delta in the algorithm. Ugh I don't know why most computer scientists absolutely suck at naming variables, you need to have descriptive names when you code so you don't forget what the f000 you coded 10 years ago, so instead of delta let's call this value our-shortest-twig-from-the-median-so-far
Since we have the median value of 7.5 let's go and see what our-shortest-twig-from-the-median-so-far is for Set1 and Set2, respectively:
Set1 : shortest-twig-from-the-median-so-far 2.5 (5 to m where m is 7.5)
Set 2: shortest-twig-from-the-median-so-far 3.5 (looking at 11 to m)
So I think the key take-away from the algorithm is that this shortest-twig-from-the-median-so-far is something that you're trying to improve upon every time you divide a set.
Since S1 in our case has 2 elements only, we are done with the left set, and we have 3 in the right set, so we continue dividing:
S2 = { (11,2) (14,2) (15,2) }
What do you do? You make a new median, call it S2-median
S2-median is halfway between 15 and 11... or 13, right? My math may be fuzzy, but I think that's right so far.
So let's look at the shortest-twig-so-far-for-our-right-side-with-median-thirteen ...
15 to 13 is... 2
11 to 13 is .... 2
14 to 13 is ... 1 (!!!)
So our m value or shortest-twig-from-the-median-so-far is improved (where we updated our median from before because we're in a new chunk or Set...)
Now that we've found it we know that (14, 2) is one of the points that satisfies the shortest pair equation. You can then check exhaustively against the points in this subset (15, 11, 14) to see which one is the closer one.
Clearly, (15,2) and (14,2) are the winning pair in this case.
Does that make sense? You must keep track of the median when you cut the set, and keep a new median for everytime you cut the set until you have only 2 elements remaining on each side (or in our case 3)
The magic is in the median or shortest-twig-from-the-median-so-far
Thanks for asking this question, I went in not knowing how this algorithm worked but found the right highlighted bullet point on the slide and rolled with it. Do you get it now? I don't know how to explain the median magic other than binary search is f000ing awesome.

Number of partitions with a given constraint

Consider a set of 13 Danish, 11 Japanese and 8 Polish people. It is well known that the number of different ways of dividing this set of people to groups is the 13+11+8=32:th Bell number (the number of set partitions). However we are asked to find the number of possible set partitions under a given constraint. The question is as follows:
A set partition is said to be good if it has no group consisting of at least two people that only includes a single nationality. How many good partitions there are for this set? (A group may include only one person.)
The brute force approach requires going though about 10^26 partitions and checking which ones are good. This seems pretty unfeasible, especially if the groups are larger or one introduces other nationalities. Is there a smart way instead?
EDIT: As a side note. There probably is no hope for a really nice solution. A highly esteemed expert in combinatorics answered a related question, which, I think, basically says that the related problem, and thus this problem also, is very difficult to solve exactly.
Here's a solution using dynamic programming.
It starts from an empty set, then adds one element at a time and calculates all the valid partitions.
The state space is huge, but notice that to be able to calculate the next step we only need to know about a partition the following things:
For each nationality, how many sets it contains that consists of only a single member of that nationality. (e.g.: {a})
How many sets it contains with mixed elements. (e.g.: {a, b, c})
For each of these configurations I only store the total count. Example:
[0, 1, 2, 2] -> 3
e.g.: 3 partitions that look like: {b}, {c}, {c}, {a,c}, {b,c}
Here's the code in python:
import collections
from operator import mul
from fractions import Fraction
def nCk(n,k):
return int( reduce(mul, (Fraction(n-i, i+1) for i in range(k)), 1) )
def good_partitions(l):
n = len(l)
i = 0
prev = collections.defaultdict(int)
while l:
#any more from this kind?
