Custom IP over an AXI bus - fpga

I have a Xilinx Zybo board. I followed the instructions here and created a custom multiplier over the AXI bus. The multiplier shown on the website processes one input and generates one output. How can I modify it such that it can process streaming inputs sort of like a pipeline. Any hints?

In the tutorial, at Step 5 of "Create the custom IP", select AXI Stream interface rather than AXI Lite. Then modify the HDL source to have the proper signals for a streaming interface (mainly VALID, READY, and DATA). Then follow the rest of the steps to add the IP into your design in Vivado.
Note you'll have to create 2 streaming interfaces, one for input and one for output. Unlike AXI Lite where you can read/write a single register, a Stream is a one-directional flow of data.
EDIT: this doesn't address the way you'd test/stim from the SW side. The example will only work with an AXI Lite interface. You'd need a custom driver to work with the Streaming IF(s)


Store data into ram on a zynq device

I am at moment having some problems storing an image generated in the PS part of my Zynq into the DDR3 of my board, and then read that image into the PL side of the board such that the VGA driver created there can
The PS creates a 640x480 image, which ideally i want to store in the Dram.
I've until now used the DMA to transfer the data back and forth and store it as in some way (not storing all pixels) into the block ram of my system. but that isn't a ideal solution and I know so too..
So my question is how do i access the DDR ram of my zynq board, i know it is located on the PS side, but cant seem to find any documentation explaining how it should be interfaced and so..
Usually on zynq you try to use Axi interface for the data.
You can use that by the interconnects and the adress.
In Vivado you have right of the block design diagram a tab called "Address Editor".
In my case a simple test application (axi dma with fifo) is used.
I configured the axi dma to the base address "0x4040_0000" Range of 64K so the High Adress is "0x4040_FFFF".
In The SDK you can access this memory via a C/C++ program.
Here is a short AXI DMA example:
axi dma example
This example was written for the zedboard but I tried it with the z-turn 7020 board and it worked in Vivado 2014.4 and 2016.1.
I hope this helps you.

How to setup the control interface for the Avalon-MM?

In QSYS I have an ADC, PLL and an Avalon-MM Read Master to access the internal ADC of the Altera Max10. The control and user interface of the Read Master are exported.
Now I struggle to setup the control interface to access the ADC channels. Mainly following signals:
The interface description is:
The block diagram for the Read Master is:
- How do I need to set the control signals to access the ADC channel x?
- Where can I find the base address for the ADC implemented in QSYS?
Attached is the quartus archive. Maybe someone can give me an example to simulate this interface in ModelSim.
Thanks in advance!
I have an answer to your second question. I am struggling myself with the first question.
Where can I find the base address for the ADC implemented in QSYS?
I know two methods to find the base and end address of a component.
One is to open the System Contents view (standard) and scroll to the right side .
I am not permited to embed images yet.
There you see a row named Base and End. Here you can find the addresses.
The second method is to open the Address Map. Should be located in the same column as System Contents, or you can select View in the top left corner and select it there.
Have a look. You should be able to find it yourself with this information.
What i use when i am searching for examples or prebuild designs is the altera website. Here a link for you
Probably you like this one:
The configuration is complete in QSYS? Like selecting channels and Sequencer in your ADC Block. Selecting the right input clocks and the right frequencies?
You wrote:
In QSYS I have an ADC, PLL and an Avalon-MM Read Master to access the internal ADC of the Altera Max10. The control and user interface of the Read Master are exported.
Have you created a clock for your PLL? When i want to simulate a clock signal for a QSYS system i export the clock signals and define the wanted clock in an additional file.
When you go one step further and include a nios2 processor i recommend to have a look at the altera_modular_adc.c file.
If you haven't assigned any base addresses there is a function in QSYS which does the job for you.
In System (Same column as File) -> Assign Base Addresses

Any example useage of a BSCANE2 primitive in Xilinx 7 series? (using the JTAG port to configure user design)

