Its too many simulators in Xcode 6.4 - xcode

i have too many in my xCode application
i try to delete but just a moment its back to device list
how to remove it.
xcode Version 6.4 (6E35b)
pic from my xCode
pic from device list

Quit Xcode and the Simulator, and say (in the Terminal):
$ xcrun simctl delete
That will delete them all and now you can start fresh. It's good to do this from time to time...

It may happen because of multiple Xcode installed or during Xcode upgrades. The only thing that need to be done is to open Xcode -> Window -> Devices select duplicated device and delete it.
Copied from this answer


Xcode 14 No Platform For watch Although I Downloaded WatchOS 9.0 Simulator Now Redownload it Gives Error Duplicated

My Xcode 14.01 was working fine and Run On the iOS And WatchOS Perfectly then one time I Notice it give me error with new build Saying No WatchOS Platform and I'm Sure I Already Download it.
So I go To Settings and try to download it again then An Error Of Duplicated was there , But I Notice That My WatchOS Platform Is Already There With Same Size With word beside it saying On Disk, But Why its Not Working.
Here is what I see In Menu Xcode -> Settings -> Platform
So Should I Remove the One There And Re Download again In fact It Is Quite Much To Download 3.6 GB Every time Or Should I Re Install The Xcode 14.01 Again
My System Is like that
MacOS : Ventura macOS 14.0
MacBook Air M1 2020
thanx For Help
After two days I figure it out, Xcode Mounting the watchOS and TvOS Images when you Download it first time so my guess is I unmount it manually when I was upgrading to Ventura macOS and solution is very easy and cost no more downloads is to locate it and mount it manually.
Open Terminal And Write:
xcrun simctl runtime add
This would remount the simulator images again into Xcode
P.S. Do not try to mount the simulator images using Disk Utility or by double click it, as this won't add it to Xcode you need to add it and mount it using the xcrun simctl runtime command
According To Apple Xcode 14 Release Notes:
It Seems If you manually unmount or detach a simulator runtime disk image (such as by using diskutil eject or umount), Simulator and Xcode may not be able to determine whether the runtime is installed or not. Attempts to re-download the runtime results in failure with a duplicate runtime error. (89589210)
Restarting causes Simulator to re-mount the runtime disk image.
If this not work so Use xcrun simctl runtime add in Terminal to Remount The Images Manually
Alternately you can use xcrun simctl runtime to locate the affected runtime disk image, delete it, then use Xcode to re-download it.

How to Fix Stalling Xcode 10 iOS 12 Simulators?

No matter what I do, any Xcode 10 iOS simulator that runs iOS 12 never gets past the indeterminate progress at boot up.
Other simulators running iOS 11 or earlier work fine.
How to fix this? Complete reinstall does not work...
Issue occurs for any iPhone which requires iOS 12 and any iOS device configured to run iOS 12 under the simulator.
Ultimately it took a complete removal of Xcode and then the basic re-download and run of Xcode which then re-distributes stuff all over your hard disk again.
First I backed up my customizations found in the folders and files:
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Then I removed the following (although my Xcode is not in /Applications, I list it that way here):
~/Library/Developer ~/Library/MobileDevice
and then re-download Xcode from the App Store:
And then re-insert my customizations. When the folder where customizations were stored did not exist, I went into Xcode and created a temp customization (like code a code snippet) and let Xcode create the containing folder to be safe. Then I deleted the temp customization and re-populated the new Xcode created folder with my customizations again.
For the first time since iOS 12 was in beta, I was able to successfully download and install it.
And by the way, the iOS 12 simulator disk image (if you want to install it via the standard macOS Installer app instead) is here:

XCode 7. iOS simulators missing and not installable

Can't see any iOS 9.0 simulators. In previous Xcode 7 beta 3 all was OK.
Can't install iOS 8.3 simulator.
Also I can't add any simulator from 'Organizer'. By pressing "Create" nothing happened.
Each time when I'm trying to download iOS simulator I see next thing:
One possible issue is that there may be old leftover simulators installed, which are not compatible with the new XCode, and their presence causes the whole Simulator to fail. To get rid of them, delete the simulators in /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes (for me there was an iOS 7 simulator there which was the issue). Relaunch XCode after this.
Then try to run the simulator from XCode->Open Developer Tool->Simulator. Assuming this succeeds, verify that you have the simulators under the iOS Simulator menu Hardware->Device->Manage Devices… – if not, you should be able to click the + in the bottom bar to add yourself some iOS 9 simulators. Relaunch XCode again and they should show up in the menu.
In my case was with Xcode 8.2, what it worked to me was changing Deployment Version:
After setting another different than 10.0 then appeared back all simulators again.
Have you tried going to Xcode > preferences > downloads and trying to re-download the simulators you want?
For me it was only showing one simulator,
and when I go to Xcode > Preferences I can see the simulator is already downloaded but it is not showing up in the list,
if you're facing something similar. This is how you should add required simulator,
From the Xcode menu, open Windows > Devices, shown in the image below
you should see this screen,
notice there is only one simulator (ref: first image)
Now to add required simulator, you should click on the + (in the left corner)
You should see this,
You can choose the simulator from the list, In my case it is iPhone 6s Plus.
In Xcode you can see additional simulator iPhone 6s Plus,
I was also not able to see simulators.Reason is,I have not restarted system after upgrading Xcode.I restarted & simulator started displaying as routine.
There is a bug in the latest El Capitan beta which causes a process to crash when dlopen() fails to mmap() a dynamic library. Such mmap() failures can occur due to code signature verification failures.
These mmap() failures will occur if older iOS Simulator runtimes are present on disk (ie: installed from Xcode 6.x), and that is the reason why Xcode 7 beta release notes have indicated that earlier runtimes are not working in Xcode 7. The iOS 8.x Simulator runtimes were updated in newer downloads, but if the older versions are present on disk, they will cause the mmap() failure, which in the latest El Capitan beta, unfortunately results in the CoreSimulatorService repeatedly crashing which in turn results in no simulators being available.
If simulators are suddenly disappeared:
Just consider decreasing Deployment target to a minor version below current version in Project > Build Settings > Deployment Info > Deployment Target
P.S. Usually you see a place holder text showing the selected version (in gray) in the box denoted above. If for example the gray text says 9.3, then decrease it to 9.2.
Look at seancook's response in the middle of this page... it seems to have fixed this issue for several people.
This can also be fixed by booting into recovery mode (CMD - R) and reinstalling El Capitan.
Go to Windows. Select Devices. Select '+' from left bottom and add all simulators one by one.
I had changed the name of my Project from Finder. I clicked on the old project name (between the Play Button and and the selector for the desired Simulator or Device), selected edit schemes, selected the Targets Tab, and realised that the old scheme was missing so I just added my new Project name by clicking on the plus button and the simulator list reappeared.

