pass VALID_PAGE(page) in page_alloc.c - linux-kernel

I have faked a struct page in my user space into the kernel, but I can't pass the VALID_PAGE check in the kernel. It is defined like this:
#define VALID_PAGE(page) ((page - mem_map) < max_mapnr)
What does it mean? I have no idea page - mem_map is and max_mapnr is. How can my fake page pass this check?

mem_map is the global array of struct page, pfn is the key to index in the mem_map array .... (page - mem_map) will gives you the index of page in the mem_map array .... max_mapnr looks to be the valid index in mem_map. i hope it answers your question.


React useInfiniteQuery - Custom PageNumber

I would like to understand how the data.pageParams array works in useInfiniteQuery.
In general we always set a default value to 1. I would like to set a default value as the pagenumber that I receive as props and calculate the next page based on that.
The pageParams array in data always has the value as [undefined, 1, 2, 3...]
If I need to pass the custom page number how should this be done. Can the pageNumber be updated in the pageParams array
Is the pageParam a factor for fetching data from cache?
if you implement getNextPageParam, the pageParam will always be computed from that function. pageParams are only stored in case you use the manual approach - by passing a pageParam directly to fetchNextPage.

How can I change name of dynamically generated URL in Codeigniter

I'm having dynamic url for my each search result in Codeigniter, but I want to know how can I change my url. For example right now I'm having the url something like this:
but I want it like this:
here the example
$route['vendor/(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'vendor/vendor_details/$3';
See this Documentation here: routing
You want to add
This Example can help you to get that.
Here are a few routing examples:
$route['journals'] = 'blogs';
A URL containing the word “journals” in the first segment will be remapped to the “blogs” class.
$route[blog/Joe'] = 'blogs/users/34';
A URL containing the segments blog/Joe will be remapped to the “blogs” class and the “users” method. The ID will be set to “34”.
$route['product/(:any)'] = 'catalog/product_lookup';
A URL with “product” as the first segment and anything in the second will be remapped to the “catalog” class and the “product_lookup” method.
$route['product/(:num)'] = 'catalog/product_lookup_by_id/$1';
A URL with “product” as the first segment and a number in the second will be remapped to the “catalog” class and the “product_lookup_by_id” method passing in the match as a variable to the method.

How to count number of matches using page object?

My application has a list and it's size changes very regularly. So I need to get the li count before starting the test cases. So this is how I used to get the count
b.lis(:xpath => "//ul[#id='global_nav']/li[contains(#id, 'nav-')]").count
Now I need to achieve this in page object way. I declared the list in my page file as below.
list_item(:global_nav_count, :xpath => "//ul[#id='global_nav']/li[contains(#id, 'nav-')]")
If I try to get count as below
It returns method not found error. Can any one suggest any solution to achieve this in page object way ?
The list_item accessor is similar to Watir's li method in that it returns the first matching element. If you want a collection of elements, you need to tell the page object.
The accessor for a collection of li elements is list_items (note the plural):
list_items(:global_nav_count, :xpath => "//ul[#id='global_nav']/li[contains(#id, 'nav-')]")
The method created to access the collection is also pluralized:

Xpath: find an element value from a match of id attribute to id anchor

I would like to find the value of an element matched on id attribute for which I only have the ref - the bit with #, the anchor.
I am looking for the value of partyId:
< party id="partyA" >
< partyId >THEID< /partyId >
but to get there I only have the href from the following
< MyData >
< MyReference href="#partyA" />
Strip the # sign does not look good to me.
Any hints?
Because you haven't provided complete XML documents, I have to use // -- a practice I strongly recommend to avoid.
Suppose that
is defined as
and its string value is "#partyA", then one possible XPath expression that selects the wanted node is:
In case the XML document has a DTD in which the id attribute of party is defined to be of type ID, then it is more convenient and efficient to use the standard XPath function id():
Assuming you have your ID as a variable already (lets say $myId), then try using:
//party[contains($myId, #id)]
The contains() function will look to see on each matching node whether or not the partyId attibute is in the value that you pass in.
Alternatively (as that could be considered 'ropey'), you can try:
//party[#id=substring($myId, 2, 1 div 0)]
the substring() function should be a little more precise.

Accessing an array of vectors trouble

My code looks like this:
a = IO.readlines("input.txt").map { |line| Vector.[](line.split) }
Now I want to access a single component of the first vector within my a array. I'm writing the following to address a vector:
puts a[0]
The behavior is pretty much expected - I receive the following:
Vector[1.2357, 2.1742, -5.4834, -2.0735]
Now let's try to address a single component this way:
puts a[0][0]
and voila, I receive a list of all the vector components,like:
How come? Maybe the last attempt was wrong? How do I correctly address a scalar inside a vector within an array?
Due to your code I think the array construction should be:
a = IO.readlines("input.txt").map { |line| Vector[*line.split] }