I've looked over the info on BSCANE2 in (pg 169 7 Series FPGA Configuration Guide) and I can't quite figure out how to use it based on that descriptions.
I want to be able to use the JTAG port on the KC705 board to shift in some configuration data for our design. I think (based on the description there in the user guide linked above) that the BSCANE2 is what I need to do that... but I really don't understand why all of the pins of the BSCANE2 component seem to have the wrong direction (TDO is an input while all of the other JTAG control sigs like TCK, RESET, TDI are outputs). Initially I had thought that there was an implicit connection from the signals of the JTAG port of the FPGA to the instantiated BSCANE2 component, but that doesn't appear to be the case based on the port directions. I suspect I'm missing some information somewhere and while I have read the docs it's still not clear to me how to actually use the BSCANE2 to do what I'm trying to do.
Any example usage of a BSCANE2 component would be appreciated.
NOTE: the description of the BSCANE2 in the user guide linked above says:
The BSCANE2 primitive allows access between the internal FPGA logic and the JTAG Boundary Scan logic controller. This allows for communication between the internal running design and the dedicated JTAG pins of the FPGA
This sounds exactly like what I need.
Xilinx offers a 8 bit CPU called PicoBlaze that uses a JTAGLoader module to reconfigure the PicoBlaze's instruction ROM at runtime. The JTAGLoader is provided in VHDL for Spartans and Series-7 devices.
But I think JTAG is not a good protocol for data transfer. Especially the JTAG software API is a mess.
What about UART? Most boards have a USB-UART bridge like CP2103 that supports up to 1 MBoud.

Implementing the PMod-ALS on the Basys2 Board in VHDL

I'm attempting to use the ALS Pmod with the Basys2 board in VHDL.
How would I go about doing so?
With a 3-wire SPIā„¢ communication interface. The Texas Instruments ADC081S021 Single Channel, 50 to 200 ksps, 8-Bit A/D Converter (PDF data sheet) is intended to be polled. Note from the TI datasheet you don't need a full SPI slave interface, it's read only, a simple port. From the schematic for the PMOD-ALS it appears it operates in continuous tracking mode.

Simple Adder Control Signals on Zynq SoC - Zedboard

I am new to the Zedboard and am working up to transferring a complex hardware accelerator I currently have working on a regular FPGA board. Anyway I want to walk before I can run so have done the Zedboard speedway tutorials and am now toying around with small projects. My first of which being an simple adder accelerator:
-Send 2 numbers to the pl(programmable logic), to reg a and b
-the pl adds the numbers
-an interrupt to the PS(CPU) signals the computation has finished.
-In the ISR the PS reads the result from reg c
For this design I am using 3 registers (a,b,c) in the AXI interconnect, I have created the IP templates using CIP.
Basically though what is the best way send a control signal to enable the addition to the PL. So how should I signal to the PL adder that I have loaded the two numbers in reg a and b and now want to add them?
-Should I create a 1bit signal GPIO interconnect, add a 4th 1 bit control register to the IP? or is there a more 'stylish' way to do this by using the BUS2IPdata signals?
-Or is there another way to create custom PS to PL control enable signals?
Many thanks
Current idea:
-Build a switch in the user_logic HDL based on the BUS2IPWrCE, so when this is asserted to write to reg B I can then signal an enable signal to my adder? Or will I run into some concurrency issues with the data not being fully written straight away?
So to do this I have created the AXI perph using CIP, then modified the used_logic and two new ports, en and interrupt. Following these instructions I employed these external connections.
I then connected these two external connections to GPIO interfaces to provide the required functionality.
In your larger designs, it will be difficult to get performance using a GPIOs to control the scheduling of your accelerators. I suggest setting up FIFOs of command blocks between software and hardware.
For example, your peripheral could implement an AXI Stream slave, to receive commands from software, and an AXI Stream master, to send result indications back to software.
It can assert an interrupt to indicate that there are values in the response FIFO.
For higher performance, set up these FIFOs in DRAM and use AXI read/write masters in your peripheral.
