issue with Openslide package locating on Mac - macos

Been trying to download PathmL on Mac , and i followed the documentation instructions ( including downloading OpenSlide, however I keep on. receiving this error, ''Couldn't locate OpenSlide dylib''
Any advice ?
All as per doucmentation instructions. I am expecting it to launch in jupyter lab

All good, I fixed the error by doing this.
was to use conda command from a Docker terminal using this command, <<conda install -c conda-forge openslide>> followed by Pip install openslide-python. Thank you for everything :) :) :)


bash: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/go: Bad address

I did an brew upgrade and afterwards keep getting an bad address error.
Tried to uninstall/reinstall everything, but cant figure out what is the problem.
bash: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/go: Bad address
Im new to terminal and linux, so all advice is welcome.
I tried brew doctor. It says "No developer tools installed." and after i 'brew install gcc' it says gcc is already installed and up-to-date.
Use the official Go installation:
Go: Download and install
For full support, avoid OS package managers, Homebrew, and so forth.
First, remove any previous installations by other methods, for example, Homebrew.
Little late, but this post was a suggestion for me when I ran into a similar issue with Go and Brew.
When Brew updates the version of Go (1.19.3 -> 1.19.5 in my case) that it is providing, for some reason it does not correctly update the GOROOT environment varaible. Correcting the value of the variable fixed the issue for me.
export GOROOT=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/go/<go_version>/libexec
# example
export GOROOT=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/go/1.19.5/libexec

'pip install duckling' giving issue

I want to install duckling to work on Rasa nlu training but it is giving issue as mentioned in below image please help me to fix this.enter image description here
As a suitable alternative would you consider running Rasa NLU in docker. The rasa/rasa_nlu:latest-full docker image includes duckling. If you wanted to get started with it and you have docker installed you should be able to just run
docker run rasa/rasa_nlu:latest-full
Then you can interact with Rasa over it's HTTP API
The docker file allow's more complicated setups like over writing the default config file and saving the logs/models/etc to a persistent disk
I had the same issue! This is basically the issue of jpype modules.
You need to first install the jpype in your environment.
you can use conda install -c conda-forge jpype1
For installing the jpype you can also refer to
official link for jpype installation.
On successful installation of jpype duckiling can be installed using
pip install duckling -U
I hope this would help!
You should download VC+ compiler for windows and then try the pip install.
You can download it here

unicharset_extractor: command not found

I want create new train data using tesseract. So follow step which mentioned in below website.
I got below error while i execute Unicharset in OS X terminal.
-bash: unicharset_extractor: command not found
I have using below software versions
OS: OSX EI caption 10.11.1
tesseract 3.04.01
libjpeg 8d : libpng 1.6.21 : libtiff 4.0.6 : lib 1.2.5
is this possible to execute unchaste_extractor command in OSx?
Thanks in advance.
Problem is "Unicharset_extractor" not install in your system. So please install tesseract training tools
brew install --with-training-tools tesseract
Please uninstall tesseract if you already installed it.
brew uninstall tesseract
NOTE: please read logs while install training tools and follow the steps which mentioned in logs.
It’ll take some more time to install the training tool so you’ll never quiet the terminal meantime.
Please install Homebrew before work out above command.
You will need to build Tesseract training executables; they are separate from the regular Tesseract executable.

Cannot install Logentries Mac Agent on OS X Yosemite

I tried to install Logentries (Mac Agent) as instructed by the website itself. I followed the steps as instructed.
curl -O
I downloaded the script and ran sudo ./ But that didn't work so I tried sudo sh
When I do sudo le then I get same error message as marked in pic above.
I googled but didn't find the solution.
Thank you in advance.
Here is composer.json content
it's missing the formats directory.
sudo pip install formats
should resolve your issue here, then sudo sh
#user5384112 is correct, the error is being caused by a missing dependancy.
I have a PR to fix this for the Mac installer which should go live shortly.
You can install directly with by downloading with curl or download and install it. You should first look for missing dependencies before installing anything. You should have looked carefully in the documentation and error messages. The error clearly suggests you should have formats. for that do following
sudo pip install formats

Problems with Cocoapods on Xcode 6.4

I'm trying to install and use Cocoapods with Xcode. I've installed already Brew, so I've used this command:
sudo gem install cocoapods
but it stays there, without response and without asking me for password (that's really strange, because of sudo command).
Maybe I got some problem with Brew Installation or Ruby on my Yosemite iMac?
I met the same error in the past, there is something wrong with my development environment. I re-install the Command Line Tools follow this guide, then everything is ok.
You can get the detail information from here, hope it can help you.