Xcode duplicated devices bug

I opened Xcode and suddenly I found the simulator devices duplicated. I found a similar question 1 but that's not my case, I'm using the latest SDK and a clean Xcode installation.
Screenshot in the link bellow. Any ideas?
1 iOS Simulator devices listed twice in Xcode run destinations list
You can delete the duplicates that you don't want from Xcode's Devices window (Window -> Devices) or from the command line using 'xcrun simctl delete [UDID]'

Unable to boot device in current state: Booted

Any guess on "Unable to boot device in current state: Booted" error in Xcode6 beta while running (build+run) project in Simulator. I am just running my existing project in Xcode 6 I found above message. I tried cleaning, deleting of the derived data, even restarting the simulator doesn't work. Finally i restarted my Xcode 6 then it is working. Any simpler way to resolve the error instead of restarting your xcode6.
In Xcode go to the Xcode menu->Open Developer Tool - IOS Simulators. Choose simulator and then go hardware->device->manage device.
If the troubled device shows in the left column, delete it. Then add the device back from the '+' button. If it wasn't there in the first place, simply add it using the '+' button.
From terminal, get the list of devices with:
xcrun simctl list
This will show you your list of devices with "Shutdown" or "Booted". You'll likely see your device is in a "Booted" state. You can shut it down with:
xcrun simctl shutdown <simulator id>
Where <simulator id> is the name of the device in the list. For example:
xcrun simctl shutdown "iPhone 6 Plus"
2022 fix
I found solution. Simulator -> Preferences -> Simulator lifetime: When Simulator starts boot the most recently used simulator I unchecked.
This will kill any booted/running simulators even if the .app is not shown:
xcrun simctl shutdown all
I encountered similar problem. Got it resolved. Below are steps to fix it.
Open Simulator
Select Hardware -> Device -> Manage Devices...
This will opens a window containing list of simulator devices
Delete simulator that prompts error by right click on it.
Again add simulator by clicking '+' button onto right corner of window
Select Simulator Name, Device Type and iOS Version
Restarting the computer solved this for me. I restart very rarely so I would never normally have thought of this!
I solved this issue by this way:
Open Xcode
Goto Xcode menu > Open Developer Tool > iOS Simulators
It will run Simulator with error
Goto Hardware > Device > Manage Device
Add needed simulator to your system
This solution worked for me
Go to Xcode -> Open Developer Tool-> Simulator -> uncheck the option when simulator starts boot the most recently used simulator
Delete all devices on Simulator->Hardware, and add them back, not working :(
Bug or not, restarting Xcode doesn't work for me; could not get Simulator back to work until restarting my computer and it seems the adding-back had failed before restarting.
Quit iOS simulator. Change Target iOS Simulator to any other iPhone or iPad and then run app. Its working for me.
Applicable for Xcode 6.x, here is the command-line solution (type on Terminal window):
xcrun simctl shutdown
xcrun simctl erase
open /Contents/Developer/Applications/iOS\
Where is the id of the device you want to launch. You can get the list of devices and their UDIDs here:
xcrun simctl list
I had the same problem. I reset the settings on the iOS Simulator, and run an xcrun simctl erase all and got the simulator working again.
Quit Xcode and Simulator.Then rebuild build and run.
Happened to me also, run an xcrun simctl shutdown <simulator uid> and got the simulator working again.
I don't know if this is any help to you guys but in my case I had this issue when I had a simulator window already open and I tried the command line invocation of simulator to run a .app file.
/Applications/\\ Simulator -SimulateApplication ${pathToMyApp}/
I just quit all of my simulator windows and ran the command again. That fixed it.
I had the same problem. I reset the settings on the iOS Simulator, and it was fine again.
iOS Simulator -> Reset Content and Settings...
When I came to this issue,I tried to tackle it as follows:
cd /Applications/
In Terminal: open -n Ok.
Then go to Simulator->hardware->Device choose another device,not the same type of already opened one.(e.g, the first one is iphone 6 the new one could be iphone 7)
4.Then there will open a new simulator.
Hope this will help you.
I just quit the Xcode and then remove all derrived data. Then relaunch Xcode and do cleaning, build it wait for it's indexing complete then run the project and issue get resolved.
With simulator opened, select "simulator preferences" and disable (simulator lifetime),so it doesn't use the same simulator used before the default.
Resolved for me.
