How can I change name of dynamically generated URL in Codeigniter - codeigniter

I'm having dynamic url for my each search result in Codeigniter, but I want to know how can I change my url. For example right now I'm having the url something like this:
but I want it like this:

here the example
$route['vendor/(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'vendor/vendor_details/$3';

See this Documentation here: routing
You want to add
This Example can help you to get that.
Here are a few routing examples:
$route['journals'] = 'blogs';
A URL containing the word “journals” in the first segment will be remapped to the “blogs” class.
$route[blog/Joe'] = 'blogs/users/34';
A URL containing the segments blog/Joe will be remapped to the “blogs” class and the “users” method. The ID will be set to “34”.
$route['product/(:any)'] = 'catalog/product_lookup';
A URL with “product” as the first segment and anything in the second will be remapped to the “catalog” class and the “product_lookup” method.
$route['product/(:num)'] = 'catalog/product_lookup_by_id/$1';
A URL with “product” as the first segment and a number in the second will be remapped to the “catalog” class and the “product_lookup_by_id” method passing in the match as a variable to the method.


Same URL for different rutes expression in codeigniter

How use same url for different rutes expression in codeigniter.
For exemple, to use "x" like any word in my code and always to result in same url?
$route['list'] ='x/list';
Url expected:
You have to set a value for x as $x = ""; then use it like this $route['list'] ='$x/list'; but you may need to revise the $route[''] variable name list, view example on

Codeigniter get parameters from url

I have a url "http://localhost/codeigniter/index.php/manual_export/". I need to get last segment from the url which is suppose to be a id. So for example "http://localhost/codeigniter/index.php/manual_export/2". I need to get the last segment which is "2".
I tired to use following code:
$id = end($this->uri->segment_array());
This works when I don't add "2" to the url and gives me "manual_export". However when I pass the id to the url I get an error "The page you requested was not found.". I think this is to do with routing. How can I fix this error.
the other way to do it is by defining a route, it will then be converted to a param
so for example if your controller is called manual_export and the method is getrecord
in the file application/routes.php
$route['manual_export/(:any)'] = "manual_export/getrecord/$1";
in your controller manual_export
function getrecord($id){ // etc etc }
You should use:
$this->uri->segment(n);//in your case n == 2 count starts just after index.php

CodeIgniter Pagination with number in the middle of the query string

I searched the whole day for any solution but did not found any.
I have the same problem as this guy here: Codeigniter Pagination having page number in the middle of url but the "uri_segment" param doesn't work.
My Urls look like:
The Pagination returns teh correct link for the next and 2. page.
But once I go there, I get a wrong link back to the first site.
I did something like this:
/*Paginartion Config*/
$pagconfig['base_url'] = base_url($this->uri->segment(1).'/0/'.$this->uri->segment(3).'/'.$this->uri->segment(4).'/'.$this->uri->segment(5).'/'.$this->uri->segment(6).'/'.$this->uri->segment(7).'/'.$this->uri->segment(8));
$pagconfig['total_rows'] = $ress->num_rows;
$pagconfig['per_page'] = 10;
$pagconfig['uri_segment'] = 2;
$pagconfig['prefix'] = '/'.$this->uri->segment(1).'/';
$pagconfig['suffix'] = '/'.$this->uri->segment(3).'/'.$this->uri->segment(4).'/'.$this->uri->segment(5).'/'.$this->uri->segment(6).'/'.$this->uri->segment(7).'/'.$this->uri->segment(8);
Also I just tried using the current_url() as base_url config param and of course I also just tried to use uri_segment = 2 without using pre- and sufix.
It never worked properly.
Routes look like this:
$route['map/(:num)/(:any)'] = 'map/index/$1/$2';
$route['map/(:num)/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'map/index/$1/$2/$3';
$route['map/(:num)/(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'map/index/$1/$2/$3/$4';
$route['karte/(:num)/(:any)'] = 'map/index/$1/$2';
$route['karte/(:num)/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'map/index/$1/$2/$3';
$route['karte/(:num)/(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'map/index/$1/$2/$3/$4';
As you can see I use two kind of routes, translates for google.
The routes and Controller also work!
If I type in by hand I get the correct paginated site content:
For Example: localhost/controller/10/some/filter/here returns every row beginning with 11 (it skips first 10 as it should).
Very important is that the number always appears even on the first page where it is 0 - as you can see above.
It would be so great to get any help in that one...
Best Regards

How to get a url parameter in Magento controller?

Is there a Magento function to get the value of "id" from this url:
I know I can split the url on "/" to get the value, but I'd prefer a single function.
This doesn't work:
$id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
It only works if I use
Magento's default routing algorithm uses three part URLs.
So when you call
The word path is your front name, action is your controller name, and id is your action method. After these three methods, you can use getParam to grab a key/value pair
//in a controller
You may also use the getParams method to grab an array of parameters
If your url is the following structure:
then use:
echo $this->getRequest()->getParam('order_id'); // output is 1795
If you want to get All Url Value or Parameter value than use below code.
If your url is like this:
then use this to get the value of url
echo $_GET['userId'];
If you want more info about this click here.
If it's a Magento module, you can use the Varien Object getter. If it's for your own module controller, you may want to use the register method.

Codeigniter problem with routes!

I am trying to do this route trick:
$route['cp/roles/:num'] = "cp/roles/index/:num";
but it doesn't work :(
please help me!!
advanced thanks .
According to the documentation on URI Routing:
$route['product/(:num)'] = "catalog/product_lookup_by_id/$1";
“A URL with "product" as the first segment, and a number in the second will be remapped to the "catalog" class and the "product_lookup_by_id" method passing in the match as a variable to the function.”
So, for your particular instance, you would do the following:
$route['cp/roles/(:num)'] = "cp/roles/index/$1";
You could try
$route['cp/roles/:num'] = "cp/roles";
and then instead of passing a variable in your function you use
or the number that correspond to the segment.
