How to Fix Stalling Xcode 10 iOS 12 Simulators? - xcode

No matter what I do, any Xcode 10 iOS simulator that runs iOS 12 never gets past the indeterminate progress at boot up.
Other simulators running iOS 11 or earlier work fine.
How to fix this? Complete reinstall does not work...
Issue occurs for any iPhone which requires iOS 12 and any iOS device configured to run iOS 12 under the simulator.

Ultimately it took a complete removal of Xcode and then the basic re-download and run of Xcode which then re-distributes stuff all over your hard disk again.
First I backed up my customizations found in the folders and files:
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Then I removed the following (although my Xcode is not in /Applications, I list it that way here):
~/Library/Developer ~/Library/MobileDevice
and then re-download Xcode from the App Store:
And then re-insert my customizations. When the folder where customizations were stored did not exist, I went into Xcode and created a temp customization (like code a code snippet) and let Xcode create the containing folder to be safe. Then I deleted the temp customization and re-populated the new Xcode created folder with my customizations again.
For the first time since iOS 12 was in beta, I was able to successfully download and install it.
And by the way, the iOS 12 simulator disk image (if you want to install it via the standard macOS Installer app instead) is here:


Xcode 14 No Platform For watch Although I Downloaded WatchOS 9.0 Simulator Now Redownload it Gives Error Duplicated

My Xcode 14.01 was working fine and Run On the iOS And WatchOS Perfectly then one time I Notice it give me error with new build Saying No WatchOS Platform and I'm Sure I Already Download it.
So I go To Settings and try to download it again then An Error Of Duplicated was there , But I Notice That My WatchOS Platform Is Already There With Same Size With word beside it saying On Disk, But Why its Not Working.
Here is what I see In Menu Xcode -> Settings -> Platform
So Should I Remove the One There And Re Download again In fact It Is Quite Much To Download 3.6 GB Every time Or Should I Re Install The Xcode 14.01 Again
My System Is like that
MacOS : Ventura macOS 14.0
MacBook Air M1 2020
thanx For Help
After two days I figure it out, Xcode Mounting the watchOS and TvOS Images when you Download it first time so my guess is I unmount it manually when I was upgrading to Ventura macOS and solution is very easy and cost no more downloads is to locate it and mount it manually.
Open Terminal And Write:
xcrun simctl runtime add
This would remount the simulator images again into Xcode
P.S. Do not try to mount the simulator images using Disk Utility or by double click it, as this won't add it to Xcode you need to add it and mount it using the xcrun simctl runtime command
According To Apple Xcode 14 Release Notes:
It Seems If you manually unmount or detach a simulator runtime disk image (such as by using diskutil eject or umount), Simulator and Xcode may not be able to determine whether the runtime is installed or not. Attempts to re-download the runtime results in failure with a duplicate runtime error. (89589210)
Restarting causes Simulator to re-mount the runtime disk image.
If this not work so Use xcrun simctl runtime add in Terminal to Remount The Images Manually
Alternately you can use xcrun simctl runtime to locate the affected runtime disk image, delete it, then use Xcode to re-download it.

xCode 13.4.1 Simulator doesn't show up after build succeeded

im doing the iOS Dev Course from Angela Yu right now on Udemy. If i Clone those initial builded Repositories from GitHub, i got many problems with my Simulator on Mac and on my iPhone 12 as well. (using Mac mini m1 with MacOS Monterey 12.4 and xCode 13.4.1).
i write some code which runs fine but if i want to start the build, xCode says "build succeeded" and then nothing happens anymore. Sometimes it just starts fine - seems to be random.
What i've tried:
Reboot Mac
Restart xCode
erase and reset Simulator
choose new Scheme with selected app and set target iOS to 15.4 (and 15.5)
killed all Simulator processes at Task Manager
deleted all Simulator builds and created new ones
reinstalled xCode entirely
tested xCode 13.2.1
yesterday it worked fine ( but there was Projects which we created from scratch ) think it is a problem with repositories which are created 2-3 years ago.
i didn't get any Error Messages... simply "Build Succeeded" -> nothing happens.
Any Ideas? Would Love to complete the Course but it's really frustrating without testing possibilities.

