Does anyone know of a way to trigger the editing of a row just by clicking the row?
I would like to see the same functionality that I see when I click an edit command button, but triggered by selecting the row.
You can add this to your change event for your grid:
editable: {
mode: "inline"
change: function(){
I know this is an old question, but I just had need for a solution and this is what worked for me. I wanted to use double-click, but the click event should also work.
var grid = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid');
$('#grid .k-grid-content table').on(
function () { grid.editRow($(this)); }
The selector ("#grid .k-grid-content table") works for my current configuration (mainly I have virtual scrolling turned on) and so may need to be adjusted for your specific situation.
I just saw this link which is a great explanation by onabai, but i´m trying to also set a template for the temporary popup and i can´t make it work:
$(".k-grid-popup", grid.element).on("click", function () {
// Temporarily set editable to "popup"
grid.options.editable = "popup";
// Insert row
// Revert editable to inline
grid.options.editable = "inline";
How do you set the template of the popup?
While you can access the grid options directly, any change to the options should be made using the setOptions method. This function will notify the grid of any options change and it will be able to make all the internal change the handle the event according the the new options.
$(".k-grid-popup", grid.element).on("click", function () {
grid.setOptions({editable: "popup"});
grid.setOptions({editable: "inline"});
I don't have any working example of your code so I can't tell if you need to change something else in your code.
I need to clear the toolbar without reloading the grid in my jqgrid. It should just reset the toolbar to its default values.
I tried using,
My grid datatype:local and i don't use loadonce:true.
This made the toolbar clear and refresh the grid. I dont want that to happen.
Any ideas?
I find the question interesting.
To implement the requirement I suggest to use register jqGridToolbarBeforeClear to execute the handler only once. The handler should 1) unregister itself as the event handler and return "stop" to prevent reloading of the grid:
$grid.jqGrid("filterToolbar", { defaultSearch: "cn" });
$("#clearToolbar").button().click(function () {
var myStopReload = function () {
$grid.unbind("jqGridToolbarBeforeClear", myStopReload);
return "stop"; // stop reload
$grid.bind("jqGridToolbarBeforeClear", myStopReload);
if ($grid[0].ftoolbar) {
The corresponding demo shows it live.
So I have a grid and the columns have the good ol' column menu on them with the filtering/sorting/excluding of columns and it all works fine.
The fly in the ointment is that I would like to allow the user to rename a column heading and the obvious place in the UI to allow this is in said column menu.
Something like this:
(where the red bit is just another option that I click on and popup a little window to let me type in a new heading)
Is this possible and how would I do it?
I see that menus can be customized and the grid demo shows how to adjust the stuff in the filter popup but I am not sure how I would add this item (I can see how I would programmatically do the rename but just this getting an option onto the menu has me stumped).
You can use the columnMenuInit event. Two possibilities:
dataSource: dataSource,
columnMenu: true,
columnMenuInit: function (e) {
var menu = e.container.find(".k-menu").data("kendoMenu");
var field = e.field;
// Option 1: use the kendoMenu API ...
text: "Rename"
// Option 2: or create custom html and append manually ..
var itemHtml = '<li id="my-id" class="k-item k-state-default" role="menuitem">' +
'<span class="k-link"><b>Manual entry</b></span></li>';
// add an event handler
menu.bind("select", function (e) {
var menuText = $(e.item).text();
if (menuText == "Rename") {
console.log("Rename for", field);
} else if (menuText === "Manual entry") {
console.log("Manual entry for", field);
See fiddle with two alternatives:
I guess that the point of a filter is to filter, not to make changes on the grid.
But anyways i found this Kendo Post that may help you to achieve what you need.
You can also take a look a this one too.
When editing my grid, if I click outside the grid, the box I was editing is still editable. How do I get the edited cell to "complete" the edit when it looses focus?
The following code will save the current edit.
You'll need to place this inside an event handler that you think should trigger the save. For example, if you're using the sample text editor plugin, I believe an editor-text CSS class is added to the input field that's created when you're editing a cell so something like this should work:
$('#myGrid').on('blur', 'input.editor-text', function() {
I found that I needed to wrap clav's handler in a timeout:
$("#myGrid").on('blur', 'input.editor-text', function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
if (Slick.GlobalEditorLock.isActive())
to avoid errors like:
Uncaught NotFoundError: An attempt was made to reference a Node in a context where it does not exist.
when using the keyboard to navigate. Presumably the new blur handler fires before SlickGrid can do its own handling and this causes problems.
Unfortunately, probably due to differences in event processing, Grame's version breaks keyboard navigation in chrome.
To fix this, I added another check to only commit the edit, if the newly focused element is not another editor element within the grid (as the result of keyboard navigation):
$('#grid').on('blur.editorFocusLost', 'input.editor-text', function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
var focusedEditor = $("#grid :focus");
if (focusedEditor.length == 0 && Slick.GlobalEditorLock.isActive()) {
This seems to work in current versions of firefox, chrome and ie.
I want hide it completely from the main grid too.
See image for more clarification.
Thanks in advance.
The column which you need to hide has the name "subgrid". So to hide it you can use
$("#grid").jqGrid("hideCol", "subgrid");
If you need to implement interface for opening or closing subgrids you can call toggleSubGridRow method directly. For example the following callback will toggle subgrid on double-click on the main row:
ondblClickRow: function (rowid) {
$(this).jqGrid("toggleSubGridRow", rowid);
See the corresponding demo here:
UPDATED: If you want to hide additionally the icon from the first column of subgrid you can use the option
subGridOptions: { openicon: "ui-helper-hidden" }
and add additional CSS style
.subgrid-cell .ui-helper-hidden { display: none}
See the updated demo:
UPDATED 2: To hide the column with the icon in the subgrid row you can just use
.subgrid-cell { display: none}
See the next demo: