eval and binding: what are they useful for? - ruby

According to ruby-doc.org, kernel#eval takes a binding object as the second argument as follows:
Const = 7
p eval("Const", binding) # => 7
The method eval can be used with an object returned by a method get_binding that accepts one parameter:
def get_binding(param)
return binding
n = get_binding(7)
p eval("param", n) # => 7
In the first piece of code, we get the value of Const, and in the second piece of code, we get the value of param. If we use eval and binding to retrieve values that we already know, what are these methods useful for?

For sake of discussion, lets say you are working on a template engine - which will process a given text and replace the Ruby code in it with the its value. We can use eval for that.
Being a general purpose engine, the template text should allow usage of Ruby variables, whose value will be defined in the caller's binding. In such cases, by passing binding to the eval, we can allow user's binding to be used for variable evaluation.
A rudimentary, not elegant, approach is demonstrated below:
template = "Hello #first_name# #last_name#"
def process(template, b)
vars = template.scan(/#(\w+)#/).flatten
vars.each {|v| template = template.gsub("##{v}#", eval("#{v}", b)) }
return template
first_name = "Wand"
last_name = "Maker"
str = process(template, binding)
p str
#=> "Hello Wand Maker"
first_name = "Rubeus"
last_name = "Hagrid"
p process(template, binding)
#=> "Hello Rubeus Hagrid"
A somewhat similar approach has been used in ERB, Ruby's in-built template engine. You can take a look at source code


Changing the object identity of a formal parameter

I will try to explain the problem with a simple example:
def enclose(x)
In my application, enclose does something more complex, but in essence it returns an array, the content of which is solely determined by the value of the parameter x. I could it use it like this:
foo = 'abcd'
foo = enclose(foo)
Now to my question: Is it possible to write a method enclose!, which simply replaces the parameter by its enclosed version, so that the example could be written as
foo = 'abcd'
Since Ruby passes arguments by reference, I thought hat this could maybe be possible. The naive approach,
def enclose!(x)
x = [x]
does not work - I think this is because the assignment creates a new object and leaves the actual parameter untouched.
Is there way, that I can achieve my goal? I think in Smallalk, there would be a method become which would change the object identity, but I didn't find something similar in Ruby.
Since Ruby passes arguments by reference, I thought hat this could maybe be possible.
Ruby is pass-by-value, not pass-by-reference, which you have proven yourself, because otherwise your code would have worked.
I think in Smallalk, there would be a method become which would change the object identity, but I didn't find something similar in Ruby.
There isn't. Ruby has neither pass-by-reference nor become:, what you want simply isn't possible.
There's some other interesting posts about how ruby is pass by value, but the values are references.
What it boils down to is, you can modify the variable an object refers to, but you cannot change it to refer to another object.
> a = [1]
=> [1]
> def add_a(array)
> array << "a"
> end
=> :add_a
> add_a a
=> [1, "a"]
> a
=> [1, "a"]
There is a way to sort of accomplish what you are asking for but it's not quite pretty. Ruby has this concept of a binding (http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/Binding.html), which is like a CallContext in .NET.
You can do something like this:
def enclose(x)
def enclose!(x, binding)
eval("#{x} = [#{x}]", binding)
foo = 'abcd'
enclose!(:foo, binding)
=> ["abcd"]
In the script above, the :foo means you are passing the name of the variable, and the binding (context) where to find its value. Then you're dynamically calling eval to evaluate the assignment operation foo = [foo].

