Bash: duplicate + rename folder - bash

Suppose I have a folder named my_folder_old in /path/to/folder, how can I create a duplicate named my_folder_new in the same directory?
Moreover if my_folder_new already exists, my_folder_old is created inside the first and not substituted. Why is this happening?

Tutorial copy files, folder link: link
Manual cp command : Link
cp -frp /path/to/folder/my_folder_old -T /path/to/folder/my_folder_new
-f, --force
if an existing destination file cannot be opened, remove it
and try again (this option is ignored when the -n option is
also used)
-p same as --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps
-R, -r, --recursive
copy directories recursively
-T, --no-target-directory
treat DEST as a normal file
Though if my_folder_new already exists, my_folder_old is created inside the first and not substituted. Why is this happening?
The reason why is this happening because, my_folder_new already created. Doing same cp command it will see as new path, /path/to/folder/my_folder_new/

I was dealing with this same issue, was going crazy ahaha, I tried cp -frp but did not work, so, before of going to do cp just remove the existing folder using rm, see below more info about this:
Remove Directory Linux
If a directory or a file within the directory is write-protected, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion. To remove a directory without being prompted, use the -f option:
rm -rf dir1


Mac bash copy all files of one dir to another dir

I have a folder which contains two dirs: build and copy-build.
I need that through bash copy the files that are inside copy-build in build.
If these files already exist it must overwrite them.
I tried with:
cp -r ./SourceFolder ./DestFolder
But the SourceFolder folder is copied into DestFolder, instead I need the SourceFolder files to be copied into DestFolder.
Can you give me a hand?
Assuming there are no subdirectories in SourceDir, you should try
cp ./SourceFolder/* ./DestFolder
See the manual for more info.
Use the -R option instead of -r, and explicitly include a / in the name of the source directory.
cp -R ./SourceFolder/ ./DestFolder
From the description of the -R option:
If the source_file
ends in a /, the contents of the directory are copied rather than
the directory itself.
From the compatibility section of man cp:
Historic versions of the cp utility had a -r option. This implementation
supports that option; however, its use is strongly discouraged, as it
does not correctly copy special files, symbolic links, or fifo's.

Error copying directories at command line using cp

Mac OS X Yosemite v.10.10.5.
I am trying to use the cp command to copy one Git directory to another.
This command-line statement:
cp -r /path/to/dir/from/ /path/to/dir/to/
Returns this error:
cp: /path/to/dir/to/.git/objects/00/00ad2afeb304e18870d4509efc89fedcb3f128: Permission denied
This error is returned one time each for (what I believe, but haven't verified, is) every file in the directory.
The first time I ran the command it worked properly, as expected, without error. But, without making any changes to any files, the second (and subsequent) times I ran the command, I got the error.
What's going on? And how can I fix this?
In response to a question in the comment:
What does ls -l /path/to/dir/to/.git/objects/00/00ad2afeb304e18870d4509efc89fedcb3f128 show?
The answer is it shows:
-r--r--r-- 1 myusername staff 6151 May 6 00:45 /path/to/dir/to/.git/objects/00/00ad2afeb304e18870d4509efc89fedcb3f128
The reason you are getting Permission Denied is because you are trying to overwrite a file that already exists in the destination directory that has read only permissions set on it. Since it appears you're trying to overwrite it you could just remove the destination directory if it exists before the copy operation. Also you should use -R, not -r ...
Historic versions of the cp utility had a -r option. This
supports that option; however, its use is strongly discouraged, as it
does not correctly copy special files, symbolic links, or fifo's.
Using a command such as this should resolve your issue:
[[ ! -d dest ]] || rm -rf dest ; cp -R src dest
The above checks if dest exists; if it does recursively remove it, then copy the source to dest,
You may want cp -rp for this operation. -p preserves the user and group IDs associated with the file. Try starting over using -p and see if that solves the issue.
Anther reason you might be seeing this issue is if the permission really is denied. That is, if you're trying to copy into a folder owned by another user without superuser privileges.