if l[0] == 0:
i += 1
l[0] -= 1
curr = collections.defaultdict(int)
for solution,total in prev.iteritems():
for idx,item in enumerate(solution):
my_solution = list(solution)
if idx == i:
# add element as a new set
my_solution[i] += 1
curr[tuple(my_solution)] += total
elif my_solution[idx]:
if idx != n:
# add to a set consisting of one element
# or merge into multiple sets that consist of one element
cnt = my_solution[idx]
c = cnt
while c > 0:
my_solution = list(solution)
my_solution[n] += 1
my_solution[idx] -= c
curr[tuple(my_solution)] += total * nCk(cnt, c)
c -= 1
# add to a mixed set
cnt = my_solution[idx]
curr[tuple(my_solution)] += total * cnt
if not prev:
# one set with one element
lone = [0] * (n+1)
lone[i] = 1
curr[tuple(lone)] = 1
prev = curr
return sum(prev.values())
print good_partitions([1, 1, 1, 1]) # 15
print good_partitions([1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) # 52
print good_partitions([2, 1]) # 4
print good_partitions([13, 11, 8]) # 29811734589499214658370837
It produces correct values for the test cases. I also tested it against a brute-force solution (for small values), and it produces the same results.
An exact analytic solution is hard, but a polynomial time+space dynamic programming solution is straightforward.
First of all, we need an absolute order on the size of groups. We do that by comparing how many Danes, Japanese, and Poles we have.
Next, the function to write is this one.
m is the maximum group size we can emit
p is the number of people of each nationality that we have left to split
max_good_partitions_of_maximum_size(m, p) is the number of "good partitions"
we can form from p people, with no group being larger than m
Clearly you can write this as a somewhat complicated recursive function that always select the next partition to use, then call itself with that as the new maximum size, and subtract the partition from p. If you had this function, then your answer is simply max_good_partitions_of_maximum_size(p, p) with p = [13, 11, 8]. But that is going to be a brute force search that won't run in reasonable time.
Finally apply https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoization by caching every call to this function, and it will run in polynomial time. However you will also have to cache a polynomial number of calls to it.

Discrete optimization algorithm

I'm trying to decide on the best approach for my problem, which is as follows:
I have a set of objects (about 3k-5k) which I want to uniquely assign to about 10 groups (1 group per object).
Each object has a set of grades corresponding with how well it fits within each group.
Each group has a capacity of objects it can manage (the constraints).
My goal is to maximize the sum of grades my assignments receive.
For example, let's say I have 3 objects (o1, o2, o3) and 2 groups (g1,g2) with a cap. of 1 object each.
Now assume the grades are:
o1: g1=11, g2=8
o2: g1=10, g2=5
o3: g1=5, g2=6
In that case, for the optimal result g1 should receive o2, and g2 should receive o1, yielding a total of 10+8=18 points.
Note that the number of objects can either exceed the sum of quotas (e.g. leaving o3 as a "leftover") or fall short from filling the quotas.
How should I address this problem (Traveling Salesman, sort of a weighted Knap-Sack etc.)? How long should brute-forcing it take on a regular computer? Are there any standard tools such as the linprog function in Matlab that support this sort of problem?
It can be solved with min cost flow algorithm.
The graph can look the following way:
It should be bipartite. The left part represents objects(one vertex for each object). The right part represents groups(one vertex for each group). There is an edge from each vertex from the left part to each vertex from the right part with capacity = 1 and cost = -grade for this pair. There is also an edge from the source vertex to each vertex from the left part with capacity = 1 and cost = 0 and there is an edge from each vertex from the right part to the sink vertex(sink and source are two additional vertices) with capacity = constraints for this group and cost = 0.
The answer is -the cheapest flow cost from the source to the sink.
It is possible to implement it with O(N^2 * M * log(N + M)) time complexity(using Dijkstra algorithm with potentials)(N is the number of objects, M is the number of groups).
This can be solved with an integer program. Binary variables x_{ij} state if object i is assigned to group j. The objective maximized \sum_{i,j} s_{ij}x_{ij}, where s_{ij} is the score associated with assigning i to j and x_{ij} is whether i is assigned to j. You have two types of constraints:
\sum_i x_{ij} <= c_j for all j, the capacity constraints for groups
\sum_j x_{ij} <= 1 for all i, limiting objects to be assigned to at most one group
Here's how you would implement it in R -- the lp function in R is quite similar to the linprog function in matlab.
