Preventing Powershell from adopting Windows Explorer options - windows

I don't do much with Powershell often but yesterday was needing to extract a file from a zip archive. During the process I was looking for a file by iterating through the contents of a zip anbd comparing the file's (item) Name property to the filename (say abc.ps1).
Code was working locally and I was happy with the result I was getting.
Pushe the code to deployment environment to be run on server and the code was notifying me that it could not find abc.ps1.
Further investigation, I logged onto the server (as my own account, not the service account that the code executed as). When I looked in the zip it was querying I could see the file, but it was named abc.
I had xyz.txt and def.pdf but the ps1 file was simply abc. I knew that this is based on an Option in Windows Explorer options for 'Hide extensions for known file types'.
Logging on to the server with the service account, unchecking this option and re-running the script fixed all problems, it was able to fid the file based on name + ext.
Is there a way of enforcing PS not to take into account Explorer options such as these when running?
Am currently thinking of applying a GPO to prevent any systems from having this option on.


Google Video Support Pluggin Installer tasks consuming CPU

Hi it's been few days having different Google Video Support Pluggin Installer tasks running
It happens the same this folk described here:
v78 of Chrome, Win 10, Every few hours a new instance of the video plugin installer exe kicks off and runs in parallel with the other(s) in place. Each instance takes ~ half a core and there is also always one MsiExec that terminates (similar usage) when the process is manually killed in task manager. The processes originate from \users\\appdata\local\google\update\install{GUID} - deleting the directories / files does no good, the updater downloads it after a few hours and tries again.
Video plugin installer is v 19.9.2600.0, 10,692,592 bytes
I'd like a way to stop this automated install or have it succeed. It seems I can do neither right now.
Any solutions to this in place?
Thank you in advance!
Quick Questions: 1) Are you behind an internet proxy server? 2) What is your security tool / malware suite / anti-virus? Can you
temporarily disable it whilst the installation finishes? 3) Have a look
in the "Deployment Mnemonic" section here? (for various causes of
deployment failure). 4) You can try to log in as another user and install fresh - see if that works. If it does, then you need a Chrome profile cleanup? 5) There is always the reboot. Always try that first to get it out of the way as the "one-size-doesn't-fit-anyone-at-all-really fix".
Technical: If I were to guess the problem is a custom action in the MSI that gets stuck "somehow". How many msiexec.exe entries are in the tast list and what context are they in? (user, system). There can be many msiexec.exe processes. Below is information on how to debug custom action failures (and other failures) by log analysis.
Logging: If this really is an MSI installer (Windows Installer), then you can try to enable MSI logging policy to create a log file for all MSI installations that run by following the instructions in the section "Globally for all setups on a machine" here. You will then find a log file in the TEMP folder after the installer has run (whenever that might be). Look for *.log files with a random name. Just sort the folder by change date to see the most recent files.
Open Temp folder: Windows Key > Tap R > Type: %TEMP% > Press: Enter.
Debugging: You can search the log for "value 3" first to find errors (see Rob Mensching's explanation in that link). You can find more information on interpreting MSI log files in the section "Interpreting MSI Log Files" here: Enable installation logs for MSI installer without any command line arguments

RazorSQL profiles, command line calls & windows task user mixup

They might be quite obscure: i enjoy RazorSQL for all it can do, and it is the only tool i found that talks properly is Clarions's ODBC driver. It also allows for awesome command line calls to export data.
Trouble is: RazorSQL stores profile connection information based on the user that installed it, and when you set a Windows task to run the batch files of all the groovy export commands, the internal batch file fail without external notification because the user is SYSTEM (as we don't want this tied to any one user)..
I do not recall if there was an option on install allowing profiles to be seen by all, as i normally set this to everyone on my dev box (as it is only me).
So the question: has anyone encountered this obscure scenario, and knows how to have RazorSQL look in a generic location for connection details?
RazorSQL checks for system property named "razorPortable". When defined with a value of "portable" it keeps all its stuff in a RazorSQL folder under its main directory, so shared by all users launching it with said property defined.
So you know the drill: edit some of the bundled bat files and add -DrazorPortable=portable to the command line.
You'll need to re-enter yout registration code, connection profiles, preferences, etc. Or you can manually move them.

Find out WHO made the last change to files by Powershell?

I have a shared network location for all users saving files. All users have full access to this location.
Is that possible to find out WHO made the last change to a file or folder by Powershell or any other way?
There is no issue to get all those date and owner info from Powershell, but looks like there is no way to find out WHO made the last changes.
any idea please?
The only user held against a file on NTFS is the owner. There is no record of who last modified the file.
However Windows can audit file system operations.
See (says Windows XP in the title but applies to later versions). This needs to be applied to the system hosting the file system.