Flutter: XCode error "Unable to boot the Simulator"

Iam running the latest OSX/Flutter/XCode Versions using flutter, android studio and firebase and 1 hour ago everthing works perfectly.
Then i rebooted my macbook and when i try to launch an ios simulator i get this error "Unable to boot the simulator".
The following steps shows no solution:
Reinstall the ios simulator
Flutter clean and pub get
Updating comand line tools 13.3.1 (13E500a)
Run invalid cache of android studio
I found the problem also on stackoverflow but all sugestions does not working.
Any ideas?
Let me know if you need more information!
Thank you
NO NEED TO UNINSTALL XCODE! Though I know the contributor already has solved the issue, I'm happy if this answer will help someone else.
Go to [About this Mac > Storage > Manage > Developer]
Delete all the content (no worries!)
You can delete xcode cache and it will work,
by going to
About this Mac > Storage > Manage > Developer or any folder you choosed for development when installing xcode and flutter then Delete XCode Cache.
Step 1:
Go to About this Mac
Step 2:
Go to Storage
Step 3:
Delete all the content Or Delete XCode Cache
You can just clean your Xcode Caches, and that will do the trick,
About this Mac
XCode Caches
For me it was not necessary to delete XCode. I could solve it with this:
1: Click on "About this Mac" in the top left corner
2: Click on "Storage"-Tab
3: Click on "Manage"-Button
4: Click on "Developer"-Tab
5: Right click on all the data and "Delete"
For Mac Ventura 13.0 OS and higher -> Click apple logo on top left of your Mac
System Settings > search Storage > Developer
Then delete Xcode Caches
Product-> Clean Build Folder works for me!
After checking some other comments, it seems uninstalling XCode is not necessary.
The issue is not directly related to Flutter but it is related to the XCode 13.3.1 with the Simulator, specially for iPhone and iPad (tvOS and watchOS should have no issue so far).
Somehow the existing files during the security update causes the simulator to get corrupted.
As temporary workaround, you can try the following steps:
Uninstall XCode by moving from Applications folder to the Trash
Empty the Trash
Open the Mac Storage Management and go to the Developer in the sidebar
Delete everything from the Developer Section
Download Xcode 13.1 from Apple Developers and not the stable release from App Store
Extract the downloaded Xcode_13.1.xip file, i actually recommend via terminal by using xip -x Xcode_13.3.1.xip, and take in mind the extraction uses 100GB and it takes up to 2 hours to complete. You are going to have this message at the beggining xip: signing certificate was "Software Update" (validation not attempted), but you can ignore since this is expected.
Finally, move the extracted XCode file to the Applications folder
Run sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
Run sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch

xcode is not opening after downgrade from V9 to V8

I'm trying to downgrade from xcode 9 to xcode 8, I have deleted the 9 version already then i realize that version 8 is not opening working.
all what happening that when i click on xcode icon it will show the very first new project screen for less than 1 second and disappear again.
macOS High Sierra
Version 10.13.6
if you have Xcode pops up a window with a list of most recent projects, but then switch off very fast. that mean you have every thing fine and all you need is to go to any txt file in your computer (file.txt) right click open with and select you Xcode you have installed it Will work fine
At start you need to completely uninstall XCode 9, including derived data, devtools, simulators, etc. Type 'uninstall xcode completely' in Google and you will find many advises of how to do that, including at StackOverflow, e.g.
How to Completely Uninstall Xcode and Clear All Settings
After that you can install XCode 8 by placing to Applications folder. Everything else it should do during first run.

Xcode 5 IOS simulator black screen and app install fails

I just updated my xcode to work with ios7. Now whenever I make a new app, even if its set to build for ios7, I get an error in the simulator when running. It says that the install failed, even if I just made the project and haven't coded anything into it yet. The simulator also shows a black screen. I have tried the reset content, and it didn't work. I saw something somewhere saying to delete the Iphone Simulator folder in application support, but no such folder seems to exist. What can I try to do?
With some additional research, I found that Iphone Simultor is in the now, but I don't know what to delete. There are many files under the iPhone Simulator Folder. If I delete the actual app, it just doesnt open. Any ideas?? I dont even get an iphone on the screen, just a black window...
Update 2:
Even when I just go to open developer tools -> iphone simulator
it still gives me just a black screen....
Update 3
I just re-installed X-code, and all works now! Strange....I have no idea what happened...But I thought I would let y'all know for others who have similar issues.
Deleting the iOS Simulator folder of the iOS version in question in
/Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator
helps, but then you always have to repeat all the settings you made in the simulator (language, for example). Try to press the home button and then delete your app like you do it on a real iOS device. You should then be able to install it again.
This seems to be a known issue.
When simulator open - Go to iOS simulator tab -> reset content and settings..
Work for me.
Perhaps this answer will help?
The simulator should be in this folder:
Make sure any #try and #catch(NSException *exception) {} blocks are not commented or are working properly.
This is a version mismatch between your OS X version and your Xcode (iOS simulator)
and it seems that you have upgraded your OS X so Xcode needs to be upgraded as well, Check the versions that match with each other.
You need to upgrade your Xcode which will upgrade iOS simulator.
Good Luck,