# Score matrix
S <- matrix(c(11, 10, 5, 8, 5, 6), nrow=3)
# Capacity vector
cvec <- c(1, 1)
# Helper function to construct constraint matrices
unit.vec <- function(pos, n) {
ret <- rep(0, n)
ret[pos] <- 1
# Capacity constraints
cap <- t(sapply(1:ncol(S), function(j) rep(unit.vec(j, ncol(S)), nrow(S))))
# Object assignment constraints
obj <- t(sapply(1:nrow(S), function(i) rep(unit.vec(i, nrow(S)), each=ncol(S))))
# Solve the LP
res <- lp(direction="max",
const.mat=rbind(cap, obj),
const.rhs=c(cvec, rep(1, nrow(S))),
# Grab assignments and objective
sln <- t(matrix(res$solution, nrow=ncol(S)))
apply(sln, 1, function(x) ifelse(sum(x) > 0.999, which(x == 1), NA))
# [1] 2 1 NA
# [1] 18
Although this is modeled with binary variables, it will solve quite efficiently assuming integral capacities.

How to efficiently detect a tie early in m,n,k-game (generalized tic-tac-toe)?

I'm implementing an m,n,k-game, a generalized version of tic-tac-toe, where m is the number of rows, n is the number of columns and k is the number of pieces that a player needs to put in a row to win. I have implemented a check for a win, but I haven't figured out a satisfactory way to check before the board is full of pieces, if no player can win the game. In other words, there might be empty slots on the board, but they cannot be filled in such a way that one player would win.
My question is, how to check this efficiently? The following algorithm is the best that I can think of. It checks for two conditions:
A. Go over all board positions in all 4 directions (top to bottom, right to left, and both diagonal directions). If say k = 5, and 4 (= k-1) consecutive empty slots are found, stop checking and report "no tie". This doesn't take into account for example the following situation:
OX----XO (Example 1)
where a) there are 4 empty consecutive slots (-) somewhere between two X's, b) next it is O's turn, c) there are less than four other empty positions on the board and no player can win by putting pieces to those, and d) it is not possible to win in any other direction than horizontally in the shown slots either. Now we know that it is a tie because O will eventually block the last winning possibility, but erroneously it is not reported yet because there are four consecutive empty slots. That would be ok (but not great). Checking this condition gives a good speed-up at the beginning when the checking algorithm usually finds such a case early, but it gets slower as more pieces are put on the board.
B. If this k-1-consecutive-empty-slots-condition isn't met, the algorithm would check the slots again consecutively in all 4 directions. Suppose we are currently checking from left to right. If at some point an X is encountered and it was preceded by an O or - (empty slot) or a board border, then start counting the number of consecutive X's and empty slots, counting in this first encountered X. If one can count to 5, then one knows it is possible for X to win, and "no tie" is reported. If an O preceded by an X is encountered before 5 consecutive X's, then X cannot win in those 5 slots from left to right starting from where we started counting. For example:
X-XXO (Example 2)
Here we started checking at position 1, counted to 4, and encountered an O. In this case, one would continue from the encountered O in the same way, trying to find 5 consecutive O's or empty slots this time. In another case when counting X's or empty slots, an O preceded by one or more empty slots is encountered, before counting to 5. For example:
X-X-O (Example 3)
In this case we would again continue from the O at position 5, but add to the new counter (of consecutive O's or empty slots) the number of consecutive empty slots that preceded O, here 1, so that we wouldn't miss for example this possible winning position:
X-X-O---X (Example 4)
In this way, in the worst case, one would have to go through all positions 4 times (4 directions, and of course diagonals whose length is less than k can be skipped), giving running time O(mn).
The best way I could think of was doing these two described checks, A and B, in one pass. If the checking algorithm gets through all positions in all directions without reporting "no tie", it reports a tie.
Knowing that you can check a win just by checking in the vicinity of the last piece that was added with running time O(k), I was wondering if there were quicker ways to do an early check for a tie. Doesn't have to be asymptotically quicker. I'm currently keeping the pieces in a two-dimensional array. Is there maybe a data structure that would allow an efficient check? One approach: what is the highest threshold of moves that one can wait the players to make before running any checks for a tie at all?
There are many related questions at Stack Overflow, for example this, but all discussions I could find either only pointed out the obvious tie condition, where the number of moves made is equal to the size of the board (or they checked if the board is full), or handled only the special case where the board is square: m = n. For example this answer claims to do the check for a tie in constant time, but only works when m = n = k. I'm interested in reporting the tie as early as possible and for general m,n and k. Also if the algorithm works for more than two players, that would be neat.
