how can injection service class depending on user's area code - spring

I want call get bus/bus station information open api from area code in user's address.
Area is city, city provide different bus information api each other.
public class TrafficController {
public UserService userService;
public TrafficService trafficService;
public List<....> getNearStations(HttpServerletRequest req) {
String userId = SessionAttrs.getUserId(req.getSession());
User user = userSerivce.getUser(userId);
trafficService = (TrafficService) Class.forName("com.myservice.service.impl.TrafficService_" + "_Impl").newInstence();
return trafficService.getStations(,, 300, 2);
public Class TrafficService_11_Impl implemnet TrafficService {
TrafficRepository trafficRepository;
public List<Station> getStations(double lat, double lng, int ratius, int retryCount) {
final String cacheKey = "getStations " + lat + " " + lng + " " + radius;
TrafficeCache cache = trafficRepository.fineOne(chcheKey); // run time NullPointerException, trafficRepository is null
if ( null == cache) {
get area code 11 api call logic
return ...;
public interface TrafficRepository extends JpaRepository<TrafficCache, String> {
This code occured runtime NullPointerException at at
TrafficeCache cache = trafficRepository.fineOne(chcheKey);
run time NullPointerException, trafficRepository is null
Otherly in
public TrafficService trafficService
and drop code
trafficService = (TrafficService) Class.forName("com.myservice.service.impl.TrafficService_" + "_Impl").newInstence();
was correct result
How can injection service class depending on user's area code in String boot?
public class TrafficController {
private ApplicationContext context;
public UserService userService;
public TrafficService trafficService;
public List<....> getNearStations(HttpServerletRequest req) {
String userId = SessionAttrs.getUserId(req.getSession());
User user = userSerivce.getUser(userId);
trafficService = (TrafficService) context.getBean(Class.forName("com.myservice.service.impl.TrafficService_" + "_Impl"));
return trafficService.getStations(,, 300, 2);
It's correct result


Is Spring #Component annotation used correctly?

The purpose of this question is to find out if the codes are written with the right approach. Let's do CRUD operations on categories and posts in the blog website project. To keep the question short, I shared just create and update side.
(Technologies used in the project: spring-boot, mongodb)
Let's start to model Category:
public class Category{
private String id;
#Indexed(unique = true, background = true)
private String name;
#Indexed(unique = true, background = true)
private String slug;
// getter and setter
Abstract BaseController class and IController Interface is created for fundamental level save, delete and update operations. I shared below controller side:
public interface IController<T>{
ResponseEntity<BlogResponse> save(T object);
#GetMapping(value = "/find-all")
ResponseEntity<BlogResponse> findAll();
#GetMapping(value = "/delete-all")
ResponseEntity<BlogResponse> deleteAll();
public abstract class BaseController<T extends MongoRepository<S,String>, S> implements IController<S> {
private T repository;
private BlogResponse blogResponse;
#PostMapping(value = "/save", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
public #ResponseBody ResponseEntity<BlogResponse> save(S object) {
try {
S model = (S);
String modelName = object.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase();
blogResponse.setMessage(modelName + " is saved successfully").putData(modelName, object);
} catch (DuplicateKeyException dke) {
return new ResponseEntity<BlogResponse>(blogResponse.setMessage("This data is already existing!!!"), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new ResponseEntity<BlogResponse>(blogResponse.setMessage(e.getMessage()), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
return new ResponseEntity<BlogResponse>(blogResponse, HttpStatus.OK);
// delete, findAll and other controllers
#RequestMapping(value = "category")
public class CategoryController extends BaseController<ICategoryRepository, Category>{
// More specific opretions like findSlug() can be write here.
And finally BlogResponce component is shared below;
public class BlogResponse{
private String message;
private Map<String, Object> data;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public BlogResponse setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
return this;
public BlogResponse putData(String key, Object object){
if(data == null)
data = new HashMap<String,Object>();
return this;
public Map<String,Object> getData(){
return data;
public String toString() {
return "BlogResponse{" +
"message='" + message + '\'' +
", data=" + data +
Question: I am new spring boot and I want to move forward by doing it right. BlogResponse is set bean by using #Component annotation. This doc said that other annotations like #Controller, #Service are specializations of #Component for more specific use cases. So I think, I cant use them. BlogResponse is set prototype scope for create new object at each injection. Also it's life end after response because of #RequestScope. Are this annotations using correcty? Maybe there is more effective way or approach. You can remark about other roughness if it existing.

Can I return DTO and domain entities from services?