Ruby: How to pass the result of an block as an argument

Can I some how pass the result of an evaluated block as an argument to a function?
This illustrates what I want to do by using a helper function (do_yield):
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
def do_yield
def foo a
#'a' must be an array
puts "A: [#{a.join(", ")}]"
foo (do_yield{
a = []
a << 1
Can I do this without creating my own helper function? Preferably by using facilities in the language, if the language does not offer a way to do it, then is there an existing function I can use instead of my own do_yield
So, you want to pass a result of executing some code into some other code? You just need to convert your "block" to an expression (by making it a proper method, for example)
def bar
a = []
a << 1
foo bar
If your code is really this simple (create array and append element), you can use the code grouping constructs (which combine several statements/expressions into one expression)
foo((a = []; a << 1))
a = []
a << 1
Personally, I'd definitely go with the method. Much simpler to read.
The piece of terminology you probably want to search for here is lambda - a lambda being an anonymous function that can be passed around as a parameter.
So to do what you are describing with a Lambda you might do this:
my_lambda = lambda do
a = []
a << 1
def foo a
#'a' must be an array
puts "A: [#{a.join(", ")}]"
foo my_lambda.call
Of course you can have parameterised lambdas and if foo was expecting a lambda you could have it call #{a.call.join(", ")}] ( your actual code has double-quotes everywhere so not sure it would work ) so that the evaluation only happened when it was passed.
This is an interesting and powerful part of Ruby so it is worth learning about.

Plus equals with ruby send message

I'm getting familiar with ruby send method, but for some reason, I can't do something like this
a = 4
a.send(:+=, 1)
For some reason this doesn't work. Then I tried something like
a.send(:=, a.send(:+, 1))
But this doesn't work too. What is the proper way to fire plus equals through 'send'?
I think the basic option is only:
a = a.send(:+, 1)
That is because send is for messages to objects. Assignment modifies a variable, not an object.
It is possible to assign direct to variables with some meta-programming, but the code is convoluted, so far the best I can find is:
a = 1
var_name = :a
eval "#{var_name} = #{var_name}.send(:+, 1)"
puts a # 2
Or using instance variables:
#a = 2
var_name = :#a
instance_variable_set( var_name, instance_variable_get( var_name ).send(:+, 1) )
puts #a # 3
See the below :
p 4.respond_to?(:"+=") # false
p 4.respond_to?(:"=") # false
p 4.respond_to?(:"+") # true
a+=1 is syntactic sugar of a = a+1. But there is no direct method +=. = is an assignment operator,not the method as well. On the other hand Object#send takes method name as its argument. Thus your code will not work,the way you are looking for.
It is because Ruby doesn't have = method. In Ruby = don't work like in C/C++ but it rather assign new object reference to variable, not assign new value to variable.
You can't call a method on a, because a is not an object, it's a variable, and variables aren't objects in Ruby. You are calling a method on 4, but 4 is not the thing you want to modify, a is. It's just not possible.
Note: it is certainly possible to define a method named = or += and call it, but of course those methods will only exist on objects, not variables.
class Fixnum
define_method(:'+=') do |n| self + n end
a = 4
a.send(:'+=', 1)
# => 5
# => 4
This might miss the mark a bit, but I was trying to do this where a is actually a method dynamically called on an object. For example, with attributes like added_count and updated_count for Importer I wrote the following
class Importer
attr_accessor :added_count, :updated_count
def increment(method)
send("#{method}=", (send(method) + 1))
So I could use importer.increment(:added_count) or importer.increment(:updated_count)
Now this may seem silly if you only have these 2 different counters but in some cases we have a half dozen or more counters and different conditions on which attr to increment so it can be handy.