I would reduce the problem of determining a tie to the easier sub-problem:
Can player X still win?
If the answer is 'no' for all players, it is a tie.
To find out whether Player X can win:
fill all blank spaces with virtual 'X'-pieces
are there k 'X'-pieces in a row anywhere?
if there are not --> Player X cannot win. return false.
if there are, find the row of k stones with the least amount of virtual pieces. Count the number of virtual pieces in it.
count the number of moves player X has left, alternating with all other players, until the board is completely full.
if the number of moves is less than the amount of virtual pieces required to win, player X cannot win. return false.
otherwise, player X can still win. return true.
(This algorithm will report a possible win for player X even in cases where the only winning moves for X would have another player win first, but that is ok, since that would not be a tie either)
If, as you said, you can check a win just by checking in the vicinity of the last piece that was added with running time O(k), then I think you can run the above algorithm in O(k * Number_of_empty_spots): Add all virtual X-Piece, note any winning combinations in the vicinity of the added pieces.
The number of empty slots can be large, but as long as there is at least one empty row of size k and player X has still k moves left until the board is filled, you can be sure that player X can still win, so you do not need to run the full check.
This should work with any number of players.
Actually the constant time solution you referenced only works when k = m = n as well. If k is smaller then I don't see any way to adapt the solution to get constant time, basically because there are multiple locations on each row/column/diagonal where a winning consecutive k 0's or 1's may occur.
However, maintaining auxiliary information for each row/column/diagonal can give a speed up. For each row/column/diagonal, you can store the start and end locations for consecutive occurrences of 1's and blanks as possible winning positions for player 1, and similarly store start and end locations of consecutive occurrences of 0's and blanks as possible winning positions for player 0. Note that for a given row/column/diagonal, intervals for player 0 and 1 may overlap if they contain blanks. For each row/column/diagonal, store the intervals for player 1 in sorted order in a self-balancing binary tree (Note you can do this because the intervals are disjoint). Similarly store the intervals for player 0 sorted in a tree. When a player makes a move, find the row/column/diagonals that contain the move location and update the intervals containing the move in the appropriate row column and diagonal trees for the player that did not make the move. For the player that did not make a move, this will split an interval (if it exists) into smaller intervals that you can replace the old interval with and then rebalance the tree. If an interval ever gets to length less than k you can delete it. If a tree ever becomes empty then it is impossible for that player to win in that row/column/diagonal. You can maintain a counter of how many rows/columns/diagonals are impossible to win for each player, and if the counter ever reaches the total number of rows/columns/diagonals for both players then you know you have a tie. The total running time for this is O(log(n/k) + log(m/k)) to check for a tie per move, with O(mn/k) extra space.
You can similarly maintain trees that store consecutive intervals of 1's (without spaces) and update the trees in O(log n + log m) time when a move is made, basically searching for the positions before and after the move in your tree and updating the interval(s) found and merging two intervals if two intervals (before and after) are found. Then you report a win if an interval is ever created/updated and obtains length greater than or equal to k. Similarly for player 0. Total time to check for a win is O(log n + log m) which may be better than O(k) depending on how large k is. Extra space is O(mn).
Let's look at one row (or column or diagonal, it doesn't matter) and count the number of winning lines of length k ("k-line") it's possible to make, at each place in the row, for player X. This solution will keep track of that number over the course of the game, checking fulfillment of the winning condition on each move as well as detecting a tie.
1 2 3... k k k k... 3 2 1
There is one k-line including an X in the leftmost slot, two with the second slot from the left, and so on. If an opposing player, O or otherwise, plays in this row, we can reduce the k-line possibility counts for player X in O(k) time at the time of the move. (The logic for this step should be straightforward after doing an example, needing no other data structure, but any method involving checking each of the k rows of k from will do. Going left to right, only k operations on the counts is needed.) An enemy piece should set the possibility count to -1.
Then, a detectably tied game is one where no cell has a non-zero k-line possibility count for any player. It's easy to check this by keeping track of the index of the first non-zero cell. Maintaining the structure amounts to O(k*players) work on each move. The number of empty slots is less than those filled, for positions that might be tied, so the other answers are good for checking a position in isolation. However, at least for reasonably small numbers of players, this problem is intimately linked with checking the winning condition in the first place, which at minimum you must do, O(k), on every move. Depending on your game engine there may be a better structure that is rich enough to find good moves as well as detect ties. But the possibility counting structure has the nice property that you can check for a win whilst updating it.