I have a spring-boot application and I use DTO like that:
public class UnitOfMeasureServiceImpl implements IUnitOfMeasureService {
private final IUnitsOfMeasureRepository unitOfMeasureRepository;
public UnitOfMeasureServiceImpl(IUnitsOfMeasureRepository unitOfMeasureRepository) {
this.unitOfMeasureRepository = unitOfMeasureRepository;
public UnitOfMeasureDTO getUnitOfMeasureById(UUID id) {
Optional<UnitOfMeasure> optionalUnitOfMeasure = unitOfMeasureRepository.findById(id);
if (!optionalUnitOfMeasure.isPresent()){
// throw new ComponentNotFoundException(id);
return null;
return UnitOfMeasureDTO.factory(optionalUnitOfMeasure.get());
public class UnitOfMeasureDTO {
private String id;
private String name;
private String description;
private String sourceInfoCompanyName;
private String originalId;
public static UnitOfMeasureDTO factory(UnitOfMeasure unitOfMeasure) {
UnitOfMeasureDTO dto = new UnitOfMeasureDTO(); = unitOfMeasure.getId().toString(); = unitOfMeasure.getName();
dto.description = unitOfMeasure.getDescription();
dto.sourceInfoCompanyName = unitOfMeasure.getSourceInfo().getSourceCompany().getName();
dto.originalId = unitOfMeasure.getOriginalId();
return dto;
public class UnitOfMeasureController {
public static final String BASE_URL = "/api/sust/v1/unitOfMeasures";
private final IUnitOfMeasureService unitOfMeasureService;
public UnitOfMeasureController(IUnitOfMeasureService unitOfMeasureService) {
this.unitOfMeasureService = unitOfMeasureService;
#GetMapping(path = "/{id}")
public UnitOfMeasureDTO getUnitOfMeasureDTO(#PathVariable("id") UUID id) {
UnitOfMeasureDTO unitOfMeasureDTO = unitOfMeasureService.getUnitOfMeasureById(id);
return unitOfMeasureDTO;
So in my service I have getUnitOfMeasureById(UUID id) that return a UnitOfMeasureDTO.
Now I need to call, from another service, getUnitOfMeasureById(UUID id) that return the domain entity UnitOfMeasure. I think it's correct to call a service method from another service (not a controller method!) and the separation between business logic is at the service layer. So is it correct to have 2 methods: getUnitOfMeasureDTOById and getUnitOfMeasureById in the service? (getUnitOfMeasureDTOById call getUnitOfMeasureById to avoid code duplication)

Spring #PreAuthorize passes null to Service [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Spring - SpEL evaluates entity argument as null reference in #PreAuthorize("hasPermission")
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have an issue with #PreAuthorize and a sevice that checks if the athenticated user may access the searched item.
The one service callDistributionRequest that gets the item is working fine - #PreAuthorize recieves and passes the right distId. The other one updateDistributionRequestExportFileName gets also the right distId and passes it to the distributionRequestService. On the method userBelongsToRecipientOfTheDistributionRequest distId comes as a null
The Spring RestController with the two web services
#RequestMapping(produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
public class DistributionRequestRESTController {
private #Getter #Setter DistributionRequestService distributionRequestService;
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private String logResponse = " - response: ";
public DistributionRequestRESTController(DistributionRequestService distributionRequestService) {
this.distributionRequestService = distributionRequestService;
#RequestMapping(value = Consts.URLDISTRIBUTIONREQUEST + Consts.URLDISTREQID)
public DistributionRequest callDistributionRequest(#PathVariable long distId) {
String loginfo = "get distribution with id: " + distId;
DistributionRequest found = distributionRequestService.findOne(distId); + logResponse + JSONParser.toJsonString(found));
return found;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = Consts.URLDISTRIBUTIONREQUEST + Consts.URLDISTREQID + Consts.URLUPDATE + Consts.URLFILENAME)
public DistributionRequest updateDistributionRequestExportFileName(
#PathVariable long distId,
#RequestBody String fileName,
#AuthenticationPrincipal UserDetails user) {
String loginfo = user.getUsername() + " try to update filename with : " + fileName;
DistributionRequest updated =
distributionRequestService.updateExportFilename(distId, fileName); + logResponse + JSONParser.toJsonString(updated));
return updated;
The Service interface:
public interface DistributionRequestService {
#PreAuthorize(value = "hasAnyAuthority('USER', 'ADMIN') and #distributionRequestOwnerService.userBelongsToRecipientOfTheDistributionRequest(#distId)")
DistributionRequest findOne(Long distId);
#PreAuthorize(value = "hasAnyAuthority('USER', 'ADMIN') and #distributionRequestOwnerService.userBelongsToRecipientOfTheDistributionRequest(#distId)")
DistributionRequest updateExportFilename(Long distId, String filename);
And the class that checks if the user may access the searched item
#Service(value = "distributionRequestOwnerService")
public class DistributionRequestOwnerServiceImpl implements DistributionRequestOwnerService {
private AccountService accountService;
private DistributionRequestsRepository distributionRequestsRepository;
public boolean userBelongsToRecipientOfTheDistributionRequest(Long distId) {
return userBelongsToRecipientOfTheDistributionRequest(distId, null);
public boolean userBelongsToRecipientOfTheDistributionRequest(Long distributionRequestId, String username) {
DistributionRequest distributionRequest = distributionRequestsRepository.findOne(distributionRequestId);
ServiceAccount currentUser;
if (username == null)
currentUser = accountService.getCurrentUser();
currentUser = accountService.findByUsername(username);
if (distributionRequest != null
&& distributionRequest.getRecipientId() == currentUser.getRecipientId())
return true;
Any ideas?
thanks in advance
Found the solution duplicate to
as #teppic pointed parameter in interfaces should be annotated.
public interface DistributionRequestService {
#PreAuthorize(value = "hasAnyAuthority('USER', 'ADMIN') and #distributionRequestOwnerService.userBelongsToRecipientOfTheDistributionRequest(#distId)")
DistributionRequest findOne(#Param("distId") Long distId);
#PreAuthorize(value = "hasAnyAuthority('USER', 'ADMIN') and #distributionRequestOwnerService.userBelongsToRecipientOfTheDistributionRequest(#distId)")
DistributionRequest updateExportFilename(#Param("distId") Long distId, String filename);

