'queryForTable' cannot return 'nil' In Swift - parse-platform

I am using PFQueryTableViewController as part of ParseUI to load a table of objects based on the currentUser's geolocation. I have seen several other (older) forum posts (like here) detailing that the queryForTable function should return nil if a value like currentLocation:PFGeoPoint? is nil. Then wait on the background process in viewDidLoad to get the PFGeoPoint and loadObjects(), thus calling the queryForTable function again.
I am seeing others say that Swift's ParseUI libraries may not have a queryForTable function that allows nil returns.
var currentLocation:PFGeoPoint? = nil
override func viewDidLoad() {
if currentLocation == nil {
PFGeoPoint.geoPointForCurrentLocationInBackground {
(geoPoint: PFGeoPoint?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
print("Got the user's current location!")
self.currentLocation = geoPoint
print("Reloading table using user's location")
override func queryForTable() -> PFQuery {
if self.currentLocation != nil {
print("Generating query based on user's location!")
let query = PFQuery(className:self.parseClassName!)
query.whereKey("taskLocation", nearGeoPoint: self.currentLocation!, withinMiles: 50)
if(self.objects?.count == 0)
query.cachePolicy = PFCachePolicy.CacheThenNetwork
return query
print("User's current location is not known")
return nil
Obviously, this fails to build because the function is not (note the question mark):
override func queryForTable() -> PFQuery? {
My attempted workaround was to return PFQuery() instead of nil, but I believe it returns after the viewDidLoad self.loadObjects(). The behavior I see is a momentary flash of a table with cell results, and then an empty table.
Here is a link to the Google Group discussion about this very issue, with Hector Ramos saying that it works with Objective-C but not Swift (...yet?). I'm running the latest ParseUI as of this posting (1.1.6).
Is there an option yet to do this in Swift? If not, when?
If this isn't an option, what are some workarounds people have tried successfully?

I actually figured this issue out - nothing to do with the code itself. Apparently, when you set a fake location on the iOS Simulator, it also enforces that different location when you use a real iOS device plugged in. My results were not showing up because there legitimately wasn't an object with a PFGeoPoint near my location (because it thought I was in London!)
Anyway, moral of the story is to make sure you always know your preset location in both Simulator and physical iOS devices.
PS - The code above does work when my location is set correctly.


How to port a network extension NEPacketTunnelProvider class from Obj-C/Swift to Xamarin C#?