Setting variable A with name stored in variable B

I have the following two variables:
a = 1;
b = 'a';
I want to be able to do
so that the value of variable a is now set to 2.
a # => 2
Is this possible?
Specifically, I am working with the Facebook API. Each object has a variety of different connections (friends, likes, movies, etc). I have a parser class that stores the state of the last call to the Facebook API for all of these connections. These states are all named corresponding to the the GET you have to call in order to update them.
For example, to update the Music connection, you use https://graph.facebook.com/me/music?access_token=... I store the result in a variable called updated_music. For books, its updated_books. If I created a list of all these connection type names, I ideally want to do something like this.
def update_all
connection_list.each do |connection_name|
updated_SomeTypeOfEvalAndConcatenation(connection_name) = CallToAPI("https://graph.facebook.com/me/#{connection_name}?access_token=...")
Very new to both Rails and StackOverflow so please let me know if there is a better way to follow any conventions.
Tried the below.
class FacebookParser
attr_accessor :last_albums_json,
def update_parser_vars(service)
handler = FacebookAPIHandler.new
connections_type_list = ['albums']
connections_type_list.each do |connection_name|
eval "self.last_#{connection_name}_json = handler.access_api_by_content_type(service, #{connection_name})['data']"
#self.last_albums_json = handler.access_api_by_content_type(service, 'albums')['data']
And I get this error
undefined local variable or method `albums' for #<FacebookParser:0xaa7d12c>
Works fine when I use line that is commented out.
Changing an unrelated variable like that is a bit of a code smell; Most programmers don't like it when a variable magically changes value, at least not without being inside an enclosing class.
In that simple example, it's much more common to say:
Or if a is a more complex thing, make it a class:
class Foo
attr_accessor :a
def initialize(value)
#a = value
def transform(value)
#a = "new value: #{value}"
baz = "something"
bar = Foo.new(2)
=> 2
=> "new value: something"
So while the second example changes an internal variable but not through the accessor, at least it is part of an encapsulated object with a limited API.
Update Ah, I think the question is how do do like php's variable variables. As mu suggests, if you want to do this, you are probably doing the wrong thing... it's a concept that should never have been thought of. Use classes or hashes or something.
how about
eval "#{b}=2"
and with instance variables you can also do instance_variable_set("#name", value)
you can also use send method if you have a setter defined(and you have), try this:
class FacebookParser
attr_accessor :last_albums_json,
def update_parser_vars(service)
handler = FacebookAPIHandler.new
connections_type_list = ['albums']
connections_type_list.each do |connection_name|
service, connection_name)['data']))
problem with your original code is that
eval ".... handler.access_api_by_content_type(service, #{connection_name})"
would execute
... handler.access_api_by_content_type(service, albums)
# instead of
... handler.access_api_by_content_type(service, 'albums')
so you had to write
eval ".... handler.access_api_by_content_type(service, '#{connection_name}')" <- the quotes!
this is why people usually avoid using eval - it's easy to do this kind of mistakes
These sort of things are not usually done using local variables and their names in Ruby. A usual approach could include hashes and symbols:
data = Hash.new
data[:a] = 1 # a = 1
b = :a # b = 'a'
and then, later
data[b] = 2 # SOMETYPEOFEVALUATION(b) = 2
data[:a] # => 2

'pass parameter by reference' in Ruby?

In Ruby, is it possible to pass by reference a parameter with value-type semantics (e.g. a Fixnum)?
I'm looking for something similar to C#'s 'ref' keyword.
def func(x)
x += 1
a = 5
func(a) #this should be something like func(ref a)
puts a #should read '6'
Btw. I know I could just use:
a = func(a)
You can accomplish this by explicitly passing in the current binding:
def func(x, bdg)
eval "#{x} += 1", bdg
a = 5
func(:a, binding)
puts a # => 6
Ruby doesn't support "pass by reference" at all. Everything is an object and the references to those objects are always passed by value. Actually, in your example you are passing a copy of the reference to the Fixnum Object by value.
The problem with the your code is, that x += 1 doesn't modify the passed Fixnum Object but instead creates a completely new and independent object.
I think, Java programmers would call Fixnum objects immutable.
In Ruby you can't pass parameters by reference. For your example, you would have to return the new value and assign it to the variable a or create a new class that contains the value and pass an instance of this class around. Example:
class Container
attr_accessor :value
def initialize value
#value = value
def func(x)
x.value += 1
a = Container.new(5)
puts a.value
You can try following trick:
def func(x)
x[0] += 1
a = [5]
func(a) #this should be something like func(ref a)
puts a[0] #should read '6'
Fixnum objects have immediate value. This means that when they are assigned or
passed as parameters, the actual object is passed, rather than a reference to
that object.
Also Ruby is pass by value.
However, it seems that composite objects, like hashes, are passed by reference:
fp = {}
def changeit(par)
par[:abc] = 'cde'
p fp
