Perhaps that's no the way to approach it, but I'm looking for a sort of a combination of PointerLock and Trackball controls - I want to be able to move the dolly endlessly in and out with scrolling like PointerLock, but be able to drag around and pan around and move in all axis like Trackball.
I've tried searching for ways for days but just couldn't find a way...any easy way to do this?
Is it possible in Three.js to interpolate two meshes like this? At the area where they intersect should have a nice smooth transition.
I think I've seen it somewhere, but I can't find it.
The metaball/cube concept is much closer to what I'd like to achieve:
I found the way to do it. It's called raymarching distance fields.
Here's an example:
Also a presentation:
Is there a way to determine the max / min values for height and width in the threejs coordinate system?
I'm (kinda) aware of the Frustum / Projection matrix thing, but I can't quite see the whole picture, I'd be glad if someone could illuminate me on this, with some practical example, since I'm pretty new to all this and I'm struggling a little to get my head around it.
The first think that came to my head to solve this problem was to create a mesh and use it as a dummy to detect the boundaries of the canvas, but I was wondering if it would be a more convenient way to achieve this.
Just FYI I need this for a script that should draw a 2d grid of lines, with a fixed camera.
I can use keyframe animation on Position, Rotation, Scale and even Material, is there anyway i can animate the order in layer for a particular sprite without using code?
I was trying the same thing yesterday and havent found an easy way yet. One approach might be to set AnimationEvents and change the order that way. Write an answer here if you find a better way :)
Please have a look at this page:
If you haven't already guessed, I'm trying to emulate the new iOS notification animation (that's where I first saw it), and obviously, my two paltry div's aren't behaving like a full box...
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here...?
This is what I'd like to get close to:
You are only transforming you elements in 2d space, even though you are going for a 3d effect.
A working example:
The "bottom" span is positioned behind the "front" span by using translate3d(x,y,z) where y and z correspond to half of the elements height (it's rotated around it center point.) It should be possible to achieve the same effect using -webkit-transform-origin.
-webkit-transform-origin is also used to make sure the containing div rotates around it's center point on hover.
I have 3 nice and puffy clouds I made in Photoshop, all the same size, now I would like to animate them so they appear like they were moving in the background. I want this animation to be the base background in all my scenes (menu,settings, score, game).
I'm using cocos2d, I have setup the menus and the buttons so the work but how do I accomplish this?
I was thinking to add this as a layer, any other suggestions?
Can anyone show me how some code how to make this please?
David H
A simple way to do it is with sine and cosine. Have slighly different parameters (period and amplitude) to ensure that the user doesn't realise (as easily) that they are programmatically animated.
You may also want to play with animating the opacity value. I'm not sure if layers have those, otherwise you'll have to add the clouds to separate nodes or images and applying it to them.
It's hard to be more specific without knowing what the images look like.
The simplest way to animate anything is to add the sprite to the scene, set the position and call something like...
[myClouds runAction:[CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:10 position:CGPointMake(200, 0)]];
This will slide the sprite 200px to the right over 10 seconds. As Srekel suggested, you can play around with some trig functions to get a more natural feel and motion paths, but you'll have to schedule a selector and iteratively reposition the elements.
The more difficult part of your questions is about getting the animation in the background of all scenes. Keep in mind that when you switch scenes, you're unloading one node hierarchy and loading a new one. The background cannot be shared. You CAN, however, duplicate the sprites and animation in all scenes, but when you transition between them there will be a jump.