I'm trying to figure out how to make a network extension so that my iOS app can programmatically open an custom VPN tunnel in C#, but looking at some similar Obj-C projects I'm not sure if it's possible in Xamarin (as I don't see a network extension project in Visual Studio) and how to port a what I gather is a required PacketTunnelProvider class which I think must be present and listed as an extension in the plist.info first...I'm in particular having most trouble in how to port the parts of that class which appear at the end as an extension and some event handlers named like this func Adapter(adapter: Adapter, configureTunnelWithNetworkSettings networkSettings: NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings, completionHandler: #escaping (AdapterPacketFlow?) -> Void) and func Adapter(adapter: Adapter, handleEvent event: AdapterEvent, message: String?) as they both have a different signature than an event handler in C# which accepts sender and eventArgs (or something derived)…if anyone did this in C# I'd like to know at least if it's possible if not how to port such a class?
I've found this one project https://github.com/ss-abramchuk/OpenVPNAdapter (since it seems to do most of what I want) that I managed to translate into a Xamarin binding library but I'm unsure how and if to incorporate its PacketTunnelProvider class in Xamarin (as that is what the readme says you should use to incorporate something like that adapter)...I gather one should add to plist.info something like this first:
but where do you go from there to use the binding library? This is the Obj-C code that says and seemingly does what I want to do to after i.e. add that custom VPN protocol tunnel to an app using the library:
import NetworkExtension
import OpenVPNAdapter
class PacketTunnelProvider : NEPacketTunnelProvider
lazy var vpnAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter = {
let adapter = OpenVPNAdapter()
adapter.delegate = self
return adapter
let vpnReachability = OpenVPNReachability()
var startHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)?
var stopHandler: (() -> Void)?
override func startTunnel(options: [String: NSObject]?, completionHandler: #escaping (Error?) -> Void)
// There are many ways to provide OpenVPN settings to the tunnel provider. For instance,
// you can use `options` argument of `startTunnel(options:completionHandler:)` method or get
// settings from `protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration` property of `NEPacketTunnelProvider`
// class. Also you may provide just content of a ovpn file or use key:value pairs
// that may be provided exclusively or in addition to file content.
// In our case we need providerConfiguration dictionary to retrieve content
// of the OpenVPN configuration file. Other options related to the tunnel
// provider also can be stored there.
let protocolConfiguration = protocolConfiguration as? NETunnelProviderProtocol,
let providerConfiguration = protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration
guard let ovpnFileContent: Data = providerConfiguration["ovpn"] as? Data else
let configuration = OpenVPNConfiguration()
configuration.fileContent = ovpnFileContent
configuration.settings = [
// Additional parameters as key:value pairs may be provided here
// Apply OpenVPN configuration
let properties: OpenVPNProperties
properties = try vpnAdapter.apply(configuration: configuration)
// Provide credentials if needed
if !properties.autologin {
// If your VPN configuration requires user credentials you can provide them by
// `protocolConfiguration.username` and `protocolConfiguration.passwordReference`
// properties. It is recommended to use persistent keychain reference to a keychain
// item containing the password.
guard let username: String = protocolConfiguration.username else
// Retrieve a password from the keychain
guard let password: String = ... {
let credentials = OpenVPNCredentials()
credentials.username = username
credentials.password = password
try vpnAdapter.provide(credentials: credentials)
// Checking reachability. In some cases after switching from cellular to
// WiFi the adapter still uses cellular data. Changing reachability forces
// reconnection so the adapter will use actual connection.
vpnReachability.startTracking { [weak self] status in
guard status != .notReachable else { return }
self?.vpnAdapter.reconnect(interval: 5)
// Establish connection and wait for .connected event
startHandler = completionHandler
override func stopTunnel(with reason: NEProviderStopReason, completionHandler: #escaping () -> Void)
stopHandler = completionHandler
if vpnReachability.isTracking {
extension PacketTunnelProvider: OpenVPNAdapterDelegate {
// OpenVPNAdapter calls this delegate method to configure a VPN tunnel.
// `completionHandler` callback requires an object conforming to `OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow`
// protocol if the tunnel is configured without errors. Otherwise send nil.
// `OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow` method signatures are similar to `NEPacketTunnelFlow` so
// you can just extend that class to adopt `OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow` protocol and
// send `self.packetFlow` to `completionHandler` callback.