How to delete application file from AppData\Roaming folder

I am using windows installer to create setup project.
How I can remove/delete application files from AppData\Roaming folder when application uninstalled.
I tried added a special folder and set DefaultLocaltion to [AppDataFolder] but it didn't working.
Do I need to do anything else?
I'd need to understand what you are trying to do to give you specific advice. In general what you are trying to do would be OK removing files from CommonAppDataFolder but not AppDataFolder as trying to clanup user data from multiple user profiles is not a best practice. Additionally trying to cleanup Roaming Profile User data is outright impossible because the other users aren't logged on.
You'll want to read:
Managing Roaming User Data Deployment Guide
Assuming you are trying to do what I think you are, you'll need a cleanup script / exe that you leave behind on uninstall and a custom action to write to the registry during uninstall ( MSI can't do this natively ) to call that script/EXE. You'll want to leverage the Active Setup trick as described here:
Using Active Setup to Repair User Settings
The way it'll work is your uninstall leaves the EXE and registry entry behind so that when a user logs on it's roaming data gets pulled down from the server to local and Active Setup realizes it hasn't run the script yet. The script runs (once) and the data is deleted. When the user logs off the data is replicated / deleted on the server. Then they log on again it doesn't run again.
By default Windows Installer does not remove the files created by your application, after the installation. To do that you need to either write your own custom action, that will run upon uninstall, or depending on the tool used for authoring the MSI, you can use built-in options for cleaning the application locations, as some tools have this support.

Logging into TFS on a Mac

I got Team Explorer Everywhere so we can use TFS on the Mac Mini we got to test Iphone apps. Since we're using XCode for phonegap, we need to use the commandline program and it is giving me a lot of grief.
What I've done so far (Listing out for anyone who stumbles on this so they can use it):
-Downloaded the trial (free)
-Set the path using PATH=$PATH\:/FOLDERLOCATION
-Accepted EULA and got trial product key... for command line program (tf eula/tf productkey -trial)
-Set up workspace:
tf workspace -new WORKSPACENAME -server:http://SERVERNAME:PORT/FILEPATH -comment:"WORKSPACENAME" && prompted for username -> domain -> password
-Trying to setup the folder path (Fixed):
tf workfold -map SERVERFOLDERPATH LOCALFOLDERPATH -collection:http://SERVERNAME:PORT/FILEPATH -workspace:WORKSPACENAME && prompted for username -> domain -> password
-Make sure I can check out/check in (On hold):...
The error I'm getting right now is "An argument error occurred: First free argument must be a server path." This is what I've been following ever since I got the path set, but I think the versions are different because mine doesn't seem to be set up the same. Any help at all would be appreciated, and I'll keep up with the post as I figure parts out because there doesn't seem to be much online that I can find on TFS on macs.
Update: As normal, I'm an idiot. Have to put the options at the end of the command and have to have the serverfolder path as the first thing after -map. Now I just need to figure out how to use the damn thing. I'll post any other questions I have and try to get all the correct commands up for the selfish reason of having them somewhere in case I forget them later.
Update 2: The mapping hasn't worked out as well as I'd hoped, it seems a combination of my unfamiliarity with Unix/Mac file systems and some settings being missing is keeping me from using 'tf get' to load all of the test data I was trying to get. I'm planning on trying again after I get the location of where my boss wants the data saved and after I can look into something that would save the workspace so it won't say that it can't find the map path every time...
It looks like you're setting up your workspace and some working folder mappings just fine, after the edit. If you're having problems doing a tf get after this, then there are some common problems that might be occurring. TFS workspaces can be a little bit opaque and having a better understanding of them can sometimes help you understand where the problem is:
Team Foundation Server requires a workspace to be configured before you can get files out of source control, edit them or check them back in. A workspace basically simply contains working folder mappings that map your local path(s) to server path(s).
Workspaces are stored on the server and are uniquely identified by your computer's hostname, your username and the workspace's name. A cache of this information for the local host is saved on the client. This implies:
If you remove a workspace on the server, your workstation will be unable to connect.
If you remove the cache, your local computer will not be able to identify the workspace based on working folder mappings until the cache is rebuilt (which happens every time you connect to the server.)
If you change your username or local workstation's name, you cannot access those workspaces.
(Note that very early versions of the Teamprise command line client had certain issues on Mac OS that made identifying the local workstation name difficult. This is fixed, however, in Team Explorer Everywhere.)
Because you can have multiple workspaces for a single server on a single workstation, you can't always simply provide server paths to tf commands, since server paths are ambiguous. ($/ exists in every workspace, for example.) So the command line client resolves paths based on the current working directory and/or the arguments provided. Meaning that you can run tf get foo.txt if you're in a working folder, or you can run tf get /tmp/foo.txt if /tmp is mapped.
One more point - the configuration data for Team Explorer Everywhere is shared between the TFS plug-in for Eclipse and the command line client. So if you're more comfortable using a GUI to set up your workspace(s), you can do that and then use the CLC as you see fit. You don't need to be a Java programmer to use Eclipse - simply download Eclipse and install the TFS plug-in for Eclipse into it, and select Window > Open Perspective > Team Foundation Server Exploring. After that, you'll have the full GUI Team Explorer experience and this perspective will be restored when you open Eclipse, so you won't even need to worry about the Java IDE bits if you don't want to.
