How to show value labels in MS Chart -

I have written code for MS chart in View of my MVC . My code goes like:
var filePathName = Model.UniqueName;
var myChart = new Chart(width: 600, height: 400)
.AddTitle("OAP Percetage")
.DataBindTable(Model.Charting, "Month")
.Save(path: filePathName);`
Now I want to know the method by which I can display value labels. I have 4 y values per X value. I don't want the code for controller. I want to code only in this view for the chart.


amCharts 5: CategoryAxis.height() after first datavalidated event

I am trying to replicate amCharts 4 Auto-adjusting chart height based on a number of data items with amCharts 5 instead.
Code pens with console logs:
amCharts 4:
amCharts 5:
The very first time the callback for the datavalidated event of a CategoryAxis is executed, CategoryAxis.height() returns a value that seems wrong. I don't know if the axis was actually rendered before the first datavalidated event. If it was not, then I guess it does not make sense to call CategoryAxis.height().
For information, the very first time the callback is executed, the property inited is false.
The very first time the callback for the datavalidated event of a CategoryAxis is executed, what is CategoryAxis.height() supposed to return?
amCharts have updated their tutorial now for version 5.
amCharts 5: Auto-adjusting chart height based on a number of data items
Now the height is set using = chartHeight + "px";
Some points to note is
amCharts 5 uses "root element" approach - you create a root element,
then add actual chart or series objects to it.
amCharts 4 did not
have a root element, so chart instance was the top element in the
amCharts 5 uses Canvas API as its method of rendering, whereas
amCharts 4 used SVG.
~ AmCharts 4 and 5
The full code is in their codepen... now the datavalidated event is on the series.
var cellSize = 30;"datavalidated", function(ev) {
var series =;
var chart = series.chart;
var xAxis = chart.xAxes.getIndex(0);
// Calculate how we need to adjust chart height
var chartHeight = * cellSize + xAxis.height() +
chart.get("paddingTop", 0) + chart.get("paddingBottom", 0);
// Set it on chart's container = chartHeight + "px";

Dynamic colors in DC charts

I'm building a data dashboard using DC.js and was wondering if it was possible to change the color of the slices in a pie chart dynamically based on the value in the field it is referring to.
Basically I've built a pie chart aggregating the costume colors of different superheroes and I'd love to be able to color each slice with the color it is referring to - so the slice for 'Black' is colored black, the slice for 'Green' is colored green and so forth.
I'm fairly new to DC.js so accept that it may not be possible, but wanted to throw it out there and see if it could be done!
I tried including an array within .ordinalColors but couldn't figure out if there was a way to pull in the data from the field dynamically. I'm assuming that I'd have to change the data in the .csv file to a string that could be recognised as a color reference, but not sure how to go about doing that.
function show_costume_color(ndx) {
var costume_color_dim = ndx.dimension(dc.pluck('Costume Colour'));
var costume_color =;
CSV data comes in the below format
ID,name,Gender,Eye color,Race,Hair color,Publisher,Alignment,Superpower,Superpower Strength Level,Costume
0,A-Bomb,Male,Yellow,Human,No Hair,Marvel Comics,Good,Superhuman
1,Abin Sur,Male,Blue,Ungaran,No Hair,DC Comics,Good,Cosmic Power,40,Green
Yes, of course. Everything is specified dynamically in dc.js.
Assuming you are using dc.js v3 (and d3 v4+) the way I would suggest doing this is by creating another CSV file with the color assignments you want, something like
Name, RGB
Red, #ff1122
Blue, #1133ff
Then you can load the second file in parallel with your data using Promise.all(),
Promise.all([d3.csv('data.csv'), d3.csv('colors.csv')])
.then(function(data, colors) {
// rest of code will go here
ordinalColors is a nice convenience method, but if you want complete control, and to understand exactly what's going on, it's better to supply your own color scale. In this case, we want an ordinal scale, which maps specific discrete values to specific colors.
Under the covers, dc.js always deals with colors by using the colorAccessor to fetch a value for the the item, and then mapping this value using a color scale. You can think of the value that the accessor returns as a "color name", which is pretty convenient because it's exactly what you want here.
So you can populate a d3.scaleOrdinal with the domain of color names and the range of RGB colors:
var colorScale = d3.scaleOrdinal()
.domain( => row.Name))
.range( => row.RGB));
Now supply it to your chart using .colors():
What's really handy about this approach is that you can supply the same color scale for multiple charts, in order to make sure they are consistent. This is something that you don't get automatically in dc.js, because charts don't know very much about each other.
So, I managed to figure it out through an extensive period of trial and error and now I'm off and away with my dashboard. Thanks for your help, Gordon - it really made the difference! It needs a bit of tidying up but my working test code is below.
// Bring in data from both csv files
.then(function(data) {
// Tidy up data before use
data.forEach(function(d) {
d.Height = +d.Height;
d.Weight = +d.Weight;
d.Strength = +d.Strength;
// Bring in colorScale to dynamically color pie chart slices
var ndxcol = crossfilter(data[1]);
var colorScale = d3.scaleOrdinal()
.domain(data[1].map(row => row.Name))
.range(data[1].map(row => row.RGB));
// Bring in superhero data
var ndx = crossfilter(data[0]);
// Define chart types
var publisherSelector = dc.selectMenu('#publisher-selector')
var genderChart = dc.rowChart('#gender-balance');
// Define chart dimensions
var publisherChoice = ndx.dimension(dc.pluck('Publisher'));
var genderBalance = ndx.dimension(dc.pluck('Gender'));
// Define chart groups
var genderNumber =;
var publisherNumber =;
// Draw charts
.margins({ top: 30, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 30 })