func openVPNAdapter(_ openVPNAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter, configureTunnelWithNetworkSettings networkSettings: NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings, completionHandler: #escaping (OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow?) -> Void)
setTunnelNetworkSettings(settings) {
(error) in
completionHandler(error == nil ? self.packetFlow : nil)
// Process events returned by the OpenVPN library
func openVPNAdapter(_ openVPNAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter, handleEvent event: OpenVPNAdapterEvent, message: String?)
switch event {
case .connected:
if reasserting {
reasserting = false
guard let startHandler = startHandler else { return }
self.startHandler = nil
case .disconnected:
guard let stopHandler = stopHandler else { return }
if vpnReachability.isTracking {
self.stopHandler = nil
case .reconnecting:
reasserting = true
// Handle errors thrown by the OpenVPN library
func openVPNAdapter(_ openVPNAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter, handleError error: Error)
// Handle only fatal errors
guard let fatal = (error as NSError).userInfo[OpenVPNAdapterErrorFatalKey] as? Bool, fatal == true else
if vpnReachability.isTracking {
if let startHandler = startHandler {
self.startHandler = nil
} else
// Use this method to process any log message returned by OpenVPN library.
func openVPNAdapter(_ openVPNAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter, handleLogMessage logMessage: String)
// Handle log messages
// Extend NEPacketTunnelFlow to adopt OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow protocol so that
// `self.packetFlow` could be sent to `completionHandler` callback of OpenVPNAdapterDelegate
// method openVPNAdapter(openVPNAdapter:configureTunnelWithNetworkSettings:completionHandler).
extension NEPacketTunnelFlow: OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow {}
How do I port to C# then or maybe I'm doing it all wrong (because of the comment bellow - the binding dll is bigger than 15MB - or is that limit in regard to use of memory which isn't related to file size)? Should I actually be just referencing the custom VPN library to open up a VPN tunnel from code directly and go on from there like it's business as usual (as I also found a project/app https://github.com/passepartoutvpn which uses a TunnelKit cocoapod, but that app's lib won't work with sharpie to make the binding library, and if so would the app like that even be admissible to the AppStore)? Thank you for any help in advance.
Per #SushiHangover advice, I've tried binding TunnelKit, as that project seemed smaller, and succeeded, partially... I've managed to build ~3MB dll, which seems much smaller than 21MB OpenVPNAdapter, and I think I'm almost there with the NetworkExtension project...I've got just to figure out the did I do ok with #escaping completionHandler and how to get some group constants which I guess should be set within the Host app somehow?
public override void StartTunnel(NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> options, Action<NSError> completionHandler)
//appVersion = "\(GroupConstants.App.name) \(GroupConstants.App.versionString)";
//dnsTimeout = GroupConstants.VPN.dnsTimeout;
//logSeparator = GroupConstants.VPN.sessionMarker;
base.StartTunnel(options, completionHandler);
I've commented out the groupcontants for now but at least I'm hoping that's good enough porting of Swift3's:
override func startTunnel(options: [String : NSObject]?, completionHandler: #escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
appVersion = "\(GroupConstants.App.name) \(GroupConstants.App.versionString)"
dnsTimeout = GroupConstants.VPN.dnsTimeout
logSeparator = GroupConstants.VPN.sessionMarker
super.startTunnel(options: options, completionHandler: completionHandler)
If anyone else knows about the group constants and how to get them I'd be grateful (but I should also note that sharpie pod didn't give/expose any of those fields I should be assigning. Maybe I did it wrong as that's TunnelKit is a completely Swift3 project unlike the OpenVPNAdapter :/
Should I actually be just using the a custom VPN library to open up a VPN tunnel and go from there, but would the app then be admissible to the AppStore?
For iOS 12+, you absolutely have to use the Network Extension framework to be Store eligible.
The Xamarin.iOS build task (ValidateAppBundle) correctly identifies com.apple.networkextension.packet-tunnel as a valid extension (.appex) so yes you can build an NEPacketTunnelProvider extension.
You are correct the VS does not have build-in templating for Network Provider .appex's for tunnels, dns proxy, filter control|data, proxy types, but that does not mean you can not just use another one of the templates (or create the project from scratch) and modify it (I create an Xcode iOS project and start adding extension targets and just mirror those changes in VS).
(FYI: That is Swift code in your example, not ObjC...)
Now due to limitations in .appex size (and performance issues in some cases), a lot of extensions are very difficult to do via Xamarin.iOS. Most devs that encounter this, go native using ObjC/Swift for at least the appex development...