Spring + Hibernate + TestNG + Mocking nothing persist, nothing is readed in test

Fighting with TestNG, Spring an Hibernate. I'm writing test for Service class, and it's always failure. But without test class works fine. So App is working, but tests don't want to.
Here is my test class
public class BorrowerServiceTest {
BorrowerDAOImpl borrowerDAO;
BorrowerService borrowerService;
public void setUp() {
public void persistTest() {
Borrower borrower = new Borrower.BorrowerBuilder().firstName("Lars").lastName("Urlich").adress("LA")
List<Borrower> borrowerList = borrowerService.getBorrowerByName("Lars Urlich");
Assert.assertEquals(true, borrower.equals(borrowerList.get(0)));
My BorrowerService:
public class BorrowerService {
private BorrowerDAO borrowerDAO;
public List<Borrower> getBorrowers() {
return borrowerDAO.getBorrowers();
public List<Borrower> getBorrowerByName(String name) {
return borrowerDAO.getBorrowerByName(name);
public boolean removeBorrower(Borrower borrower) {
return borrowerDAO.removeBorrower(borrower);
public boolean persist(Borrower borrower) {
return borrowerDAO.persist(borrower);
My BorrowerDAOImpl:
public class BorrowerDAOImpl extends DAO implements BorrowerDAO {
public List<Borrower> getBorrowers() {
List<Borrower> borrowerList = null;
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT B FROM Borrower B");
borrowerList = query.getResultList();
return borrowerList;
public List<Borrower> getBorrowerByName(String name) {
List<Borrower> borrowerList = null;
String[] values = name.split(" ");
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT B FROM Borrower B WHERE B.firstName LIKE '" + values[0]
+ "' AND B.lastName LIKE '" + values[1] + "'");
borrowerList = query.getResultList();
return borrowerList;
public boolean removeBorrower(Borrower borrower) {
String firstName = borrower.getFirstName();
String lastName = borrower.getLastName();
Query query = entityManager
.createQuery("DELETE Borrower where FIRST_NAME LIKE :FirstName AND LAST_NAME LIKE :LastName");
query.setParameter("FirstName", firstName);
query.setParameter("LastName", lastName);
return true;
public boolean persist(Borrower borrower) {
return true;
and abstract DAO:
public abstract class DAO {
protected EntityManager entityManager;
Maven returns failure:
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
at java.util.LinkedList.checkElementIndex(
at java.util.LinkedList.get(
I also had to fight with this. The problem here is that your test runs in it's own transaction, so nothing will be committed during method's execution. Now here is what I did:
public class IntegrationTest extends SomeTestBase
private PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager;
private TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate;
private BeanToTest beanToTest;
public void setup()
this.transactionTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(this.platformTransactionManager);
public void fooTest()
// given
// when
boolean result = this.transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<Boolean>()
public Boolean doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status)
// then
This allows you to have methods execute within a separate transaction. Please note that you might declare some variables as final.
Hope that helps.
Check the Spring documentation: it looks your test class should extend AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests.
Use #Commit annotation on the whole test class or even method to persist changes made in the test. For more information