Setting bar chart bar widths to month intervals

I'm trying to create a histogram using dc.js to display post counts aggregated by month. I've set up the crossfilter dimension and group to aggregate the data correctly but I can't get the widths of the resulting chart to fill the correct widths on the x axis.
My (simplified) code looks like this:
var ndx = crossfilter(items)
var dateDimension = ndx.dimension(d =>
// group by month
var overviewGroup = => {
if (d) {
return new Date(d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth())
var minMonth = new Date(dateDimension.bottom(1)[0].date.getUTCFullYear(), dateDimension.bottom(1)[0].date.getUTCMonth())
var maxMonth = new Date([0].date.getUTCFullYear(),[0].date.getUTCMonth() + 1)
.margins({top: 0, right: 10, bottom: 30, left: 40})
.x(scale.scaleTime().domain([minMonth, maxMonth]))
.on('filtered', () => { this.displayItems = ndx.allFiltered() })
This displays the correct data on the y axis but the bars are only 1px wide. The chart in question is the smaller, lower chart - it's supposed to be the range chart for the higher-resolution one above (which aggregates posts by day and is displaying correctly) but that's for another question!
I get better results with .xUnits(() => { return overviewGroup.all().length - 1 }) which produces a wider bar and is closer to my intended result but it's still not correct:
I've pulled my code into a fiddle however in the fiddle it works more or less as expected:

dc.js: use image for the legend

I'd like to use images (icon or svg) instead of the default rectangles for the legend of the pie chart.
Would it be possible to do this in dc.js?
For example:
Many thanks.
This feature isn't built-in, but it's usually easy to "escape to d3" and customize your charts as you see fit.
In this case, we want to wait until the chart is rendered and then replace the rectangles with images:
chart.on('pretransition', function(chart) { // 1
var items = chart.selectAll('.dc-legend .dc-legend-item'); // 2
items.selectAll('rect').remove(); // 3
var images = items.selectAll('image').data(function(x) { // 4
return [x];
images.enter().append('image').attr({ // 5
width: 25,
height: 25,
href: function(leg) { return _icons[]; }
Wait for chart render/redraw
Select the legend items
Remove any rect under each item (if it's a line chart you'll have to look for line instead
Select any existing images (the "trick" of returning a single-item array is so that we can cleanly replace anything which was there, and not keep adding more images)
And set up the image - in this example I'm using some the first SVG icons I could find on a CDN; we map stack names to SVG URLs using an object.
Finally, we also need to set the legend's item height to match the image height:
Example output:
Example fiddle:

DC.js bar chart with date axis

I would like to create a bar chart based on dates in x-axis. Labels should be displayed as month (i.e. Jan, Jan'17 - preferred). Within my data I have always first date of following months, i.e. 01Jan, 01Feb, 01Mar. I have created a chart but I am not able to make it aligned.
var chart = dc.barChart("#" +;
var chCategory = ndx.dimension(function(d) {return d[chCategoryName];});
chValues =
return parseFloat(d[chValueName]);});
//set range for x-axis
var minDate = chCategory.bottom(1)[0][chCategoryName];
var maxDate =[0][chCategoryName];
// .centerBar(true) //does not look better
.margins({top: 10, left: 80, right: 5, bottom: 20})
I have already read post: dc.js x-axis will not display ticks as months, shows decimals instead
but I am not able to implement it in a way that will keep correct sorting for different years.
dc.js takes the domain pretty literally - the x axis stretches exactly from the beginning to the end, disregarding the width of the bars or their placement. It's a design bug.
Here are two workarounds.
keep bars centered and add padding
If you're using elasticX you can manually correct it like this:
If you're just setting the domain manually, that's
minDate =, -15);
maxDate =, 15);
align the ticks to the left of bars and correct the right side of the domain
You don't say what problem you run into when you don't center the bars. But I know the right bar can get clipped.
If you want the elasticX effect, you can implement it manually like this, offsetting the right side by a month (example):
function calc_domain(chart) {
var min = d3.min(, function(kv) { return kv.key; }),
max = d3.max(, function(kv) { return kv.key; });
max = d3.time.month.offset(max, 1);
chart.x().domain([min, max]);
chart.on('preRender', calc_domain);
chart.on('preRedraw', calc_domain);
Or without elasticX that's just:
maxDate = d3.time.month.offset(maxDate, 1);
