How can I successfully install sharetribe on windows - windows I have tried to follow all the instructions as per this link but all is in vain.


issue with Openslide package locating on Mac

Been trying to download PathmL on Mac , and i followed the documentation instructions ( including downloading OpenSlide, however I keep on. receiving this error, ''Couldn't locate OpenSlide dylib''
Any advice ?
All as per doucmentation instructions. I am expecting it to launch in jupyter lab
All good, I fixed the error by doing this.
was to use conda command from a Docker terminal using this command, <<conda install -c conda-forge openslide>> followed by Pip install openslide-python. Thank you for everything :) :) :)

Regarding sage installation through anaconda

I have installed anaconda3. Then I am trying to install sage following the instructions in official website of sage. But the instruction "sage create -n sage sage python=3.9.12" is not working. Also tried with other instructions given in the website. Please give me suggestions how can I install sage from conda forge.

install redmine on windows 10 have failed

hello there i'm trying to install redmine on windows 10 ,i have tried to install with bitnami and it have error on
installing gems any one will give me a solution on installing redmine
on windows 10. i prefer to use iis web server
,also i have tried "windows web platform installer" with "helicon zoo"
and had error on finding file , and i have tried to install it without
package manager and it failed on
step 4.3 so i skipped but again it failed on step 5.2 when executing
"ruby dk.rb install"
i haven't used ruby ever before am i missing something
thanks in advance
ps , i have added error snapshot in bellow
if you are installing Redmine in your local system which has OS Windows 10, you no need to install all the required set of Softwares separately, you can go and download the Bitnami Redmine here
the download is an installer you can easily install all the software includes Database aswell.
I think this will helps you.
I do not know why you are trying to install redmine the ways you quote usually first check if it is already installed via command prompt and write, gem list.
If not installed, gem install 'redmine' or gem update 'redmine'
I would do a check to see if redmine is actually still an active gem.

Mozilla Firefox crash in Debian

I have Seeed ReSpeaker v2.0 and it comes with Mozilla already installed. It is not starting and it gave me this error:
I tried different browsers and all not starting
I also tried to reinstall Mozilla and clear and same result
I had the same problem after upgrading (apt-get upgrade), so I downgraded Firefox:
sudo apt-get install firefox-esr=52.9.0esr-1~deb9u1
Then I was able to run the demo install and use Firefox to register the device with Amazon.
Hope this helps.

Q: Error when installing "node-red-contrib-composer" using "Manage Palette" feature

When I try to install the plugin using the "Manage Palette" feature of node-red the installation fails with a general error: "Error: stderr maxBuffer exceeded". The work-around for me was to install the plugin from the command line inside the .node-red user settings directory.
Note beyond, I am able to install other plugins via "Manage Palette" without problems. So, I don't think it is a general issue with my setup or the way I am using node-red.
So I am wondering, if I am missing something or this is a bug?
Here is how to reproduce the issue:
Install hyperledger composer and fabric as described in the development guide - I am using Ubuntu LTS 16.04.3 (64-bit) and Node.js 8.9.1
Allow unprivileged users for installing global npm packages (this one is missing in the development guide, btw!) - I used npm-g_nosudo for the setup
Install node-red - Execute npm install -g node-red as unprivileged user (no need for --unsafe-perm at this point)
Start node-red - Execute node-red on the command line with the user account used to run hyperledger composer and fabric
Try to install the node-red-contrib-composerplugin using "Manage Palette"
This is a known issue, see
and is due to this issue in node-red