Testing with Mockito

I'm trying to test some services with Mockito but I have problems when the main class that I test and where I inject Mocks calls to super.
I run the project with spring and these are the steps I follow to get the error.
Here is where I create the test
public class UrlShortenerTests {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ShortURLRepository shortURLRepository;
private ClickRepository clickRespository;
private UrlShortenerControllerWithLogs urlShortenerWL;
public void setup() {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(urlShortenerWL).build();
public void thatShortenerCreatesARedirectIfTheURLisOK() throws Exception {
.param("url", ""))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.target", is("")));
Here is the class UrlShortenerControllerWithLogs with the method shortener, which is the one I want to test with the previous POST call
public class UrlShortenerControllerWithLogs extends UrlShortenerController {
private ClickRepository clickRepository;
private ShortURLRepository SURLR;
public ResponseEntity<ShortURL> shortener(#RequestParam("url") String url,
#RequestParam(value = "sponsor", required = false) String sponsor,
#RequestParam(value = "brand", required = false) String brand,
HttpServletRequest request) {
ResponseEntity<ShortURL> su = super.shortener(url, sponsor, brand,
return su;
And this is the super class
public class UrlShortenerController {
protected ShortURLRepository shortURLRepository;
protected ClickRepository clickRepository;
#RequestMapping(value = "/link", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<ShortURL> shortener(#RequestParam("url") String url,
#RequestParam(value = "sponsor", required = false) String sponsor,
#RequestParam(value = "brand", required = false) String brand,
HttpServletRequest request) {
ShortURL su = createAndSaveIfValid(url, sponsor, brand, UUID
.randomUUID().toString(), extractIP(request));
if (su != null) {
HttpHeaders h = new HttpHeaders();
return new ResponseEntity<>(su, h, HttpStatus.CREATED);
} else {
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
protected ShortURL createAndSaveIfValid(String url, String sponsor,
String brand, String owner, String ip) {
UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(new String[] { "http",
"https" });
if (urlValidator.isValid(url)) {
String id = Hashing.murmur3_32()
.hashString(url, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString();
ShortURL su = new ShortURL(id, url,
id, null)).toUri(), sponsor, new Date(
System.currentTimeMillis()), owner,
HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT.value(), true, ip, null);
} else {
return null;
So, when I call to in the second method (createAndSaveIfValid), it never enters in the method save, so it returns me null instead of the object I want.
The code of the implementation of ShortURLRepository and the method save is:
public class ShortURLRepositoryImpl implements ShortURLRepository {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory
public ShortURL save(ShortURL su) {
try {
jdbc.update("INSERT INTO shorturl VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
su.getHash(), su.getTarget(), su.getSponsor(),
su.getCreated(), su.getOwner(), su.getMode(), su.getSafe(),
su.getIP(), su.getCountry());
} catch (DuplicateKeyException e) {
log.debug("When insert for key " + su.getHash(), e);
return su;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug("When insert", e);
return null;
return su;
I think that the problem is that the object ShortURLRepository created in the test class is not initialized on the super class (UrlShortenerController) or something similar.
Is it possible?
Can anybody help me?
The full code is in:
The class UrlShortenerTests is in:
The class UrlShortenerControllerWithLogs is in:
The class UrlShortenerController is in:
The class ShortURLRepositoryImpl is in:
This is not an error. This is the expected behaviour. #Mock creates a mock. #InjectMocks creates an instance of the class and injects the mocks that are created with the #Mock. A mock is not a real object with known values and methods. It is an object that has the same interface as the declared type but you control its behaviour. By default the mocked object methods do nothing (e.g. return null). Therefore if ShortURLRepository is mocked and injected in UrlShortenerControllerWithLogs calling save in the injected ShortURLRepository does not call the real code as you expected, it does nothing. If you want to mock the behaviour of save, add the following code in your setup:
then(new Answer<ShortURL>() {
public ShortURL answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
ShortURL su = (ShortURL) invocation.getArguments()[0];
// Do something with su if needed
return su;