Is it safe to alias cp -R to cp?

When I copy something, I always forget the -R, then I have go all the way back to add it right after cp.
I want to add this to bash config files.
alias cp="cp -R"
I have not seen anything bad happen. Is it safe to do this?
The only thing I can think of that would cause unexpected behavior with the -R flag is that it doesn't work with wildcards.
What I mean is... for example you want to copy all mp3 Files in a directory and every subdirectory with: cp -R /path/*.mp3. Although -R is given it will not copy mp3s in the subdirectories of path - if there are any.
I wouldn't use aliases for changing the behaviour of normal commands. When you are in a different shell / another computer, the alias will be missing. When a friend wants to help you, he will not know what you did.
Once I had an alias rm="rm -i" and I performed rm *, while I just had changed shell with a su.
And sometimes you want to use cp without the -R option, will you remember to use /bin/cp in these cases (copy all files in the current dir to another location, but do not cp the subdirs)?

Why am i getting "Directory not empty" error in terminal when using rmdir?

I am a walking through a tutorial and it lets me delete two directories(im using one 10 deep, all empty) but once i try to remove the third it gives me that error message, even though there is not content in the directory and i am in the directory above it. Why is this? By the way i am using terminal.
That error is reported when the directory is not empty.
To find out what files are in that directory use ls -a. The -a flag tells ls to list hidden files (aka "dot files"). Remove those files then rmdir can be used.
Another option is to simply use rm -rf to recursively delete the directory and all of its files. NOTE: this can be dangerous if you give the wrong parameters - resulting in deleting more than you intended.
you can remove all hidden files by using rm -R ./.* you have to be in the directory the hidden file is in for it to work
On Windows I recently has the same problem, and deleting everything in {UserFolder}\AppData\Local\Composer\files didn't helped.
What I've done is to launch multiple times the composer install --dry-run command until it listed all dependencies, then I successfully ran the composer install command.

Copying from mount share drive to local folder through script

This is my first time trying to work with Linux Scripts so this may be something obvious.
Here is what I am trying to do:
Remove all contents from local folder - rm /home/user/Documents/Exercise/
Copy files from a shared windows network drive - cp smb://server/arc/Exercise%20Files/Word/
So from my understanding my command should look like this
rm /home/user/Documents/Exercise/
cp smb://server/arc/Exercise%20Files/Word/ /home/user/Documents/Exercise/
But anytime I try and run either of the above commands I get the following error:
"rm: cannot remove `/home/user/Documents/Exercise/': Is a directory"
"cp: cannot stat `smb://server/arc/Exercise%20Files/Word/': No such file or directory"
What am I doing wrong?
Kind Regards,
Based on your request and your test, let me point what is not written properly:
Remove all contents from local folder
rm /home/user/Documents/Exercise/
Error says rm: cannot remove /home/user/Documents/Exercise/': Is a directory
You should
rm /home/user/Documents/Exercise/*
which will delete everything inside the directory, but not the directory.
Copy files from a shared windows network drive
cp smb://server/arc/Exercise%20Files/Word/ /home/user/Documents/Exercise/
Error says cp: cannot stat smb://server/arc/Exercise%20Files/Word/': No such file or directory
You should check if route smb://server/arc/Exercise%20Files/Word/ is correct. Then, use the following:
cp smb://server/arc/Exercise%20Files/Word/* /home/user/Documents/Exercise/
You can't delete a directory if it has content within it.
To delete the content and the directory at the same time, use the following command:
rm -r /home/user/Documents/Exercise/
This recursively deletes the directory and any content within it.
To copy the file, I believe you have to mount the directory beforehand, like so:
mount -t cifs //server/share /mnt/mount_directory -o user=username
Can you confirm if that works?
Remove / Delete Command:
rm -rfv /home/user/Documents/Exercise/*
Copy Command:
cp -rfv /home/user/Documents/ExerciseShare/ExerciseFiles/Word/ /home/user/Documents/Exercise/