Call to swift method from JavaScript hangs xcode and application

I am writing an iOS App (using xcode 7.3 and swift 2.2) using JavascriptCode framework. Calling javascript methods from swift works perfect, but when I call the swift method from javascript, xcode simply shows a "loading" type of symbol and nothing happens. I need to "force quit" xcode to get out of this state.
I have followed https://www.raywenderlich.com/124075/javascriptcore-tutorial and http://nshipster.com/javascriptcore/ and I am trying pretty simple calls.
Has anyone faced this kind of issue?
My swift code is as follows:
#objc protocol WindowJSExports : JSExport {
var name: String { get set }
func getName() -> String
static func createWindowWithName(name: String) -> WindowJS
#objc class WindowJS : NSObject, WindowJSExports {
dynamic var name: String
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
class func createWindowWithName(name: String) -> WindowJS {
return WindowJS(name: name)
func getName() -> String {
NSLog("getName called from JS context")
return "\(name)"
I am initializing the context as follows:
runContext = JSContext()
runContext.name = "test_Context"
windowToJs = WindowJS(name: "test")
runContext.setObject(windowToJs.self, forKeyedSubscript: "WindowJS")
If I replace the last two lines in above code with below code without instantiating it, the code simply fails to load.
runContext.setObject(WindowJS.self, forKeyedSubscript: "WindowJS")
And the javascript code is as simple as
function check() {
return WindowJS.getName()
I do see the breakpoint being hit in the JS function check and when the WindowJS.getName gets called, xcode simply becomes unresponsive.
The setTimeout could be solved by adding following piece of code to my swift function.
let setTimeout: #convention(block) (JSValue, Int) -> () =
{ callback, timeout in
let timeVal = Int64(timeout)
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, timeVal), dispatch_get_main_queue(), { callback.callWithArguments(nil)})
To expose this native code to the JS context, I also added following.
runContext.setObject(unsafeBitCast(setTimeout, AnyObject.self), forKeyedSubscript: "setTimeout")
Things then worked fine.
You're creating a deadlock since you are calling from Swift to JavaScript back to Swift. I'm not sure exactly why it is a deadlock but I had a similar issue with WKWebView on Mac recently.
You need to decouple this and make the communication asynchronous. This obviously means you cannot simply return a value from your JS function in this case.
To decouple, you can break the deadlock by deferring the work the JavaScript function needs to do out of the current runloop iteration using setTimeout:
function myFunction() {
setTimeout(function() {
// The actual work is done here.
// Call the Swift part here.
}, 0);
The whole native ↔︎ JavaScript communication is very, very tricky. Avoid it if you can. There's a project called XWebView that may be able to help you as it tries to ease bridging between the two worlds.

Trying to load Parse PFFiles into UITableView from query

I'm a new, in training, swift programmer and have run into an issue with an app that I'm trying to put together.
I've searched through the forum and have found really helpful information but haven't been able to resolve my issue based on the results unfortunately.
I have an app set up to upload user images as PFFiles to parse but can't seem to have them download to the tableview in my table view controller.
A majority of the code I have tried to implement hasn't caused any errors but also hasn't downloaded the desired images.
I apologize if this is a very basic issue but I've exhausted my researching outlets.
I have the images uploading to a single class called Post and want to be able to pull images based on the current user's ID.
I've tried querying the information but always have an error returned that says that the system was unable to find anything for the query. I'm not sure if there is a better way to upload and classify the information on parse or if I'm not coding the call back correctly. I'm essentially wanting to be able to retrieve the user's uploaded images and descriptions and display them on an "Account" page.
I'm working in Xcode 7.2 in Swift 2.
So there are three things we have to care about:
1. structure of post
It would be better if you store the User in a pointer. A pointer is easier to save and retrieve. (Pointers is a way to present one to many Relations, but in our case this means One to One).
So in the data browser(parse.com) replace the column "userID" with "user" type: Pointer, target class: User.
Then in xCode
post["user"] = PFUser.currentUser()
2. Get All posts of a User
Add this code:
let query = PFQuery(className: "Post")
query.whereKey("user", equalTo: PFUser.currentUser()!)
query.getFirstObjectInBackgroundWithBlock { (obj: PFObject?, err: NSError?) -> Void in
if err != nil{
// DO something with the objets:
myArray = obj
3. Get the image
Lets say you have a ImageView like imageView
let file: PFFile = post["imageFile"] as! PFFile
file.getDataInBackgroundWithBlock { (data: NSData?, err: NSError?) -> Void in
if data != nil{
imageView.image = UIImage(data: data!)
Now you're done:)
But just a little thing to improve your code:
You don't need to dismiss the Alert after OK is pressed because if you set style to .Cancel this is automatically done! So change
alert.addAction((UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .Default, handler: { (action) -> Void in
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil) })))
alert.addAction((UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .Cancel, handler: nil)))

