iOS 7.1 simulator not working on Xcode 7.1 - xcode

Since updating to Xcode 7.1, I have seen the iOS 7.1 Simulators return as a build option. However, when building to these, I get the following error:
The iOS 7.1 simulator runtime is not available.
Unable to open
liblaunch_sim.dylib. Try reinstalling Xcode or the simulator runtime.
Now I know in Xcode 7.0 the iOS 7.1 Simulators were not available, but they also were not visible, so I'm wondering why they have re-appeared?
Can anyone explain what's going on?

Please check How can I run the iOS 7.1 Simulator in Xcode 7.0 beta 2?
Also, you may use simulator iphone 4s (9.1) and just compile your code for 7.1


Using the device simulator for iOS 8 with Xcode 7

I thinking about port my App to Swift 2 and Xcode 7. But the device simulator only targets iOS 9 and I see no way to download iOS 8.
I have parallel Xcode 6.3 installed. Is there any way to test and debug my app under iOS 8 with the device simulator?
You can download older versions of iOS via Xcode.
Xcode -> Preferences -> Components -> Select
all the iOS versions you want ( iOS 8.4 )
Once downloaded, you can get to it in the
Simulator -> Hardware -> Device
I am using Version 7.3.1 (7D1014)
Xcode release note says below thing,
Xcode 7.0 beta does not support iOS 8.4 and earlier simulator
runtimes. (20699475)
Refer this link for more info.
It can be used. You just need to find the file for the 8.x sdk that you want to test on in Xcode 6.x and copy it over to the corresponding Xcode 7 beta folder. You can find the file in this path.
Path: /Applications/
Xcode will suggest that you fix an error or two, but it should work. Note that when I did it there was still an error and some warnings, and I clicked run anyways and it worked regardless
You may need to click "other" and add "iphoneos8.x" (x is your version number)and if you have it added to the correct location it will work

localizable.string does not work with simulator in iOS 8

I have a major problem with the localization of my app.
Since I updated Xcode to version 6.1.1 (6A2008a) with the new simulator iOS 8.1, I found that the iOS 8.1 simulator no longer works with Localizable.string.
When I turn the stimulator with the version of iOS 7.1 my app works fine and the language changes according to the setting made on the device. Why does this problem occur on 8.1?
As mentioned in the Xcode 6.1 release notes, this is a known bug in iOS 8.1 simulator runtime. Please try iOS 8.2 beta in Xcode 6.2 beta, which contains the fix.

Xcode 6 doesn't show iOS 7.1 simulators

I have the Xcode Version 6.0.1 (6A317) on Mac OS X 10.9.5 with all iOS 8 simulators. I have also downloaded the iOS 7.1 simulators.
I am developing an app for iOS 8 and iOS 7.
The problem I encounter is that Xcode 6 doesn't show the iOS 7.1 simulators in the devices menu. At some point it did show them but on my newly created Xcode 6 project it does not.
I was looking at some stackoverflow solutions.I have addded the iOS 7.1 simulators Window - Devices - SIMULATORS. They are also checked with "Show in the Run Destionations Menu",however they are not shown.
I found a workaround by setting the Project and Target Deployment Target to 7.1. However, this is a stupid solution since for every test I need to manually switch them forth and back 7.1-8.0
This is my first ipad app and it worked perfectly under Xcode 5.1.1. iOS 7 and iOS 8 (CREATED UNDER Xcode 5.1.1.). Now I have created a project in Xcode 6.0.1. and the project doesn't have the simulators showing correctly and 95% of the app doesn't work.
I am new to iOS development but I suppose that this is a bug, but I am unsure. Please help.
The deployment target is the minimum OS version you intend to support.
As you stated, you need to set the deployment target to 7.1 in order to see the 7.1 simulators. If your deployment target is 8.0, the 7.1 simulators will not be available in the run destinations menu. This is the correct behavior because you can't run on iOS 7.1 if your deployment target is 8.0.
I already had deployment target 7.0 and simulator still wasn't available for 7.1.
I fixed the issue though by going into Xcode preferences, selected Downloads and re-downled the missing 7.1 simulators under 'Components'. Although I previously had 7.1 simulator, the Xcode 6 upgrade had seemed to remove them.

Xcode cannot run using the selected device on 7.1.1

I got the following error:
Xcode cannot run using the selected device.
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
xcode 5.0.2 (5A3005)
iphone 4S with iOS 7.1.1
Development Target is 7.0
Code signing Provisioning profile is set to IOS Team Provisioning Profile.
In Xcode -> Window -> Organizer - Devices
The version of iOS on is not supported by this installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK; which is available here.
OS Installed on
7.1.1 (11D201)
Xcode Supported iOS Versions
Not sure why the xcode supported IOS versions is blank here.
Already tried to project clean, remove device and reconnect and set target to lower version. None of these methods work.
Please advise.
thank you
After upgrading to Xcode 5.1.1, it's working fine now.

Does xcode4.5 support ios4.3 simulator or prior?

I have upgrade to xcode4.5 from 4.4, but i can't find ios simulator 4 or prior within it. I open Xcode menu, preference, downloads, i can see simulator5 and 5.1 only. I am not sure whether xcode4.5 support ios simulator 4 and debugging with ios4.3 and prior.i know almost iphone and ipad people upgrade their ios to 5 already. but we have some project runs in ios 4.3.does someone know how to install simulator 4 in xcode 4.5?
thanks in advance.
Looks like it has been removed from xcode 4.5 on Mountain Lion:
xcode 4.5 runs ios 4.0 simulator (NOT)
According to Apple you can still set the deployment target for 4.3 though:
The minimum supported deployment target with Xcode 4.5 or later is iOS 4.3.
