Xcode cannot run using the selected device on 7.1.1 - xcode

I got the following error:
Xcode cannot run using the selected device.
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
xcode 5.0.2 (5A3005)
iphone 4S with iOS 7.1.1
Development Target is 7.0
Code signing Provisioning profile is set to IOS Team Provisioning Profile.
In Xcode -> Window -> Organizer - Devices
The version of iOS on is not supported by this installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK; which is available here.
OS Installed on
7.1.1 (11D201)
Xcode Supported iOS Versions
Not sure why the xcode supported IOS versions is blank here.
Already tried to project clean, remove device and reconnect and set target to lower version. None of these methods work.
Please advise.
thank you

After upgrading to Xcode 5.1.1, it's working fine now.


Expo Error running Xcode iOS Simulator: No iPhone devices available in Simulator

I'm having an issue running iOS simulator from Expo. I'm seeing these two errors:
Trying to open the project in iOS simulator...
Opening iOS simulator
iOS Simulator device failed to boot. Try opening Simulator first, then running your app.
Error installing or running app. Error: Timed out waiting for iOS Simulator device to boot.
Trying to open the project in iOS simulator...
Booting device in iOS simulator...
There was a problem booting a device in iOS Simulator. Quit Simulator, and try again.
Error installing or running app. Error: No iPhone devices available in Simulator
An iPhone 5s with iOS 11.2 is clearly available and works in Xcode simulator with a simple project ran from Xcode which tells me this is an Expo issue.
I'm using:
Expo version: 3.4.1
Xcode version: 9.2
Mac OS: 10.12.6
Please note - I cannot upgrade my OS. So Xcode version 9.2 is what I must use.
Things I've tried:
set command line tools as correct Xcode version with path /Applications/Xcode.app
delete all simulators and re-add them
start simulator before running app / start simulator after running app
delete all contents under Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/
I know this question has been asked before, but no solid answer has been given. Maybe someone has figured it out since then.
your phone runs a newer version of software, so you won't be able to use Xcode version 9.2, you have to use 11.2 or newer before running it on your own phone.
if you want it to work with a newer version of iOS, you have to link the device files of newer Xcode version to the version you use.
this link should help you with your problem, just follow their steps
you have to do this because each iOS has its own files which comes with the new versions of Xcode
I hope this helps you;)

Xcode 6 doesn't show iOS 7.1 simulators

I have the Xcode Version 6.0.1 (6A317) on Mac OS X 10.9.5 with all iOS 8 simulators. I have also downloaded the iOS 7.1 simulators.
I am developing an app for iOS 8 and iOS 7.
The problem I encounter is that Xcode 6 doesn't show the iOS 7.1 simulators in the devices menu. At some point it did show them but on my newly created Xcode 6 project it does not.
I was looking at some stackoverflow solutions.I have addded the iOS 7.1 simulators Window - Devices - SIMULATORS. They are also checked with "Show in the Run Destionations Menu",however they are not shown.
I found a workaround by setting the Project and Target Deployment Target to 7.1. However, this is a stupid solution since for every test I need to manually switch them forth and back 7.1-8.0
This is my first ipad app and it worked perfectly under Xcode 5.1.1. iOS 7 and iOS 8 (CREATED UNDER Xcode 5.1.1.). Now I have created a project in Xcode 6.0.1. and the project doesn't have the simulators showing correctly and 95% of the app doesn't work.
I am new to iOS development but I suppose that this is a bug, but I am unsure. Please help.
The deployment target is the minimum OS version you intend to support.
As you stated, you need to set the deployment target to 7.1 in order to see the 7.1 simulators. If your deployment target is 8.0, the 7.1 simulators will not be available in the run destinations menu. This is the correct behavior because you can't run on iOS 7.1 if your deployment target is 8.0.
I already had deployment target 7.0 and simulator still wasn't available for 7.1.
I fixed the issue though by going into Xcode preferences, selected Downloads and re-downled the missing 7.1 simulators under 'Components'. Although I previously had 7.1 simulator, the Xcode 6 upgrade had seemed to remove them.

Xamarin.iOS Target iOS 6 SDK

We have upgraded to XCode 5 and Xamarin.iOS 7.x, but have one app we are not quite ready to support iOS 7 for yet.
Is there a way to target the iOS 6.0 SDK, and compile the app so that it has the old iOS 6 keyboard, etc.?
We tried changing the settings in iOS Build->SDK Version, and we can change it when targeting the simulator, but the option doesn't exist for AhHoc or AppStore builds.
Any ideas?
Xcode ships with several simulator SDK but only one device SDK. So you need to install an older version of Xcode. E.g. installing Xcode 4.6 will give you the 6.1 SDK).
Both versions can coexists side-by-side if you rename the existing one before installing the 2nd.
Be sure to have XS points to the Xcode you want to use (it's not a project specific setting).

xcode 4.2 with ios5.1

I have Xcode version 4.2 with OS X 10.7.2, and I was trying to install our app on the new iPad, which is running iOS 5.1. The problem is Xcode doesn't recognize the iPad as a deployable device. I know this is a common issue, but please read it all.
I get this in the organizer: (after push the "use for development")
The version of iOS on “iPad” does not match any of the versions of iOS supported for development with this installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK; which is available here.
OS Installed on iPad
5.1 (9B176)
Xcode Supported iOS Versions
5.0 (9A334)
Now I know that in order to connect the iOS 5.1 device to Xcode I need the latest release of Xcode, but I can connect another iPhone with iOS 5.1 to the same Xcode and deploy an app to it.
Why is that?
The only different between them is that this iPhone was previously connected to Xcode, and the iPad was not. I did manage to install an app to iPhone with iOS 5.1!
What is happening here? I don't want to install the new Xcode for nothing if I can install to 5.1.
Xcode will not let you build to an iOS version higher than it supports, and in this case with Xcode 4.2, you will not be able to deploy to iOS 5.1. I recommend updating to OS X Lion 10.7.3 and downloading the 4.3.2 version of Xcode. Do this any you will be able to deploy to your 5.1 device without any problems. In addition to this, the second device should not be able to receive builds from Xcode. Please check and see if the device in question is in fact running iOS 5.0.1 and not 5.1 as 5.1 will not work on Xcode 4.2 and 5.0.1 will.

Running on device 4.2.1 with XCode 4.2

I have xCode 4.2, and I've done all the steps about the $99 ios dev program.
Now I need to test my project on my device, which is an iPhone4 in 4.2.1, but I failed to run the app on the device, where the xcode says Xcode cannot run using the selected device.
But in the Organizer my device seems well, because there is a green bulb nearby, like it is in the picture:
Does anyone know the solution to this problem? Should I find something like 4.2.1 sdk to add to my Xcode?
Thanks a lot for your answering!
Download latest version of the SDK, the one supporting iOS 5.0.1. Use the latest SDK as the base SDK. This is not necessarily the oldest version of iOS your app will support.
If you'd like to support/test on devices running iOS 4.2, just go to project build settings and set "iOS Deployment Target" to 4.2.
