Secure Oozie Web Console not working from my Windows machine - hadoop

I have setup a secure(Kerberos) Oozie environment in CentOS 6.3 using CDH 4.1.2. I am able to view the Oozie web console from CentOS machine which is hosted in server. But is there a way to view the webconsole from my local Windows machine.
I have tried creating a HTTP principal with my windows machine as hostname. I am able to get a valid ticket for HTTP principal. But when I open the Oozie Web Console, I get the following error GSSException: Defective token detected (Mechanism level: GSSHeader did not find the right tag)
Am I missing something. Help me guys.
Vishnu Ganth

This error occurs because your browser sends request for NTLM authentication instead of kerberos.
In internet explorer follow below steps,
go to Internet Options
In security tab, select Local intranet.
Click Custom Level in the below, Make sure Automatic logon only in intranet zone under the User Authentication section.
In the Internet Options, select Advanced tab and make sure enable Integrated Windows Authentication selected under security section.
Once the above steps done, it will work on both internet explorer and google chrome.

If you are accesing it from the Cross realm, your widows-based clients should know the KDC location to create proper SPNEGO token. You need either create a separate policy in your AD for that type of users or you can manually from command line add mappings in client machine's registeries so that they would know about your Hadoop realm KDC:
ksetup /addkdc HADOOP.DOMAIN.COM
ksetup /addhosttorealmmap HADOOP.DOMAIN.COM


Delegation Error for Kerberos for Specific Windows Workstation

I am having an workstation specific Kerberos issue and hope anyone here would have additional recommendation.
Our application has an application server and web server and we have kerberos configured on both application layer and web layer.
And for certain users, when we provide the Kerberos link and they are not able to authorize in. And we found out the issue is workstation specific. And on the same problematic workstation, the user could access application server via Kerberos authentication.
And on the web logic we see the following error:
[SpnegoFilter.doFilter] Although user authentication to xxx was successful, Integrated Authentication could not extract the user's credentials because it appears delegation was either not configured or disallowed
I am looking for any of Windows setting could potential lead to this issue? We check that our domain is trusted on both working and nonworking machines on the browser level and GPO settings are the same.
What you're describing is unconstrained delegation, which is the act of a user handing the remote server their TGT so the server can impersonate the user without restriction.
Windows deems this as incredibly dangerous (it is) and is moving towards disabling it outright when certain security services are enabled on the client. Specifically Credential Guard. It will also block it for users that are members of the Protected Users security group, though the fact that it's affecting specific workstations leans towards Credential Guard.
If it is the above issues the correct solution is to switch to constrained delegation.

IIS 401.3 With Windows Authentication 2016

I am moving some old web applications from an old Server to a Server 2016. We are using a domain account for the application identity and we need to use windows authentication. I am getting a 401.3 error when I try a test.html page on the server. I am only getting this for static content though as I tried a home.aspx page and that page worked.
Things I have tried/checked
Static Content is installed under the Common HTTP Features
The domain account used for the app pool has full access to the directory containing test.html
Tried NTLM first as provider instead of Negotiate on IIS Windows Authentication Providers
Tried "Enable Kernel-mode authentication" checked and unchecked
Tried all settings of "Extended Protection" under Advanced settings for windows authentication.
Tried ProcMon. All I get when I filter for test.html is 2 QueryOpen operations with result SUCCESS
The solution for this was that we need to have the account that was running the application pool set up in the "Impersonate a client after authentication." Our local group policy had this locked down. I am guessing the default install may have IIS_USRS group in this policy but our server did not.

Kerberos SSO authentication in browser in windows

In a company network there is a web page, which uses kerberos single sign on. I am connecting to this network via VPN.
When using Mac, I can just write in the console kinit username#REALM.LOCAL, I get the ticket and after this I can open the web page in a browser and it works.
The other story happens on windows. I have my PC, I don't want it to become a member of the company domain. Via MIT Kerberos Client I can get a kerberos ticket, but of course no browser is aware of its existence.
Is there a way to feed this ticket to a browser on windows?
Safari is very friendly, it will give your kerberos tickets to anybody. IE and firefox need to be configured to do this and I'm not sure if they will have access to the kerberos tickets unless your windows box is in the AD domain.
Basically, you need to configure your browser to support SPNEGO. With firefox, you need to tweak some variables in about:config See
for the exact details. IE is a whole lot trickier.

Configure Kerberos auth for TFS 2013

I need to set up Kerberos authentication for TFS 2013. Is there any document that gives me steps to configure it? I have looked at the below mentioned links
My TFS still takes NTLM auth type every time. I would really appreciate if someone could send me links on how to configure Kerberos on Windows 7
Kerberos is not a TFS capability but one of active directory. If you are able to get a nervous token on the TFS accounts with the delegated URL so in your SPN, then you only need to switch TFS over.
You might find the option in the console but i am getting that It is a setup option.
Run "tfsconfig.exe setup /uninstall:all" to undo your current configuration. Then when configuring select "advanced" and you should get an option for ntlm/kerberos.

Deploying MVC 3 website on Windows Server 2003 with Windows Authentication

I have deployed an MVC 3 website on IIS of my Windows Server 2003 edition. I have set the authentication to Basic, Integrated, and Windows in order to enable site to use Windows authentication, and automatically log in into website if the user has launched the site from the same domain. If user access the site from another domain, it should prompt the Windows credentials and should allow user to log in.
However the problem is that, user is presented with Windows login prompt every time (irrespective to same or different domain), and also when user provides valid credentials it doesn't allow user to access the site.
What could be the problem here? Or, can anyone provide me proper guide to configure IIS to use Windows Authentication while deployed on Windows Server 2003?
What is the version of IIS you are using ? Could you try to force NTLM authentication and see whether it will change anything ? Followin technet article will tell you how to change to NTML Please backup the server/iis configs before attempting any modifications to the metabase