If space isn't an issue, I had this idea:
For each player maintain a structure sized (2mn + (1 - k)(m + n) + 2(m - k + 1)(n - k + 1) + 2(sum 1 to (m - k))) where each value represents if one of another player's moves are in one distinct k-sized interval. For example for a 8-8-4 game, one element in the structure could represent row 1, cell 0 to 3; another row 1, cell 1 to 4; etc.
In addition, one variable per player will represent how many elements in their structure are still unset. Only one move is required to set an element, showing that that k-interval can no longer be used to win.
An update of between O(k) and O(4k) time per player seems needed per move. A tie is detected when the number of players exceeds the number of different elements unset.
Using bitsets, the number of bytes needed for each player's structure would be the structure size divided by 8. Notice that when k=m=n, the structure size is 4*k and update time O(4). Less than half a megabyte per player would be needed for a 1000,1000,5 game.
Below is a JavaScript example.
var m = 1000, n = 1000, k = 5, numberOfPlayers = 2
, numberOfHorizontalKIs = m * Math.max(n - k + 1,0)
, numberOfverticalKIs = n * Math.max(m - k + 1,0)
, horizontalVerticalKIArraySize = Math.ceil((numberOfHorizontalKIs + numberOfverticalKIs)/31)
, horizontalAndVerticalKIs = Array(horizontalVerticalKIArraySize)
, numberOfUnsetKIs = horizontalAndVerticalKIs
, upToM = Math.max(0,m - k) // southwest diagonals up to position m
, upToMSum = upToM * (upToM + 1) / 2
, numberOfSouthwestKIs = 2 * upToMSum //sum is multiplied by 2 to account for bottom-right-corner diagonals
+ Math.max(0,n - m + 1) * (m - k + 1)
, diagonalKIArraySize = Math.ceil(2 * numberOfSouthwestKIs/31)
, diagonalKIs = Array(diagonalKIArraySize)
, numberOfUnsetKIs = 2 * numberOfSouthwestKIs + numberOfHorizontalKIs + numberOfverticalKIs
function checkTie(move){
var row = move[0], column = move[1]
//horizontal and vertical
for (var rotate=0; rotate<2; rotate++){
var offset = Math.max(k - n + column, 0)
column -= offset
var index = rotate * numberOfHorizontalKIs + (n - k + 1) * row + column
, count = 0
while (column >= 0 && count < k - offset){
var KIArrayIndex = Math.floor(index / 31)
, bitToSet = 1 << index % 31
if (!(horizontalAndVerticalKIs[KIArrayIndex] & bitToSet)){
horizontalAndVerticalKIs[KIArrayIndex] |= bitToSet
//rotate board to log vertical KIs
var mTmp = m
m = n
n = mTmp
row = move[1]
column = move[0]
count = 0
//rotate board back
mTmp = m
m = n
n = mTmp
// diagonals
for (var rotate=0; rotate<2; rotate++){
var diagonalTopColumn = column + row
if (diagonalTopColumn < k - 1 || diagonalTopColumn >= n + m - k){
} else {
var offset = Math.max(k - m + row, 0)
row -= offset
column += offset
var dBeforeM = Math.min (diagonalTopColumn - k + 1,m - k)
, dAfterM = n + m - k - diagonalTopColumn
, index = dBeforeM * (dBeforeM + 1) / 2
+ (m - k + 1) * Math.max (Math.min(diagonalTopColumn,n) - m + 1,0)
+ (diagonalTopColumn < n ? 0 : upToMSum - dAfterM * (dAfterM + 1) / 2)
+ (diagonalTopColumn < n ? row : n - 1 - column)
+ rotate * numberOfSouthwestKIs
, count = 0
while (row >= 0 && column < n && count < k - offset){
var KIArrayIndex = Math.floor(index / 31)
, bitToSet = 1 << index % 31
if (!(diagonalKIs[KIArrayIndex] & bitToSet)){
diagonalKIs[KIArrayIndex] |= bitToSet
//mirror board
column = n - 1 - column
if (numberOfUnsetKIs < 1){
return "This player cannot win."
} else {
return "No tie."