Parse query returning nothing from findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock

I changed the question title.
and I changed the function to findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock -
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "username != '"+userName+"'")
var query = PFQuery(className: "_User", predicate: predicate)
var objects = query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock({
(objects:[AnyObject]!, error: NSError!) in
if(error == nil){
for object in objects {
self.resultsImageFiles.append(object["photo"] as PFFile)
println("error in quert execution \(error)")
There is one warning [variable 'objects' inferred to have type 'Void', which may be unexpected], and the code still returns nothing. I have 3 users in my Parse account for this app.
There's no error anymore, I guess that's good at least?
I'm new to xcode, and can't find how to search for this function. I'm having the same issue with Parse that others have had. My find query worked twice, and now (with no changes to the code) it stops returning anything. I want to do as suggested and 'Break on warnBlockingOperationOnMainThread() to debug,' but the only project search feature I can find (right clicking the project and doing 'Find in selected groups') doesn't bring anything up.
So, how do I find this function to add a breakpoint? Or, better yet, why did this query stop working?
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "username != '"+userName+"'")
var query = PFQuery(className: "_User", predicate: predicate)
var objects = query.findObjects()
for object in objects {
self.resultsImageFiles.append(object["photo"] as PFFile)
From: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/recipes/xcode_help-breakpoint_navigator/articles/adding_a_symbolic_breakpoint.html
In the bottom-left corner of the breakpoint navigator, click the Add button.
Choose Add Symbolic Breakpoint.
Enter the symbol name in the Symbol field.
If the symbol is declared in more than one library, enter the name of the appropriate library in the Module field.
To specify that program execution be suspended only if an expression evaluates to true, enter the expression in the Condition field.
Click Done.

Can I receive a callback whenever an NSPasteboard is written to?

