I am going to develop an application for android auto so I have been searching what to do. It seems there is a lot of constraints about this subject.
I need to know if i can create new special voice commands for my application?
The short answer is no, not using the default api that google provides. You may be able to create a listener using the accessibility service but the Android Auto API are not that advanced to where you can add voice actions.
Dave is correct, you are currently limited to the API endpoints that are in the Auto documentation.
But... you could work around it by declaring a media service, listening for the callback from the library, and simply taking the 'search term' of a song/media item and rerouting that term to a switch statement of different custom commands...
It's hacky, but should work...
Hello there i'm in a situation where i need to register a lot of new cast apps and i'm wondering if there is any API to do this task instead of doing it manually one by one on the SDK Developer Console as the docs suggest. I already created one Cast app that is working correctly so i'm familiarized with this console. But i haven't been able to find any documentation regarding some API to make this proccess more automated.
We do not have bulk registrations.
Is there a way to add custom text handlers in Microsoft Teams? For example when I Type # in chat then I can pick from users. Similarly want to bind a key to another option when I can lookup something from our web service and add it to the chat window. Following documentation describes how to write connectors for Microsoft Teams but doesn't say anything about what I am looking for.
mayank, the closest direct thing to what you want is what we call compose extensions. That feature is in preview and is available here. That will let you call a web service and interactively show results from a search in a popup list, not unlike our Giphy integration.
Under the covers, it's a special kind of bot as mark-lafleur-msft described. With a bot, the difference is that the results from the web service don't appear in a popup window.
Last but not least, the simplest way of all, if all you want to do is execute commands from within a channel and return information, is to create a "Custom Bot" (similar to an "Outgoing webhook" in Slack). Details here.
Hope that helps.
What you're describing here is what Bots in Teams are intended for. Once built, you simply reference the bot by #botname and your query: #botname look up something from web service.
I've discovered the Google Play API which seems to be quite convenient for several tasks related to the APKs. However, I'd also like to change the developer name (which can be found under "Google Play Developer Console"->"Settings"->"Account Details"->"Developer Name"-Field) programmatically.
So far, I have not discovered yet how you can do this with the Play API. Therefore my question: Is is possible to update the Developer Name via e.g. a python script and without using a regular web browser?
No, there isn't a way to change your developer name via an API call. You could write a bot to do that for you, but I don't know if you are allowed to that.
However if you are going to write a bot I would recommend you using Selenium
I would like to serve ads in an Android application though AdMob mediation from a third party network. This particular ad network is not listed under the AdMob mediation networks. Is there a way to do this? They have provided me with a tag that is basically a small piece of javascript code. Could this be done using AdMob custom events? If so, is there an example on how to implement this?
Yes, custom events can be used to support your requirements.
See https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/admob/android/custom-events
And https://github.com/googleads/googleads-mobile-plugins/tree/master/mediation_adapter/src/com/google/ads/mediation/sample/customevent
Essentially when the CustomEvent is called you need to populate a View with the ad from the 3rd party network using whatever mechanic they provide you with.
Could anyone help or refer how it can be done..I searched over the net and what i felt is that its only for mobile and websites.
It's for websites. Many of the concepts of web analytics (number of pages viewed for example) don't even make any sense on a desktop app, because they're not organized like a web page.
If you want to use Google analytics data from an analytics account Google provides a data export API.
If you want to track your native application then as Catfish_Man (great name btw!) said, it is not really possible. That isn't totally true, as you could fake it, but the paradigm is so different that you would be better off creating you own solution.
You might want to see this library for GA on desktops
Google Analytics doesn't provide a native Mac app integration, but you can use the Measurement Protocol Overview to send raw data to your GA property from your account.
Just create a mobile app property and then start sending raw GA events using HTTP. There are couple Obj-C wrappers available like https://github.com/swisspol/GARawTracker or https://github.com/stephenlind/SimpleCocoaGoogleAnalytics.