I've read Apple's Pasteboard Programming Guide, but it doesn't answer a particular question I have.
I'm trying to write a Cocoa application (for OS X, not iOS) that will keep track of everything that is written to the general pasteboard (so, whenever any application copies and pastes, but not, say, drags-and-drops, which also makes use of NSPasteboard). I could (almost) accomplish this by basically polling the general pasteboard on a background thread constantly, and checking changeCount. Of course, doing this would make me feel very dirty on the inside.
My question is, is there a way to ask the Pasteboard server to notify me through some sort of callback any time a change is made to the general pasteboard? I couldn't find anything in the NSPasteboard class reference, but I'm hoping it lurks somewhere else.
Another way I could imagine accomplishing this is if there was a way to swap out the general pasteboard implementation with a subclass of NSPasteboard that I could define myself to issue a callback. Maybe something like this is possible?
I would greatly prefer if this were possible with public, App Store-legal APIs, but if using a private API is necessary, I'll take that too.
Unfortunately the only available method is by polling (booo!). There are no notifications and there's nothing to observe for changed pasteboard contents. Check out Apple's ClipboardViewer sample code to see how they deal with inspecting the clipboard. Add a (hopefully not overzealous) timer to keep checking for differences and you've got a basic (if clunky) solution that should be App-Store-Friendly.
File an enhancement request at bugreporter.apple.com to request notifications or some other callback. Unfortunately it wouldn't help you until the next major OS release at the earliest but for now it's polling until we all ask them to give us something better.
There was once a post on a mailing list where the decision against a notification api was described. I can't find it right now though. The bottom line was that probably too many applications would register for that api even though they really wouldn't need to. If you then copy something the whole system goes through the new clipboard content like crazy, creating lots of work for the computer. So i don't think they'll change that behavior anytime soon. The whole NSPasteboard API is internally built around using the changeCount, too. So even your custom subclass of NSPasteboard would still have to keep polling.
If you really want to check if the pasteboard changed, just keep observing the changeCount very half second. Comparing integers is really fast so there's really no performance issue here.
Based on answer provided by Joshua I came up with similar implementation but in swift, here is the link to its gist: PasteboardWatcher.swift
Code snippet from same:
class PasteboardWatcher : NSObject {
// assigning a pasteboard object
private let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard()
// to keep track of count of objects currently copied
// also helps in determining if a new object is copied
private var changeCount : Int
// used to perform polling to identify if url with desired kind is copied
private var timer: NSTimer?
// the delegate which will be notified when desired link is copied
weak var delegate: PasteboardWatcherDelegate?
// the kinds of files for which if url is copied the delegate is notified
private let fileKinds : [String]
/// initializer which should be used to initialize object of this class
/// - Parameter fileKinds: an array containing the desired file kinds
init(fileKinds: [String]) {
// assigning current pasteboard changeCount so that it can be compared later to identify changes
changeCount = pasteboard.changeCount
// assigning passed desired file kinds to respective instance variable
self.fileKinds = fileKinds
/// starts polling to identify if url with desired kind is copied
/// - Note: uses an NSTimer for polling
func startPolling () {
// setup and start of timer
timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(2, target: self, selector: Selector("checkForChangesInPasteboard"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
/// method invoked continuously by timer
/// - Note: To keep this method as private I referred this answer at stackoverflow - [Swift - NSTimer does not invoke a private func as selector](http://stackoverflow.com/a/30947182/217586)
#objc private func checkForChangesInPasteboard() {
// check if there is any new item copied
// also check if kind of copied item is string
if let copiedString = pasteboard.stringForType(NSPasteboardTypeString) where pasteboard.changeCount != changeCount {
// obtain url from copied link if its path extension is one of the desired extensions
if let fileUrl = NSURL(string: copiedString) where self.fileKinds.contains(fileUrl.pathExtension!){
// invoke appropriate method on delegate
self.delegate?.newlyCopiedUrlObtained(copiedUrl: fileUrl)
// assign new change count to instance variable for later comparison
changeCount = pasteboard.changeCount
Note: in the shared code I am trying to identify if user has copied a
file url or not, the provided code can easily be modified for other general
For those who need simplified version of code snippet that gets the job done in Swift 5.7,
it just works (base on #Devarshi code):
func watch(using closure: #escaping (_ copiedString: String) -> Void) {
let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.general
var changeCount = NSPasteboard.general.changeCount
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { _ in
guard let copiedString = pasteboard.string(forType: .string),
pasteboard.changeCount != changeCount else { return }
defer {
changeCount = pasteboard.changeCount
how to use is as below:
watch {
print("detected : \($0)")
then if you attempt copy any text in your pasteboard, it will watch and print out to the console like below..
detected : your copied message in pasteboard
detected : your copied message in pasteboard
in case, full code sample for how to use it for example in SwiftUI:
import SwiftUI
struct TestApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.onAppear {
watch {
print("detect : \($0)")
func watch(using closure: #escaping (_ copiedString: String) -> Void) {
let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.general
var changeCount = NSPasteboard.general.changeCount
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { _ in
guard let copiedString = pasteboard.string(forType: .string),
pasteboard.changeCount != changeCount else { return }
defer {
changeCount = pasteboard.changeCount
It's not necessary to poll. Pasteboard would generally only be changed by the current view is inactive or does not have focus. Pasteboard has a counter that is incremented when contents change. When window regains focus (windowDidBecomeKey), check if changeCount has changed then process accordingly.
This does not capture every change, but lets your application respond if the Pasteboard is different when it becomes active.
In Swift...
var pasteboardChangeCount = NSPasteboard.general().changeCount
func windowDidBecomeKey(_ notification: Notification)
{ Swift.print("windowDidBecomeKey")
if pasteboardChangeCount != NSPasteboard.general().changeCount
{ viewController.checkPasteboard()
pasteboardChangeCount = NSPasteboard.general().changeCount
I have a solution for more strict case: detecting when your content in NSPasteboard was replaced by something else.
If you create a class that conforms to NSPasteboardWriting and pass it to -writeObjects: along with the actual content, NSPasteboard will retain this object until its content is replaced. If there are no other strong references to this object, it get deallocated.
Deallocation of this object is the moment when new NSPasteboard got new content.
